Results for 'trinitarian paralogisms'

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  1. Defending common rationality: Roger roseth on trinitarian paralogisms.Olli Hallamaa - 2003 - Vivarium 41 (1):84-119.
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    Late Medieval Trinitarian Syllogistics: from the Theological Debates to a Logical Textbook.Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe - 2009 - In A. Schuman (ed.), Logic in Religious Discourse. Ontos Verlag.
    Jerónimo Pardo's analysis of the problems raised by some popular trinitarian paralogisms is studied in this paper. The purpose is to show how the notions employed by the theologians in order to solve theological problems were introduced into a textbook on logic to deal with some genuinely logical problems. First, the problem, common to all logical approaches, of achieving a fine-grained analysis of the logical form of syllogistical inferences. Second, the problem, typical of the terminist approach to logic, (...)
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    Trinitární paralogismy, univerzálnost logiky a vyústění středověké nominalistické tradice.Miroslav Hanke - 2015 - Studia Neoaristotelica 12 (3):45-75.
    The so-called “Trinitarian paralogisms” are apparently legitimate instances of syllogistic inference-schemes with premises and conclusions containing expressions of the language of the Trinity doctrine, which fail to be truth- or acceptability-preserving. The logical problem of the Trinity splits into two levels of analysis. First, the technical aspects of Trinitarian paralogisms are analysed in terms of logical innovations in theories of “suppositio” and “distributio”. Second, the philosophical aspect of Trinitarian paralogisms translates into the question of (...)
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  4. Hans Rudi Fischer Rationality, Reasoning and Paralogical Thinking.Paralogical Thinking - 2005 - In Friedrich Wallner, Martin J. Jandl & Kurt Greiner (eds.), Science, medicine, and culture: festschrift for Fritz G. Wallner. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 240.
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    The Trinitarian and Christological Minnemystik of the Flemish beguine Hadewijch of Antwerp.Johann Beukes - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    This article provides an original reappraisal of the notion of Minnemystik in the work of the 13th-century Flemish beguine Hadewijch of Antwerp, with specific reference to its Trinitarian and Christological orientations. After an introduction to the nature and origins of Hadewijch’s work, relating to the discovery of four extant manuscripts in Belgium in 1838, followed by an elucidation of the experience-driven epistemology of the Victorians Richard of St Victor and Hugo of St Victor as her key early scholastic influences, (...)
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    Paralogs and mutational robustness linked through transcriptional reprogramming.Eugene V. Koonin - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (9):865-868.
    A recent analysis of genome‐wide expression patterns and regulatory motif content of paralogous yeast genes1 strongly suggests that mutational robustness (backup) between paralogous genes is achieved via transcriptional reprogramming of one paralog to compensate for the loss or silencing of the other. BioEssays 27:865–868, 2005. Published 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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    Something 'paralogical' under the sun: Lyotard's postmodern condition and science education.Michalinos Zembylas - 2000 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 32 (2):159–184.
    Sometimes I dream that I am an astronaut. I land my spaceship on a distant planet. When I tell me children on that planet that on earth school is compulsory and that we have homework every evening, they split their sides laughing. And so I decide to stay with them for a long, long time… Well anyway… until the summer holidays. Each state of the mind is irreducible. The mere act of giving it a name, that is of classifying it, (...)
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  8. Transcendental Paralogisms as Formal Fallacies - Kant’s Refutation of Pure Rational Psychology.Toni Kannisto - 2018 - Kant Studien 109 (2):195-227.
    : According to Kant, the arguments of rational psychology are formal fallacies that he calls transcendental paralogisms. It remains heavily debated whether there actually is any formal error in the inferences Kant presents: according to Grier and Allison, they are deductively invalid syllogisms, whereas Bennett, Ameriks, and Van Cleve deny that they are formal fallacies. I advance an interpretation that reconciles these extremes: transcendental paralogisms are sound in general logic but constitute formal fallacies in transcendental logic. By formalising (...)
