Alpha Omega

ISSNs: 1126-8557, 2281-504X

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  1.  13
    La complementarità: riflessioni antropologiche sul suo fondamento e senso.Juan G. Ascencio - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):201-234.
    On the basis of an adequate anthropology, which explores the relationship between the person and its dimensions, the article proposes a wide-ranging reflection on the essence and experience of complementarity between man and woman starting from inter-personality and sexuality understood as personal dimensions.
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  2.  10
    La sinodalità come «stile di pensiero». La partecipazione di un Ateneo alla missione della Chiesa.Angelo De Donatis - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):193-199.
    Synodality and knowledge are two terms between which it is important not to exclude a positive relationship. Pope Francis has brought out synodality not only as a form of governance, but as a style of being the Church. In this style, one stage imposes itself as fundamental, that of dialogue and of listening. The extension of synodality to the different aspects of the life of the Church suggests the possibility of assuming this same style as an orientation for our thinking. (...)
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  3.  4
    Il «Vangelo della famiglia»:Aspetti biblico-teologici del racconto di Tobia e Sara.Giuseppe De Virgilio - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):235-263.
    The article explores the biblical-theological aspects of the book of Tobias as a contribution to reflection on the biblical theology of the family. This study pursues a double purpose: a) to grasp the biblical-theological value of family love and its vocational connotation in the divine plan; b) reflect on the sacredness of the family as an authentic "Gospel" which shines with its witness for the people of our time. These purposes are evoked in the didactic account of Tobias and Sarah, (...)
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  4.  9
    Gal 3,19-20: Finalidad y origen de la ley.Pedro Mendoza Magallón - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):265-282.
    This article attempts to delve into the purpose and origin of the law in light of the passage from Gal 3:19-20. The analysis of these verses shows, first of all, that Paul points out the purpose of the law in relation to soteriology in a negative way: the law was added to identify sins as transgressions: sins existed before the law and the purpose of the law was to transform them into transgressions, thus pointing out the gravity of sin and (...)
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  5.  12
    Afectividad a modo humano.Alberto Mestre - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):283-320.
    The affective, psychological and moral dynamism of the person goes through the levels of appetite, to be later sublimated by the theological virtues, and especially by the virtue of charity. Human love, made of passion and will, of reason and sensibility, the exquisite act of the person, is elevated and sublimated by this virtue. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to show how virtues represent the proper and excellent way to sublimate the passions, since by themselves the latter cannot (...)
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  6.  9
    Gabriele Kuby, La rivoluzione sessuale globale. Distruzione della libertà nel nome della libertà. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):361-362.
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  7.  11
    Santa Sede, Enchiridion di bioetica. Documenti da Pio X a Francesco. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):364-366.
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  8.  18
    Aldo Rocco Vitale, Gender questo sconosciuto. Cosa si nasconde dietro la nuova ideologia del nostro tempo. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):362-364.
  9.  17
    Educación y comunicación en el libro I de la República de Platón.Fernando Pascual - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):321-347.
    This article seeks to highlight some elements of the theory of education and communication present in Book I of Plato’s Republic, first in an analytical way, and then in an attempt at synthesis.
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  10.  3
    Fe y ética de médicos y enfermeros católicos.Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (2):349-360.
    We present a series of points from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as advice from Pope Francis in his ordinary magisterium, which relate to the faith and ethics of Catholic physicians and nurses in the exercise of their profession.
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  11.  10
    Il femminile nella coscienza. Un’analisi attraverso il simbolismo teologico.Marilisa Castellano - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):13-25.
    The theme of the present work does not intend to be a specifically linguistic study of gender difference, but rather a study of the analogical character of the symbolism of the man-woman couple, starting from that specific place which is that of the biblical text. The theme of conscience was present even in the study of monks, something which represents the central event of Christian interiority: the specific function of moral discernment. Starting from medieval monasticism, this study will trace how (...)
