Results for 'purposiveness'

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  1.  56
    Enactivism and the Hegelian Stance on Intrinsic Purposiveness.Andrea Gambarotto & Matteo Mossio - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):155-177.
    We characterize Hegel’s stance on biological purposiveness as consisting in a twofold move, which conceives organisms as intrinsically purposive natural systems and focuses on their behavioral and cognitive abilities. We submit that a Hegelian stance is at play in enactivism, the branch of the contemporary theory of biological autonomy devoted to the study of cognition and the mind. What is at stake in the Hegelian stance is the elaboration of a naturalized, although non-reductive, understanding of natural purposiveness.
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    Power Made Perfect in Weakness: Aquinas's Transformation of the Virtue of Courage.I. Christian Purposes—Christian Content - 2003 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 11:147-180.
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    Maughn Rollins Gregory (USA).Dialogue Type Purpose Standard - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber (eds.), Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 337.
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  4. An antinomy of political judgment: Kant, Arendt, and the role of purposiveness in reflective judgment.Avery Goldman - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (3):331-352.
    This article builds on Arendt’s development of a Kantian politics from out of the conception of reflective judgment in the Critique of Judgment. Arendt looks to Kant’s analysis of the beautiful to explain how political thought can be conceived. And yet Arendt describes such Kantian reflection as an empirical undertaking that justifies itself only in relation to the abstract principle of the moral law. The problem for such an account is that the autonomy of the moral law appears to be (...)
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    Schopenhauer and the Two Orders of Purposiveness in the World.William Mattioli - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12:e13.
    In this paper, I intend to argue that the emergence of the material conditions for the suppression and denial of the will in the human organism is not something like an “accident on the way” of will's manifestation in the world. It is rather, as it were, an intentional result of the whole process of objectivation of the will, a result that emerges from a teleological order. This teleological order is primary and more fundamental than the teleological order of nature (...)
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  6. The Pleasures of Contra‐purposiveness: Kant, the Sublime, and Being Human.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (1):25-35.
    Serious doubts have been raised about the coherence of theories of the sublime and the usefulness of the concept. By contrast, the sublime is increasingly studied as a key function in Kant's moral psychology and in his ethics. This article combines methodological conservatism, approaching the topic from within Kant's discussion of aesthetic judgment, with reconstruction of a conception of human agency that is tenable on Kantian grounds. I argue that a coherent theory of the sublime is possible and useful, and (...)
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    Form of Purposiveness.Bjørn Myskja - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 425-433.
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  8. Spinoza on Human Purposiveness and Mental Causation.Justin Steinberg - 2011 - Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 14 (1):51-70.
    Despite Spinoza’s reputation as a thoroughgoing critic of teleology, in recent years a number of scholars have argued convincingly that Spinoza does not wish to eliminate teleological explanations altogether. Recent interpretative debates have focused on a more recalcitrant problem: whether Spinoza has the resources to allow for the causal efficacy of representational content. In this paper I present the problem of mental causation for Spinoza and consider two recent attempts to respond to the problem on Spinoza’s behalf. While these interpretations (...)
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    Ravaisson After Schelling: Purposiveness Without Purpose in Genius and Habit.Mark Sinclair - 2023 - In Kirill Chepurin, Adi Efal-Lautenschläger, Daniel Whistler & Ayşe Yuva (eds.), Hegel and Schelling in Early Nineteenth-Century France: Volume 2 - Studies. Cham: Springer. pp. 43-58.
    This study investigates Félix RavaissonRavaisson-Mollien, Félix’s ambiguous relation to F. W. J. Schelling by homing in on the specific relation that holds between habit as a means of demonstrating an underlying identity of mind and world in RavaissonRavaisson-Mollien, Félix’s De l’habitude and Schelling’s use of aesthetic intuitionIntuition as a philosophical method in his 1800 System of Transcendental IdealismIdealism (also German Idealism). I argue that what Schelling found in fine art—the work of genius—RavaissonRavaisson-Mollien, Félix finds in habit, and from this conclude (...)
