Psyche: Soul, Death, Spirit and Mind in Sterne and Diderot
Dissertation, University of California, Irvine (
This study examines modes of representation for $\Psi\upsilon\chi \acute\eta$ in the work of Laurence Sterne and Denis Diderot. The notion of $\Psi\upsilon\chi\acute\eta$ is placed within an eighteenth-century context via theories concerning the location of the soul and the soul of animals, the connection between $\Psi\upsilon\chi\acute\eta$ and related terms such as mind, esprit, spirit, anima, animal, ame, soul, heart, sentiment, materialist thought, and iconographic traditions for depicting human mortality. ;The elusiveness ascribed to $\Psi\upsilon\chi\acute\eta$ and strategies of evasive, indirect representation define a theoretical focus. Special attention is given to deixis, hypograms, puns, ekphrasis, the relationship between writing and painting, as well as exemplification