Results for 'psychoanalysis, Jacques Lacan, psychosis, mental disorders, Sigmund Freud'

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  1.  30
    The role of the father in the development of psychosis.Elissavet Avramaki & Charalambos Tsekeris - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (4):183-206.
    U psihoanalizi ocinstvu nije pridata velika analiticka paznja i vrlo se malo zna o njegovom aktualnom uticaju na razvitak odredjene psihopatologije. Ovaj tekst pokusava da pazljivo ispita i kriticki razmotri uticaj ocinstva na psihoticne individuume. On razradjuje vaznost oca u zdravom razvitku dece, kao i posledice koje njegovo odsustvo ima za njihovu psihu. Oslanjajuci se na lakankovski analiticki okvir, tvrdi se da je danas ocinska figura umnogome izgubila status koji je prethodno imala. Postepeno nestajanje ocinske funkcije unutar savremenog kulturnog okruzenja, (...)
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    Écrits: The First Complete Edition in English Paperback.Jacques Lacan, Bruce Fink, Héloïse Fink & Russell Grigg - 2007 - New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
    "Brilliant and innovative, Jacques Lacan's work lies at the epicenter of modern thought about otherness, subjectivity, sexual difference, the drives, the law, and enjoyment. This new translation of his complete works offers welcome, readable access to Lacan's seminal thinking on diverse subjects touched upon over the course of his inimitable intellectual career." This English edition is translated by Bruce Fink, in collaboration with Héloïse Fink and Russell Grigg.
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    Freud as philosopher: metapsychology after Lacan.Richard Boothby - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    Using Jacques Lacan's work as a key, this groundbreaking work reassesses the philosophical significance of Freud's most ambitious general theory of mental functioning: metapsychology. Richard Boothby forcefully argues that this theory has been misunderstood, and that therefore Freud's impact on philosophy has been unjustly muted. Freud as Philosopher illuminates in a fresh and newly accessible way the central points of Freud's metapsychology-including the guiding metaphor of psychical energy and the final, enigmatic theory of the (...)
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    Resistances of Psychoanalysis.Jacques Derrida - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    In this essay and the next, on Foucault, Derrida reencounters two thinkers to whom he had earlier devoted important essays, which precipitated stormy discussions and numerous divisions within the intellectual milieus influenced by their ...
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    Of Philosophers and Madmen: A Disclosure of Martin Heidegger, Medard Boss, and Sigmund Freud.Richard Askay & Jensen Farquhar (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Brill Rodopi.
    This text is an innovative exploration of philosophy and madness in the context of the critical engagement of Heidegger's phenomenological ontology with Freudian psychoanalysis. Included is a play in which, after a mental breakdown, Martin Heidegger undergoes psychoanalytic treatment from Dr. Medard Boss. Boss is essentially caught between two intellectual giants: his patient, Heidegger, who challenges him to evolve beyond traditional Freudian psychoanalysis, and his mentor, Freud, who acts as a “ghostly” consultant in facilitating Heidegger's return to health. (...)
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    Subjetividad y lenguaje en Freud y Lacan: del sujeto del inconsciente al giro pragmático de la filosofía.Alfonso A. Gracia Gómez - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):417-431.
    The following article presents an analysis of the conflict that occurs between philosophy and psychoanalysis in both the works of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan; This conflict is conveyed from the alienated condition of the subject that arises from the thesis of the unconscious. The subject deconstructs himself as consciousness and reveals the impossibility of him in the very act in which he presents himself through his saying. In this way, language configures the Freudo-Lacanian idea of the (...)
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    Algunas consideraciones contextuales en torno al Primer viaje a japón de Jacques lacan.Mercè Altimir - 2012 - Alpha (Osorno) 34:133-151.
    Nuestro propósito es dar a conocer la importancia y el influjo de la cultura y el pensamiento oriental y Japón en la obra de Lacan, para cuya tarea hemos tomado el eje del viaje que realizó al archipiélago en la primavera de A partir de esta coordenada de tiempo hemos retrocedido hasta la presencia del país oriental en la obra de Sigmund Freud y hemos referido la mención del mikado y de los ainus en Tótem y tabú. En (...)
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    Of Philosophers and Madmen: A Disclosure of Martin Heidegger, Medard Boss, and Sigmund Freud.Richard Askay & M. J. Farquhar - 2011 - New York: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Jensen Farquhar.