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    Paralogical reasoning: Evans, Johnson-Laird, and Byrne on liar and truth-teller puzzles.Lance J. Rips - 1990 - Cognition 36 (3):291-314.
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    Trinitarian Natural Theology and the Argument from True Love.Borut Pohar - 2022 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):64-82.
    Christian apologetics has recently gained a new impetus from authors such as Alister McGrath, who advocates a new, Trinitarian approach to natural theology, the main purpose of which is to confirm a resonance between scientific discoveries and Christian doctrine, thus confirming its credibility. In this article, we use Trinitarian natural theology, which has many advantages over classical natural theology, on the example of the surprising phenomenon of true love. This is manifested in the material world in The Principle (...)
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    Chapter 4. Beyond the Paralogisms: The Proofs of Immortality in the Lectures on Metaphysics.Corey W. Dyck - 2015 - In Robert R. Clewis (ed.), Reading Kant's Lectures. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 115-134.
    Considered in light of the reader’s expectation of a thoroughgoing criticism of the pretensions of the rational psychologist, and of the wealth of discussions available in the broader 18th century context, which includes a variety of proofs that do not explicitly turn on the identification of the soul as a simple substance, Kant’s discussion of immortality in the Paralogisms falls lamentably short. However, outside of the Paralogisms (and the published works generally), Kant had much more to say about (...)
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    The Trinitarian Processions.R. T. Mullins - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (2):33-57.
    William Hasker and I have a friendly disagreement over the doctrine of the Trinity. We both reject classical theistic attributes like divine timelessness and divine simplicity. Instead, we affirm that God is temporal and unified. Further, we reject so-called Latin models of the Trinity, and prefer social models of the Trinity. Where we disagree is over the doctrine of the processions of the Trinitarian persons. In this essay, I articulate some problems for the doctrine of the processions.
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    Medieval trinitarian thought from Aquinas to ockham (review).Matthew Levering - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (3):374-375.
    In this elegantly written book, Russell Friedman offers a fascinating account of Trinitarian theology in the period 1250-1350. Chapter 1 compares Aquinas's and Bonaventure's explanation of the identity and distinction of the three divine Persons. For Aquinas, the properties constitutive of the divine Persons are strictly relational properties, grounded in relations of opposition in the order of origin. Bonaventure accepts the role of relational properties, but he emphasizes the distinct way that each Person emanates: the Father is unemanated, the (...)
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    Trinitarian Theology.Michael von Brück - 1983 - Journal of Dharma 3:283-295.
  15. Trinitarian theology-Hegelian vis-a-vis advaitic.Mv Bruck - 1983 - Journal of Dharma 8 (3):283-295.
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  16. The paralogisms of psychosis.Grant Gillett - 2006 - In Man Cheung Chung, Bill Fulford & George Graham (eds.), Reconceiving Schizophrenia. Oxford University Press.
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    The Trinitarian Theology of St Thomas Aquinas.Francesca Aran Murphy (ed.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    A historical and systematic introduction to what the medieval philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas wrote about the Trinity. By focusing on the thought of one of the greatest defenders of the doctrine of the Trinity, Gilles Emery OP elucidates the classical Christian understanding of God.
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  18. Intra-Trinitarian Obedience and Nicene-Chalcedonian Christology.Thomas White - 2008 - Nova et Vetera 6:377-402.
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    A Trinitarian approach to spirituality: Exploring the possibilities.Rian Venter - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Spirituality and ultimacy are inextricably linked. Underlying the plurality of spiritualities are myriad ways to construe the identity of the transcendent. In a Christian sense, the notion of the divine with a Trinitarian identification is central. The article examines the implications of such a naming of God for spirituality. Attention is paid to the relationship between doctrinal theology and spirituality as well as to scholarly reflection already undertaken on a so-called Trinitarian spirituality. The article suggests guidelines for future (...)
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  20. Beyond the Paralogisms: The Proofs of Immortality in the Lectures on Metaphysics.Corey W. Dyck - 2015 - In Robert R. Clewis (ed.), Reading Kant's Lectures. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 115-134.
