Results for 'thanatopolitics'

43 found
  1. Biopolitics, Thanatopolitics and the Right to Life.Muhammad Ali Nasir - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (1):75-95.
    This article focuses on the interrelationship of law and life in human rights. It does this in order to theorize the normative status of contemporary biopower. To do this, the case law of Article 2 on the right to life of the European Convention on Human Rights is analysed. It argues that the juridical interpretation and application of the right to life produces a differentiated governmental management of life. It is established that: 1) Article 2 orients governmental techniques to lives (...)
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    (1 other version)Thanatopolitics and colonial logics in Blade Runner 2049.Ali Rıza Taşkale - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 166 (1):109-117.
    This article critically engages with Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049, focusing on the relationship between colonial logics and biological engineering that understands the natural world as property. First, it discusses the connections between the film and the shifting status of biopolitics becoming thanatopolitics, prompted by advances in synthetic biology. It argues that the film’s preoccupation with the reproductive capacity of its replicants retraces a racialized colonialism and reconfigured slavery, or the voluntary labour of the occupied – as normalized in (...)
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    A Thanatopolitical Reading of Bandada de pájaros: segundo ensayo sobre la memoria by Jorgelina Cerritos.Lucía Leandro Hernández - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (28):33-53.
    El presente artículo hace una lectura de la obra dramatúrgica Bandada de pájaros: segundo ensayo sobre la memoria (2016) de Jorgelina Cerritos (San Salvador, 1974) desde una perspectiva tanatopolítica. Se indaga acerca del poder que ejerce el Estado salvadoreño en la vida de la ciudadanía, representada por personajes que, desprovistos de su categoría de persona, ven interrumpidos todos sus derechos. Estos sujetos son miembros de una comunidad que se convierten en una amenaza potencial a suprimir por parte del Estado. Además, (...)
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    From Death Penalty to Thanatopolitics.Sabeen Ahmed - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (2):293-314.
    Drawing from the works of Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, and Jacques Derrida, this article offers a theory of political theology for the contemporary Western liberal nation-state. Taking as its starting point the death penalty, it presents a triune theory of governance—what I call Trinitarian Governmentality—which exposes the thanatopolitical dimension fundamental to the very articulation of sovereign power and, as such, the theologico-political. It is thus only by conceptualizing sovereignty as Trinitarian Governmentality—composed of biopower/oikonomia, disciplinary power/theologia, and pastoral power/eschatologia—that (...)
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    Rethinking the Biopolitical Turn From the Thanatopolitical to the Geneapolitical Paradigm.Chiara Bottici - 2015 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 36 (1):175-197.
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    The Cinematic Anthropocene and the Future Politics of Killing.Gregers Andersen - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (3):394-410.
    This article considers two films, Elysium (Neil Bloomkamp, 2013) and What Happened to Monday (Tommy Wirkola, 2017), in order to demonstrate that they foreshadow a paradigmatic shift in the relationship between biopolitics and thanatopolitics. According to Michel Foucault, and later Giorgio Agamben and Roberto Esposito, it is chiefly the association of humans with biological danger that causes biopolitics to mutate into thanatopolitics. However, in these two films, humans are construed as an ecological danger that prompt thanatopolitics. They (...)
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    The Biopolitics of Transactional Capitalism.Majia Holmer Nadesan - 2011 - Mediatropes 3 (1):23-57.
    In the spring of 2010, major newspapers in the U.S. announced arrival of a “recovery” from the economic recession precipitated by the 2008 financial crisis. This essay examines the biopolitics of recovery in the wake of the disaster capitalism of the financial meltdown, arguing that twentieth-century social welfare biopolitics that derived wealth from the populace have been replaced by new forms of financial power whose global circulations and convergences exploit wealth informatically and transactionally, rather than biopolitically, through devices such as (...)
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  8. Review of "Foucault's Futures: A Critique of Reproductive Reason" by Penelope Deutscher. [REVIEW]Anna Carastathis - 2019 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 18 (1):15-18.
