Results for 'physiological developmental genetics'

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  1.  84
    Opposition to the Mendelian-chromosome theory: The physiological and developmental genetics of Richard Goldschmidt.Garland E. Allen - 1974 - Journal of the History of Biology 7 (1):49-92.
    We may now ask the question: In what historical perspective should we place the work of Richard Goldschmidt? There is no doubt that in the period 1910–1950 Goldschmidt was an important and prolific figure in the history of biology in general, and of genetics in particular. His textbook on physiological genetics, published in 1938, was an amazing compendium of ideas put forward in the previous half-century about how genes influence physiology and development. His earlier studies on the (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Ephestia: The experimental project of a genetics of developmental physiology in the work of Alfred Kuhn.Hans-Jorg Rheinberger - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (3-4):401-446.
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  3. Intervention, integration and translation in obesity research: Genetic, developmental and metaorganismal approaches.Maureen O'Malley & Karola Stotz - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:2.
    Obesity is the focus of multiple lines of inquiry that have -- together and separately -- produced many deep insights into the physiology of weight gain and maintenance. We examine three such streams of research and show how they are oriented to obesity intervention through multilevel integrated approaches. The first research programme is concerned with the genetics and biochemistry of fat production, and it links metabolism, physiology, endocrinology and neurochemistry. The second account of obesity is developmental and draws (...)
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    Genetic Causation in Complex Regulatory Systems: An Integrative Dynamic Perspective.James DiFrisco & Johannes Jaeger - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):1900226.
    The logic of genetic discovery has changed little over time, but the focus of biology is shifting from simple genotype–phenotype relationships to complex metabolic, physiological, developmental, and behavioral traits. In light of this, the traditional reductionist view of individual genes as privileged difference‐making causes of phenotypes is re‐examined. The scope and nature of genetic effects in complex regulatory systems, in which dynamics are driven by regulatory feedback and hierarchical interactions across levels of organization are considered. This review argues (...)
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  5.  19
    Ephestia : Le projet expérimental d'une génétique de la physiologie du développement dans l'œuvre d'Alfred Kühn / Ephestia : The experimental project of a genetics of developmental physiology in the work of Alfred Kühn.Hans Jörg Rheinberger - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (3):401-446.
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    Early 20th-century research at the interfaces of genetics, development, and evolution: Reflections on progress and dead ends.U. Deichmann - 2011 - Developmental Biology 357 (1):3-12.
    Three early 20th-century attempts at unifying separate areas of biology, in particular development, genetics, physiology, and evolution, are compared in regard to their success and fruitfulness for further research: Jacques Loeb’s reductionist project of unifying approaches by physico-chemical explanations; Richard Goldschmidt’s anti-reductionist attempts to unify by integration; and Sewall Wright’s combination of reductionist research and vision of hierarchical genetic systems. Loeb’s program, demanding that all aspects of biology, including evolution, be studied by the methods of the experimental sciences, proved (...)
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  7.  56
    Stages in the development of a model organism as a platform for mechanistic models in developmental biology: Zebrafish, 1970–2000.Robert Meunier - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2):522-531.
    Model organisms became an indispensable part of experimental systems in molecular developmental and cell biology, constructed to investigate physiological and pathological processes. They are thought to play a crucial role for the elucidation of gene function, complementing the sequencing of the genomes of humans and other organisms. Accordingly, historians and philosophers paid considerable attention to various issues concerning this aspect of experimental biology. With respect to the representational features of model organisms, that is, their status as models, the (...)
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  8.  27
    Size and shape: the developmental regulation of static allometry in insects.Alexander W. Shingleton, W. Anthony Frankino, Thomas Flatt, H. Frederik Nijhout & Douglas J. Emlen - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (6):536-548.
    Among all organisms, the size of each body part or organ scales with overall body size, a phenomenon called allometry. The study of shape and form has attracted enormous interest from biologists, but the genetic, developmental and physiological mechanisms that control allometry and the proportional growth of parts have remained elusive. Recent progress in our understanding of body‐size regulation provides a new synthetic framework for thinking about the mechanisms and the evolution of allometric scaling. In particular, insulin/IGF signaling, (...)
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  9. On the Possible Transformation and Vanishment of Epistemic Objects.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (3):269-278.