    Considered in light of the reader’s expectation of a thoroughgoing criticism of the pretensions of the rational psychologist, and of the wealth of discussions available in the broader 18th century context, which includes a variety of proofs that do not explicitly turn on the identification of the soul as a simple substance, Kant’s discussion of immortality in the Paralogisms falls lamentably short. However, outside of the Paralogisms (and the published works generally), Kant had much more to say about (...)
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    Paralogic Rhetoric: A Theory of Communicative Interaction.Thomas Kent - 1993 - Bucknell University Press.
    Building on the ideas of philosophers and literary theorists such as Davidson, Rorty, Derrida, Lyotard, and Bakhtin, the author investigates the role that interpretation plays in the acts of writing and reading.
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    The Paralogisms and Kant's Account of Psychology.Graham H. Bird - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (2):129-145.
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    Aristotle on language paralogisms.Ludmila Dostalova - 2006 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 13 (2):170-180.
    Contributed paper concerns the misleading ways of argumentation caused by ambiguity of natural language as Aristotle describes them in his writing On Sophistical Refutations. It will be shown that traditional and generally accepted interpretation of these paralogisms is inappropriate and new solution will be proposed.
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  24. The Paralogisms of Pure Reason.Julian Wuerth - 2010 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar: An Introduction by Brendan McInerny (review).Endika Martinez - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):382-385.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar: An Introduction by Brendan McInernyEndika MartinezThe Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar: An Introduction by Brendan McInerny (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2020), 250 pp.Thomas Aquinas affirms that knowledge of the doctrine of the Trinity is useful to think about creation and about the salvation of humanity (Summa theologiae I, q. 32, a. 1, (...)
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    Paralogisms of the free-will problem.S. S. S. Browne - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (19):513-520.
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    The Trinitarian Theology of St Thomas Aquinas.Gilles Emery Op - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    A historical and systematic introduction to what the medieval philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas wrote about the Trinity. By focusing on the thought of one of the greatest defenders of the doctrine of the Trinity, Gilles Emery OP elucidates the classical Christian understanding of God.
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  28. Trinitarian Perception.Mark Eli Kalderon - 2017 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 91 (1):21-41.
    We begin with a puzzle about how to intelligibly combine the active and passive elements of perception. For counsel, we turn to Augustine’s account of perception in De Trinitate. Augustine’s trinitarian account of perception offers an attractive resolution of our puzzle. Augustine’s resolution of our puzzle, however, cannot be straightforwardly adopted. It must be adapted. We end with speculation about how this might be done.
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    Trinitarian Inseparable Operations and the Incarnation.Adonis Vidu - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:106-127.
    The present article argues that the doctrine of the inseparable external operations of the Trinity is consistent with the doctrine of the incarnation of the Son alone. To demonstrate this, it will be shown, first, that the assumption of human nature can be ascribed to the Son alone when taken as a state, as opposed to an action. Secondly, I will defend John Owen’s claim that the Son is not the “immediate” agent of Christ’s actions. Finally, an appeal is made (...)
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  30. The unfinished business of trinitarian theorizing.Dale Tuggy - 2003 - Religious Studies 39 (2):165-183.
    In recent years, many resourceful thinkers have brought a new clarity to the issues surrounding the doctrine of the Trinity. Two incompatible families of Trinitarian doctrine have been clearly distinguished: Social Trinitarianism and Latin Trinitarianism. I argue here that no theory in either camp has yet evaded the triune pitfalls of inconsistency, unintelligibility, and poor fit with the Bible. These two main approaches appear to be hopeless, and I argue that appeals to ‘mystery’ are no way to avoid the (...)
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    A Trinitarian Spirituality of Mission.Leonard E. Hjalmarson - 2013 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 6 (1):93-108.
