[author unknown]
The Hegel Society of America is planning a conference on the theme, "Hegel and the History of Philosophy," which will take place at the University of Notre Dame on November 9 to 11, 1972. The Conference will open on Thursday evening, November 9, with a symposium on "Hegel's Conception of the History of Philosophy," in which the first paper will be contributed by Professor A. R. Caponigri of Notre Dame. There will be three sessions on Friday, and a concluding session on Saturday morning. One session will be devoted to "Hegel and Plato," with Professor J. N. Findlay as the leading speaker; another will be on "Hegel and Kant," with Professor John E. Smith, the President of the Hegel Society, the leading speaker. Other contributors to the program will include Professor F. G. Weiss on "Hegel and Descartes," and Professor George L. Kline on "Hegel and Solovyov." The Program Chairman for the Conference is Professor H. S. Harris ; the Program Committee consists of Professor Harris and Professor Caponigri. An upcoming issue of The Review of Metaphysics will present the complete program as it is established.