The Semantics of Exāmen
In the major French and German etymological dictionaries of Latin, there is some puzzle-
ment over the semantics of exāmen: how can one word refer to a measurement or examination, but also
to a swarm of bees? Walde and Hofmann suggest these two disparate meanings stem from the diverse
meanings of the verb exigō (<*ex-agō, ‘to drive out’), from which exāmen derives. They claim these
two senses of exāmen become two words in the Latin Sprachgefühl. Ernout and Meillet agree: there
is more than one exāmen in the Latins’ sentiment linguistique. I, too, agree. But this approach does
not tell us why these terms derive from exigō, nor does it give any hint of an underlying concept which
measurements and swarms of bees share, which makes a derivation from exigō appropriate to both.
The present paper addresses this puzzle by reducing the two meanings of exāmen to one meaning
of the parent term *ex-agō: ‘to drive out.’ In sum: a swarm of bees is a ‘driving out’ or outpouring,
and a measurement or examination is a ‘driving out’ or setting out for scrutiny. This interpretation is
moreover supported by semantically parallel uses of cognate terms in other Indo-European languages,
notably Greek and Old Irish, and by semantic parallels in English and in the Slavic language family.
Along the way, I touch upon a philosophical puzzle: at what point do evolving linguistic items with a
common source become distinct from one another?