Rapid advancement of technologies continues to revolutionize healthcare foundations and outlook. Technological progress in medicine are not only continuing to improve quality of individual life but also generally improving quality of healthcare services. As a matter of fact, the most significant change in healthcare systems was the shift from standardized, patronizing and rigid physician–patient relationship to more patient-focused, personalized and participatory practice. With this shift came increased attention to the assurance of patient’s right to autonomy. Therefore, this article aims to discuss principal problematic aspects of patient’s right to autonomy hereby the patient’s role in the context of technologies and innovation. It is argued, that one of the effective ways to ensure patient’s right to autonomy is implementation of legal instruments, such as informed consent, advance directives and Ulysses contracts. However, this article also proposes, that with a potential of new technologies and artificial intelligence, these legal instruments need to be reconsidered and transformed in more efficient and eligible model, presenting information in more individualized, appealing and convenient manner.