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  1. The Non-kinetic Origins of Aristotle's Concept of Ἐνέργεια.Santiago Chame - forthcoming - Apeiron.
    In this paper, I argue that Aristotle was already aware in his earlier texts of the fundamental distinction between motion and activity and of the criterion which structures this contrast. Moreover, I will present textual evidence which suggests that Aristotle’s original concept of ἐνέργεια applies primarily to activities which contain their ends in themselves, and not to motions, which are different from their ends.
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  2. What Has Aquinas Got Against Platonic Forms?Turner C. Nevitt - 2018 - In Gyula Klima & Alexander W. Hall, Hylomorphism and Mereology: Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics Volume 15. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 67–79.
    Aquinas consistently criticizes Plato and his followers for their commitment to the existence of separate forms or ideas. There is no whiteness existing by itself apart from any particular white things or any particular person's thoughts about them. The same goes for every natural form, from humanity to heat. And yet Aquinas is happy to appeal to such separate forms as examples to illustrate his own metaphysical views. This seems like a strange and dangerous procedure. If Aquinas considers Platonic forms (...)
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  3. Aristotle's Case for Perceptual Knowledge.Robert Howton - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    Sense experience, naïvely conceived, is a way of knowing perceptible properties: the colors, sounds, smells, flavors, and textures in our perceptual environment. So conceived, ordinary experience presents the perceiver with the essential nature of a property like Sky Blue or Middle C, such that how the property appears in experience is identical to how it essentially is. In antiquity, as today, it was controversial whether sense experience could meet the conditions for knowledge implicit in this naïve conception. Aristotle was a (...)
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  4. "Aucun attribut universel n’est une substance" (Aristotelis Metaphysica, Z, 13, 1038b 35). Aristote critique des Idées de Plato.Leone Gazziero - 2016 - Annuaire de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études 123:121-142.
    Y a-t-il des Idées et peut-on démontrer qu’elles existent ? Parmi les protagonistes anciens de la controverse qui a opposé partisans et adversaires des Idées, Aristote mérite une attention toute particulière. De fait, si – au moment où Aristote intervient dans le débat autour de l’hypothèse des Idées – ce débat a déjà une histoire, c’est avec lui que cette histoire atteint une maturité qui est à la fois d’ordre doctrinal et doxographique. De fait, non seulement Aristote est le premier (...)
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  5. An Absurd Accumulation: Metaphysics M.2, 1076b11-36.Emily Katz - 2014 - Phronesis 59 (4):343-368.
    The opening argument in the Metaphysics M.2 series targeting separate mathematical objects has been dismissed as flawed and half-hearted. Yet it makes a strong case for a point that is central to Aristotle’s broader critique of Platonist views: if we posit distinct substances to explain the properties of sensible objects, we become committed to an embarrassingly prodigious ontology. There is also something to be learned from the argument about Aristotle’s own criteria for a theory of mathematical objects. I hope to (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Plato, Aristotle, and the Third Man Argument.Jurgis Brakas - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 106–110.
  7. (1 other version)Plato, Aristotle, and the third man argument.Jurgis Brakas - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  8. Rationes ex machina. La micrologie à l’âge de l’industrie de l’argument.Leone Gazziero - 2008 - Paris: Vrin.
    Do Ideas exist and can we prove it ? Do proofs of their existence have all the same value or not ? Aristotle addresses these issues in two famous documents of the controversy that pitted supporters of the theory of Forms against its opponents within Plato’s Academy : his lost work, quoted by Alexander of Aphrodisias by the title of Peri Ideon, and the lengthy thrust against Ideas that can be read, with some minor variations, in books A, chapter 9, (...)
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  9. Reply to Fred Seddon, "Plato, Aristotle, Rand, and Sexuality" (Fall 2008): Interpreting Plato's Dialogues: Aristotle versus Seddon.Roderick T. Long - 2008 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 10 (1):219 - 229.
    In reply to Seddon's charge that Long's analysis in Reason and Value rests on a mistaken reading of Plato, Long both defends his interpretation of Plato and argues that nothing in Reason and Value depends on Plato interpretation in any case.
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  10. Lo strabismo dello storico (fra gli antichi e noi). Intervista teorico-biografica. A cura di Marco Solinas.Mario Vegetti & Marco Solinas - 2008 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 21 (3):529-568.
  11. Platonic number in the parmenides and metaphysics XIII.Dougal Blyth - 2000 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 8 (1):23 – 45.
    I argue here that a properly Platonic theory of the nature of number is still viable today. By properly Platonic, I mean one consistent with Plato's own theory, with appropriate extensions to take into account subsequent developments in mathematics. At Parmenides 143a-4a the existence of numbers is proven from our capacity to count, whereby I establish as Plato's the theory that numbers are originally ordinal, a sequence of forms differentiated by position. I defend and interpret Aristotle's report of a Platonic (...)
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  12. On Ideas--Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms.Jonathan Barnes - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (2):489-491.
    In Chapter 9 of the first book of the Metaphysics Aristotle criticizes “those who posit the Ideas as causes”. His second group of criticisms urges that “the ways in which we try to prove that the forms exist” are unsatisfactory, and he enumerates five such ‘ways’. Alexander of Aphrodisias, in his commentary on the passage, offers to explain in more detail what the five ways were and why each is a cul-de-sac. Gail Fine’s On Ideas is a commentary on this (...)
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  13. Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Form of the Good: Ethics Without Metaphysics?Gerasimos Santas - 1989 - Philosophical Papers 18 (2):137-160.
  14. "Aristotle's Metaphysics. Books M and N," translated with Introduction and Notes by Julia Annas. [REVIEW]H. T. Walsh - 1978 - Modern Schoolman 55 (3):312-313.
  15. A Proof from the Peri Ideon revisited.Robert Barford - 1976 - Phronesis 21 (3):198-218.
  16. Il "de Ideis" di Aristotele e la Teoria Platonica delle Idee.Norman Gulley - 1975 - Olschki.
    The book is a reconstruction and detailed presentation (close to a commentary) of Aristotle's lost work On Ideas, based, in the main, on the testimony of Alexander of Aphrodisias in his commentary to the Metaphysics; Alexander's text is included in the critical edition by D. Harlfinger.
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  17. Aristotle's "Metaphysics", Books [gamma], [delta], and [epsilon]. Aristotle - 1971 - Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edited by Christopher Kirwan.
    Das historische Buch konnen zahlreiche Rechtschreibfehler, fehlende Texte, Bilder, oder einen Index. Kaufer konnen eine kostenlose gescannte Kopie des Originals durch den Verlag. 1907. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug:... I. TEIL DIE PROBLEME DER GRUNDWISSENSCHAFT ndem wir nunmehr an die von uns zu behandelnde Wissenschaft herantreten, gilt es zunachst uns klar zu werden uber die Fragen, uber die wir eine Entscheidung zu treffen haben. Es sind zum Teil solche, uber welche die Denker vor uns abweichende Ansichten geaussert haben; wir mussen aber auch (...)
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  18. Assumptions involved in the Third man Argument.N. B. Booth - 1958 - Phronesis 3 (2):146-149.
  19. Aristotle on Plato Harold Cherniss, Aristotle's Criticism of Plato and the Academy, Vol. I. Pp. xxvi+610. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1944. Cloth, $5.00 (33S. 6d.). [REVIEW]J. Tate - 1946 - The Classical Review 60 (01):32-33.
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