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    Art, Nature and Purposiveness in Kant's Aesthetic Theory.Theodore Gracyk - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 2:499-507.
  11. Kant's non -teleological conception of purposiveness.Thomas Teufel - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (2):232-252.
    In this paper I argue, first, that Kant's technical definition of purposiveness in § 10 of the third Critique is designed to abstract from all forward-looking considerations (teleological, intentional, normative, etc.) that accompany the conventional understanding of the term. Kant seeks to establish a strictly backward-looking, etiological conception of purposiveness in order to capture the causal link connecting artifacts with their concepts. I argue, second, that he succeeds. Kant's etiological conception of purposiveness neither collapses into mere mechanism, (...)
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  12. Reflective Judgment and the Application of Logic to Nature: Kant's Deduction of the Principle of Purposiveness as an Answer to Hume.Henry E. Allison - 2003 - In Hans-Johann Glock (ed.), Strawson and Kant. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Spirit’s Body: Kant’s Inner Purposiveness in Hegel’s Aesthetics.Ognian Kassabov - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):52-57.
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    An Old Approach to a New Riddle – Kantian Purposiveness and Goodman’s Projectibility.Linda C. Palmer - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 185-196.
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    Kant’s Conception of Internal Purposiveness Revisited: An Examination of a ‘Latent’ Antinomy of Teleological Power of Judgment.Masatoshi Shimono - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 223-232.
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    Regulative and reflective uses of purposiveness in Kant.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (S1):49-63.
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    How Beauty Disrupts Space, Time and Thought: Purposiveness Without a Purpose in Kant's Critique of Judgment.Stuart Dalton - 2015 - E-Logos 22 (1):5-14.
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  18. Organisational teleology 2.0: Grounding biological purposiveness in regulatory control.Leonardo Bich - 2024 - Ratio (4):327-340.
    This paper critically revises the organisational account of teleology, which argues that living systems are first and foremost oriented towards a goal: maintaining their own conditions of existence. It points out some limitations of this account, mainly in the capability to account for the richness and complexity of biological systems and their purposeful behaviours. It identifies the reason of these limitations in the theoretical grounding of this account, specifically in the too narrow notion of closure of constraints, focused on self-production. (...)
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  19. Kant on Aesthetic and Biological Purposiveness.Hannah Ginsborg - 1997 - In Andrew Reath, Barbara Herman & Christine Korsgaard (eds.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 329-360.
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    The Architectonic of Reason: Purposiveness and Systematic Unity in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, by Lea Ypi. [REVIEW]Dai Heide - 2025 - Mind 134 (533):208-215.
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790), Kant tells us that.
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  21. Kant’s Transcendental Principle of Purposiveness and the ’Maxim of the Lawfulness of Empirical Laws’.Thomas Teufel - 2016 - In Michaela Massimi & Angela Breitenbach (eds.). Cambridge University Press.
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    Kant’s Notion of Intrinsic Purposiveness in the Critique of Judgment.John Zammito - 2009 - Kant Yearbook 1 (1):223-248.
  23.  12
    Chapter Five: Disjunctivity and the Form of Purposiveness.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 215-254.
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  24. The Excremental Challenge to Hegel’s Organic Systematicity: The Superfluity, Individuality and Purposiveness of Science.Jeffrey Reid - manuscript
    The organic trope is a popular way of accepting the systematicity of Hegelian science. It allows for diversity and difference within the living whole, where each organ contributes to the life of the holistic "one", which, in turn, ensures the vitality of each organ. For example, in the Philosophy of Right, the organic state maintains itself in relation to the various institutions and corporations that constitute its organs. However, one element of the organic trope remains largely ignored: excretion. Briefly, if (...)
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  25. Philosophizing with children as a playful activity: Purposiveness without purpose.Stylianos Gadris - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (9):68 - 83.
