Politika 1274b-1277b Politics 1274b-1277b
V tretji knjigi Politike, ene najpomembnejših in vplivnejših politično-filozofskih razprav sploh, se Aristoteles ukvarja z nekaterimi temeljnimi pojmi svojega političnega raziskovanja, npr. z opredelitvijo državljanstva, upravljanjem mesta kot celote, različnimi vrstami ustave, razlikovanjem med krepostjo dobrega človeka in vrlino dobrega državljana ter z razmerjem med političnimi skupnostmi, krepostjo in pravičnostjo. Zlasti prvo in drugo poglavje proučujeta pomen izraza 'državljan', upoštevajoč različne oblike državljanove prisotnosti pri oblasti in odločitvah. Analiza pokaže, da mora dober državljan biti sposoben bodisi vladati bodisi biti vladan, isto pa pričakujemo tudi od dobrega človeka. In the third book of Politics, one of the most important and influential treatises on political philosophy ever written, Aristotle deals with some basic concepts of his political investigations, such as the definition of citizenship, the government of a city as a whole and the different types of regimes, the distinction between the virtue of a good man and the virtue of a good citizen, as well as the relation between political communities, virtue and justice. Particularly the first and second chapter examine the meaning of the word ‘citizen’, considering different kinds of citizen’s commitment to power and general decisions. The analysis shows that the good citizen will need to know both how to rule and to be ruled, and the good person is expected to have this very same capacity as well.