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  1. Mulla Sadra and a Criticism of the Principles of Illuminationist Philosophy Concerning the Perception of the Other.Murtada Irfani - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 68.
    Mulla Sadra's view of the perception of the other is the product of a profound study and serious criticism of the ideas of Peripatetics and Illuminationists, particularly those of Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi. In fact, an accurate perception of his view requires great attention to these criticisms. The importance of Mulla Sadra's criticisms lies in the fact that they are not limited only to the outward and external layers of a philosophy but continue until penetrating its inward and internal layers (...)
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  2. The Connection of Necessity in Predication and Necessity in Judgment in Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra.Seyyed Al-Huda - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 68.
    Those philosophers who believe that demonstrative syllogism is the method of science have to consider scientific propositions as affirmative necessary and universal predicative propositions in terms of methodology. On the other hand, in sciences propositions almost always enjoy either actuality or possibility. This contradiction can be solved through Suhrawardi's certain necessity, which reveals the importance of his theory and that of Mulla Sadra in reducing scientific propositions to affirmative universal necessary propositions. Of course, Ibn Sina's view regarding the distinction between (...)
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  3. Conceptualization of Beauty from Farabi to Suhrawardi.Nadia Maftuni - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 68.
    The whatness of beauty has been considered one of the intricate philosophical problems since the time of Socrates. Muslim scholars have also spoken of the "whatness, types, and principles of beauty" in some of their philosophical and theological discussions. The compilation of their theories can be a step towards the development of Islamic aestheticism. Some words such as "jamal", "value", "ornament", "goodness", "benevolence", and rarely the word "beauty" have been used in Arabic and Persian texts to refer to "sensual and (...)
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  4. Mulla Sadra's Trans-Substantial Motion and its Epistemological Consequences.Muhsen Mahmudi & Muhammed Nejati - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 68.
    Based on the ontological principles of his theory of the principiality of existence, Mulla Sadra considers motion as a gradual and multi-faceted reality. He also believes that, due to the soul's creativity, various archetypal forms, differentiae, genus, and accidental and substantial motions are specific to the reality of motion. In order to explain the paradox of the lack of subject in the trans-substantial motion, through making a clear distinction between the subject and the object, Mulla Sadra attributes evolution and gradedness (...)
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  5. Meaning of Life in Mulla Sadra.Qasim Purhassan & Fa'ezeh 'Abedkuhi - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 68.
    The concern to grant meaning to life is rooted in two basic aspects of man's existence: awareness and free will. When questioning the meaning of life, the word meaning refers to three concepts: purpose of life, value of life, and the function of life. The word "life" refers to human life as distinct from animal life. The meaning of life has been expressed based on various theories and approaches from among which the two groups of naturalist and God-oriented theories are (...)
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  6. The Intermediate Perfection of the Human Soul in the Transcendent Philosophy with Particular Emphasis on Contemporary Views.Ali Riyahi & Mansureh Wadad - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 68.
    According to revelation and philosophy, the human soul develops in the world of afterlife until the Day of Resurrection. This paper intends to provide an answer to the following question: Given the immateriality of the intermediate world, how could the soul develop in this world, while development is a kind of motion and naturally demands potency and matter? Accordingly, the responses given in the Transcendent Philosophy have been examined and criticized, and it has been concluded that the only agreeable response (...)
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  7. A Study Of The Arguments Of The Principle Of The One In Ibn Sina, Muhaqqiq Tusi, Fakhr Al-din Razi.Seyyed Shahroudi & Mahbubah Vahdatipour - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 68.
    One of the philosophical principles concerning causality is the famous principle of the "one", which is closely related to the principle of the commensurability of the cause and effect with the emanation of plurality from unity.Many philosophers, such as Ibn Sina, consider this principle to be evident; however, they have tried to enrich it with some explanatory notes. Ibn Sina has demonstrated the principle of the "one" through the method of self-contradiction. His stipulation is based on a rational restriction so (...)