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  12.  7
    La metafisica nell’ottica di Edith Stein: interdisciplinarità e transdisciplinarità del metodo teologico.Daniela Del Gaudio - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):27-53.
    The study analyses ‘Steinian’ anthropology from an inter-disciplinary and from a trans-disciplinary perspective, showing how philosophy and theology can describe the human person by means of the relationship with the personal being of God, which makes it possible to understand not only the person’s physical, psychological and spiritual characteristics, but also their interior dynamism, their being, their metaphysical reality and their dignity as imago Dei. In the revelation of the person-being of God, which is originary and determinative for the personal (...)
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  13.  11
    Breve acercamiento metafísico al pensamiento de Romano Guardini.Rafael Fayos Febrer - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):55-70.
    In this short text we try to show that Romano Guardini is an author to be included in the Western metaphysical tradition. The principal authors in Guardini’s thought are neither Thomas Aquinas nor Aristotle, but Augustine and Plato, themselves also great metaphysicians. In this perspective, we take two elements of Guardini's work: polar opposition and freedom, to bring out the possibly metaphysical character of his thought.
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  14.  6
    Oreste Tolone, Guardini e la filosofia di Dante. [REVIEW]Giovanni Malgaroli - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):180-182.
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  15.  10
    Zygmunt Bauman, Retrotopia. [REVIEW]Massimo Mariani - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):167-180.
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  16.  8
    El discernimiento espiritual como distinción prudencial vivida teologalmente.Alberto Mestre - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):71-108.
    This article explores the theme of prudential discretion lived theologically, in other words, it will deal with spiritual discernment. After an introduction in which the importance of the theme in the present ecclesial situation is explained, a brief but substantial historical overview of the theme is offered. A systematic reflection on prudential-theological discernment itself is then given, in which we find in a privileged way the virtue of prudence, necessarily positioned within a theological context where the theological virtues of faith, (...)
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  17.  9
    José Fernández San Román, La relevancia del abandono de la fe y de la condición de censurado en la admisión al matrimonio. Estudio del iter redac-cional de los cánones 1065 y 1066 en la Codificación de 1917 y de las demás fuentes hasta el Concilio Vaticano II. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):182-184.
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  18.  11
    Faith and Science: The Case of Human Ecology.Pietro Ramellini - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):109-142.
    The concept of human ecology was introduced into Catholic pastoral documents by John Paul II, in his 1991 encyclical Centesimus annus. As an exquisitely interdisciplinary field of enquiry, human ecology involves a great many scientific, ethical and religious questions. Thus, it can be chosen as an appropriate case study in the dialogue between faith and science. After a review of the ways in which the relationships between faith and science have been addressed, an original model for their interaction is proposed. (...)
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  19.  7
    Angelo Lameri - Roberto Nardin, Sacramentaria fondamentale. [REVIEW]Giancarlo Vergano - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):184-189.
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  20.  6
    Nuovi orizzonti delle università per un mondo più solidale.Giuseppe Versaldi - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):3-12.
    Following closely the documents and the speeches of Pope Francis in its regard, the author proposes ways of undertaking a wise and courageous renewal of the Catholic university, as required by the missionary transformation of a Church which is out-going. A renewal within a continuity, to meet the new challenges of a world in the midst of a crisis which is both anthropological and socio-environmental, in which we encounter regional catastrophes as much as we do social crises and also financial (...)
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  21.  9
    Tre scienze filosofiche della religione: ambiguità, intreccio e generazione.Alex Yeung - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):143-166.
    This article compares the object and method of three philosophical sciences that study God: the phenomenology of religion, the philosophy of religion, and natural theology. Reflecting on how God enters philosophy reveals the presence of a transcendent ambiguity in each of these three sciences, leaving room for, or even requiring, taking a stand – a call to faith or no-faith – on the part of the researcher. In this sense, none of the three disciplines turns out to be absolutely primary; (...)
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