Results for 'sovereignty, State, Church, conciliarism, imperial roman law, political averroism, Marsilius of Padua, William of Ockham, Francisco de Vitoria'

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  1. La soberanía en Vitoria en el contexto del nacimiento del Esta do moderno: algunas consideraciones sobre el De potestate civili de Vitoria.Leopoldo José Prieto Lopez - 2017 - DOXA, Cuadernos de Filosofía Del Derecho 40:223-247.
    The article studies some of the most important political ideas present in the origins of the modern State, especially the notion of political sovereignty, which, borne and developed in the maiestas of the imperial roman law and in the averroistic interpretation of the aristotelian idea of the perfect community, is accepted and developed by Francisco de Vitoria in the De potestate civili. Vitoria characterizes sovereignty with the features of supremacy in the domestic activity (...)
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  2.  24
    Der Gelehrte bei Marsilius von Padua und Wilhelm von Ockham. Zur Abgrenzung von politischer und gelehrter Autorität in der Philosophie des 14. Jahrhunderts.Karl Ubl - 2012 - Das Mittelalter 17 (2):16-33.
    In ‘The Republic’, Plato famously reduced practical authority to theoretical authority, arguing that a just society must be governed by philosophers. This idea of the philosopher-king flourished in the medieval specula principum. The medieval papacy was grounded on a similar blend of practical and theoretical authority. The Pope was credited with the capacity to decide on the truth of beliefs because he was elected to office. In their fight against the omnicompetence of the Pope, Marsilius of Padua and (...) of Ockham were aware that in order to contain the power of the papal office, they had to find a way of legitimately distinguishing between theoretical and practical authority. Consequently, both of them severed the traditional link between political theory and virtue ethics, considering the virtue and the wisdom of the ruler as accidental to the legitimacy of government. In contrast to this demotion of theoretical authority in the state, both Marsilius and William argued that experts should play a bigger role in the church. The definition of true belief and heresy should not, according to them, lie in the hands of an elected official (i. e. the Pope), but rather in the hands of theological experts. This article aims to show that the critique of the papal monarchy gave rise to a new understanding of the distinction between theoretical and practical authority. (shrink)
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    The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Thought in the Early Fourteenth Century.Takashi Shogimen - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (3):417-431.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Thought in the Early Fourteenth CenturyTakashi ShogimenPolitical thought and ecclesiology in the early fourteenth century have often been assessed as a series of responses to the question of the relationship between church and state. The conflict between Pope Boniface VIII and Philippe IV at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries acutely demonstrated the conflict between (...)
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  4.  29
    Origins of the Imperial and Secular Power according Ockham’s Political Thought.José Antonio de C. de Souza - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:115-152.
    In this article, based on the most important William of Ockham’s O. Min. writings, we analyze his ideias concerning the origins of the imperial and secular power. Founded in the Paul’s doctrine omnis potestas a Deo, but enlarged, per homines, and also on the ideas of his Franciscan brothers which lived before, which articulated the concepts of proprietas and domininum, in order to explain the human origins of the both, on the one hand, Ockham refuses not only the (...)
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  5.  40
    Divine law divided: Francisco de Vitoria on civil and ecclesiastical powers.Nathaniel Mull - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):201-223.
    Francisco de Vitoria (c. 1485-1546) is well-known for his philosophical contributions to natural rights and international law. However, his extensive work on the conflict between civil authority and the authority of the Catholic Church has been largely neglected by political theorists and intellectual historians. While scholars have recently recognized the significant role played by natural law in the history of political secularism, they have focused almost exclusively on the “modern” natural law theories of Hobbes, Pufendorf, and (...)
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  6.  43
    Francisco de Vitoria and Francisco Suárez on Religious Authority and Cause for Justified War: The Centrality of Religious War in the Christian Just War Tradition.Melvin Endy - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (2):289-331.
    Contrary to the received understanding that Francisco de Vitoria and Francisco Suárez ruled out religious war by grounding just cause in natural law, they supported a robust view of papal authority for war when necessary for the defense of the church against heretics, schismatics, and pagans as well as for the spread of Christianity and Christendom throughout the world. They believed that religious wars were in accord with natural law as a means to its fulfillment in Christianity, (...)
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  7.  35
    Modernity and conquest. The awakening of fundamental rights and international law in Francisco de Vitoria.Juan Ignacio Arias Krause - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):15-40.