    When considering the question of possible transformation and disappearance of scientific objects, it is useful to distinguish between epistemic and technical objects. This paper presents preliminary observations and offers a typology of obsolescence. It is based on several case studies drawn from the history of life sciences. The paper proceeds as follows: first, the dynamics of epistemic objects is considered through the examples of Carl Correns’ study of “xenia”, Alfred Kühn’s work on physiological developmental genetics, and Paul (...)
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  10.  23
    Competitive and Coordinative Interactions between Body Parts Produce Adaptive Developmental Outcomes.Richard Gawne, Kenneth Z. McKenna & Michael Levin - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (8):1900245.
    Large‐scale patterns of correlated growth in development are partially driven by competition for metabolic and informational resources. It is argued that competition between organs for limited resources is an important mesoscale morphogenetic mechanism that produces fitness‐enhancing correlated growth. At the genetic level, the growth of individual characters appears independent, or “modular,” because patterns of expression and transcription are often highly localized, mutations have trait‐specific effects, and gene complexes can be co‐opted as a unit to produce novel traits. However, body parts (...)
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  11.  84
    Explaining how and explaining why: Developmental and evolutionary explanations of dominance.Anya Plutynski - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (3):363-381.
    There have been two different schools of thought on the evolution of dominance. On the one hand, followers of Wright [Wright S. 1929. Am. Nat. 63: 274–279, Evolution: Selected Papers by Sewall Wright, University of Chicago Press, Chicago; 1934. Am. Nat. 68: 25–53, Evolution: Selected Papers by Sewall Wright, University of Chicago Press, Chicago; Haldane J.B.S. 1930. Am. Nat. 64: 87–90; 1939. J. Genet. 37: 365–374; Kacser H. and Burns J.A. 1981. Genetics 97: 639–666] have defended the view that (...)
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  12.  11
    The making of a social insect: developmental architectures of social design.Robert E. Page & Gro V. Amdam - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (4):334-343.
    We marvel at the social complexity of insects, marked by anatomically and behaviorally distinguishable castes, division of labor and specialization—but how do such systems evolve? Insect societies are composed of individuals, each undergoing its own developmental process and each containing its own genetic information and experiencing its own developmental and experiential environment. Yet societies appear to function as if the colonies themselves are individuals with novel “social genes” and novel social developmental processes. We propose an alternative hypothesis. (...)
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    Animal evolution during domestication: the domesticated fox as a model.Lyudmila Trut, Irina Oskina & Anastasiya Kharlamova - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (3):349-360.
    We review the evolution of domestic animals, emphasizing the effect of the earliest steps of domestication on its course. Using the first domesticated species, the dog (Canis familiaris), for illustration, we describe the evolutionary peculiarities during the historical domestication, such as the high level and wide range of diversity. We suggest that the process of earliest domestication via unconscious and later conscious selection of human‐defined behavioral traits may accelerate phenotypic variations. The review is based on the results of a long‐term (...)
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  14. Identifying Risk and Resilience Factors in the Intergenerational Cycle of Maltreatment: Results From the TRANS-GEN Study Investigating the Effects of Maternal Attachment and Social Support on Child Attachment and Cardiovascular Stress Physiology.Anna Buchheim, Ute Ziegenhain, Heinz Kindler, Christiane Waller, Harald Gündel, Alexander Karabatsiakis & Jörg Fegert - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionChildhood maltreatment is a developmental risk factor and can negatively influence later psychological functioning, health, and development in the next generation. A comprehensive understanding of the biopsychosocial underpinnings of CM transmission would allow to identify protective factors that could disrupt the intergenerational CM risk cycle. This study examined the consequences of maternal CM and the effects of psychosocial and biological resilience factors on child attachment and stress-regulatory development using a prospective trans-disciplinary approach.MethodsMother-child dyads participated shortly after parturition, after 3 (...)
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  15. The Birth of the Holobiont: Multi-species Birthing Through Mutual Scaffolding and Niche Construction.Lynn Chiu & Scott F. Gilbert - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):191-210.
    Holobionts are multicellular eukaryotes with multiple species of persistent symbionts. They are not individuals in the genetic sense— composed of and regulated by the same genome—but they are anatomical, physiological, developmental, immunological, and evolutionary units, evolved from a shared relationship between different species. We argue that many of the interactions between human and microbiota symbionts and the reproductive process of a new holobiont are best understood as instances of reciprocal scaffolding of developmental processes and mutual construction of (...)
