
ISSN: 1769-7379

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  1.  1
    Conceptualising Information Production in the Context of the SDHSS Ontology Ecosystem.Francesco Beretta - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    In this paper, we challenge the vision of creating a giant knowledge graph of reusable research data from multiple projects and platforms, based on Semantic Web technologies and a shared conceptualisation in the form of a commonly used ontology ecosystem, promoted by the Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences project (SDHSS). Three main issues are raised: the difficulty of proposing a cross-disciplinary ontology for humanities and social sciences given the different research agendas and constructivist approaches; the difficulty of interlinking (...)
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    « Raconter plusieurs histoires à la fois » : Deleuze, de l’empirisme transcendantal au roman moderne.Antoine Brisac - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    Can transcendental empiricism be the mainstay to devise a poetics of the modern novel? Deleuze synthesizes it into a formula borrowed from Butor: “telling multiple stories simultaneously”. This process, closely related to experimentation in the plastic arts, is based on a new transcendental imagination, which finds what concerns it specifically in the notion of disparation, drawn from Simondon. Cosmos is its emblematic novel. The construction of the Platonic simulacrum already embedded such disparity. But instead of showing several perspectives, the literary (...)
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    Ludisme et allusion dans l’étymologie poétique latine.Cécile Margelidon - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    The Latin etymological wordplay, although the object of more and more studies, has received few definitional attempts that take into account both the singularity of the ancient etymology and the playful modalities implemented by the poets. Whereas sound echoes and paronyms are the basis of certain ancient etymological connections, it is important to have a poetic approach to the process based on the allusive capacity of the origin of words, and to insist on the playful part of the process.In what (...)
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  4. La Création chymique. L’exégèse newtonienne de la Genèse selon la correspondance avec Burnet (1680-1681).Frédéric Mathieu - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    In a letter to theologian Thomas Burnet in the early 1680s, Newton suggests a chymical interpretation of the Mosaic account of Creation. He postulates that the System of the World, the Sun, the Earth and its landforms were formed through a succession of separations and coagulations from a “common Chaos”. The seas and the mountains resulted from the irregular coagulation of the parcel of Chaos assigned to our planet, in the same way as a saltpeter solution coagulates. All the transformations (...)
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    Digital Humanities in the Web 3.0 Era: Introduction.Roberta Padlina - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    The pervasive impact of computers, the Web, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on almost every aspect of modern life has become an undeniable reality. We are currently navigating an era often referred to as Web 3.0. While interpretations of this term vary – encompassing concepts such as the Web of Data, the Semantic Web, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, AI, cryptocurrencies, and blockchains – it broadly refers to the widespread integration of digital and computational techn...
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    Machines, Symbolic AI, and the Semantic Web:What They Are and Why They Matter in the Humanities.Roberta Padlina - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    “This species of device is so radically new that many of its uses will become clear only after it’s been put into operation.” It’s what he said to me. ‘Cause he understood. He knew the real challenge was not building the thing but asking it the right questions in a language intelligible to the machine. And he was the only one who spoke that language.”(Benjamín Labatut, The MANIAC)“Let the whole outside world consist of a long paper tape.”(John von Neumann, 1948) (...)
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    Anamnèse, dianoématique et le telos de la philosophie. Sur la pratique de l’histoire de la philosophie par Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos.Dimitrios Rozakis - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    Le but de cet article est d’offrir une appréciation de l’« anamnèse », la méthode d’historiographie philosophique pratiquée par Fruteau de Laclos. Cette méthode met en cause la hiérarchisation des doctrines philosophiques courante dans la pratique et l’enseignement de l’histoire de la philosophie. Pour mesurer la nouveauté et l’ampleur de la révision historiographique proposée par Fruteau de Laclos, l’anamnèse sera contrastée avec la « dianoématique », la philosophie de l’histoire de la philosophie de Martial Gueroult qui repose aussi, à sa (...)
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    Le point de vue du sociologue sur le point de vue du groupe.Jacques Siracusa - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    To want to describe the world objectively, instead of commenting on texts, sociologists have come to underestimate the contribution of writing and the inevitable presence of a point of view. What are the perceptible traces from the sociologist’s point of view when he describes the indigenous point of view? This article examines ways of writing specific to the interview report. The study of an exemplary case highlights processes that are both trademarks from an author’s point of view and common solutions (...)
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    Finding Relatedness: pathways for detecting textual relatedness in the medieval scholastic corpus.Jeffrey C. Witt - 2024 - Methodos 24 (24).
    To show the importance of preparing historical editions as textual data first, while leaving presentation (whether in print or on the web) as a secondary down-stream task, this article identifies beneficial outcomes for research that can be achieved through computational analysis when such a corpus of textual data is at hand. With a focus on the deep intertextuality characteristic of the medieval scholastic corpus, it reviews three distinct methods for detecting different forms of textual relatedness within the corpus: n-gram intersections, (...)
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