    In the international sphere, sovereignty and fundamental rights are often at odds, giving these rights little space for action and, in general, only after crisis has led to tragedy, and tragedy to disgrace. International Law, on the other hand, consistently succumbs to forms of domination and power, and its scope of action is often limited to certain codifications which are frequently suspended by political exception. Sixteenth century Dominican theologian, Francisco de Vitoria, established the principles for a Law (...)
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  8.  55
    Roman Law and Human Liberty: Marsilius of Padua on Property Rights.Alexander Lee - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (1):23-44.
    This article, drawing on Marsilius of Padua's Defensor Pacis, discusses Marsilius's theory of dominium, situating that theory within the context of the debate with Pope John XXII and William of Ockham. The author also reintroduces the long unsettled question of the extent of Marsilius's legal knowledge and training. The article closes by calling for a more sustained investigation of Marsilius's knowledge of Roman law, and of his relation to the poverty controversy and especially Ockham.
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  9.  81
    The origin and nature of the state in francisco de Vitoria's moral philosophy.Luis Valenzuela-Vermehren - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):81-103.
    Sixteenth-century Spanish thought is constitutive of an established, though insufficiently studied, tradition of European political theorizing. As against the politics of Machiavellism, the Spanish tradition argued in favor of an ethical perspective on statecraft. As an introduction to the subject, this article addresses key concepts set forth by the Dominican theologian-jurist Francisco de Vitoria regarding the natural foundations and teleology of the state and its coercive power. Terms such as "natural law", "dominium", and "perfect community" describe the (...)
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  10.  63
    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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  11. O poder papal no De consideratione.José Antonio Souza - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (3):601-620.
    The aim of this article is to analyze Book III of Bernard of Clairvaux 's treatise De consideratione dedicated to his former disciple, the Pope Eugenius IIL In this particular Book, Bernard considers, on the one hand, the principal duties of the Roman Pontíff concerning spiritual affairs and, on the other reflects about the main problems that at the time were prejudicial of the good order as well as of the religious and moral life and peace expected in the (...)
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  12.  9
    Marsilius of Padua.Marsilius & Alan Gewirth - 1979 - New York: Arno Press. Edited by Alan Gewirth.
    Gewirth, A. Marsilius of Padua and medieval political philosophy. Marsilius, of Padua. Defensor pacis.
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  13. Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili on the Legal Character of the Global Commonwealth.Andreas Wagner - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (3):565-582.
    In discussing the works of 16th-century theorists Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili, this article examines how two different conceptions of a global legal community affect the legal character of the international order and the obligatory force of international law. For Vitoria the legal bindingness of ius gentium necessarily presupposes an integrated character of the global commonwealth that leads him to as it were ascribe legal personality to the global community as a whole. But then its legal (...)
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  14.  29
    On the power of emperors and popes.William of Ockham - 1998 - Sterling, Va.: Thoemmes Press. Edited by Annabel S. Brett.
    The Franciscan William of Ockham (c.1285-c.1347) was the greatest theologian and philosopher of the first half of the fourteenth century. Spurred on by the activities of a papacy which he saw as destroying the very foundations of his Order, he devoted the last part of his life to examining the extent of papal power over Christians and its relationship to the secular government of people. On the Power of Emperors and Popes (1347) is his last work. Short, passionate and (...)
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  15.  16
    Marsilius of Padua at the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Political Thought.Vasileios Syros - 2012 - Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
    This book focuses on the reception of classical political ideas in the political thought of the fourteenth-century Italian writer Marsilius of Padua. Vasileios Syros provides a novel cross-cultural perspective on Marsilius’s theory and breaks fresh ground by exploring linkages between his ideas and the medieval Muslim, Jewish, and Byzantine traditions. Syros investigates Marsilius’s application of medical metaphors in his discussion of the causes of civil strife and the desirable political organization. He also demonstrates how (...)
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  16.  17
    Scatter 2: Politics in Deconstruction.Geoffrey Bennington - 2021 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This book deconstructs the whole lineage of political philosophy, showing the ways democracy abuts and regularly undermines the sovereignist tradition across a range of texts from the Iliad to contemporary philosophy. Politics is an object of perennial difficulty for philosophy—as recalcitrant to philosophical mastery as is philosophy’s traditional adversary, poetry. That difficulty makes it an attractive topic for any deconstructive approach to the tradition from which we inherit our language and our concepts. Scatter 2 pursues that deconstruction, often starting (...)
