Results for 'psychokinesis'

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  1.  60
    The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science.Stephen E. Braude (ed.) - 1986 - New York: Upa.
    The Limits of Influence is a detailed examination and defense of the evidence for largescale-psychokinesis. It examines the reasons why experimental evidence has not, and perhaps cannot, convince most skeptics that PK is genuine, and it considers why traditional experimental procedures are important to reveal interesting facts about the phenomena.
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    The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy Of Science.Patrick Grim & Stephen E. Braude - 1989 - Noûs 23 (1):126.
    A mixed review of Stephen E. Braude, The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science.
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    ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination.Ronald N. Giere & Stephen E. Braude - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):288.
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    Must the'Magic'of Psychokinesis Hinder Precise Scientific Measurement?Fotini Pallikari - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7):6-7.
    Although evidential reports of paranormal phenomena have been accumulating over the last 50 years, scepticism within the scientific community at large against the very existence of psi has not retreated in proportion. Strong criticism has been voiced and it is worth taking it under serious consideration while attempting to understand psi. This article reviews the micro- psychokinesis phenomenon, aiming to reconcile evidence that favours it with other evidence that seems to refute it. To achieve this challenging task, some seemingly (...)
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  5. The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy Of Science.Stephen E. Braude - 1989 - Noûs 23 (1):126-136.
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  6. Progress and problems in psychokinesis research.Helmut Schmidt - 1992 - In B. Rubik, The Interrelationship Between Mind and Matter. Center for Frontier Sciences Temple University. pp. 39--56.
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    Minding the Matter of Psychokinesis: A Review of Proof- and Process-Oriented Experimental Findings Related to Mental Influence on Random Number Generators. [REVIEW]Bryan J. Williams - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (4).
    Many experiments have been conducted over the past eight decades to explore whether the ostensible psychic ability of psychokinesis (PK, or "mind over matter") might be a genuine human potential, and the most extensive of these have involved attempts to mentally influence the output of electronic, binary-bit random number generators (RNGs). Research of this type can generally be divided into two lines: proof-oriented (concerned with the accumulation and statistical evaluation of data from controlled experiments designed specifically to test for (...)
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    Intentional Observer Effects on Quantum Randomness: A Bayesian Analysis Reveals Evidence Against Micro-Psychokinesis.Markus A. Maier, Moritz C. Dechamps & Markus Pflitsch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Works of William James: Essays in Psychical Research.The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science.Antony Flew - 1988 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (2):353-357.
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    Precognitive telepathy I: On the possibility of distinguishing it experimentally from psychokinesis.Paul E. Meehl - 1978 - Noûs 12 (3):235-266.
  11.  18
    Commentary: Intentional Observer Effects on Quantum Randomness: A Bayesian Analysis Reveals Evidence Against Micro-Psychokinesis.Hartmut Grote - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  12. Anomalous Mind-Matter Interaction, Free Will, and the Nature of Causality.George Williams - 2023 - Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition 3 (1):140-173.
    In this paper, I propose a framework that supports both free will and anomalous mind-matter interaction (psychokinesis). I begin by considering the argument by the physicist Sean Carroll that the laws of physics as we understand them rule out psychokinesis (and other modes of psi). I find Carroll’s claims problematic, in part due to what I believe are misunderstandings of arguments borrowed from David Hume. I proceed to consider a more dispositional notion of causality (in contrast to one (...)
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    Repairing Plato's life boat with ockham's razor: The important function of research in anomalies for consciousness studies.Harald Walach & Stefan Schmidt - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (2):52-70.
    Scientific progress is achieved not only by continuous accumulation of knowledge but also by paradigm shifts. These shifts are often necessitated by anomalous findings that cannot be incorporated in accepted models. Two important methodological principles regulate this process and complement each other: Ockham's Razor as the principle of parsimony and Plato's Life Boat as the principle of the necessity to 'save the appearances' and thus incorporate conflicting phenomenological data into theories. We review empirical data which are in conflict with some (...)
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    Physics and claims for anomalous effects related to consciousness.S. Jeffers - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7):135-152.
    A minority of physicists has endorsed some claims made for anomalous effects related to consciousness. A smaller number have attempted experiments to establish the veracity of such claims. The nature of these claims, in particular those for psychokinesis, is reviewed. Most of the experimental work bearing on these claims conducted by professional scientists has not yielded convincing evidence in their support. What are frequently stated to be the most credible claims are not, in fact, persuasive and furthermore the appeals (...)
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  15. Review of Imants Barusš & Julia Mossbridge, *Transcendent Mind: Rethinking the Science of Consciousness*. [REVIEW]Gregory Nixon - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (7-8):246-250.
