100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Subject = B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion" in "NECTAR"
This set has the following status: partial.
- He had to bring him down!David Wall - 2010 - In Ted Richards, Soccer and Philosophy: Beautiful Thoughts on the Beautiful Game. Open Court. pp. 130-138.details
- Quantum humanism: the reality of the atom and the mind through a Dooyeweerdian lens.Kamaran Fathulla & Dannie Jost - unknowndetails
- The concept of intelligence: a reply to Michael Hand.John Gingell - 2007 - London Review of Education 5 (1):47-49.details
- Beckett's Schopenhauerian Buddhism: East meets West.Pavneet Kaur - unknowndetails
- Interpreting Sunyata: an archival perspective on Beckett, Schopenhauer and Buddhism.Pavneet Kaur - unknowndetails
- On Heidegger and performance.Gareth Somers - manuscriptdetails
- Book review: Ron Roberts : Just War: Psychology and Terrorism.Jane Callaghan - 2008 - Annual Review of Critical Psychology 6.details
- Beckett and phenomenology: round table discussion.Matthew Feldman, Daniel Katz, Julian Garforth, Ulrika Maude, Bill Prosser, Mark Nixon & Jonathan Bignell - unknowndetails
- But what was this pursuit of meaning, in this indifference to meaning?': Beckett, Husserl, Sartre and 'Meaning Creation.Matthew Feldman - 2009 - In U. Maude & M. Feldman, Beckett and Phenomenology. Continuum.details
- H.G. Wells and William James.Sylvia Hardy - unknowndetails
- Psychologie: Wissenschaftstheorie, Philosophische Grundlagen und Geschicht. Ein Lehrbuch. [Psychology: Philosophical Foundations, History and Philosophy of Science in Psychology. A Textbook].Harald Walach (ed.) - 2009 - Kohlhammer.details
- Ology schmology: a post-structuralist approach.Glyn Daly - unknowndetails
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