Results for 'praktisk filosofi'

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  1. Praktisk filosofi i lyset af Georges Bataille – om lighed, etik og menneskelighed.Asger Sørensen - 1999 - In . Politisk Revy.
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  2. Facit till Några Argument i "Logiska Övningar: En Introduktion till Praktisk Filosofi".Daniel Rönnedal - 2021
    Facit till några Argument i "Logiska Övningar: En Introduktion till Praktisk Filosofi" innehåller, som titeln skvallrar om, ett facit till några övningar i boken Logiska Övningar: En Introduktion till Praktisk Filosofi. Flera olika bevismetoder illustreras: sanningstabeller, naturlig deduktion och semantiska tablåer. Boken innehåller mer än 50 sanningstabeller, mer än 70 naturliga deduktioner och ca 100 semantiska tablåer. Den innehåller fullständiga lösningar till ca 240 argument och en stor mängd skisser till lösningar. I vissa fall indikerar svaret (...)
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  3. Sju studier i praktisk filosofi.Ingemar Hedenius - 1968 - Uppsala,:
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  4. Astrobiologins filosofi - Några frågor rörande praktisk filosofi.Erik Persson - 2021 - Filosofiska Notiser 8 (2):25-38.
    Denna artikel är den andra i en serie om två artiklar som introducerar astrobiologins filosofi. Detta är ett förhållandevis nytt och i Sverige nästan okänt forskningsfält som dock befinner sig i snabb tillväxt internationellt. Ämnet presenteras här i form av exempel på några centrala frågeställningar inom området. I den här artikeln presenteras några frågeställningar hemmahörande i praktisk filosofi.
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    Jakta ettar svikaren: om nødvendet av praktisk filosofi.Jon Hellesnes - 1978 - Oslo: Gyldendal.
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    Jürgen Habermas: Prima philosophia (språkfilosofi), vitenskapsfilosofi, praktisk filosofi (moral, rett, politikk).Audun Øfsti - 2012 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 30 (1):5-37.
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    Logiska Övningar i Politisk Filosofi & Rättsfilosofi.Daniel Rönnedal - 2021
    Den här boken är en övningsbok i logik och en kort introduktion till politisk filosofi och rättsfilosofi. Tonvikten ligger på den politiska filosofin. Boken innehåller tio kapitel. Det första kapitlet är en allmän inledning till politisk filosofi och rättsfilosofi. Kapitel 2 handlar om konservatism. Kapitel 3 handlar om liberalism. Kapitel 4 handlar om socialism. Kapitel 5 handlar om anarkism. Kapitel 6 handlar om kommunism. Kapitel 7 handlar om ekologism. Kapitel 8 innehåller blandade övningar i politisk filosofi och (...)
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  8.  54
    "Hvorfor pædagogisk filosofi?".Jørgen Huggler & Asger Sørensen (eds.) - 2012 - Studier i pædagogisk filosofi, no. 1.
    Filosofi og pædagogik er gamle fæller, og der er et overlap mellem filosofiens historie og pædagogikkens historiske litteratur. Store tænkere som Platon, Aristoteles, Augustin, Descartes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Herbart og Dewey hører hjemme begge steder. I den pædagogiske filosofi kan almene teoretiske og praktisk filosofiske spørgsmål udforskes systematisk og historisk. Gennem diskussioner af sådanne spørgsmål kan man forholde sig mere nysgerrigt, bevidst, begrundet og kritisk til pædagogisk praksis såvel som til pædagogisk teori, empiri og undervisningsteknologi. (...)
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  9.  15
    (1 other version)Logiska Övningar i Metaetik.Daniel Rönnedal - 2021
    Den här boken är en övningsbok i logik och en kort introduktion till metaetik. Den innehåller nio kapitel. Det första kapitlet är en allmän inledning till moralfilosofin. Det innehåller information om vad metaetik är och om hur metaetiken förhåller sig till den normativa etiken, till praktisk (eller tillämpad) etik och till deskriptiv moralfilosofi. Kapitel 2 handlar om språkfilosofiska frågor. Kapitel 3 handlar om medvetandefilosofiska frågor. Kapitel 4 behandlar kunskapsteoretiska frågor. Kapitel 5 handlar om metafysiska frågor. Kapitel 6 handlar om (...)
