Results for 'raptus'

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  1.  18
    Le raptus saisi par le droit. Enseigner un crime dans les écoles de rhétorique à Rome (ier-iie siècle).Néphélé Papakonstantinou - 2020 - Clio 52:21-41.
    La criminalisation des violences sexuelles faites aux femmes est le résultat d’une longue évolution dans le monde romain : si la pénalisation des rapports sexuels illicites s’opère à partir du ier siècle av. notre ère à la suite de la promulgation de la loi Iulia de adulteriis, un édit de Constantin datant probablement de 326 réprime pour la première fois le raptus comme crime distinct. Le principal écueil que pose cette évolution législative est d’ordre sémantique, la notion de viol (...)
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  2.  41
    Raptus in the Chaumpaigne Release and a Newly Discovered Document Concerning the Life of Geoffrey Chaucer.Christopher Cannon - 1993 - Speculum 68 (1):74-94.
    On May 4, 1380, Cecily Chaumpaigne brought a deed of release into the Chancery of Richard II and had it enrolled on the close rolls . In this deed Chaumpaigne released the poet Geoffrey Chaucer from “all manner of actions such as they relate to my rape or any other thing or cause” . The deed had been witnessed three days earlier by several prominent members of the court of Richard II.
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    “Per modum quietis”: Mary’s Knowledge between "raptus” and “ecstasis” in 'Sermo VI de Assumptione Beatae Virgini Mariae' attributed to Bonaventura.Elisa Chiti - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (2):25-43.
    An analysis of the boundary between “raptus”, “ecstasis” and “excessus mentis” allows us to draw a line that unites theology and speculative mysticism, with interesting results. The mystical state described with regard to the co-redemptrix Virgin in sermo VI de assumptione beatae Virginis Mariae constitutes a good starting point. I will analyze the fundamental characteristics of the peculiar charism of the Virgin Mary “in via”, which overcomes the knowledge of the prophets and makes it deiform, perfectly coinciding in knowledge (...)
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  4.  28
    Some Remarks on Eco’s Confession and His Mystical Raptus.Carola Barbero - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 76:129-146.
    What happens when we read a text like The Name of the Rose? How may we understand what is fictional and what is true in it? By working on Eco’s Confessions of a Young Novelist, we will try to investigate the phenomenology of reading together with immersivity and our emotional involvement with fiction.
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  5. Rape and rapture : violence, ambiguity, and raptus in medieval thought.Elizabeth Casteen - 2019 - In David J. Collins (ed.), The sacred and the sinister: studies in medieval religion and magic. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Fisi vs. Journeys into St. Patrick's Purgatory. Irish Psychanodias and Somanodias.Corin Braga - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (36):180-227.
    Early medieval Irish literature presents several types of voyages into the afterworld: echtrai (various adventures into Mag Mell), immrama (sea travels to the enchanted islands of the Ocean), fisi (ecstatic revelations of Christian eschatology), journeys into Saint Patrick’s Purgatory. In this paper, we seek to contrast the fisi and the descents into the cave of Saint Patrick. From a morphological point of view, both have a great deal of topoï in common, which describe the structure of the Christian other world: (...)
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  7.  11
    Gabriel Biel und die Mystik.Detlef Metz - 2001 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Das Wirken Gabriel Biels, eines der bedeutendsten Theologen des Spatmittelalters, ist nicht nur durch scharfsinniges, vor allem an Ockham, aber auch an Scotus orientiertes theologisches Nachdenken gekennzeichnet. Es ist ebenso gepragt durch die Devotio moderna. Aus dieser Quelle speist sich sein unermuedlicher Einsatz fuer eine Kirchenreform wie auch seine tiefe Frommigkeit. Trotz Kenntnis der Bedeutung dieser Linie fuer Biels Frommigkeitspraxis blieb sein Verhaltnis zur Mystik bisher unerforscht. Das vorliegende Buch fuellt diese Luecke. Es sammelt aus Biels Hauptwerken, dem Collectorium und (...)
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  8.  29
    La contemplazione, principale caratteristica dell’Evangelista Giovanni secondo Alberto Magno.Graziano Perillo - 2015 - Quaestio 15:477-486.
    In the Prologue to the Commentary on St. John, Albert the Great uses the image of an eagle to describe the main feature of the Evangelist, that’s the contemplation. As an eagle John flew into the sky of Trinity going beyond creatural limitation and living a experience, that can be interpreted like a raptus. For better understanding the contemplation of John, some texts are very important: De resurrectione; Quaestio de visione dei in patria; Quaestio de raptu, in which the (...)
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  9.  25
    …duplici modo Daemon homini carnaliter copulatur : Ludovico Maria Sinistrari's Alternative to Apostasy and Sorcery in Human- Incubus Intercourse.Bert Roest - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):191-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:…duplici modo Daemon homini carnaliter copulatur:Ludovico Maria Sinistrari's Alternative to Apostasy and Sorcery in Human-Incubus IntercourseBert RoestLodovico Maria Sinistrari d'Ameno (1632-1701), who joined the Riformati branch in 1647 in the Pavian Provincia di S. Diego, is one of the many productive seventeenth-century Franciscan authors whose works are not habitually discussed within the world of Franciscan scholarship. According to the existing bibliographical guides, Sinistrari authored under his own name and (...)
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