Results for 'pomerium'

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    Imperium, Potestas, and the Pomerium in the Roman Republic.Fred K. Drogula - 2007 - História 56 (4):419-452.
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    Rome’s Pomerium and the Aventine Hill: from auguraculum to imperium sine fine.Lisa Marie Mignone - 2016 - História 65 (4):427-449.
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    Definizione di unità di misura del tempo musicale nel" Pomerium" di Marchetto da Padova.Tiziana Sucato - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:193-218.
    Nella notazione musicale ancora alla metà del Duecento i valori di durata sono organizzati in raggruppamenti di piedi ritmici costruiti su un minimo di durata , che è anche unità di misura del tempo musicale, corrispondente alla sillaba. Con la nascita della notazione mensurale, verso la fine del Duecento, ma soprattutto in seguito all'evoluzione della prassi compositiva, nei primi decenni del Trecento fu necessario ridefinire il rapporto tra tempo, minimo di durata e unità di misura. I musici al di qua (...)
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    The role of the pomerium - (m.) koortbojian crossing the pomerium. The boundaries of political, religious, and military institutions from caesar to Constantine. Pp. XXII + 228, ills. Princeton and oxford: Princeton university press, 2020. Cased, £34, us$39.95. Isbn: 978-0-691-19503-2. [REVIEW]Anne Hrychuk Kontokosta - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):168-170.
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    Octavian and Egyptian Cults: Redrawing the Boundaries of Romanness.Eric M. Orlin - 2008 - American Journal of Philology 129 (2):231-253.
    Octavian's decision in 28 B.C.E. to ban Egyptian cults from within the pomerium was not a sign of hostility to foreign cults, especially since the emperor himself arranged for the restoration of those shrines outside the city's religious boundary. Rather, his action served to reassert the Roman openness to foreign religions while at the same time underlining the distinctions between Roman and foreign religious practices. Using the pomerium to demarcate a clear boundary between Roman and non-Roman helped to (...)
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    Quintus Curtius’ Novum Sidus (10.9.3–6).Luis Ballesteros Pastor - 2018 - Hermes 146 (3):381.
    The reference to a novum sidus in Quintus Curtius’ book 10, commonly applied to the comet seen at the end of Nero’s reign, could be related to Claudius as well. Both Claudius and Caligula were named “star”, and they sought to appear as the beginners of a new cycle in the history of Rome. Claudius’ ludi saeculares allegedly meant the starting point of a new time for Rome. Other facets of Claudius’ censorship, as the enlargement of the pomerium or (...)
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    Posliminio y pomerio: una propuesta de análisis conjunto para sus aplicaciones filosóficas contemporáneas.Jesús Pérez Caballero - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (311):1231-1257.
    Dos instituciones de la antigua Roma, el derecho de posliminio (ius postliminii) y el pomerio (pomerium) presentan rasgos para entender ideas sobre el enemigo, la guerra o las diferencias entre ciudadano y persona. En este artículo, tras analizar las características de ambas instituciones, explico qué utilidad tienen para pensar algunas discusiones político filosóficas contemporáneas. Para ello, propongo una serie de parámetros según la condición de ciudadano y no ciudadano, y persona humana y persona no humana, por un lado, y (...)
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    No Grain of Salt.Frederik Juliaan Vervaet - 2020 - Hermes 148 (2):149.
    That Cn. Pompeius Magnus (cos. 70, II 55, III 52) was charged with the Roman cura annonae in September 57 is a fact quite well known to Roman historians and all interested in the history of the late Republic. Although Pompeius’ grain commission in many respects represented a novel development, relatively few have bothered to study the fine detail of what happened to be the third and final extraordinary proconsulship of his remarkable career, signifying that several important questions remain largely (...)
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