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  10. Logiska Övningar i Normativ Etik.Daniel Rönnedal - 2021
    Den här boken är en övningsbok i logik och en kort introduktion till normativ etik. Den innehåller nio kapitel. Det första kapitlet är en allmän inledning till normativ etik. Det innehåller information om vad normativ etik är och hur den normativa etiken förhåller sig till metaetik, praktisk (eller tillämpad) etik och deskriptiv moralfilosofi. Kapitel 2 handlar om dygdetik. Kapitel 3 handlar om naturlagsetik. Kapitel 4 handlar om kontraktualism (kontraktsetik) och rättighetsetik. Kapitel 5 handlar om kantianism, sinnelagsetik och pliktetik. Kapitel (...)
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  11. Logiska Övningar i Religionsfilosofi.Daniel Rönnedal - 2022
    Den här boken är en övningsbok i logik och en kort introduktion till religionsfilosofi. Den innehåller femton kapitel. Det första kapitlet är en allmän inledning till ämnet. Kapitel 2 tar upp några begreppsliga frågor. Vad är en religion? Det innehåller även en kort beskrivning av några vanliga religioner. Kapitel 3 handlar om språkfilosofiska frågor. Kapitel 4 handlar om religionssociologiska och religionspsykologiska frågor m.m. Kapitel 5 handlar om religiös monism, pluralism, relativism, naturalism m.m. Kapitel 6 handlar om berättelser, myter m.m. Kapitel (...)
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    Quasi-realism and normative certitude.Stina Björkholm, Krister Bykvist & Jonas Olson - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7861-7869.
    Just as we can be more or less certain that there is extraterrestrial life or that Goldbach’s conjecture is correct, we can be more or less certain about normative matters, such as whether euthanasia is permissible or whether utilitarianism is true. However, accommodating the phenomenon of degrees of normative certitude is a difficult challenge for non-cognitivist and expressivist views, according to which normative judgements are desire-like attitudes rather than beliefs. Several attempts have been made on behalf of non-cognitivism and expressivism (...)
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  13.  64
    The Sum of Averages: An Egyptology-Proof Average View.Kalle Grill - 2023 - Utilitas 35 (2):103-118.
    Contemporary population ethics is dominated by views that aggregate by summing, whether of well-being or of some construct based on well-being. In contrast, average well-being is generally considered axiologically irrelevant. To many of us, however, the number of future people does not seem important, as long as it is sufficient to enable rich and varied life experiences, and as long as the population continues throughout time. It therefore seems relatively plausible to aggregate future well-being by averaging. In particular, it seems (...)
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  14. Recent work on reflective equilibrium and method in ethics.Folke Tersman - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (6):e12493.
    The idea of reflective equilibrium remains the most popular approach to questions about method in ethics, despite the masses of criticism it has been faced with over the years. Is this due to the availability of compelling responses to the criticisms or rather to factors that are independent of its reasonableness? The aim of this paper is to provide support for the first answer. I particularly focus on the recent discussion. Some recent objections are related to general arguments against the (...)
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    Comment on Brown and Savulescu.Per Algander - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (10):645-645.
    Rebecca Brown and Julian Savulescu argue in ‘Responsibility in Healthcare Across Time and Agents’ that if responsibility should play a crucial role in healthcare, then we need a concept of responsibility that reflects that an individual’s behaviour is sometimes, if not routinely, influenced by external factors in various ways. As Brown and Savulescu convincingly show, health-related behaviour in particular is often affected by other agents and typically involves multiple decisions on different occasions. Smoking and a poor diet are but two (...)
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  16. Moral and Epistemic Error Theory : The Parity Premise Reconsidered.Jonas Olson - 2018 - In Conor McHugh, Jonathan Way & Daniel Whiting (eds.), Metaepistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 107-121.