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  8. Theory of Gradation in Sadrian Philosophers and Gnostics Believing in the Oneness of Being.Zakariya Baharnejad - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
    The theory of gradation is one of the few problems that has attracted the attention of all philosophical schools and Muslim logicians, mutakallimun, and gnostics. It is indeed because of this careful attention of Muslim thinkers that this theory has gradually flourished and attained relative and acceptable perfection in its process of development. This theory has greatly influenced logical and philosophical semantics, as well as the epistemology and cosmology of Muslim philosophers and gnostics. The theory of gradation has been propounded (...)
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  9. (2 other versions)Mulla Sadra's Life, Works, and Philosophy.Prof S. Khamenei - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
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  10. Qur'anic Hijab and its Relationship with Gnostic Hijab.Qudratullah Khayyatiyan - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
    The word hijab and its synonyms have been frequently used in some Qur'anic verses and traditions transmitted by Islamic leaders and, before them, in several important gnostic texts.In this paper, based on a study of verses, traditions, and gnostic sources, it has been tried to explain the usages of the word hijab and its synonyms and gnostics' intention of it. Here, the writer has also explored the relationship between Qur'anic hijab and gnostic hijab.Given the background of the discussion, the writer (...)
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  11. Immateriality of Perception and its Flow in Material Existents in the Transcendent Philosophy.Qasim Kuchenani & Ali Ja'farinejad - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
    The Commensurability of existence with knowledge is one of the teachings of the Transcendent Philosophy the logical consequence of which is that each existent enjoys a kind of sensation and perception, whether it is an inanimate body or vegetative being. This view can be considered a philosophical outcome of the principiality of existence, gradation of existence, and simplicity of existence; however, it seems that this theory is in clear opposition to the principle of the immateriality of knowledge and perception acknowledged (...)
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  12. The Distinction between Nominal and Infinitival Existence in Mulla Sadra and its Philosophical Functions.Muhammed Mehr & Siyavash Asadi - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
    The word "existence" has two nominal and infinitival meanings. Nominal existence refers to the reality and essence of things, while infinitival existence refers to abstract and mental existence. Each of the denotations of existence has its own features; for example, for nominal existence, we can refer to the exclusion of non-existence, confirmation of strength and weakness, acceptance of intensity and simplicity, and recognition through intuition. On the other hand, for infinitival existence, we can refer to such characteristics as the capacity (...)
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  13. The Impact of Ibn Arabi's Gnostic Unveilings upon Mulla Sadra's Philosophical Thoughts.Behzad Murtada'I. - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
    A great number of Mulla Sadra's innovations in the Transcendent Philosophy, such as the "principiality of existence", "gradation of existence", "oneness of being", "principle of causality", "the trans-substantial motion", "createdness and eternity of the world", and "corporeal and spiritual resurrection" have the taste of gnostic unveilings. A study of each of these important problems clearly reveals the influence of Ibn Arabi's gnostic unveilings on Mulla Sadra's philosophical thoughts. In several places of Mulla Sadra's works, reference has been made to Ibn (...)
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  14. Transcendent Theology and Kalam in Mulla Sadra.Fatima Qamsari - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
    Mulla Sadra has criticized many of the groups who posed theological problems before him in his works. In doing so, he harshly attacks the anti-philosophy superficial pseudo-scholars and advances severe objections against the followers of discursive wisdom who have received their knowledge in ways other than through prophethood and guardianship. He also opposes that group of the people of unveiling who are content with their dhawqi findings and have no demonstrative arguments supporting their words, goes against the people of theology, (...)
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  15. Place of Self-Knowledge in the Philosophy of Afdaluddin Kashani.Seyyed Shahraini - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 67.
    Afdaluddin Kashani stepped into the domain of philosophical thought in Iran at a time when, following the harsh attack of Ghazzali and Fakhr al-Din Razi, philosophy was suffering from such lassitude and stagnancy that it needed revival and reconstruction. He saw the remedy in excluding the problematic discussions of metaphysics in particular sense from the field of philosophy and introducing self-knowledge as the basis of philosophical work. Comparing to the works of philosophers before him, what can be considered as the (...)
