Results for 'proof of the existence of God, "Contact", evidentialism, Descartes' epistemology, causal reasoning, brain in a vat,'

  1. Solving the “Contact” Paradox: Rational Belief in the Teeth of the Evidence”, Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy, vol. 3 (Jan., 2020): 1 -21. [REVIEW]Tom Vinci - 2020 - Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 3 (January 2020):1-21.
    Evidentialism is the doctrine that rational belief should be proportioned to one’s evidence. By “one’s evidence,” I mean evidence that we possess and know that we possess. I specifically exclude from “evidence” the following: information of which we are unaware that our brain might rely on in constructing experience or in the formation of beliefs. My initial interest is with the doctrine of Evidentialism as it applies to a quandary that arises in the Sci-Fi movie Contact, the “Contact Paradox” (...)
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