    While trying to preserve the autonomy of their playful activity consisting in a game of ‘questioning and answering’, the Gymnosophists defy Alexander the Great and, more importantly, go against their own chances of survival (since giving a wrong answer to the king’s question amounts to losing their life). Thankfully, we do not need to face such dilemmas when philosophising with children. Nevertheless, the Gymnosophists’ example helps construct a notion of philosophy for/with children as an autonomous playful activity that albeit (implicitly) (...)
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    Kant’s Path from Systematicity to Purposiveness.Thomas Moore - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 891-902.
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    Kant and McDowell on the Purposiveness of Nature.Ted Kinnaman - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 771-780.
    In this paper I will be making a connection between Kant’s Critique of Judgment and John McDowell’s Mind and World. This connection is an apt one because McDowell’s work is concerned with the same issue that is at the center of the third Critique, namely the question of a “fit” between our concepts and the world of our experience. In the first section of the paper, I situate McDowell’s view in relation to Kant. Their key point of difference, I think, (...)
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  28. The Purpose of Life and the Meaning in Life: History of Philosophy and Limits of Rational Reconstruction.Elvira Chukhray - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):143-152.
    The article analyses whether it is correct to extrapolate the concept of "meaning in life" developed by Thaddeus Metz to the doctrines of ancient philosophers, including Thomas Aquinas. Is Metz’ concept of "purposes" that make "human life" meaningful analogous to Aquinas’ concept of "ultimate goal of man"? Significant points of Metz’ conception of "meaning in life" in our article are described and compared with Aquinas’ conception of "ultimate goal of man." As it turns out, these conceptions are only superficially similar. (...)
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    Systematicity, Purposiveness, Necessity: from the transcendental deduction of the ideas to the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature.Lorenzo Sala - 2021 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 14 (2):41-53.
    In this paper I argue for a strong continuity between the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature and the transcendental deduction of the ideas from the first critique. On these grounds, I provide an interpretation of the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature in which I argue that: 1) the necessity of the principle of purposiveness of nature does not derive from its role in solving some specific philosophical problem but from (...)
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    The Corporate Purpose of Spanish Listed Companies: Neurocommunication Research Applied to Organizational Intangibles.Luis Mañas-Viniegra, Igor-Alejandro González-Villa & Carmen Llorente-Barroso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:574571.
    Purpose driven companies have developed their corporate culture with a commitment to stakeholders, Sustainable Development Goals, and social responsibility, prioritizing the management of organizational intangibles over capital. The overall objective of this research is to gain knowledge regarding the attention and emotional intensity registered by young Spanish university students when visualizing corporate purpose versus corporate visual identity, as well as the image of the Chairman of the main Spanish companies quoted on the IBEX 35. The techniques of eye tracking and (...)
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  31. The Purpose in Chronic Addiction.Hanna Pickard - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (2):40-49.
    I argue that addiction is not a chronic, relapsing, neurobiological disease characterized by compulsive use of drugs or alcohol. Large-scale national survey data demonstrate that rates of substance dependence peak in adolescence and early adulthood and then decline steeply; addicts tend to “mature out” in their late twenties or early thirties. The exceptions are addicts who suffer from additional psychiatric disorders. I hypothesize that this difference in patterns of use and relapse between the general and psychiatric populations can be explained (...)
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    Organizational purpose concept clarity: An exploration of employees' perspectives.Gabriel A. Kilson & Patrícia Tavares - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (4):601-625.
    Employees play a critical role in materializing the company's purpose as they are the ones responsible for planning and executing all the organizational activities. Considering their vital role, we explored how employees, currently working full‐time from home, perceive their participation in the company's purpose. To do so, we performed online interviews with 23 employees from 14 companies. In addition to employees' perspectives, we collected textual data from the companies' websites where these employees were working, allowing us to compare both perspectives (...)
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    Purpose and Cognition: Edward Tolman and the Transformation of American Psychology.David W. Carroll - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book discusses the development of Edward Tolman's purposive behaviourism from the 1920s to the 1950s, highlighting the tension between his references to cognitive processes and the dominant behaviourist trends. It shows how Tolman incorporated concepts from European scholars, including Egon Brunswik and the Gestalt psychologists, to justify a more purposive form of behaviourism and how the theory evolved in response to the criticisms of his contemporaries. The manuscript also discusses Tolman's political activities, culminating in his role in the California (...)
