100 entries most recently downloaded from the set: "Subjects = B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: BD Speculative Philosophy" in "Kent Academic Repository"

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  1. The proper place for skills and autonomy in conceptualising academic work and development.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    My purpose, after finding use in John White’s distinction between two types of autonomy, is to explain how academic work, unlike much other work, needs to be seen as in its nature autonomous, insofar as academics would engage in their work authentically. This is also in the service of challenging the mechanistic world-view which dominates policy and dictates parameters for practice, characterised in, for instance, the polemics of Richard Dawkins. The basis for the challenge lies in John McDowell’s post-Kantian thesis (...)
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  2. The language of research and the importance of the tacit dimension.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    I consider the nature of research, both as a mode of learning about the world, with the focus on the object of research, and as a role for staff and students in the higher education sector, with the focus on the practice to be learned, on the pedagogy of research. The domain of research and researchers has, like other domains of higher education and like education more widely, has received a good deal of policy attention. In the UK, there has (...)
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  3. Shades of Sartre and Polanyi: a review of the Conference. [REVIEW]A. Martin Gough - unknown
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  4. The Higher Skills Agenda.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    We investigate some of the ways in which higher education institutions can, and do, provide effective research and skills development for postgraduate and other novice researchers, students and staff, and also new supervisors. This workshop offers an overview of the skills and competencies that are recognised, in the context of challenges to the skills agenda in higher education. It discusses the notion for an appropriate balance between formal and informal means of developing transferable skills and the need to embed skills (...)
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  5. The Self and Transcendence of Emotion.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    I explore issues surrounding the identity of persons arising out of a certain education-related biographical research programme (of the Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning). Particular research projects of the programme include in-depth biographical interviews with probing for how the interviewee would describe themselves and would describe their identity, allowing them to make their own links in the context of their whole life and the learning experiences within it. The interviews enquire about different points in the "lifecourse" (...)
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  6. Wisdom beyond language in research and the place of narrative.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    My aim in this paper is chiefly one of conceptual clarification, linking with issues arising within certain current debates. I propose a typology to underpin the various applications of the “tacit” and the “non-discursive” for describing our state of knowledge as regards respectively both the practice (the phronesis) and the object of research. The tacit/explicit dichotomy is a different one from the non-discursive/discursive (or non-linguistic/linguistic) one. This is key if we are to understand how the process of learning to research, (...)
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  7. For assessing researcher development but against grading the PhD in a framework of phonocentric and grammatocentric tensions: a response to Gill Clarke and Janet Bohrer.A. Martin Gough - unknown
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  8. Researcher Development: prospects for pedagogical and social research.A. Martin Gough - unknown
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  9. Trust as Social Capital as Output of (Higher) Education.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    My purpose is to investigate the extent to which social capital is a useful tool for analysing performance of the higher and other educational sectors. Macroeconomic human capital analysis of higher education is not essentially flawed but highlights its anti-individualist and anti-humanist character, belying the presentation of it by policy analysts. Schuller, for instance, claims that what makes social capital interesting is that it gets away from the individualism of human capital and that it can bring about an output of (...)
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  10. Sustaining the researcher development agenda: the proper place for skills and autonomy.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    The sustainability of effective researcher development provision post-Roberts requires re-orientations of our thinking in a number of ways. Developers need to think from the perspective less of national policy and institutional organisation and more of the developing practitioner. Their autonomy needs to be the focus, understood in the positive, Kantian sense, freedom to explore new avenues of scientific and other enquiry and to direct their own development, underpinned by sense of value, individually and as a peer group. This emphasises the (...)
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  11. Professional Expertise, Integration and Lifelong Learning.A. Martin Gough - unknown
    My concern is with the dynamics within and between content, delivery and infrastructural components (Hoskin & Anderson-Gough, adapted from Silver) of programmes of professional workplace learning. I use the current education and training systems within Chartered Accountancy in the UK as an illustration which both points to solutions to, and in turn raises further, problematic issues for successful learning. How might such an integrative framework for the ACA qualification be operationalised across higher education and the workplace? There is no one (...)
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  12. Short Manual of the Inaesthetic.David S. Ayers - unknown
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  13. End of Love.Emanuele Coccia - unknown
    What is it that is ruined, what is it that is destroyed in us, each time we become an image? It is our ruin that awakens after our death, living no longer as a man; without humanity. In being loved we give up our most human guise: we let it die little by little, until nothing remains but its corpse. More precisely, its image. For this reason, it is only insofar as we are loved--as images--that we are completely individual. Only (...)
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  14. Saturday 19th March 2015, Night.Sarah Wood - unknown
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  15. "Necessary Monsters": Borges' Book of Imaginary Beings and the Ontology of the Daimonic.William Rowlandson - unknown
  16. Daimonic Imagination: Uncanny Intelligence.Angela Voss - unknown
    From the artistic genius to the tarot reader, a sense of communication with another order of reality is commonly affirmed; this 'other' may be termed god, angel, spirit, muse, daimon or alien, or it may be seen as an aspect of the human imagination or the 'unconscious' in a psychological sense. This volume of essays celebrates the daimonic presence in a diversity of manifestations, presenting new insights into inspired creativity and human beings' relationship with mysterious and numinous dimensions of reality. (...)
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