    This book arrives with a reputation. Apparently, it is the first book on psi and other anomalous human experiences to be published by the rather traditionalist APA (American Psychological Association). If this is true, this is likely due to the fact that much of the book relies on carefully monitored and repeated experiments to demonstrate the statistical veracity of such things as precognition, remote viewing, clairvoyance, mental telepathy, and even psychokinesis. This is the key to the authors’ claim of (...)
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  16. The Gold Leaf Lady and Other Parapsychological Investigations.Stephen E. Braude - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    For over thirty years, Stephen Braude has studied the paranormal in everyday life, from extrasensory perception and psychokinesis to mediumship and materialization. _The Gold Leaf Lady and Other Parapsychological Investigations_ is a highly readable and often amusing account of his most memorable encounters with such phenomena. Here Braude recounts in fascinating detail five particular cases—some that challenge our most fundamental scientific beliefs and others that expose our own credulousness. Braude begins with a south Florida woman who can make thin (...)
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  17.  33
    Parapsychology, Philosophy, and Spirituality: A Postmodern Exploration.Frank B. Dilley - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines why parapsychology has been held in disdain by scientists, philosophers, and theologians, explores the evidence for ESP, psychokinesis, and life after death, and suggests that these phenomena provide support for a meaningful postmodern spirituality.
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  18. Some Reasons for Not Taking Parapsychology Very Seriously.Ian Hacking - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (3):587-.
    Stephen Braude, a philosopher, believes that scientists, scholars and intellectuals ignore the wide range of evidence for psychic phenomena. They dismiss what is known and refuse to inquire further. He uses strong words such as “intellectual dishonesty and cowardice.” He means me and probably you. He made these allegations in his second book on parapsychology, The Limits of Influence, which is subtitled Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science. It was published in 1986. The editor of Dialogue thought that the (...)
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  19.  24
    The Daniel Experiment: Sitter Group Contributions with Field RNG and MESA Environmental Recordings.Mike Wilson, Bryan J. Williams, Timothy M. Harte & William J. Roll - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 24 (4).
    In an effort to further explore ostensible macroscopic psychokinesis (macro-PK) effects like those previously reported by Batcheldor (1966), Bourgeois (1994), Owen and Sparrow (1976), and Ullman (2001) in a sitter group setting, the first author designed and conducted a series of fifteen experimental sessions in which sitters claiming exceptional abilities attempted to generate a pseudo-spirit named "Daniel," to whom physical phenomena were attributed. To explore possible physical correlates of macro-PK, two approaches to measurement were utilized. In the first, sample (...)
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  20.  55
    The Nature of Mind: Parapsychology and the Role of Consciousness in the Physical World.Douglas M. Stokes - 1997 - McFarland & Co.
    Western science teaches that our beings are governed by the laws of physics and our minds play no part. There are, however, flaws in this thinking, most prominently unexplained paranormal phenomena that defy explanation by modern theories of physics. Collected by a handful of renegade scientists who call themselves parapsychologists, these data include extrasensory perception (ESP), poltergeist occurrences, and psychokinesis. Much of the current data in parapsychology and their implications for understanding the true nature of the self are examined (...)
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  21.  25
    Published in 1992, in Skeptical Inquirer 16 367-376.Susan Blackmore - unknown
    The latest Gallup poll (Gallup and Newport 1991) shows that about a third of Americans believe in telepathy and about a quarter claim to have experienced it themselves. Rather fewer have experienced clairvoyance or psychokinesis (PK), but still the numbers are very high and have not been decreasing over the years. Previous surveys have found similar results and also that the most common reason for belief in the paranormal is personal experience (Palmer 1979; Blackmore 1984).
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  22. Guest column: Terminological reform in parapsychology: A giant step backwards.Stephen Braude - unknown
    Parapsychologists have never been entirely satisfied with their technical vo- cabulary, and occasionally their discontent leads to attempts at terminological reform.1 Recently, a number of prominent parapsychologists, led by Ed May, have regularly abandoned some of parapsychology’s traditional and central categories in favor of some novel alternatives (see, e.g., May, Utts, and Spot- tiswoode, 1995a, 1995b; May, Spottiswood, Utts, and James, 1995). They rec- ommend replacing the term ª ESPº with ª anomalous cognitionº (or AC) and ª psychokinesis (PK)º (...)
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    Jung in the 21st Century Volume Two: Synchronicity and Science.John Ryan Haule - 2010 - Routledge.
    This second volume explores Jung’s understanding of synchronicity and argues that it offers an important contribution to contemporary science. Whilst the scientific world has often ignored Jung’s theories as being too much like mysticism, Haule argues that what the human psyche knows beyond sensory perception is extremely valuable. Divided into two parts, areas of discussion include: shamanism and mastery border zones of exact science meditation, parapsychology and psychokinesis _Jung in the 21 st Century Volume Two: Synchronicity and Science_ will, (...)