    The via contemplativa and the via activa have been seen as two parallel tracks in spirituality. The separation is inevitable without a rich Trinitarian anchor. Uniting the Western, substantive view of God and the Eastern, relational view offers the hope of an integrative spirituality: the coming together of Mary and Martha, the active and the contemplative life. The high-priestly prayer of Jesus in the garden offers a similar vision of integration: Intimacy and fruitfulness are possible through a mutual indwelling (...)
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  32. Trinitarian faith-seeking transformative understanding.F. R. Shults - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Zachory Simpson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford University Press.
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    Chisholm’s Paralogisms.Karl Ameriks - 1981 - Idealistic Studies 11 (2):100-108.
    Roderick Chisholm has recently developed a view that can be regarded as in large part a modern version of the rational psychology attacked by Kant in his critique of the “paralogisms of pure reason.” Chisholm argues that the self is a substance, that it is not “annexed to” or “placed in” any other being, that it has a certain numerical identity, and that it is directly known in itself—four claims that map fairly easily onto the main themes of Kant’s (...)
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  34. The Trinitarian Manifestation of God in Jean-Luc Marion’s Phenomenology.Razvan Sandru - 2020 - In Olga Louchakova Schwartz (ed.), Contributions to Phenomenology.
    I shall argue here that Trinity is a leitmotiv in Marion’s works and that his latest analysis on said concept can enlighten us on the function of the icon and on the structure of his phenomenology of givenness. As such I will argue for a Trinitarian character of givenness. To prove this, I shall structure this paper as a commentary on Givenness and Revelation that will show how this book reveals unclear functions of the Trinity involved in givenness, such (...)
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  35. Against Trinitarian Enthusiasm: The Approach of Relative Identity Logic to the Trinity.Daniele Bertini - 2015 - Reportata. Passato E Presente Della Teologia 13.
    The theorizing about the doctrine of the Trinity by contemporary analytic philosophers of religion has recently been imbued with an air of enthusiastic excitement and self-confidence. My intuition is that there’s room for saying something more in support to the embarrassment and puzzlement traditionally related to the predication of God’s onefoldness and threefoldness. My purpose is to deliver a general argument for (weak) trinitarian skepticism. My view is that the argument provides substantive reasons in support to the common sense (...)
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    Medieval Trinitarian Thought From Aquinas to Ockham.Russell L. Friedman - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be distinct and yet identical? Prompted by the doctrine of the divine Trinity, this question sparked centuries of lively debate. In the current context of renewed interest in Trinitarian theology, Russell L. Friedman provides the first survey of the scholastic discussion of the Trinity in the 100-year period stretching from Thomas Aquinas' earliest works to William Ockham's death. Tracing two central issues - the attempt to explain how the three (...)
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    Taking stock of the Trinitarian renaissance: What have we learnt?Rian Venter - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):6.
    The re-appreciation of the Trinitarian confession in the twentieth century is widely considered a major theological development. Recently, several critical voices emerged, questioning the direction of these explorations. As response, the article identifies major emphases of this rediscovery, namely, the return to sources, the clarification of the function of the confession and its re-envisioning of the nature of divinity, the more centring of the Christian vision in one material principle, the heuristic potential for practical questions and the need for (...)
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    Wesleyan Trinitarian theology and pneumatology: God's performative action.Anna Cho - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–7.
    This article examines the Wesleyan Trinitarian theology and pneumatology as God's performative actions through insight into the speech act theory. Wesley's understanding of the Holy Spirit in the Trinitarianism, which reveals God's salvation performance, has not been studied relatively much in Wesleyan Trinitarianism. Also, in modern theology, Trinitarianism is being interpreted newly along with various disciplines through interdisciplinary dialogue. Therefore, this article attempted to re-examine Wesley's Trinitarianism and Holy Spirit theory with the speech act theory in the philosophy of (...)
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    The Trinitarian Structure of St. Augustine’s Good of Marriage.Perry J. Cahall - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (2):223-232.
  40. Trinitarian theology in early Christian anaphoras.Robert J. Daly - 2009 - In L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden (eds.), God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson. Boston: Brill.
