Mobile Mobile Ad hoc NETwork is mostly a decentralized, dynamic configured approach. With the changing of time instances, the topological change in the position of MANET nodes is one of the massive challenges for transmitting data packets. As the MANET nodes move, the distances between these nodes change. Due to changing distances, observation of link failure and new links generation between any two nodes become the biggest challenges for secure transmission of packets through a trusted network path. Many researchers are already working to derive secure trusted network paths for packet flows and to minimize the delay for Packet transmission using different decision-oriented statistical measures. Time seriesForecasting is one of the significant areas for the prediction of mobility of the nodes. With this approach, for the future structure of MANET nodes with the variation of time, forecasting becomes easily possible. In this chapter, we elaborate on the use of least squares time series forecasting, with interval-based Fuzzy mathematics on historical dataset, to forecast the future positions of nodes of MANET; and from it, we foretell the link status between two nodes at different time slots in near future. Using these details, we predict the secure shortest paths for transmitting packets from one node to another with optimized residual energy utilization for different Topological structures for near future for different time slots.