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  34.  13
    The Purpose of Counselling and Psychotherapy.Michael Bennett - 2004 - Palgrave.
    Why do counsellors and psychotherapists practice? What is the purpose? What real benefit does the client gain and what benefit accrues to society as a whole? Do liberal and postmodern values leave counselling and psycho-therapy vulnerable to being devalued by consumerism, individualism and relativism? This unique text subjects counselling and psychotherapy to a proper and thorough moral and ethical analysis. Using radical new theories, the author opens up the field of counselling to rational debate, giving it a thorough analysis that (...)
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    The purpose of Hegel's system.Frithjof Bergmann - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):189-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Purpose of Hegel's System FRITHJOF H. BERGMANN THIS ESSAYIS MEANTtO answer the question: what was Hegel really trying to do; what was the program that his system attempted to execute; what was the general enterprise that his philosophy sought to perform? Two things are clear: (1) Hegel insisted that philosophy had to be systematic. He ridiculed philosophers who made disconnected assertions and accused them of "shallowness" and of (...)
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  36. Understanding purpose: Kant and the philosophy of biology.Philippe Huneman (ed.) - 2007 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    A collection of essays investigating key historical and scientific questions relating to the concept of natural purpose in Kant's philosophy of biology.
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    Purpose, Argument Fields, and Theoretical Justification.Robert C. Rowland - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (2):235-250.
    Twenty-five years ago, field theory was among the most contested issues in argumentation studies. Today, the situation is very different. In fact, field theory has almost disappeared from disciplinary debates, a development which might suggest that the concept is not a useful aspect of argumentation theory. In contrast, I argue that while field studies are rarely useful, field theory provides an essential underpinning to any close analysis of an argumentative controversy. I then argue that the conflicting approaches to argument fields (...)
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    Purposes and methods.Jonathan Baron - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):403-403.
    The methods of experiments in the social sciences should depend on their purposes. To support this claim, I attempt to state some general principles relating method to purpose for three of the issues addressed. (I do not understand what is not a script, so I will omit that issue.) I illustrate my outline with examples from psychological research on judgment and decision making (JDM).
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    Purpose and Providence: An Outline for Christian Practical Wisdom in Health Care.Lauris Christopher Kaldjian - 2019 - Christian Bioethics 25 (2):169-191.
    Decision-making in health care is often challenging and therefore requires practical wisdom. The domains of such wisdom involve goals, perception, ethics, deliberation, and motivation. For Christian patients, there is a need for practical wisdom founded on Christian commitments that shape and guide these domains according to a Christian understanding of life, health, technology, illness, suffering, and death. In this essay, I outline a Christian approach to practical wisdom in health care by infusing Christian beliefs and values into a general framework (...)
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    Cosmic Purpose.J. W. Harvey - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (23):295 - 306.
    The phrase “Cosmic Purpose” and others akin to it are familiar enough, particularly in the literature of edification. It is the aim of this article to examine the idea the words convey rather more closely than we do in our common use of them; to deflate the expression, so to speak, of those gaseous suggestions of “uplift” which too often hang about it. The question involved is, of course, in what sense, if in any, purpose may be attributed to the (...)
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  41.  56
    The Purposeful Information. On the Difference between Natural and Artificial Life.Andrzej Gecow - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (11-12):191-206.
    The spontaneity of natural life is the only property which differs this type of life from artificial life. However, it may be the main basis to understand life. Artificial life is constructed by living beings; it is a part of the natural life process, and its properties are not an effect of its own restrictions but of external assumptions. Therefore the investigation of artificial life is not a safe way of searching for basic properties of natural life. The purposefulness appears (...)
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  42.  72
    Biological Purposiveness and Analogical Reflection.Angela Breitenbach - 2014 - In Eric Watkins & Ina Goy (eds.), Kant's Theory of Biology. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 131-148.