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    My Hand Goes out to You.John W. Yolton - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (156):140 - 152.
    ‘When a dog runs, the dog is moving his legs; when a sea urchin runs, the legs are moving the sea urchin.’ Philosophers have come to appreciate the importance of understanding what action is. Their attempts at the clarification of ‘action’ have led them to talk of arms going up, muscles contracting, psychokinesis, bodies moving. They want to distinguish between sea urchins and dogs. Joined with the concept of action there is that of the person. Some are inclined to (...)
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  25.  93
    What might parapsychology contribute to our view of the world?Timothy Sprigge - 2003 - Think 1 (3):55-64.
    Suppose that paranormal phenomena really exist. Telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, and communication with the dead actually take place. In this article, Timothy Sprigge asks to what extent this would impact on our world view. In particular, how would it affect science, philosophy and religion?
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  26. Books and Tapes by Charles T. Tart.Charles Tart - unknown
    An anthology of papers on ESP presented at a special symposium of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, edited by Charles Tart, Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ. Topics cover remote viewing, psychokinesis, physiological correlates of ESP, and Soviet psychic research. An expanded reprint of the original 1979 publication.
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    Super-Psi and the Survivalist Interpretation of Mediumship.Michael Sudduth - 2009 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 23 (2).
    According to the survivalist interpretation of mediumship, the existence of discarnate persons provides the best explanation for the data associated with physical and mental mediumship. Others—advocates of what is often called the “super-psi hypothesis”—maintain that the data of mediumship may be at least equally explained in terms of living agent psi (ESP and psychokinesis). Many defenders of the survivalist interpretation of mediumship attempt to defl ate the alleged explanatory virtues of the super-psi hypothesis by arguing that the hypothesis is (...)
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  28. On some frequent but controversial statements concerning the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations.O. Costa de Beauregard - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (8):871-887.
    Quite often the compatibility of the EPR correlations with the relativity theory has been questioned; it has been stated that “the first in time of two correlated measurements instantaneously collapses the other subsystem”; it has been suggested that a causal asymmetry is built into the Feynman propagator. However, the EPR transition amplitude, as derived from the S matrix, is Lorentz andCPT invariant; the correlation formula is symmetric in the two measurements irrespective of their time ordering, so that the link of (...)
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  29.  78
    Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe by Dean Radin.Bryan J. Williams - 2019 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 33 (1).
    Given the wide range of mythical/occult lore, stage legerdemain, and popular fantasy-based fictional stereotypes that have long been associated with the term magic in human culture, it is quite possible that some academically-minded readers may initially be put off by the title of this book. But these are not the kinds of magic that Dean Radin is talking about. Rather, he is subtly alluding to a certain class of seemingly extraordinary human experiences and abilities for which the exact underlying physical (...)
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    Metarepresentations of Supernatural Belief and the Effect of Context on Cognition.Malcolm Schofield, David Sheffield & Ian Baker - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 36 (2).
    This study aimed to see if context in the form of priming can alter a participants thinking style based on their level of implicit association with either a religious or paranormal belief. This was based on the theory of alief, when a person’s explicit belief and behaviour are mismatched. This was also linked to dual process theory, with alief being analogous to type one thinking styles (fast and automatic). One hundred and seventy-two participants were recruited from the University of Derby (...)
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    Australian Poltergeist: The Stone-Throwing Spook of Humpty Doo and Many Other Cases by Tony Healy and Paul Cropper.Stephen Braude - 2015 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 29 (1).
    No doubt this breezily written and informative volume will fill a gaping lacuna in most JSE readers' knowledge of evidence for psychokinesis generally and poltergeist phenomena in particular. It certainly did for me. Healy and Cropper survey 52 different Australian cases, spanning the years 1845-2002. The first eleven chapters cover the authors' 11 strongest cases in considerable detail. Chapter 12 describes the remaining 41 cases more briefly, and catalogues all 52 cases in chronological order. Chapter 13 purports to wrap (...)
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  32.  27
    Eight Preposterous Propositions: From the Genetics of Homosexuality to the Benefits of Global Warming.Robert Ehrlich - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    Placebo cures. Global warming. Extraterrestrial life. Psychokinesis. In a time when scientific claims can sound as strange as science fiction--and can have a profound effect on individual life or public policy--assessing the merits of a far-out, supposedly scientific idea can be as difficult as it is urgent. Into the breach between helpless gullibility and unyielding skepticism steps physicist Robert Ehrlich, with an indispensable guide to making sense of "scientific" claims. A series of case studies of some of the most (...)