    This text is an innovative exploration of philosophy and madness in the context of the critical engagement of Heidegger’s phenomenological ontology with Freudian psychoanalysis. Included is a play in which, after a mental breakdown, Martin Heidegger undergoes psychoanalytic treatment from Dr. Medard Boss. Boss is essentially caught between two intellectual giants: his patient, Heidegger, who challenges him to evolve beyond traditional Freudian psychoanalysis, and his mentor, Freud, who acts as a “ghostly” consultant in facilitating Heidegger’s return to health. (...)
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    The Seductions of Psychoanalysis: Freud, Lacan and Derrida.John Forrester - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Seductions of Psychoanalysis reflects on the history of psychoanalysis, its conceptual foundations and its relation to other disciplines. John Forrester probes the origins of psychoanalysis and its most beguiling concept, the transference, which is at once its institutional axis and experimental core. He explores the most seductive of all recent psychoanalytic traditions, that inspired by Jacques Lacan, whose radical questioning of psychoanalytic effects has been continued implicitly by Michel Foucault and explicitly by Jacques Derrida. Other key questions (...)
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  10. Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Lacan's Reconstruction of Freud.Robert Samuels - 1994 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (2):250-251.
  11.  20
    The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book 2: The Ego in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis 19541955.Jacques-Alain Miller (ed.) - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
  12.  20
    The Nonthinkable, the Nonhuman, the Nonphilosophical: On the Function of Negation in Posthumanism.Nigina R. Sharopova - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (3):186-204.
    The philosophical manifestos of the past few decades involving attempts to go beyond constructs, discourses, and structures to the things themselves and a return to ontology and materialism often address the problems of the Anthropocene. Criticism of anthropocentrism and the introduction of the nonhuman into the focus of philosophy opened up new perspectives in solving the problems of idealism. This escape from the discursive aspect and the human factor, which is intended to break out philosophical projects to the outside, to (...)
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    Passion in Theory: Conceptions of Freud and Lacan.Robin Ferrell - 1996 - Routledge.
    Philosophy had either ignored or attacked psychoanalysis: such responses are neither warranted nor helpful. One hundred years after its inception, isn't it time to find out what psychoanalysis has to offer us? In Passion in Theory Robyn Ferrell does just that, and returns with some surprising answers. Concentrating on the work of Freud and Lacan, Robyn Ferrell asks why their work had been so influential in European philosophy yet so marginal in the Anglo-American circles. Passion in Theory explores their (...)
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  14. Psychoanalysis and gender: an introductory reader.Rosalind Minsky - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    What is object-relations theory and what does it have to do with literary studies? How can Freud's phallocentric theories be applied by feminist critics? In Psychoanalysis and Gender: An Introductory Reader Rosalind Minsky answers these questions and more, offering students a clear, straightforward overview without ever losing them in jargon. In the first section Minsky outlines the fundamentals of the theory, introducing the key thinkers and providing clear commentary. In the second section, the theory is demonstratedn by an anthology (...)
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    Lacan at the Scene.Henry Bond & Slavoj ŽI.žek - 2012 - MIT Press.
    A Lacanian approach to murder scene investigation. What if Jacques Lacan—the brilliant and eccentric Parisian psychoanalyst—had worked as a police detective, applying his theories to solve crimes? This may conjure up a mental film clip starring Peter Sellers in a trench coat, but in Lacan at the Scene, Henry Bond makes a serious and provocative claim: that apparently impenetrable events of violent death can be more effectively unraveled with Lacan's theory of psychoanalysis than with elaborate, technologically advanced forensic (...)
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    Freud e o Humanismo Renascentista: Notas Sobre as Interpretações de Eric Fromm e Jacques Lacan.Adriana de Albuquerque Gomes - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (11):71-87.
    Sigmund Freud sempre expressou uma profunda admiração por figuras emblemáticas do Renascimento italiano. Seu interesse por Roma e pela antiguidade romana – referências importantes em sua obra – pode ser constatado, inclusive, pela grande quantidade de viagens que Freud realizou rumo a cidades italianas entre os anos de 1876 e 1923. É nesse período, então, que o fundador da Psicanálise publica Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci (1910) e Der Moses des Michelangelo (1914). Este fato chamou a (...)
