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  1. Frege's equivalence thesis and reference failure.Nathan Hawkins - 2021 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 28 (1):198-222.
    Frege claims that sentences of the form ‘A’ are equivalent to sentences of the form ‘it is true that A’ (The Equivalence Thesis). Frege also says that there are fictional names that fail to refer, and that sentences featuring fictional names fail to refer as a result. The thoughts such sentences express, Frege says, are also fictional, and neither true nor false. Michael Dummett argues that these claims are inconsistent. But his argument requires clarification, since there are two ways The (...)
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  2. Frege, the self-consciousness of judgement, and the indefinability of truth.Colin Johnston - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (6):1124-1143.
    ABSTRACT Frege characterizes judgement as the acknowledgement of the truth of a thought, appearing thereby to rule out false judgement. First in this paper I explain Frege’s characterization so that it does not have this consequence. Frege is not saying that for a subject S to judge that p is for S to acknowledge the truth of the thought that p. Rather, he is articulating judgement’s nature within self-consciousness. From within, to judge means to acknowledge a truth. Second, I suggest (...)
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  3. Frege's Conception of Truth as an Object.Junyeol Kim - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Connecticut
    In this dissertation I explore Frege’s conception of truth. In particular I defend the thesis that Frege in his mature career takes truth to be an object, i.e., the True qua the reference of true sentences. In the literature on truth Frege has been usually taken to be a truth deflationist or a truth primitivist. Indeed Frege leaves a number of comments that sound like typical deflationist claims and his famous indefinability argument is the most discussed argument for primitivism. However, (...)
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  4. The circularity reading of Frege’s indefinability argument.Junyeol Kim - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):128-136.
    This paper criticizes the circularity reading of Frege's argument for the indefinability of truth. According to this reading, Frege is appealing to a sort of circularity in the argument. I argue that the circularity reading is interpretatively incorrect, or makes Frege's argument a non‐starter.
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  5. Truth in Frege.Richard Heck & Robert May - 2018 - In Michael Glanzberg, The Oxford Handbook of Truth. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 193-213.
    A general survey of Frege's views on truth, the paper explores the problems in response to which Frege's distinctive view that sentences refer to truth-values develops. It also discusses his view that truth-values are objects and the so-called regress argument for the indefinability of truth. Finally, we consider, very briefly, the question whether Frege was a deflationist.
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  6. Primitive Truth.Jamin Asay - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (4):503-519.
    Conceptual primitivism is the view that truth is among our most basic and fundamental concepts. It cannot be defined, analyzed, or reduced into concepts that are more fundamental. Primitivism is opposed to both traditional attempts at defining truth (in terms of correspondence, coherence, or utility) and deflationary theories that argue that the notion of truth is exhausted by means of the truth schema. Though primitivism might be thought of as a view of last resort, I believe that the view is (...)
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  7. A crítica de Frege a teoria da verdade como correspondência.Kariel Antonio Giarolo - 2013 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):135-166.
    This paper has as main objective present and discuss Gottlob Frege critic to the attempt to define the concept of truth, especially, the attempt to define of truth as correspondence. The correspondence theories of truth sustain that truth can be defined in terms of correspondence between sentences, propositions or true thoughts and facts. However, in his posthumous writing Logic (1897) and, after, in The Thought (1918), Frege presents a severe critic to this kind of approach. He holds that truth is (...)
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  8. Frege on Absolute and Relative Truth: An Introduction to the Practice of Interpreting Philosophical Texts.Ulrich Pardey - 2012 - New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book has two objectives: to be a contribution to the understanding of Frege's theory of truth – especially a defence of his notorious critique of the correspondence theory - and to be an introduction to the practice of interpreting philosophical texts.
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  9. Book reviews. [REVIEW]Dorothea Lotter - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):425-436.
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  10. (2 other versions)Frege's Contribution to Philosophy of Language.Richard Heck & Robert May - 2005 - In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-39.
    An investigation of Frege’s various contributions to the study of language, focusing on three of his most famous doctrines: that concepts are unsaturated, that sentences refer to truth-values, and that sense must be distinguished from reference.
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  11. (2 other versions)Frege's Contribution to Philosophy of Language.Richard Heck & Robert May - 2005 - In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-39.
    This paper discusses the question to what extent Frege made serious use of semantical notions such as reference and truth. It focuses on his apparent uses of these notions in his apparently semantical discussions of his formal system in Grundgesetze der Arithmetik and defends the view that they are to be taken at face value. This paper is in some ways a companion to "Grundgesetze der Arithmetik I §§29-32", in which there is an extended, but mostly technical, discussion of Frege's (...)
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  12. Freges Kritik an der Korrespondenztheorie der Wahrheit: Eine Verteidigung Gegen Die Einwände von Dummett, Künne, Soames Und Stuhlmann-Laeisz.Ulrich Pardey - 2004 - Paderborn: mentis.