    Penelope Deutscher’s book, "Foucault’s Futures: A Critique of Reproductive Reason" engages with the recent interest in reproduction, futurity, failure, and negativity in queer theory, but also the historical and ongoing investments in the concept of reproduction in feminist theory as well as (US) social movements. "Foucault’s Futures" troubles the forms of subjectivation presupposed by “reproductive rights” from a feminist perspective, exploring the “contiguity” between reproductive reason and biopolitics—specifically the proximity of reproduction to death, risk, fatality, and threat: its thanatopolitical underbelly.
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    Improper Life: Technology and Biopolitics From Heidegger to Agamben.Timothy C. Campbell - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Has biopolitics actually become thanatopolitics, a field of study obsessed with death? Is there something about the nature of biopolitical thought today that makes it impossibile to deploy affirmatively? If this is true, what can life-minded thinkers put forward as the merits of biopolitical reflection? These questions drive Improper Life.Campbell argues that a "crypto-thanatopolitics" can be teased out of Heidegger's critique of technology and that some of the leading scholars of biopolitics---including Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, and Peter Sloterdijk---have (...)
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    Me, my self, and the multitude: Microbiopolitics of the human microbiome.Penelope Ironstone - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (3):325-341.
    The human microbiome has become one of the dominant biomedical frameworks of the contemporary moment that may be understood to be post-Pasteurian. The recognitions the human microbiome opens up for thinking about the biological self and the individual have ontological and epistemological ramifications for considering what and who the human being is. As this article illustrates, the microbiopolitics of the human microbiome challenges the immunitarian Pasteurian model in which the organismic self shores itself up and defends itself against a microbial (...)
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    Nursing in deathworlds: Necropolitics of the life, dying and death of an unhoused person in the United States healthcare industrial complex.Danisha Jenkins, Laura Chechel & Brian Jenkins - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (4):e12458.
    This paper begins with the lived accounts of emergency and critical care medical interventions in which an unhoused person is brought to the emergency department in cardiac arrest. The case is a dramatised representation of the extent to which biopolitical forces via reduction to bare life through biopolitical and necropolitical operations are prominent influences in nursing and medical care. This paper draws on the scholarship of Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, and Achille Mbembe to offer a theoretical analysis of the power (...)
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    Foucault's History of Sexuality, Volume I.Penelope Deutscher - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (1):119-137.
    This paper interrogates the status of the Malthusian couple and the policing and government of reproduction in the first volume of Foucault's History of Sexuality, Volume I ( HS1), and the associated Collège de France lectures. Presented by Foucault as one of the four ‘strategic ensembles’ of the 18th century through which knowledge and power became centered on sex, what Foucault calls the socialization of procreative sexuality ( HS1: 104) also constitutes a largely invisible hinge between the trajectories in HS1: (...)
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  13. The immunization paradigm.Roberto Esposito & Timothy Campbell - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (2):23-48.
    In the following excerpt from Bios, Esposito sketches the template of immunity as a response to what he calls a "hermeneutic block" in Foucault's notion of biopolitics. After singling out those moments of greatest tension in Foucault's reading of biopolitics especially as it relates to Nazi thanatopolitics, Esposito sets out in detail the most important features of what he calls the immunization paradigm. Consisting of three dispositifs, namely sovereignty, property, and liberty, the immunitary paradigm has for Esposito a decisively (...)
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  14.  21
    Ageing, Experience, Biopolitics: Life’s Unfolding.Brett Neilson - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (3-4):44-71.
    In the wake of Foucault, the debate on biopolitics has focused on the tensions of bíos and zoé, community and immunity, generation and thanatopolitics. What remains obscure in these accounts is the experiential aspect of life – its unfolding and entanglement with the ageing process. This is true both of approaches that emphasize the ethical implications of the life sciences and those that explore the biopolitical workings of wider social processes. In the contemporary capitalist formation, life’s unfolding is caught (...)
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    Roberto Esposito’s ‘Affirmative Biopolitics’ and the Gift.Thomas F. Tierney - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (2):53-76.