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  17. De la Sigmund Freud la Jacques Lacan.Elisabeth Roudinesco - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  18. Foucault on Freud.Andrew Howard - manuscript
    Despite being what is commonly regarded as major influence on Michel Foucault, Freud and psychoanalysis are rarely directly addressed in his works. A notable exception, often cited, is towards the very end of ‘Madness & Civilization’ . Where the early Foucault ends his thesis proposing the conception of madness as social structure with back handed praise by of Freud’s re-engagement with madness via dialogue. Madness, from the mid 1600’s onwards was ignored or 'silenced’ from its ‘zero-point’ of separation (...)
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    Freudarwin: Evolutionary Thinking as a Root of Psychoanalysis.Geoffrey Marcaggi & Fabian Guénolé - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:348399.
    This essay synthesizes the place of biological evolutionism in the early history of psychoanalysis, and shows the implicit significance of German Darwinism in Sigmund Freud’s whole psychoanalytical works. In particular, Freud, together with Sándor Ferenczi (1873–1933), applied to mental disorders hypotheses inspired by August Pauly’s (1850–1914) psychological Lamarckism and Ernst Heckel (1834–1919) theory of recapitulation. Both of these theories rested upon the principle of inheritance of acquired characteristics, and were disproved by biological discoveries during the interwar (...)
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  20. That obscure object of psychoanalysis.Dany Nobus - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (2):163-187.
    This essay examines how psychoanalytic conceptions of the subject and the object in the works of Freud and Lacan may contribute to a re-examination of the vexed issue of the subject–object relationship in science, philosophy and epistemology. For Freud, the ego is the essential subject, yet he regarded it as an always already objectified subject, which is objectively thinkable yet never subjectively knowable qua subject. Lacan conceptualised this Freudian principle of subjectivity with his notion of the divided (barred) (...)
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    The Enjoyment of Being Had: The Aesthetics of Masquerade in The Confidence-Man.J. Asher Godley - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):51.
    Impostors, confidence artists, and artful deceivers seem to have achieved a strange kind of popularity and even prestige in our contemporary political landscape, for reasons that remain elusive, especially given how harmful and socially unwanted such behaviors ostensibly are. Herman Melville’s 1857 novel, The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade, helps us shift our perspective on this seemingly irrational phenomenon because it points out how being susceptible to dupery is linked to the enjoyment of fiction itself. This insight also highlights the importance of (...)
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  22. Sport and Psychoanalysis: What Sport Reveals about Our Unconscious Desires, Fantasies, and Fears.Jack Black & Joseph S. Reynoso (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    Sport and Psychoanalysis: What Sport Reveals about Our Unconscious Desires, Fantasies, and Fears explores the intersection of sport and psychoanalysis, emphasizing the often-overlooked psycho-social dimensions underpinning the experience of sport. By challenging the idea that sport offers an “escape” from reality—a realm separate to the politics of everyday life—each chapter critically considers the unconscious desires, fantasies, and fears that underpin the sporting spectacle for both participants and spectators. Indeed, beyond simply applying psychoanalysis to sport, this book proposes how sport can (...)
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    Doomed by Nature: The Inevitable Failure of our Naturally Selected Functions.Andreas Blocdek - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (4):343-348.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.4 (2005) 343-348 [Access article in PDF] Doomed by Nature: The Inevitable Failure of our Naturally Selected Functions Andreas De Block Keywords psychoanalysis, Darwinism, evolutionary psychiatry, pathogenic metaphysics In their very thoughtful and stimulating replies, the three commentators foreground several topics crucial for both psychoanalysis and philosophical psychiatry. In my short response, I focus primarily on what the commentators believe to be the paper's main (...)
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    The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Psychoanalysis.Jean-Michel Rabaté - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is an introduction to the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature. Jean-Michel Rabaté takes Sigmund Freud as his point of departure, studying in detail Freud's integration of literature in the training of psychoanalysts and how literature provided crucial terms for his myriad theories, such as the Oedipus complex. Rabaté subsequently surveys other theoreticians such as Wilfred Bion, Marie Bonaparte, Carl Jung, Jacques Lacan, and Slavoj Žižek. This Introduction is organized thematically, examining in detail important terms (...)
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  25. Introduction: philosophy and psychoanalysis.James Hopkins - 1982 - In Richard Wollheim & James Hopkins (eds.), Philosophical Essays on Freud. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This (1982) essay sets out the claim that psychoanalysis is a cogent extension of the intuitive common sense psychology by which we naturally understand human action. In this psychology explanation proceeds by relating actions to the logically and causally cohering desires and beliefs of agents. As Freud showed, this kind of explanation is systematically deepened and extended by the explanation of dreams, the symptoms of mental disorder, and other related phenomena via the Freudian concept of wish fulfilment, which (...)