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  17.  21
    Marsilius of Padua or the origins of western political liberalism.Mauricio Chapsal Escudero - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 35:99-115.
    Este trabajo tiene por objeto investigar desde un punto vista histórico filosófico las consecuencias políticas de la separación entre la razón y la fe en el pensamiento de Marsilio de Padua. En él se explora la crisis que produce la aceptación irrestricta de la metafísica de Aristóteles, autor a partir del cual Marsilio realiza su análisis de la civitas, y algunas de sus consecuencias inmediatas en la filosofía política y el orden jurídico social de su tiempo: el uso de la (...)
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  18.  6
    Dialogus.William - 2019 - Oxford: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press. Edited by Semih Heinen & Karl Ubl.
    William of Ockham was a medieval English philosopher and theologian (he was born about 1285, perhaps as late as 1288, and died in 1347 or 1348). In 1328 Ockham turned away from 'pure' philosophy and theology to polemic. From that year until the end of his life he worked to overthrow what he saw as the tyranny of Pope John XXII (1316-1334) and of his successors Popes Benedict XII (1334-1342) and Clement VI (1342-1352). This campaign led him into questions (...)
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  19.  22
    Francisco de Vitoria as an Early Precedent of the Modern Idea of a Legal System.Juan Pablo Zambrano-Tiznado & Raúl Elías Opazo-Fuentes - 2022 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (1):128-145.
    In general, the development of the theory of the legal system has focused on the contributions of legal positivism authors, leaving to one side the contributions of natural law theory. This study seeks to rebuild the theory of the legal system developed by the School of Salamanca’s founder, Francisco de Vitoria, showing its explanatory advantages in comparison with the first analytical legal theory of legal system formulated by John Austin. This study shows that, just as in Austin, it (...)
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  20.  71
    Natural Rights and Roman Law in Hugo Grotius's Theses LVI, De iure praedae and Defensio capitis quinti maris liberi.Benjamin Straumann - 2007 - Grotiana 26 (1):341-365.
    Roman property law and Roman contract law as well as the property centered Roman ethics put forth by Cicero in several of his works were the traditions Grotius drew upon in developing his natural rights system. While both the medieval just war tradition and Grotius's immediate political context deserve scholarly attention and constitute important influences on Grotius's natural law tenets, it is a Roman tradition of subjective legal remedies and of just war which lays claim (...)
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  21.  92
    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  22.  88
    Vitoria, Cajetan, and the Conciliarists.Katherine Elliot van Liere - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):597.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Vitoria, Cajetan, and the ConciliaristsKatherine Elliot van LiereFrancisco de Vitoria, professor of theology at the University of Salamanca from 1526 until his death in 1546, is widely recognized as the leader of the sixteenth-century scholastic revival and one of the foremost Catholic political thinkers of his day. His surviving relectiones (the lectures given in Salamanca at the end of each university term) cover a wide range (...)
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  23.  9
    Natural Liberty and Transference of Sovereignty in William of Ockham.Manuel Méndez Alonzo - 2013 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 20:57.
    The objective of this works in to analyze the conditions of transference of sovereignty and the concept of natural liberty in William of Ockham. Firstly, I briefly explain some antecedents of the conflict of ‘investidures’. Secondly, I will show that Ockham advanced the existence of a set of natural rights hold by the community. This permitted to argue against the Papal interference in the secular sphere, but also to set limits to the emperor himself and grant the individual with (...)
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  24.  12
    Legitimation of political power in medieval thought: acts of the XIX Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l'étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Alcalá, 18th-20th September 2013.Celia López Alcalde, Josep Puig Montada & Pedro Roche Arnas (eds.) - 2018 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    What makes political power legitimate? Without legitimation, subjects will not accept power, and, since religion permeated medieval society, religion became foundational to philosophical legitimations of political power. In 2013, the XIX Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy took place in Alcalá de Henares, one of the medieval centers of political debate within and between Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities. The members of these communities all shared the common belief that God constitutes (...)
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  25.  83
    Creating Justice in an Emerging World The Natural Law Basis of Francisco de Vitoria’s Political and International Thought.Luis Valenzuela Vermehren - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):39-64.
    This article outlines Francisco de Vitoria’s conception of natural law and natural right in an effort to amend a number of interpretations in the academic literature on his political and international thought that misapprehend Vitoria’s iusnaturalism. In this view, his use of the Thomist doctrine of natural law and justice lays the founda­tion for his works on politics, society and international relations since the doctrine itself espouses equality and justice both within the domestic realm and between (...)