    This article develops the affirmative biopolitics that Roberto Esposito intimates in his trilogy – Communitas, Immunitas and Bı´os. The key to this affirmative biopolitics lies in the relationship between the munus, a form of gift that is the root of communitas and immunitas, and the gift discourse that developed throughout the 20th century. The article expands upon Esposito’s interpretation of four theoretical sources that are crucial to his biopolitical perspective: Mauss and the gift-exchange tradition; Hobbes’s social contract theory, which Esposito (...)
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  16.  50
    Konstan, David. "El concepto de belleza en el mundo antiguo y su recepción en Occidente." Nova Tellus 30.1 : 133-148.Alejandra Castro - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):309-310.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Towards Biopolitics beyond Life and Death: The Virus, Life, and Death.Toni Čerkez & Martin Gramc - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (1).
    By engaging with Giorgio Agamben’s article on the Italian government’s measures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we argue that COVID-19 points to the limits of the classical biopolitical and thanatopolitical logics of analysis and therefore requires a new conceptual framework. The outbreak of COVID-19 is an example of zoonotic globalisation in which the human species as a biological and geological actor is merely one among many other species that influence biological and geological processes on Earth, thus challenging (...)
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    Political theology: Possibility of comparison of the usage of death in theology and politics.Todor Kuljic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (1):208-218.
    This paper considers the epistemological value of the concept of political theology in thanatopolitics. The concept can be useful if one wants to interpret political usage of death. In addition to blurred boundaries between politics and theology, there is a more general and deeper socially integrative affinity between the two. In addition, there have been various politicizations of salvation in the past and in the present. Every political theology accentuates obedience as an immanent condition of salvation, although interpretation of (...)
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    Objectivity, Fiction and New Media Digital Technologies Elaborated through Death.Marina Gržinić Mauhler - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (3).
    The text elaborates on the relations of objectivity and materiality fiction and those of virtuality produced by new media and digital technologies. It presents and elaborates a critique of the two most relevant debates in contemporary philosophy and theory, the relation of materialism to what is termed the “new materialism,” which is proposed as a substitute for what in the modernist era formed the relation between objectivity, materialism and realism, and then proceeds to expose the difference between thanatopolitics and (...)
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    Hermenéutica Y violencia. Reflexiones a partir de comunismo hermenéutico de Gianni Vattimo Y Santiago zabala.Víctor Samuel Rivera - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):319-336.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Affirmative biopolitics and human nature in Franco basaglia’s thought.Alvise Sforza Tarabochia - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (3):85-99.
    In this article, I contend that Franco Basaglia’s work of reform in psychiatry can be read as a proposal for an affirmative biopolitical psychiatry. My claim is that Basaglia’s reform is to be regarded not only as a successful dismantling of the old disciplinary psychiatry but also as an ante litteram attempt at preventing what Pierangelo Di Vittorio refers to as a “biopolitical psychiatry.” Di Vittorio’s definition is notably limited, for he seems to overlook Foucault’s conceptual oscillations between affirmative biopolitics (...)
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    Liberal luxury: Decentering Snowden, surveillance and privilege.Piro Rexhepi - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    This paper reflects on the continued potency of veillance theories to traverse beyond the taxonomies of surveillance inside liberal democracies. It provides a commentary on the ability of sousveillance to destabilise and disrupt suer/violence by shifting its focus from the centre to the periphery, where Big Data surveillance is tantamount to sur/violence. In these peripheral political spaces, surveillance is not framed by concerns over privacy, democracy and civil society; rather, it is a matter of life and death, a technique of (...)
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    Eternal Life and the Time of Death.Gil Morejón - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (2):553-564.
    In this paper I argue that Vatter’s proposed solution to the problem of thanatopolitics in the development of a concept of eternal life is inadequate. In the first section I situate Vatter’s project, sketching out Foucault’s concept of biopolitics and marking Vatter’s specific difference from others working to articulate an affirmative biopolitics in contemporary discussions. In the second section I argue, following Foucault and Mbembe, that the possibility of a thanatopolitics or necropolitics that institutes regimes of mass death (...)
