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  1. Review of Andrew J. Martin, The Covenant with Moses and the Kingdom of God: Thomas Hobbes and the Theology of the Old Covenant in Early Modern England[REVIEW]James Griffith - 2024 - Convivium 37 (1):163-171.
    The is a review of Andrew J. Martin's book, _The Covenant with Moses and the Kingdom of God: Thomas Hobbes and the Theology of the Old Covenant in Early Modern England_.
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  2. Hobbes's Philosophy of Religion.Thomas Holden - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book presents a new interpretation of the seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes’s philosophy of religion. I argue that the key to Hobbes’s treatment of religion is his theory of religious language. On that theory, the proper function of religious speech is not to affirm truths, state facts, or describe anything, but only to express non-descriptive attitudes of honor, reverence, and humility before God, the incomprehensible great cause of nature. The traditional vocabulary of theism, natural religion, and even scriptural religion is (...)
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  3. El agua y el aire. Aproximación a la teoría política de la libertad de Thomas Hobbes.Jonathan Pimentel - 2022 - San José, Costa Rica: SEBILA.
    El miedo, originario y transversal, no está repartido de forma uniforme, como tampoco lo está la fuerza que es capaz de dar sentido, o sea dirección y significado, a los vivientes y las cosas. De modo que, desde el punto de vista político – que aquí tendremos que caracterizar – el incremento y la representación de la fuerza multitudinaria es un factor que puede contribuir a la paz. Mientras las mayorías no se vinculen, organicen y expresen sus proyectos comunes serán (...)
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  4. Review of Laurens van Apeldoorn and Robin Douglass (eds.), Hobbes on Politics and Religion. [REVIEW]Stewart Duncan - 2019 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2019.
  5. Hobbes on the Authority of Scripture.Thomas Holden - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 8:68-95.
    To understand Hobbes’s handling of Christian scripture in Part 3 of Leviathan we need to see it in the light of his own radical account of the norms controlling public religious speech and practice as set out in Part 2 and in other works such as De Cive and De Corpore. As these texts make clear, Hobbes holds that we ought rationally to venerate the first cause of all, and that the proper way to venerate this awesome and incomprehensible being (...)
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  6. The “Philosophical Bible” and the Secular State.Montserrat Herrero - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (1):31-48.
    Almost all scholars of the Enlightenment consider Hobbes, Spinoza, and Locke as the founding theorists of the “secular modern state.” In contrast to the widely held view of the modern state, I argue that far from being “secular” it was the product of the sacralization of politics, which resulted from the way these philosophers interpreted the Scriptures as part of their philosophical inquiries. The analysis of the “linguistic turn” in their biblical interpretations reveals how they tried to undermine the power (...)
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  7. (1 other version)The Acid of History: La Peyrère, Hobbes, Spinoza, and the Separation of Faith and Reason in Modern Biblical Studies.Jeffrey L. Morrow - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (1):169-180.
  8. (1 other version)The Acid of History: La Peyrère, Hobbes, Spinoza, and the Separation of Faith and Reason in Modern Biblical Studies.Jeffrey L. Morrow - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6).
  9. Faith, Reason and History in Early Modern Catholic Biblical Interpretation : Fr. Richard Simon and St. Thomas More.Jeffrey L. Morrow - 2015 - New Blackfriars 96 (1066):658-673.
    This article contrasts St. Thomas More's theoretical work on the role of faith and history in biblical exegesis with that of Fr. Richard Simon. I argue that, although Simon's work appears to be a critique of his more skeptical contemporaries like Hobbes and Spinoza, in reality he is carrying their work forward. I argue that More's union of faith and reason, theology and history, is more promising than Simon's for Catholic theological biblical exegesis.
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  10. La lectura política de la Biblia y una aplicación a Thomas Hobbes y su interpretación del Libro de Samuel.Jorge Alfonso - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (260):423-439.
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  11. Strong Sovereign, Weak Messiah: Thomas Hobbes on Scriptural Interpretation, Rhetoric, and the Holy Spirit.James R. Martel - 2005 - Theory and Event 7 (4).
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  12. Thomas Hobbes and the Hebraic Bible.F. M. Coleman - 2004 - History of Political Thought 25 (4):642-669.
    This article shows that core ideas of Hobbes's argument for civil authority have their sources in commentary on or texts of the Hebraic Bible. These ideas centre on the Hebraic idea of created nature and of man . It is further shown that both the eschatological and enlightenment components of Hobbes's philosophy originate in these same biblical ideas. Therefore, the often stressed and accustomed division of Leviathan into a secular and a religious teaching is mistakenly conceived.
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  13. ‘Against this empusa :’ Hobbes’s leviathan and the book of job.Gordon Hull - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (1):3 – 29.
    This paper examines Hobbes’s Leviathan with reference to seventeenth-century discussions of Job to determine what Hobbes’s titular reference might be intended to accomplish. I argue that for a seventeenth-century reader, Job stands not just for patience in suffering but also for a warning against the hubris of attempting to reason with God. In this light, the reference suggests a Hobbesian immanent critique of scholasticism for having the arrogance to presume it knows God’s way on earth. This gesture both creates the (...)
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  14. Cooke, Paul D. Hobbes and Christianity: Reassessing the Bible in Leviathan. [REVIEW]Paul Seaton - 1999 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (1-2):187-188.
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  15. Hobbes and biblical philology in the service of the state.Arrigo Pacchi - 1988 - Topoi 7 (3):231-239.
  16. A note of Hobbes and the book of job.W. H. Greenleaf - 1974 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 14:10-34.
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