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  16. Man in Suhrawardi's Philosophy.Hassan Arab - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    Suhrawardi's epistemological encounter with Man enjoys some distinctive features. He transferred the discussion of Man from the field of physics to theology. He considers Man as a noble being whose most significant part of knowledge pertains to the truth. The function of the soul's perception is of particular significance to Suhrawardi. In his view, proximity to the Dominion shows the perfection of the soul, and what hinders it is a mind deeply concerned with sense perceptions. He also considers the soul (...)
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  17. Man and Transcendence: A Narration of Man Based on the Principiality of Existence.Seyyed Damad - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    In Mulla Sadra's view, cognizance of Man is a difficult task because Man does not have a known level of existence so that a fixed quiddity is abstracted from him. Given this problem, one might ask what Mulla Sadra's explanation of Man is, and which approach one should follow in order to explain it so that it will be consistent with his initial claim.Sadrian philosophy agrees with defining Man as "a rational animal"; however, the explanation of Man in this school (...)
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  18. Logical Relations between Predicative Propositions in Aristotelian Logic.Davood Heydari - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    One of the important discussions in predicative logic which is very close to the discussions in the logic of propositions is the problem of logical relations between propositions. This problem was often referred to under the title "contradiction and conversion" or "the principles of proposition" in early logical books, and today it is studied under the title "representative reasoning". These relations were gradually indentified in the course of the history of logic and assumed particular names. However, the correctness of some (...)
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  19. Philosophy of Transcendent Ethics: Mulla Sadra's Place among Ethical Thinkers.Tuba Kermani - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    The discussions of the philosophy of ethics, ethics, ethical attributes and, following it, the soul and spirit in Mulla Sadra's works are quite extensive. In fact, he has dealt with such topics in his various books and treatises in detail. He believes that the criterion for ethics is the free intellect , and human beings will be rewarded or punished in proportion to their conduct and behavior in this world. Good moral behavior in this world will indeed be compensated with (...)
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  20. Mulla Sadra and Practical Philosophy.Seyyed Khamenei - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    Based on a rational classification, philosophers have divided philosophy into two theoretical and practical types. Some believe that theoretical philosophy is superior to the other one, but some others doubt this idea on the grounds that theoretical philosophy is nothing but a reaction to external objects due to a soulish quality. Or, perhaps, it is the separation of Aristotle's theoretical philosophy from the fundamental principles of practical philosophy which has affected the above idea and led to this incorrect conclusion. Nevertheless, (...)
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  21. A Critique Of The Epistemological Nature And Scope Of Philosophical Concepts In Kant's Philosophy From The Viewpoint Of The Transcendent Philosophy.Reza Mahoozi - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    According to Kant, in order to gain experience, as a necessary and universal knowledge of entities and nature, we need several philosophical and, sometimes, logical concepts which, based on Hume's analyses, are not rooted in experience. This problem prompted Kant to consider the origin of these concepts in the mind and explain their ontological nature as content-free forms and patterns which grant knowledge only if they acquire their content from pure and empirical intuitions. This approach has initially resulted in limiting (...)
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  22. Guardianship in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy.Abdul'ali Shukr - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    In Mulla Sadra's school of philosophy, guardianship has mainly a Qur'anic and gnostic taste and flavor. In his view, guardianship, which is the inner being of prophethood, is of two general and particular types. General guardianship, according to the Qur'an, involves all believers. Particular guardianship means the annihilation of the loving wayfarer in the essence and attribute of Almighty Truth. This guardian, who is a perfect Man, gnostic, and God's caliph on Earth, enjoys genetic guardianship, which is of different degrees (...)
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  23. Meaning of Life in Mulla Sadra and Paul Tillich.A'ala Turani & Ruqayyah Tulu'I. - 2012 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 66.
    One of the most important problems of human beings today is the feeling of meaninglessness and fear of absurdity. This paper aims to reveal that, first, Man enjoys a series of inner and epistemological perceptions and is capable of understanding philosophy through the faculty of imagination. Second, it intends to demonstrate that human ontological values are of a beyond-matter nature. Therefore, a human being who has a meaning-seeking and philosophy and knowledge-thirsty essence and follows some values beyond the level of (...)
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