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    The Dream of Genocide.Branko Romčević - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (3):625-645.
    In this paper, we discuss Foucault’s formulation of the notions of biopolitics and biopower against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic and the public reaction to it. For this purpose, we first identify his body of work relevant to the issue of biopolitics, since this issue – unlike the subject areas represented in Foucault’s earlier work – has not been the subject of a separate study. We narrow the focus to the period between 1974 and 1976, when he wrote five (...)
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    Casnati, María Gabriela. "La referencia al Timeo en Física IV 2." Areté 25.2 : 231-266.Juan Diego Bogotá Johnson - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):306-308.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Slow Violence and the Limits of Eco-Resistance.Howard Caygill - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (1).
    The essay departs from Rob Nixon’s concept of slow violence to consider the strategic repertoire of eco-resistance. The fundamental question that it addresses is how far the paradigm of resistance is appropriate for understanding and imaging the practice of radical environmentalism. Along the way it confronts the thanatopolitical assumptions of theories of resistance, asking whether the forms of reactive violence proper to resistance are appropriate for environmental action, but nevertheless attempts to detect an affirmative moment in the non-state future-oriented action. (...)
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    Hobo Sacer ou l’hypothèse de l’oppression nécropolitique des sans-abris.Nicolas Marion & Gábor Tverdota - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):80-114.
    Cet article introduit l’hypothèse de l’oppression nécropolitique des sans-abris. Nous partons d’une analyse métaphorologique de propos tenus par les sans-abris sur leurs conditions d’existence, souvent décrites comme impliquant l’expérience vécue paradoxale d’une indifférenciation tendancielle entre la vie et la mort. Nous essayons de conceptualiser le contenu de ces descriptions en faisant appel au concept de nécropolitique développé par Norman Ajari dans le contexte des études critiques de la race. La nécropolitique sera comprise ici comme un idéal-type de gouvernance de la (...)
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    (2 other versions)G. Agamben and the Biopolitical Understanding of the Shoah.Luc Anckaert - forthcoming - Problemos:56-68.
    The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, in his Homo Sacer-cycle, has developed a new paradigm for thinking the Shoah. Departing from Michel Foucault’s biopolitical thought, he argues that modern political power is made possible by the helix-structure of sovereign power and homo sacer. Sovereign power is situated at the threshold of the prevailing juridico-political order and can, in a state of exception, violently suspend or establish the law. In this decision, homo sacer is legally excluded from the law. When the state (...)
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    Tras los monstruos de la biopolítica.Isabel Balza - 2013 - Dilemata 12:27-46.
    In this paper I examine the figure of the monster, in both its negative and positive aspects, such as the notion of biopolitics. As a negative figure, the monster would represent the dehumanized subject produced by exclusion mechanisms operating in destructive version of biopolitics, resulting in thanatopolitics, and in this sense provokes horror and abjection. Here I will use the analyses of the anthropological machine (Agamben), the device of the person (Esposito) and indefinite detention (Butler). As a positive figure, (...)
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    Married Life, Gay Life as a Work of Art, and Eternal Life: Toward a Biopolitical Reading of Benjamin.Miguel Vatter - 2011 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 44 (4):309-335.
    When political rationality deployed itself on the terrain of the biological life of the human species with the purpose of making this life healthier, more capable, and more "worthy of being lived," it also postulated that some life could be potentiated only at the price of killing off other life. Foucault therefore introduces the idea of biopolitics together with that of thanatopolitics (1990, 137) .Since Foucault, one of the urgent questions has been how biopolitics turns into a thanatopolitics (...)
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  31. Reproductive politics, biopolitics and auto-immunity: From Foucault to Esposito. [REVIEW]Penelope Deutscher - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (2):217-226.
    The contingent cultural, epistemological and ontological status of biology is highlighted by changes in attitudes towards reproductive politics in the history of feminist movements. Consider, for example, the American, British, and numerous European instances of feminist sympathy for eugenics at the turn of the century. This amounted to a specific formation of the role, in late nineteenth and early twentieth century feminisms, of concepts of biological risk and defence, which were transformed into the justificatory language of rights claims. In this (...)