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  26.  9
    Unconscious thought in philosophy and psychoanalysis.John Shannon Hendrix - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Unconscious Thought in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis explores concepts throughout the history of philosophy that suggest the possibility of unconscious thought and lay the foundation for ideas of unconscious thought in modern philosophy and psychoanalysis. The focus is on the workings of unconscious thought, and the role that unconscious thought plays in thinking, language, perception, and human identity. The focus is on the metaphysical and philosophical concepts of unconscious thought, as opposed to the empirical or scientific phenomenon of 'the unconscious.' The (...)
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  27.  15
    La question de psychanalyse chez Michel Foucault.Laurent Dartigues - 2019 - Astérion 21 (21).
    The article focuses on how Michel Foucault made use of psychoanalysis, of which he was a great reader in the 1950s, mainly Freud. If the psychoanalysis is sometimes enrolled in a “psy-function” and is not the subject of a specific course at the Collège de France like psychiatry, it nevertheless appears as a long-standing problem, a reference that persists throughout Foucault’s work, even if it is approached in a very pointillist way. In this sense, it has a separate status (...)
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    The Logician of Madness: Fanon's Lacan.Sinan Richards - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (2):214-237.
    In recent years, commentators have begun to re-examine the proximity of Frantz Fanon's and Jacques Lacan's work — a proximity which has traditionally been underappreciated. This article adds to these voices, demonstrating the reciprocal intellectual relationship between these two figures. It develops five interrelated arguments to chart this proximity. First, it emphasizes Lacan's and Fanon's connections through their ontological perspectives on madness. Second, it arbitrates the two theorists’ criticisms of the limits of Western psychoanalysis. Third, it shows the importance (...)
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  29. Tainted Food and the Icarus Complex: Psychoanalysing Consumer Discontent from Oyster Middens to Oryx and Crake.Hub Zwart - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):255-275.
    In hyper-modern society, food has become a source of endemic discontent. Many food products are seen as ‘tainted’; literally, figuratively or both. A psychoanalytic approach, I will argue, may help us to come to terms with our alimentary predicaments. What I envision is a ‘depth ethics’ focusing on some of the latent tensions, conflicts and ambiguities at work in the current food debate. First, I will outline some promising leads provided by two prominent psychoanalytic authors, namely Sigmund Freud (...)
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  30.  13
    Worldlessness After Heidegger: Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction.Roland Végső - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Roland Végső opens up a new debate in favour of abandoning the very idea of the world in both philosophy and politics. Opening with a reconsideration of the Heideggerian critique of worldlessness, he traces the overlooked history of worldlessness in Hannah Arendt, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida and Alain Badiou.
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    Jacques the sophist: Lacan, logos, and psychoanalysis.Barbara Cassin - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Michael Syrotinski.
    In a highly original rereading of the writings and seminars of Jacques Lacan, together with works of Freud and others, Cassin shows how psychoanalysis, like the sophists, challenges the very foundations of scientific rationality. In taking seriously equivocations, jokes, and unfinishable projects of interpretation, the analyst, like the sophist, allows performance, signifier, and inconsistency to reshape truth.
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    The Nonhuman Desire of Jacques Lacan.Игорь Родин - 2023 - Philosophical Anthropology 9 (2):25-39.
    The romanticization of the ‘non-human’ which implicitly ideologizes and transhumanizes modern thought in the form of all that is associated with object-oriented ontology, builds not only on obvious starting points (‘deep ecology’, the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari), but also tries to rethink ‘in its favor’ antagonistic paradigms and discourses. These include the Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis. In this article, we will show that not only an external orientation, but also internal gaps, can create an impetus for such a ‘neutralization’. Jacques (...)
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  33. Free Energy and Virtual Reality in Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: A Complexity Theory of Dreaming and Mental Disorder.Jim Hopkins - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    This paper compares the free energy neuroscience now advocated by Karl Friston and his colleagues with that hypothesised by Freud, arguing that Freud's notions of conflict and trauma can be understood in terms of computational complexity. It relates Hobson and Friston's work on dreaming and the reduction of complexity to contemporary accounts of dreaming and the consolidation of memory, and advances the hypothesis that mental disorder can be understood in terms of computational complexity and the mechanisms, including (...)
