100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Subject = B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion" in "NECTAR"

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  1. He had to bring him down!David Wall - 2010 - In Ted Richards, Soccer and Philosophy: Beautiful Thoughts on the Beautiful Game. Open Court. pp. 130-138.
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  2. Quantum humanism: the reality of the atom and the mind through a Dooyeweerdian lens.Kamaran Fathulla & Dannie Jost - unknown
    While physicists pursue the search for the Grand Unified Theory and the expedition to find the Higgs that ought to solidify the Standard Model, philosophers keep inquiring as to what the nature of matter and mind might be and propose various theories. At first sight, the high energy physicist or the philosopher, both human, and the elementary particle seem to have nothing in common, however we contend and argue in this paper that we are looking at different scales of what (...)
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  3. The concept of intelligence: a reply to Michael Hand.John Gingell - 2007 - London Review of Education 5 (1):47-49.
    Michael Hand's interesting analysis of the concept of intelligence crucially depends upon three assumptions: firstly, that there is an ordinary use of the term which, when applied to an individual is perfectly general and not context dependent. Secondly, that this use is best cashed in terms of aptitude. Thirdly, that the aptitude in question is to be explained in terms of theorizing. I shall argue in what follows that the first assumption may be true, but, if it is true, this (...)
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  4. Beckett's Schopenhauerian Buddhism: East meets West.Pavneet Kaur - unknown
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  5. Interpreting Sunyata: an archival perspective on Beckett, Schopenhauer and Buddhism.Pavneet Kaur - unknown
    This paper provides an archival-based exploration of the recurrent concept of emptiness in Beckett’s work.
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  6. On Heidegger and performance.Gareth Somers - manuscript
    A paper discussing some performative connotations of Heidegger's ontology.
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  7. Book review: Ron Roberts : Just War: Psychology and Terrorism.Jane Callaghan - 2008 - Annual Review of Critical Psychology 6.
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  8. Beckett and phenomenology: round table discussion.Matthew Feldman, Daniel Katz, Julian Garforth, Ulrika Maude, Bill Prosser, Mark Nixon & Jonathan Bignell - unknown
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  9. But what was this pursuit of meaning, in this indifference to meaning?': Beckett, Husserl, Sartre and 'Meaning Creation.Matthew Feldman - 2009 - In U. Maude & M. Feldman, Beckett and Phenomenology. Continuum.
  10. H.G. Wells and William James.Sylvia Hardy - unknown
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  11. Psychologie: Wissenschaftstheorie, Philosophische Grundlagen und Geschicht. Ein Lehrbuch. [Psychology: Philosophical Foundations, History and Philosophy of Science in Psychology. A Textbook].Harald Walach (ed.) - 2009 - Kohlhammer.
    Das Buch zeigt auf, welche historischen Entwicklungen zur Psychologie gefuhrt haben, welche philosophischen Grundthemen in ihr neu vereinigt und verhandelt werden und welche wissenschaftstheoretischen Stromungen innerhalb der Psychologie aufgegriffen worden sind. In der Neuauflage wird es erweitert um Darstellungen zur Phanomenologie. "Walachs Psychologie ist das spannende Werk eines Fachmannes, der den Forschungsbetrieb kennt und in seltener Offenheit darstellt, dies innerhalb eines umfassenden historischen Rahmens. Hier konnen nicht nur Psychologiestudenten anderweitig schwer zu findende Kenntnisse und Einsichten gewinnen." (Prof. Dr. mult. K. (...)
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  12. Ology schmology: a post-structuralist approach.Glyn Daly - unknown
    This paper represents an intervention in the debate over ontology and epistemology conducted recently in Politics. Taking a post-structuralist stance it seeks to reformulate the nature of the relationship between the ontological and the epistemological and to demonstrate that this has important consequences for the way in which the question of politics is approached.
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