    Gottlob Frege ist der Begründer der modernen Logik und Sprachanalyse, seine Schriften gelten "wegen ihrer vorbildlichen Klarheit und ihres Scharfsinns [als] eine außerordentlich anregende Lektüre" (Kutschera) und seine philosophische Bedeutung wird in der "Vorbildlichkeit seiner Argumentationsweise" (Patzig) gesehen. In seinem berühmten Aufsatz "Der Gedanke" kritisiert Frege im dritten Absatz die Korrespondenztheorie der Wahrheit und kommt dabei zu dem Ergebnis, dass nicht nur der "Versuch, die Wahrheit als eine Übereinstimmung zu erklären", scheitere, sondern auch "jeder andere Versuch, das Wahrsein zu definieren." (...)
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  13. Why Frege thought it to be "probable" that truth is indefinable.Markus Stepanians - 2003 - Manuscrito 26 (2):331-345.
    Frege’s so-called “Regress Argument” is closely examined and it is argued that Dummett’s reconstruction of it is not satisfactory. Contra Dummett, the argument does not involve a regress, is not a reductio and not even a strictly deductive argument. Rather, what Frege tries to show is that any attempt to define truth fails to be epistemically fruitful and thus misses the very point of analytic definitions of concepts. The cause of this epistemic sterility is an inherent circularity, and it is (...)
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  14. Frege on the indefinability of truth.Hans Sluga - 2002 - In Erich H. Reck, From Frege to Wittgenstein: perspectives on early analytic philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  15. Frege, Moore, Davidson.Thomas Baldwin - 1997 - Philosophical Topics 25 (2):1-18.
  16. (1 other version)Un examen de la argumentación de Frege contra la definibilidad de la verdad.Luis Fernandez Moreno - 1996 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (3):165-176.
    La argumentación de Frege contra la definibilidad de la verdad pretende mostrar que una definición de verdad es circular o nos involucra en un regreso al infinito. En la obra de Frege cabe distinguir dos nociones de verdad: la verdad expresada mediante el termine “verdadero” y la verdad expresada mediante la aserción. La argumentación de Frege no muestra que el términe “verdadero” sea indefinible, pero, si se acepta la concepción de Frege acerca de la aserción, de su argumentación, adecuadamente reformulada, (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Un examen de la argumentación de Frege contra la definibilidad de la verdad (an examination of Frege's argumentation against the definability of truth).Moreno Luis Fernandez - 1996 - Theoria 11 (3):165-176.
    La argumentación de Frege contra la definibilidad de la verdad pretende mostrar que una definición de verdad es circular o nos involucra en un regreso al infinito. En la obra de Frege cabe distinguir dos nociones de verdad: la verdad expresada mediante el termine “verdadero” y la verdad expresada mediante la aserción. La argumentación de Frege no muestra que el términe “verdadero” sea indefinible, pero, si se acepta la concepción de Frege acerca de la aserción, de su argumentación, adecuadamente reformulada, (...)
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  18. Die Undefinierbarkeit der Wahrheit bei Frege.Luis Fernández Moreno - 1996 - Dialectica 50 (1):25-35.
    Dieser Aufsatz befasst sich mit Freges Argumentation gegen die Definierbarkeit der Wahrheit. Ich unterscheide in Freges Argumentation zwei Einwände. Der erste Einwand zielt darauf ab zu zeigen, dass eine Wahrheitsdefinition zirkulär ist; nach dem zweiten Einwand verwickelt uns eine Wahrheitsdefinition in einen unendlichen Regress. Die meisten Autoren, die sich mit Freges Argumentation auseinandergesetzt haben, haben sich hauptsachlich mit diesem zweiten Einwand beschäftigt und ihn als unzutreffend abgelehnt. Nachdem ich Freges Argumentation und die übliche Erwiderung darauf dargestellt und systematisiert habe, untersuche (...)
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  19. Has the Correspondence Theory of Truth Been Refuted? From Gottlob Frege to Donald Davidson.Lorenz Krüger - 1995 - European Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):157-172.
  20. Freges These der Undefinierbarkeit von Wahrheit.Dirk Greimann - 1994 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 47 (1):77-114.
    Der erste Teil des Aufsatzes untersucht den Inhalt der These. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, was Frege unter,,Wahrheit" versteht. Das Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist, daß Freges Undefinierbarkeitsthese (entgegen der üblichen Auffassung) sich nicht auf den „Inhalt des Wortes,wahr'" (bzw. auf das Wahrheitsprädikat) bezieht, sondern auf „die Wahrheit, deren Anerkennung in der Form des Behauptungssatzes liegt" (bzw. auf den Urteilsstrich. Das Kernstück des zweiten Teils der Arbeit ist eine Rekonstruktion der Argumente Freges für die These in drei Versionen. Für die (...)
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  21. II*—Frege's Regress.Peter Carruthers - 1981-1982 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 82 (1):17-32.
    Peter Carruthers; II*—Frege's Regress, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 82, Issue 1, 1 June 1982, Pages 17–32,
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