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    Free Energy and Virtual Reality in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis: A Complexity Theory of Dreaming and Mental Disorder.Jim Hopkins - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:198697.
    The main concepts of the free energy (FE) neuroscience developed by Karl Friston and colleagues parallel those of Freud's Project for a Scientific Psychology. In Hobson et al. ( 2014 ) these include an innate virtual reality generator that produces the fictive prior beliefs that Freud described as the primary process. This enables Friston's account to encompass a unified treatment—a complexity theory—of the role of virtual reality in both dreaming and mental disorder. In both accounts the brain (...)
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    Wittgenstein Reads Freud: The Myth of the Unconscious.Jacques Bouveresse - 1995 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Did Freud present a scientific hypothesis about the unconscious, as he always maintained and as many of his disciples keep repeating? This question has long prompted debates concerning the legitimacy and usefulness of psychoanalysis, and it is of utmost importance to Lacanian analysts, whose main project has been to stress Freud's scientific grounding. Here Jacques Bouveresse, a noted authority on Ludwig Wittgenstein, contributes to the debate by turning to this Austrian-born philosopher and contemporary of Freud for (...)
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  36. Jacques lacan.Matthew Sharpe - 2002 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Psychoanalysis at the Test of Time: Jacques Lacan’s Teaching.Marco Castagna - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The question of “time” is a worthy topic of psychoanalytic inquiry, concerning at least three different levels: technical, epistemological, and existential. However, if subjective well-being is the ultimate purpose of the analytic experience, it is immediately clear that the last level also defines the previous ones. In this perspective, we can attribute an innovative role to Lacan’s inquiry on time, in receiving the Freudian psychoanalytical legacy and in participating in the contemporary thought about subjective consciousness of time. Indeed, starting from (...)
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  38. The Meaning of the Return to the Lacanian Field: Lacan, Freud, Foucault.Jacques Adam & Dany Nobus - 2002 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 11:91.
  39. The Genome as the Biological Unconscious – and the Unconscious as the Psychic 'Genome': A Psychoanalytical Rereading of Molecular Genetics.Hub Zwart - 2013 - Cosmos and History 9 (2):198-222.
    1900 was a remarkable year for science. Several ground-breaking events took place, in physics, biology and psychology. Planck introduced the quantum concept, the work of Mendel was rediscovered, and Sigmund Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams . These events heralded the emergence of completely new areas of inquiry, all of which greatly affected the intellectual landscape of the 20 th century, namely quantum physics, genetics and psychoanalysis. What do these developments have in common? Can we discern a family (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Sigmund Freud.Frederick J. Wertz - 1993 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 24 (2):101-129.
    The convergences in approach between Freud's psychoanalysis and Husserl's phenomenology are elaborated. These include philosophical roots in Brentano's teachings; the primacy of direct observation over construction and theory; a conviction about the irreducibility of mentality to nature; the project of a "pure" psychology; the bracketing of theories, preconceptions, and the natural attitude; the necessity of self-reflection and empathy; a relational theory of meaning; receptivity to human subjects as teachers; and the methodological value of fiction for scientific truth. It is (...)
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    Malcolm MacNaughtan Bowie 1943-2007.Marian Hobson - 2009 - In Hobson Marian (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 161, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VIII. pp. 41.
    Malcolm MacNaughtan Bowie, a Fellow of the British Academy, was appointed from an assistant lectureship at the University of East Anglia to one in the University of Cambridge in 1969. At Cambridge, he worked as a specialist in difficult poets in French beginning with ‘M’, particularly Henri Michaux and Stephane Mallarmé. These are writers of involuted complexity, to read whom both a sensitivity to how word play plays and to how French prosody in poetry or prose works were essential. These (...)
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    Wrestling with the Angel: Experiments in Symbolic Life.Tracy McNulty - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    Wrestling with the Angel is a meditation on contemporary political, legal, and social theory from a psychoanalytic perspective. It argues for the enabling function of formal and symbolic constraints in sustaining desire as a source of creativity, innovation, and social change. The book begins by calling for a richer understanding of the psychoanalytic concept of the symbolic and the resources it might offer for an examination of the social link and the political sphere. The symbolic is a crucial dimension of (...)