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    Supelano-Gross, Claudia. "¡Cómo hacen frente las cosas a las miradas! Walter Benjamin y la mirada de lo urbano." Universitas Philosophica 62 : 147- 168. [REVIEW]Carolina Piracoca Fajardo - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):314-317.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Forcades, Teresa. La teología feminista en la historia. Trad. Julia Argemí. Barcelona: Fragmenta, 2011. 144 pp. [REVIEW]Luisa Fernanda Rojas Gil - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):293-294.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Comps. María del Rosario Acosta y Carlos Manrique. A la sombra de lo político: violencias institucionales y transformaciones de lo común. Bogotá: Ediciones Universidad de Los Andes de Colombia, 2013. 288 pp. [REVIEW]Daniela Sepúlveda Soto - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):285-287.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Bouso, Raquel. Zen. Trad. Raquel Bouso e Institut Ramon Llull. Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial, 2012. 160 pp. [REVIEW]Harol David Villamil Lozano - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):281-285.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Noica, Constantin. Seis enfermedades del espíritu contemporáneo. Trad. Vasilica Cotofleac. Barcelona: Herder, 2009. 211 pp. [REVIEW]Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):298-301.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Bernstein, Richard. El giro pragmático. Ciudad de México: Anthropos, 2014. 320pp. [REVIEW]Ignacio Mazzola - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):288-293.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Respuesta al comentario de Díaz, Jorge Aurelio. “El concepto de la voluntad libre en la Introducción a los Principios de la filosofía del derechode G.W.F. Hegel. [REVIEW]Guillermo Flores Miller - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):311-313.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Respuesta al comentario de Óscar Andrés Piedrahita.“Reflexionando acerca de la gramática filosófica.” Ideas y Valores 63.155 (2014): 265-268. [REVIEW]Jesús Padilla Gálvez - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):303-306.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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    Schmitt, Carl. Diálogo sobre el poder y el acceso al poderoso. Trad. Silvia Villegas. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2010. 96 pp. [REVIEW]Facundo Vega - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):294-298.
    La recepción durante el siglo XX se preguntó si la filosofía nietzscheana era a-, im- o anti-política, es decir, si podía ser asimilada por la democracia, o si era antimoderna, elitista y reaccionaria. El italiano Roberto Esposito ha propuesto leerla como formando e informando el paradigma de la biopolítica. Se discuten cuatro lecturas de esa biopolítica: como formadora del paradigma de la inmunidad, como tanatopolítica, como liberal y neoliberal, y como biopolítica afirmativa. Twentieth-century readers wondered if Nietzschean philosophy was apolitical, (...)
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  41. De uitzonderingstoestand van Giorgio Agamben naar Michel Foucault.Tim Christiaens - 2015 - Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift 49 (1):104-118.
  42. Neoliberalism and the duty to die: biopolitical and psychopolitical perspectives.Jose Luis Guerrero Quiñones - 2023 - Isegoría 68 (e29):1-9.
    This paper aims to explore and offer different hypotheses that could account for an adequate understanding of the duty to die and its relation to biopolitics from two neglected approaches. First, death will be analysed from a biopolitical perspective to understand the crucial role it has in biopower. Second, the focus lies on the two-folded implication that death has in biopower, for it could be either a defiance of it or the final sublimation of its control. Similarly, the next section (...)
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    Crítica, historia y política: notas para una lectura en clave foucaultiana de la denominada Conquista del Desierto de Argentina.Marcelo Raffin - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):21-53.
    In this article, I propose a Foucauldian reading of the so-called Conquest of the Desert, which took place in Argentina during the 19th century. This event played a foundational role in the formation of the Argentinian nation-state and its society, and its effects are still present in the current political, economic, social, and cultural scenario of the country. After a brief presentation of the “Conquest of the Desert”, I examine the concepts that the Foucauldian thought offers to analyze this event (...)
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