Results for 'specieism'

  1. The Marginal Cases Argument: Animals Matter Too.Julia Tanner - 2005 - Think 4 (10):53-62..
    If we are going to treat other species so very differently from our own — killing, eating and experimenting on pigs and sheep, for example, but never human beings — then it seems we need to come up with some morally relevant difference between us and them that justifies this difference in treatment. Otherwise it appears we are guilty of bigotry (in just the same way that someone who discriminates on the basis of race or sex is guilty of bigotry). (...)
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    La consideración moral de los animales no humanos en los últimos cuarenta años: una bibliografía anotada.Daniel Dorado - 2010 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 17 (1).
    Over the last forty years, numerous authors have started to take account of the issueof moral consideration of non-human animals in a wide array of ethical theory.This article looks at the issue through an annotated bibliography which covers themajor works dedicated to the subject during the last three decades. We see thatthese works fall under three distinct categories, based on whether their objectiveis to question positions which have been determined speciesist, to oppose thisquestioning of these positions for purely anthropocentric motives, (...)
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  3. Ett försvar abort och spädbarnsavlivande.Michael Tooley - 1987 - In Abortetik. pp. 115–144. Translated by Thomas Anderberg & Ingmar Persson.
    This is a Swedish translation of the complete text of "In Defense of Abortion and Infanticide" from Moral Issues, edited by Jan Narveson, Oxford University Press, Toronto and New York, 1983, 215-233. -/- There are various ways of attempting to defend an extreme liberal view on abortion, according to which a woman always has the right to control what happens inside her own body. First of all, there is the popular view that appeals to the idea that there is a (...)
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