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    Philosophie, mythologie et pseudo-science: Wittgenstein lecteur de Freud.Jacques Bouveresse - 1991 - Éditions de L’Éclat.
    Que Wittgenstein ait été un admirateur de Freud n'est pas surprenant, puisque Freud possédait au plus haut point une qualité que Wittgenstein considérait comme fondamentale en philosophie, à savoir l'aptitude à proposer des analogies nouvelles et éclairantes pour la compréhension de faits qui sont à la fois familiers et énigmatiques. Ce que fait Freud consiste pour lui essentiellement à proposer d'excellentes comparaisons, comme par exemple la comparaison d'un rêve et d'un rébus. Mais les mérites de Freud (...)
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    The Pain in the Patient's Knee.Mary Jacobus - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):99-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Pain in the Patient’s KneeMary Jacobus* (bio)We know very little about pain either.—Sigmund Freud, Inhibitions, Symptoms, and AnxietyPain cannot be absent from the personality.—Wilfred Bion, The Elements of Psycho-AnalysisBetween Therapy and HermeneuticsWhat is the place of a psychoanalysis that exists “between” therapy (considered both as a theory and a practice, but also as a theory of practice) and hermeneutics, or the theory of interpretation and understanding? (...)
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    Perversion's Beyond: life at the edge of knowledge.Torgeir Fjeld - 2019 - Dresden and New York: Atropos Press.
    In what arrived belatedly as an announced, but delayed, preface to Marquis de Sade’s Philosophy in the Bedroom, Jacques Lacan interrogates the relations Sade could be said to have had with, on the one hand, Sigmund Freud, and, on the other, Immanuel Kant.1 Despite the presuppositions at the time of its writing, the text was first published as “Kant avec Sade” in the journal Critique in 1963 and only later reappeared as the preface it had been conceived (...)
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    Wilhelm Griesinger: Psychiatry between Philosophy and Praxis.Katherine Arens - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):147-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Wilhelm Griesinger: Psychiatry between Philosophy and PraxisKatherine Arens (bio)AbstractThis essay discusses Wilhelm Griesinger’s seminal work on mental illness, Mental Pathology and Therapeutics (1867, trans. 1882), in the context of transcendental idealism, as an outgrowth of the work of Kant, Herbart, and Hegel. Griesinger drew on an adaptation of Hegel’s dialectical model of history and science to offer both a new way to interpret mental illness as (...)
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  47. Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi.Cezary Wąs - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Wrocław
    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi -/- Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than before distance. Within these relations three basic variations can be distinguished: the first one, in which philosophy of deconstruction deals with architectural terms but does not interfere with real architecture, the second one, in which (...)
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  48. Dissenting Words: A Conversation with Jacques Rancière.Davide Panagia & Jacques Ranciére - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):113-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 113-126 [Access article in PDF] Dissenting Words:A Conversation with Jacques Rancière 1 Davide Panagia:In your writings you highlight the political efficacy of words. In The Names of History, for instance, this emphasis is discussed most vividly in terms of what you refer to as an "excess of words" that marks the rise of democratic movements in the seventeenth century. Similarly, in On The Shores of (...)
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    Freud’s dreams of reason: the Kantian structure of psychoanalysis.Alfred I. Tauber - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (4):1-29.
    Freud (and later commentators) have failed to explain how the origins of psychoanalytical theory began with a positivist investment without recognizing a dual epistemological commitment: simply, Freud engaged positivism because he believed it generally equated with empiricism, which he valued, and he rejected ‘philosophy’, and, more specifically, Kantianism, because of the associated transcendental qualities of its epistemology. But this simple dismissal belies a deep investment in Kant’s formulation of human reason, in which rationality escapes natural cause and thereby (...)
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    Die Übertragungsproblematik AlS Therapeutische Grundbeziehung. Eine Radikal Phänomenologische Auseinandersetzung MIT Konzepten der Tiefenpsychologie Und Psychoanalyse Jacques Lacans.Rolf KÜHN - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:169-195.
    Transference, as well as counter-transference are both central to the praxis of psychoanalytical therapy. They emerge from the encounter with the patient who is caught in libidinal conflicts (Freud) and in the imaginary chain of signifiers (Lacan). Affective effects stemming from transference must, therefore, be taken into account in order to clarify their unconscious connection to the symbolic as well as to the real. Phenomenologically speaking, this corresponds to an original dimension of being-affected, a dimension prior to any sort (...)
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