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  26. Religion, Populism, and Patriarchy: Political Authority from Luther to Pufendorf:Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority Martin Luther, John Calvin, Harro Hopfl; The Radical Reformation Michael G. Baylor; Political Writings Francisco de Vitoria, Anthony Pagden, Jeremy Lawrance; Patriarcha and Other Writings Robert Filmer, Johann P. Sommerville; On the Duty of Man and Citizen According to Natural Law Samuel Pufendorf, James Tully, Michael Silverthorne.Michael Seidler - 1993 - Ethics 103 (3):551-.
  27. Marsilio de Padua y las teorías emergentes de gobierno.Mario Di Giacomo - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (40).
    Este trabajo explora la concepción de Marsilio de Padua sobre el poder dentro de una teoría ascendente de gobierno. Siguiendo la línea de la crítica medieval a la plenitudopotestatis , él propone, desde una orientación populista de su doctrina, una organización sociopolítica cuyo fundamento es la voluntas populi y la ley que de allí emana. Es así como en su obra El defensor de la paz puede encontrarse una sorprendente visión republicana de la política, donde la esfera religiosa queda absorbida (...)
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  28. Heresy and toleration in the early fourteenth century : Marsilius of Padua and William of Ockham reconsidered.Takashi Shogimen - 2023 - In Chris Jones & Takashi Shogimen, Rethinking medieval and Renaissance political thought: historiographical problems, fresh interpretations, new debates. New York, NY: Routledge.
  29.  26
    Mobilizing the Western tradition for present politics: Carl Schmitt’s polemical uses of Roman law, 1923–1945.Ville Suuronen - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (5):748-772.
    ABSTRACT This article offers a new reading of Carl Schmitt and his Nazi engagement by chronologically examining the changing uses of Roman law in his Weimar and Nazi thought. I argue that Schmitt’s different ways of narrating the modern reception of Roman law disclose, first, the Nazification of his thought in the spring of 1933, and second, the partial and apologetic de-Nazification of his thinking in the 1940s. While Schmitt’s Weimar-era works are defined by a positive use of (...)
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  30.  24
    Francisco de Vitoria’s Moral Cosmopolitanism and Contemporary Catholic Social Teaching.Grégoire Catta - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):63-78.
    Francisco de Vitoria offers a stimulating vision of moral cosmopolitanism that foreshadows the cosmopolitanism implicit in contemporary Catholic social teaching. After drawing a distinction between moral cosmopolitanism and political cosmopolitanism, this essay retrieves Vitoria’s cosmopolitan vision in his efforts to defend “the rights of the Indians” through concepts such as subjective rights, ius gentium, the right to travel, and the inherent human dignity of all people. Nonetheless, he opposes all claims of universal sovereignty. Vitoria thus (...)
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  31.  20
    Analysis and Evolution of Environmental Law in Ecuador with the Constitution of 2008 and its Relation to Political Marketing in the Good Way of Living.Carlos Alcívar Trejo, José J. Albert Márquez, Ambar Murillo Mena & Francisco Marcelo Alvarado Porras - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):105-112.
    This article is a review and reflection of the new elements of rights and laws, applied to the principle of justice and sovereignty, but above all in the demonstration that law as a science once again allows us to conceive that as a science it evolves and must be modified according to the new conducts that the State and society require, such is the case of the constitutional recognition that this type of rights have. In the last decades, human beings (...)
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  32.  63
    The efficient and final causes of the spiritual power in the D. Friar Álvaro Pais' sigth.José Antônio De C. R. De Souza - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:279-311.
    In this study, based in the main political works of D. Fr. Alvarus Pelagius O. Min. (c. 1270- c.1350) we analyze his conception on the origin or efficient cause of the spiritual power and, also, his thought about the finality or final cause of the mentioned power. Referring to the first topic, the Bishop of Silves wants principally refutes some Marsilius of Padua’s thesis contained in the Second Dictio of his Defensor Pacis, completely different of the theology of (...)
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  33.  15
    Las paradojas de la Ley en Marsilio de Padua: formalismo y/o naturalismo jurídico en el Defensor Pacis / The Paradoxes of Law in Marsilio of Padua: Formalism and/or Legal Naturalism in Defensor Pacis.Francisco Bertelloni - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:55.