    Many moral error theorists hold that moral facts are irreducibly normative. They also hold that irreducible normativity is metaphysically queer and conclude that there are no irreducibly normative reasons and consequently no moral facts. A popular response to moral error theory utilizes the so-called ‘companions in guilt’ strategy and argues that if moral reasons are irreducibly normative, then epistemic reasons are too. This is the Parity Premise, on the basis of which critics of moral error theory draw the Parity Conclusion (...)
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  17. The Metaphysics of Reasons.Jonas Olson - 2018 - In Daniel Star (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 255-274.
    This chapter focuses exclusively on normative reasons. Normative reasons count in favor of actions and attitudes like beliefs, desires, feelings, and emotions. Section 11.2 explores the common ground concerning the metaphysics of reasons. We shall see that the really controversial metaphysical issues in metanormative theorizing about reasons arise with respect to the metaphysics of the reason relation. The two subsequent sections therefore go beyond the common ground and consider competing accounts of the reason relation. Robust and quietist versions of non-naturalism (...)
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  18.  10
    Exemption, self-exemption, and compassionate self-excuse.Sofia Jeppsson - unknown
    Philosophers traditionally distinguish between excuses and exemptions. We can excuse someone and still see them as a participant in normal human relationships, but when we exempt someone, we see them as something to be managed and handled: we take an objective attitude to them. Madness is typically assumed to ground exemptions, not excuses. So far, the standard philosophical picture. Seeing other people as objects to be managed and handled rather than as persons with whom one can have relationships is, however, (...)
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    Procreation vs. Consumption.Kalle Grill - 2023 - Environmental Ethics 45 (3):265-286.
    Recently, it has been argued by several scholars that we have moral reasons to limit our procreation due to the harmful environmental consequences it entails. These calls for procreative restraint are typically made in relation to other lifestyle choices, such as minimizing driving and air travel. In such comparisons, it is assumed that the environmental impact of procreation encompasses the lifetime consumption of the child created, and potentially that of further descendants. After an overview of these arguments, I go on (...)
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    Reasons and Values in Environmental Ethics.Lars Samuelsson - 2010 - Environmental Values 19 (4):517-535.
    Ever since environmental ethics began to take form as an academic discipline in the early 1970s, the notion of intrinsic value has occupied a prominent position within the field. Recently, however, various types of critique have emerged within EE against invoking this notion. Contrary to these critiques, I argue that appeals to intrinsic value are not problematic, given the reason-implying sense of 'intrinsic value' that is most relevant to EE. I further argue that also those who criticise 'intrinsic-value-talk' in EE (...)
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  21. Responsible risking, forethought, and the case of germline gene editing.Madeleine Hayenhjelm - 2023 - In Adriana Placani & Stearns Broadhead (eds.), _Risk and Responsibility in Context_. New York: Routledge. pp. 149-169.
    This chapter addresses a general question: What is responsible risking? It explores the notion of "responsible risking" as a thick moral concept, and it argues that the notion can be given moral content that could be action-guiding and add an important tool to our moral toolbox. To impose risks responsibly, on this view, is to take on responsibility in a good way. A core part of responsible risking, this chapter argues, is some version of a Forethought Condition. Such a condition (...)
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  22.  99
    Error Theory in Metaethics.Jonas Olson - 2017 - In Tristram Colin McPherson & David Plunkett (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 58-71.
    Error theories have been proposed and defended in several different areas of philosophy. In addition to ethics, there are error theories about numbers, color, free will, and personal identity. Moral error theories differ in scope. Theories at one end of the spectrum take normative judgments in general—of which moral judgments are a subclass—to be uniformly false, whereas theories at the other end of the spectrum take only a subclass of moral judgments—example those concerning duty and obligation, but not those concerning (...)
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  23.  24
    In Defence of Mooreanism.Jonas Olson - unknown
    In his recent book The Value Gap (2021), Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen defends a pluralist view of final goodness and goodness-for, according to which neither concept is analysable in terms of the other. In this paper I defend a specific version of monism, namely so-called ‘Mooreanism’, according to which goodness-for is analysable partly in terms of final goodness. Rønnow-Rasmussen offers three purported counterexamples to Mooreanism. I argue that Mooreanism can accommodate two of them. The third is more problematic, but this is in (...)