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    Logic, Paralogisms and Social Distinction.Michel Lallement - 2018 - Theoria 65 (155):1-25.
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    A Trinitarian Ascent: How Augustine’s Sermons on the Psalms of Ascent Transform the Ascent Tradition.Mark J. Boone - 2024 - Religions 15 (5).
    Augustine’s sermons on the Psalms of Ascent, part of the Enarrationes in Psalmos, are a unique entry in the venerable tradition of those writings that aim to help us ascend to a higher reality. These sermons transform the ascent genre by giving, in the place of the Platonic account of ascent, a Christian ascent narrative with a Trinitarian structure. Not just the individual ascends, but the community that is the church, the body of Christ, also ascends. The ascent is (...)
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  43. Nicene Orthodoxy and Trinitarian Simplicity.Thomas Joseph White - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (4):727-750.
    Classical Trinitarian dogma affirms that God is simple—a teaching also advanced by major proponents of classical monotheism. Nevertheless, as each one knows, this notion is controversial in modern analytic philosophy, where it is commonly contested. It is also largely ignored in contemporary continental dogmatic theology. Nevertheless, the teaching that God is simple is requisite for any authentic interpretation of the Trinitarian dogma of Nicaea. It is also eminently defensible from a rational, philosophical point of view. In what follows (...)
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    Trinitarian Ontology of and Early Jesuit Metaphysics: the Case of Francisco Suárez between Principles and Causes.Giancarlo Colacicco - 2023 - Quaestio 23:383-404.
    During the second half of the 16th century, some members of the Society of Jesus began to develop different interpretations around the doctrine of causality within the history of Aristotelian commentaries. Since Aristotle had not proposed an unambiguous definition of cause, the debate grew between the interpreters of his Physics and Metaphysics. Therefore, before Suarez systematized the theories in his Metaphysical Disputations, the professors of the Colleges of Arts and Jesuit Universities discussed the definition of cause (ratio formalis causae). In (...)
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    Fitch-style natural deduction for modal paralogics.Hans Lycke - 2009 - Logique Et Analyse 52 (207):193-218.
    In this paper, I will present a Fitch–style natural deduction proof theory for modal paralogics (modal logics with gaps and/or gluts for negation). Besides the standard classical subproofs, the presented proof theory also contains modal subproofs, which express what would follow from a hypothesis, in case it would be true in some arbitrary world.
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  46. The trinitarian nature of the transmodern person.M. Lowery - 2006 - In Paul C. Vitz & Susan M. Felch (eds.), The self: beyond the postmodern crisis. Wilmington, De.: ISI Books. pp. 269--286.
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  47. Trinitarian Stewarship and the Limits of Socialism and Capitalism.Eric Manchester - 2006 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 25 (3):1-22.
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    A Trinitarian theology of creation: An ethical perspective.Ramathate T. H. Dolamo - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
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    On Trinitarian Subordinationism.Thomas McCall & Keith E. Yandell - 2009 - Philosophia Christi 11 (2):339 - 358.
    In this essay we analyze some of the most influential of the recent claims that the Son is permanently and necessarily subordinate to the Father. After first summarizing the case made by Bruce Ware and Wayne Grudem for their view, we evaluate the strength of their case and advance some counterarguments. In spite of the fact that their view has attracted a great deal of attention and criticism, the massive and important metaphysical claims made by Grudem and Ware have not (...)
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    Trinitarian Doctrine in Fortunatian of Aquileia’s Commentarii in evangelia.Jan Dominik Bogataj - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (1):25-51.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the Fortunatian’s Christology and Trinitarian theology that can be deduced from his recently found work Commentarii in evangelia and, by doing so, to present a general re-evaluation of his role in the political-doctrinal clashes at the middle of the 4th century. By investigating Fortunatian’s (Trinitarian) theology in relation to the prior early Latin Trinitarian doctrine and to different heterodox traditions, and ascertaining his doctrinal standpoint in the Arian controversy of (...)
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