    The Defensor pacis offers the possibility of solving the contradiction between formal law and material law. Marsilius of Padua proposes a reconciliation between harmonisation of law as formal positive rule and law as a material norm. If that antinomy admits conciliation, the Defensor pacis can be said to reconcile successfully two heterogeneous grounds of law, which in this case contradict each other only in appearance.
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    Catholic and Reformed Traditions in International Law: A Comparison Between the Suarezian and the Grotian Concept of Ius Gentium.Vauthier Borges de Macedo & Paulo Emílio - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book compares the respective concepts of the law of nations put forward by the Spanish theologian Francisco Suárez and by the Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius. This comparison is based on the fact that both thinkers developed quite similar notions and were the first to depart from the Roman conception, which persisted throughout the entire Middle Ages and the early Renaissance. In Rome, jus gentium was a law that applied to foreigners within the Empire, and one which was (...)
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  35.  40
    William of Ockham: 'A Letter to the Friars Minor' and Other Writings.John Kilcullen - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    More than any other single thinker, William of Ockham (c.1285-1347) is responsible for the widely held modern assumption that religious and secular-political institutions should operate independently of one another. His point of departure was a tragic collision between two specifically Christian ideals: that of St. Francis and that of a society guided by the single supreme authority of the Pope. This volume begins with his personal account of his engagement in that conflict and continues with essential passages from (...)
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    “O estremecer de uma súbita esperança”: os camponeses da Cotinguiba e a negociação pela terra no tempo de Dom Luciano Duarte.Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1480-1503.
    The late 60s of the twentieth century, in Sergipe, was marked by the outbreak of a series of conflicts over land tenure and lack of work. In a period in which social movements were seen as subversive demonstrations, the struggle of the peasants of the region Cotinguiba was treated as a police matter, through repression and arrest of leaders. This article seeks to analyze the process of negotiation between the peasants of Sergipe Cotinguiba and the political and agrarian elites (...)
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  37. Valencior pars in the Defensor Pacis of Marsilius of Padua.Sérgio Ricardo Strefling - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1):225-244.
    Marsílio de Pádua (1280-1343) foi um pensador da Idade Média que escreveu duas obras de filosofia política que influenciaram a modernidade. Este estudo analisa o termo valencior pars, da obra Defensor Pacis. Marsílio parece definir essa parte preponderante como sendo a representação do conjunto dos cidadãos que não tem uma natureza débil. Isso sugere que a valencior pars é tanto qualitativamente superior quanto uma maioria numérica dos cidadãos. O apelo a uma mistura de considerações quantitativas e qualitativas era familiar no (...)
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    Marsilio de Padua y Maquiavelo: una lectura comparada.Bernardo Bayona Aznar - 2007 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 7:11-34.
    Marsilius of Padua’s thinking represents an unprecedented attempt to base power on rational grounds. Two centuries earlier than Machiavelli, Marsilius had developed a political theory that was very different from traditional medieval thought and had offered for the first time an autonomous explanation of power, without referring to a higher order or law to justify its existence. These two Italian writers were passionate about politics and, touched by the political instability in their motherland, sought to maintain (...)
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    Controversy over the Power Between the Papacy and the Empire in the light of Marsilius’ of Padua Defensor pacis.Anna Białas - 2010 - Peitho 1 (1):145-159.
    The most famous medieval controversy over the power and the temporal dominion took place between the papacy and the empire. One of the greatest advocates of the imperial domination was Marsilius of Padua, the author of an original work that demonstrated the advantage of acknowledging the emperor’s superiority over the Pope’s. The Defensor pacis, written between 1319 and 1324, was devoted to the dispute on such sovereignty issues as proving that the Pope should be subordinate to the Emperor, (...)
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    El pensamiento de Francisco de Vitoria: filosofía política e indio americano.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 1992 - Iztapalapa, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa.
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    William of Ockham, Dialogus: Part 3, Tract 2.Semih Heinen & Karl Ubl (eds.) - 2019 - Oup/British Academy.
    The book provides the first critical edition of the Dialogus written in Latin by William of Ockham in the 14th century. The dialogue is Ockham's chief work on political philosophy which engages with questions of property rights, natural law, and the theory of nation-states.