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    Harm : Essays on Its Nature and Normative Significance.Anna Folland - unknown
    This thesis examines how we should understand the concept of harm, and its moral and prudential importance. It discusses various analyses of harm and normative principles that appeal to harm. In broad terms, it offers a defense of the view that harm is normatively important and useful for philosophical theorizing. Further it proposes a novel analysis of harm, which aligns with that view. The first paper, "The Harm Principle and the Nature of Harm", defends John Stuart Mill’s Harm Principle against (...)
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    Ethics Teaching in Education for Sustainable Development.Lars Samuelsson & Niclas Lindström - forthcoming - Athens Journal of Education 9 (2):211-224.
    Education for sustainable development (ESD) is nowadays internationally considered an important aspect of the overall education of children and young people in the world. It is included among the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Besides its content – sustainable development – ESD is also characterized by its emphasis on a democratic and participatory educational procedure. In this paper, we show how both these aspects of ESD – its content and procedure – reveal the importance of bringing (...)
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  26. Hope for the Evolutionary Debunker: How Evolutionary Debunking Arguments and Arguments from Moral Disagreement Can Join Forces.Folke Tersman & Olle Risberg - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-17.
    Facts about moral disagreement and human evolution have both been said to exclude the possibility of moral knowledge, but the question of how these challenges interact has largely gone unaddressed. The paper aims to present and defend a novel version of the evolutionary “debunking” argument for moral skepticism that appeals to both types of considerations. This argument has several advantages compared to more familiar versions. The standard debunking strategy is to argue that evolutionary accounts of moral beliefs generate skeptical implications (...)
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  27.  46
    Neuro-Doping as a Means to Avert Fascistoid Ideology in Elite Sport.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (Suppl 2):1-10.
    Assume that neuro-doping is safe and efficient. This means that the use of it, and similar future safe methods of enhancement in sport, may help those who are naturally weak to catch up with those who are naturally strong and sometimes even defeat them. The rationale behind anti-doping measures seem to presuppose that this is unfair. But the idea that those who are naturally strong should defeat those who are naturally weak rests on a fascistoid ideology that sport had better (...)
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    A Response to Rut Vinterkvist.Lars Samuelsson - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (1):95-97.
    In a reply to my recent paper “The Cost of Denying Intrinsic Value in Nature,” Rut Vinterkvist raises an important objection to my claim that environmentalists must ascribe intrinsic value to some natural entities to consistently defend the protectionist views I believe many of them have. To defend this claim, I provided three hypothetical cases, involving threatened natural entities, designed to show that only an intrinsic value of these respective entities could explain a reason to protect them. My claim was (...)
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    Belief & Desire: The Standard Model of Intentional Action : Critique and Defence.Björn Petersson - 2000 - Björn Petersson, Dep. Of Philosophy, Kungshuset, Lundagård, Se-222 22 Lund,.
    The scheme of concepts we employ in daily life to explain intentional behaviour form a belief-desire model, in which motivating states are sorted into two suitably broad categories. The BD model embeds a philosophy of action, i.e. a set of assumptions about the ontology of motivation with subsequent restrictions on psychologising and norms of practical reason. A comprehensive critique of those assumptions and implications is offered in this work, and various criticisms of the model are met. The model’s predictive and (...)
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    Den etiske dimension i undervisning – Om et grundtema hos Emmanuel Lévinas.Jonas Holst - 2011 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):87-99.
    I anledning af 50-året for udgivelsen af et af de mest betydningsfulde værker i det 20. århundredes filosofi, Emmanuel Lévinas' Totalitet og uendelighed, behandler artiklen et grundtema i værket, nemlig forholdet mellem etik og undervisning. Det sker under inddragelse af den pædagogiske model, som Lévinas anser for at stå i et modsætningsforhold til sin egen etiske forståelse af undervisning, den sokratiske maieutik. Den udførlige behandling af de to «positioner» skal imidlertid vise, at de har mere til fælles, end det (...)