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  33.  32
    The Science of Spirit: Parapsychology, Enlightenment and Evolution by Luis Portela.Robert Ginsberg - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (4).
    When one sees an opening chapter entitled “From Science to Love” it begs for further reading. After all, for most these are incongruent terms that represent two seemingly opposite sides in a debate, logic, and systematic evaluation vs. emotion. There have been many books written about the convergence of science and spirituality, and one cannot help but notice how some of today’s physicists are sounding more like spiritualists than scientists, but Dr. Portola uses this platform as wake up call for (...)
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  34.  36
    Psychology of the unconscious: Mesmer, Janet, Freud, Jung, and current issues.William L. Kelly - 1991 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Despite two centuries of research, the human unconscious remains a vast, virtually uncharted territory in the field of psychology. Further understanding of the unconscious mind is crucial, since it is from this wellspring that the totality of human experience arises in all its complexity and power. Clinical psychology discovers the origins of behavioral disorders by examining historical and medical data, but the precise synthesis of these determinants is only now being discovered. In The Psychology of the Unconscious William L. Kelly (...)
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  35.  15
    Psience Fiction: The Paranormal in Science Fiction Literature by Damien Broderick.Paul Smith - 2019 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 33 (1).
    Psience Fiction: The Paranormal in Science Fiction Literature is a book that really needed to be written. In an abundance of hubris I once played with the idea myself (and I was probably not alone in the thought). But now Damien Broderick has done it, and much better than I could have even approximated. Given his background as a science fiction literary critic and author himself, no other writer could be better-equipped. Psience Fiction is exactly the right title to encapsulate (...)
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  36. The action of consciousness and the uncertainty principle.Jean E. Burns - 2012 - Journal of Nonlocality 1 (1).
    The term action of consciousness is used to refer to an influence, such as psychokinesis or free will, that produces an effect on matter that is correlated to mental intention, but not completely determined by physical conditions. Such an action could not conserve energy. But in that case, one wonders why, when highly accurate measurements are done, occasions of non-conserved energy (generated perhaps by unconscious PK) are not detected. A possible explanation is that actions of consciousness take place within (...)
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  37. On the joint probability of correlated physical occurrences.O. Costa de Beauregard - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (3):391-399.
    Correlation meaning interaction for physical occurrences, the joint probability formalizes this interaction and conceptualizes a stochastic causality. Bayesian reversibility then expresses action-reaction symmetry for spacelike, und cause-effect symmetry for timelike, separations. Information-negeutropy equivalence (that is. reversibility of the twin-faced information concept) extends Mehlberg's “lawlike reversibility” and vindicates Wigner's claim that psychokinesis is reciprocal to gain in knowledge. A covariant axiomatization of probabilities as expressing physical interaction, and displaying the spacetime propagation of information, is proposed. Its correspondence (but essential difference) (...)
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  38.  61
    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics as a Telegraph.O. Costa de Beauregard - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (5):837-848.
    A derivation by Fröhner of non-relativistic quantum mechanics via Fourier analysis applied to probability theory is not extendable to relativistic quantum mechanics because Schrödinger's positive definite probability density ψ*ψ is lost (Dirac's spin 1/2 case being the exception). The nature of the Fourier link then changes; it points to a redefinition of the probability scheme as an information carrying telegraph, the code of which is Born's as extended by Dirac and by Feynman. Hermitian symmetry of the transition amplitude 〈ϕ∣ψ〉 between (...)
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  39. The anomaly called psi: Recent research and criticism.K. Ramakrishna Rao & John Palmer - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):539-51.
    Over the past hundred years, a number of scientific investigators claim to have adduced experimental evidence for phenomena information” seems to behave like a weak signal that has to compete for the information-processing resources of the organism, a reduction of ongoing sensorimotor activity may facilitate ESP detection. Such a meaningful convergence of results suggests that psi phenomena may represent a unitary, coherent process whose nature and compatibility with current physical theory have yet to be determined. The theoretical implications and potential (...)
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    Magic: A Theoretical Reassessment†.Michael Winkelman - 2021 - Anthropology of Consciousness 32 (2):154-181.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 154-181, Autumn 2021.
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    Complex Environmental Reactions, as a New Concept to Describe Spontaneous “Paranormal” Experiences.Walter Erich Manfred von Lucadou - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):263-285.
    A systemic phenomenological model that assumes the movability of the Cartesian cut is proposed and elucidated by means of a single exploratory case study. The model assumes that a continuum from purely psychosomatic disorders to RSPK cases exists. The degree of externalization (locus of control) of the affected person serves as an ordering parameter for the location of the Cartesian cut. It turns out that the dynamics of the disorder develops in four phases, like in the RSPK-model of the MPI. (...)
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