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    Dominium, poder civil y su problemática en el Nuevo Mundo según Francisco de Vitoria / Dominium, Civil Power and its Problems in the New World, According to Francisco de Vitoria.Manuel Méndez Alonzo - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:165.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the philosophical problems that derived of the Spanish conquest of America in the perspective of the Spanish Dominican Francisco de Vitoria. Specifically this paper will try to prove that Vitoria considered the Indian commonwealths in the New World, or least some of them, as genuine political entities with the same rights to exercise dominium of their lands and goods as their Europeans counterparts. To justify this, it (...)
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    The perfect law of freedom.Frank van Dun - unknown
    ‘The one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres, and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, such a one shall be blessed in what he does’ (James 1:25). Freedom, in one sense of the word or another, is a central theme of the bible, the Old Testament as well as the New. During the Middle Ages, Christian theologians developed this theme into a doctrine of the natural right of freedom of the individual (...)
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    Popular Autonomy and Imperial Power in Bartolus of Saxoferrato: An Intrinsic Connection.Floriano Jonas Cesar - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):369-381.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Popular Autonomy and Imperial Power in Bartolus of Saxoferrato:An Intrinsic ConnectionFloriano Jonas CesarI. IntroductionBartolus of Saxoferrato is well known because of his ideas on the autonomy of the populus or civitas.1 He asserts that the populus can claim autonomous jurisdiction as a result not only of imperial concession but also of prescription, custom, or even eventual use on the ground of a de facto situation. Thus, the (...)
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  45.  25
    Law, Power, and the Sovereign State: The Evolution and Application of the Concept of Sovereignty.Michael Ross Fowler & Julie Marie Bunck - 1995 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet bloc, it is timely to ask what continuing role, if any, the concept of sovereignty can and should play in the emerging "new world order." The aim of _Law, Power, and the Sovereign State_ is both to counter the argument that the end of the sovereign state is close at hand and to bring scholarship on sovereignty into the post-Cold War era. The study assesses sovereignty as status and as power and (...)
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    Revisitando I Dialogus V, capítulos 14-22 / Revisiting Dialogus V, Chapters 14-22.José Antônio de C. R. De Souza - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:31.
    This paper, which gives continuity to another article, analyzes the content of I Dialogus V, 14-22 and, in an appendix, presents our Portuguese translation of this excerpt. In these chapters, the Inceptor Venerabilis discusses whether St. Peter and the Roman Church possess primacy over all other apostles and churches; andwhether this primacy is granted by God himself. Ockham first presents, not ad litteram, the opinion of those who refute the thesis that Christ did not give primacy to Peter and (...)
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    O teo-politico na dominação colonial (Theo-politics of colonial domination) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2009v7n15p32.Eduardo Gusmão de Quadros - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (15):32-52.
    Este artigo pretende fundamentar o conceito teo-político na análise do regime colonial estabelecido na conquista da América. Estudando a construção do Padroado na península Ibérica, buscamos identificar como a crença, o poder, a doutrina eclesiástica e o direito civil estão articulados, tanto na Europa quanto no Novo Mundo. Com esse roteiro básico, chegamos ao estudo do Regalismo desenvolvido pelos pensadores ligados ao Estado. Demonstramos ainda que as idéias dos teólogos que pensaram a relação igreja e Estado no século XVIII não (...)
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    Forme della laicità fra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna: Marsilio da Padova e Paolo Sarpi.Gregorio Piaia - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (3):1721-1738.
    The article draws attention to two particularly significant examples of the problematic relationship between religious authority and secular power, which has characterized the history of the West: Marsilius of Padua and Paolo Sarpi. Both are supporters of the secular state and it is not excluded that the Sarpi was aware of the doctrines contained in the Defensor pacis. In any case, Marsilius’ position is much more radical than that sustained by the Republic of Venice in the dispute of (...)
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  49. Law, natural law, and the foundation of morality in Francisco de Vitoria and Francisco Suarez.Anselm Spindler - 2016 - In Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher & Anselm Spindler, The concept of law (lex) in the moral and political thought of the 'School of Salamanca' / edited by Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher, and Anselm Spindler. Boston: Brill.
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    Conflict as a Vocation.William Rasch - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (6):1-32.
    Carl Schmitt's critique of liberal pluralism (of individuals and associations) was conducted in the name of a different pluralism, a truer pluralism, according to him, namely, the pluralism of equal and sovereign nation-states. His friend/enemy distinction dictates that conflict is the only legitimate model for politics, at least on the international level. By translating Schmitt's theory of politics as conflict into terms derived from the work of Lyotard and Luhmann, this article asks whether Schmitt's concept of the political has (...)
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