  43. Civic Purpose in Late Adolescence: Factors that Prevent Decline in Civic Engagement After High School.Heather Malin, Hyemin Han & Indrawati Liauw - 2017 - Developmental Psychology 53 (7):1384-1397.
    This study investigated the effects of internal and demographic variables on civic development in late adolescence using the construct civic purpose. We conducted surveys on civic engagement with 480 high school seniors, and surveyed them again two years later. Using multivariate regression and linear mixed models, we tested the main effects of civic purpose dimensions (beyond-the-self motivation, future civic intention), ethnicity, and education on civic development from Time 1 to Time 2. Results showed that while there is an overall decrease (...)
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  44.  17
    Cosmic Purpose: An African Perspective.Aribiah David Attoe - 2022 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 11 (4):87-102.
    In much of the literature concerning African theories of meaning, there are certain clues regarding what constitutes meaningfulness from an African traditional perspective. These are theories of meaning in life such as the African God’s purpose theory, which locates meaning in the obedience of divine law and/or the pursuit of one’s destiny; the vital force theory, which locates meaning in the continuous augmentation of one’s vital force through the expression and receipt of goodwill, rituals and the worship of God; and (...)
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    The Purpose of Awarding Restitutionary Damages: A Reply to Professor Weinrib.James Gordley - 2000 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (1).
    Professor Ernest Weinrib has argued that restitutionary damages must be understood, not as a deterrent to wrongful conduct, but as a requirement of commutative Justice. Professor Gordley agrees, but claims that a purposive understanding of commutative Justice can shed more light on restitutionary damages than the formal understanding of Professor Weinrib. A purposive understanding enables us to distinguish appropriation of a right from mere inteference, to distinguish true restitutionary damages from damages in lieu of a forced sale or hold-up; and (...)
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    Metaphilosophy The Meaning and Purpose of Life.Ulrich de Balbian - 2024
    Philosophizing, aims, methods, purposes. Meta-philosophy. Explorations of life death, religious beliefs, god, Unitarian god , life, death, aging, impermanence, change.
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    Rigorous Purposes of Analysis in Greek Geometry.Viktor Blåsjö - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:55-80.
    Analyses in Greek geometry are traditionally seen as heuristic devices. However, many occurrences of analysis in formal treatises are difficult to justify in such terms. I show that Greek analysies of geometrics can also serve formal mathematical purposes, which are arguably incomplete without which their associated syntheses are arguably incomplete. Firstly, when the solution of a problem is preceded by an analysis, the analysis latter proves rigorously that there are no other solutions to the problem than those offered in the (...)
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    Philosophical purpose and purposive philosophy: an interview with Nicholas Rescher.Nicholas Rescher & Jamie Morgan - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (1):58-77.
    Professor Nicholas Rescher (1928-) is an unusually prolific philosopher who has published more than 175 books between 1960 and 2016.1 When I first came across his work I thought that it might be th...
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  49. Logical purposiveness and the principle of taste.Luigi Caranti - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (3):364-374.
    In both Introductions to the Critique of Judgment Kant seems to identify the a priori principle at the basis of aesthetic judgments with the principle that guides reflective judgment in its cognitive inquiry of nature, i.e. the purposiveness of nature or systematicity. For instance Kant writes.
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  50. The purposes of engineering ethics education.Qin Zhu, Lavinia Marin, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Satya Sundar Sethy - 2025 - In Shannon Chance, Tom Børsen, Diana Adela Martin, Roland Tormey, Thomas Taro Lennerfors & Gunter Bombaerts (eds.), The Routledge international handbook of engineering ethics education. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 27-43.
    Defining the purposes of engineering ethics education (EEE) is paramount for the engineering education community, and understanding the purposes of EEE can be a catalyst for actively involving students in the learning process. This chapter presents a conceptual framework for systematically describing and comparing various approaches to the purposes of EEE. Such a framework is inherently embedded with a tension between a normative approach and a pragmatic approach regarding the purposes of EEE. The normative approach focuses on what the purposes (...)
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