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  31. Sokratisk dialog som pedagogisk metod.Erik Persson - 2015 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 2015 (2):13-19.
    Sokrates var inte bara en filosofisk nydanare. Genom sitt sätt att involvera sina samtalspartners i den filosofiska processen var han också i hög utsträckning en pedagogisk nydanare. Hans pedagogiska grundidé var den så kallade majeutiska metoden – det vill säga ”barnmorskemetoden”. Med det menade han att han inte överförde sina egna färdiga tankar till den han talade med utan han hjälpte sin samtalspartner att föda sina egna tankar. Inom pedagogiken är det vanligt att använda den så kallade ”Sokratiska metoden” vilket (...)
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  32. La filosofía analítica en George E. Moore y Bertrand Russell.Wonfilio Trejo - 1979 - In Abelardo Villegas & Ramón Xirau (eds.), La Filosofía. México: Dirección General de Difusión Cultural, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  33. La filosofía de Dilthey.Wonfilio Trejo - 1958 - México,:
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    Filosofi med barn : reflektioner över ett försök på lågstadiet.Bo Malmhester & Ragnar Ohlsson - 1999
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    Filosofía para desencantados.Leonardo da Jandra - 2014 - Girona, España: Atalanta.
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    Filosofi sempre: immagini dalla filosofia antica.Napolitano Valditara & M. Linda - 2021 - Verona: QuiEdit.
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    Filosofía del derecho.Icilio Vanni - 1941 - Madrid,: Libreria Beltrán.
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  38. Filosofía argentina.Delfina Varela Domínguez de Ghioldi - 1938 - Buenos Aires: [Talleres gráficos de "La Vanguardia"].
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    Filosofía, pedagogía, tecnología: investigaciones de epistemología de la pedagogia y filosofia de la educación.Germán Vargas Guillén - 2006 - Bogotá: San Pablo.
    CONTENIDO: Kant y la pedagogía - De la objetividad a la objetivación - De la tensión entre el investigador y el método - Interdisciplinariedad e investigación cualitativa en educación - Formación y subjetividad: epistemología, lenguaje y pedagogía - La pedagogía ante la tecnología como estructura del mundo de la vida - Alcances y limitaciones de la inteligencia artificial en pedagogía - A propósito de la informática en el mundo de la pedagogía y de la educación - La representación del conocimiento (...)
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  40. La filosofía de Oswald Spengler.Busto Vargas & Jorge del - 1944 - Lima, Perú: Sociedad Peruana de Filosofía.
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    Filosofía y acontecer: textos en homenaje a Juan Luis Vermal.Juan Luis Vermal & Cristina Calero Fernández (eds.) - 2023 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  42. Filosofīi︠a︡ borʹby: opyt postroenii︠a︡ ėtiki marksizma.Stanislav A. Volʹskīĭ - 1909 - Moskva: Kn-vo "Slovo".
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  43. Filosofía del derecho.Juan Bautista de Lavalle, Cáceres Olazo, Adrián Miguel & Hernando de Lavalle (eds.) - 1923 - Lima,: Librería francesa científica y casa editorial F. Rosay, E. y E. Rosay.
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  44. (2 other versions)Filosofía del derecho.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1929 - Barcelona,: Bosch. Edited by Luis Recaséns Siches.
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  45. Filosofía del derecho.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1942 - Barcelona,: Bosch. Translated by Luis Legaz Y. Lacambra.
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  46. (1 other version)Filosofía de la estética.Jaime María de Mahieu - 1950 - San Luis,:
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    Filosofi og forbrytelse.Johan Torgersen - 1962 - Oslo: Gyldendal.
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  48. Ortega: filosofía y circunstancia.Fernando Uriarte - 1958 - [Santiago],:
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  49. La filosofía del derecho de Dorado Montero.Francisco Javier Valls - 1971 - Granada,: Universidad, Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Cátedra Francisco Suárez.
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  50. Filosofía, sociedad, y educación: ensayos y artículos.Jorge Vázquez Piñón - 2001 - [México]: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.
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