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  16.  92
    What Do We Measure When We Measure Aggression?Helen E. Longino - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (4):685-704.
    Biological research on aggression is increasingly consulted for possible answers to the social problems of crime and violence. This paper reviews some contrasting approaches to the biological understanding of behavior—behavioral genetic, social-environmental, physiological, developmental—as a prelude to arguing that approaches to aggression are beset by vagueness and imprecision in their definitions and disunity in their measurement strategies. This vagueness and disunity undermines attempts to compare and evaluate the different approaches empirically. Nevertheless, the definitions reveal commitments to particular metaphysical (...)
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  17. Alternative individualism.Denis M. Walsh - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (4):628-648.
    Psychological individualism is motivated by two taxonomic principles: (i) that psychological states are individuated by their causal powers, and (ii) that causal powers supervene upon intrinsic physiological state. I distinguish two interpretations of individualism--the 'orthodox' and the 'alternative'--each of which is consistent with these motivating principles. I argue that the alternative interpretation is legitimately individualistic on the grounds that it accurately reflects the actual taxonomic practices of bona fide individualistic sciences. The classification of homeobox genes in developmental (...) provides an illustration. When applied to the taxonomy of psychological kinds, alternative individualism has some surprising consequences. In particular, externalist taxonomies of thought are consistent with the alternative interpretation, and hence consistent with individualism. I conclude, on this basis, that the individualism/externalism dispute which has long preoccupied philosophy of psychology is an empty one. (shrink)
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  18. Introduction to Evolving (Proto)Language/s.Nathalie Gontier, Monika Boruta Zywiczyńska, Sverker Johansson & Lorraine McCune - 2024 - Lingua 305 (June):103740.
    Scholarly opinions vary on what language is, how it evolved, and from where or what it evolved. Long considered uniquely human, today scholars argue for evolutionary continuity between human language and animal communication systems. But while it is generally recognized that language is an evolving communication system, scholars continue to debate from which species language evolved, and what behavioral and cognitive features are the precursors to human language. To understand the nature of protolanguage, some look for homologs in gene functionality, (...)
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  19. What do we measure when we measure aggression?E. H. - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (4):685-704.
    Biological research on aggression is increasingly consulted for possible answers to the social problems of crime and violence. This paper reviews some contrasting approaches to the biological understanding of behavior-behavioral genetic, social-environmental, physiological, developmental-as a prelude to arguing that approaches to aggression are beset by vagueness and imprecision in their definitions and disunity in their measurement strategies. This vagueness and disunity undermines attempts to compare and evaluate the different approaches empirically. Nevertheless, the definitions reveal commitments to particular metaphysical (...)
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  20.  34
    Evolutionary responses by butterflies to patchy spatial distributions of resources in tropical environments.Allen M. Young - 1980 - Acta Biotheoretica 29 (1):37-64.
    The greatest diversity of butterflies and their host plants occurs in tropical regions. Some groups of butterflies in the tropics exhibit monophagous feeding in the larval stage, exploiting only one family of plants; others are polyphagous, feeding on plants in two or more distinct families. The two major types of tropical habitats for butterflies, namely primary and secondary forests, offer very different evolutionary opportunities for the exploitation of plants as larval food. Butterflies are faced with the major logistical problem, as (...)
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  21.  20
    Regulation, necessity, and the misinterpretation of knockouts.Jamie Davies - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (8):826-830.
    Much contemporary biology consists of identifying the molecular components that associate to perform biological functions, then discovering how these functions are controlled. The concept of control is key to biological understanding, at least of the physiological kind; identifying regulators of processes underpins ideas of causality and allows complicated, multicomponent systems to be summarized in relatively simple diagrams and models. Unfortunately, as this article demonstrates by drawing on published articles, there is a growing tendency for authors to claim that a (...)
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  22.  38
    Developmental genetics and traditional homology.Jessica A. Bolker & Rudolf A. Raff - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (6):489-494.
    The concept of homology arose from classical studies of comprative morphology, and took on a new signficance with the advent of evolutionary theory. It is currentlyl undergoing antoher metamorphosis: many developmental geneticists now dfine homology as shared patterns of gene expression. However, this ne usage conflaes difinition with criteri, and fails to recognize the meaninful asignments of homology must speify a biologcal level. We argue the although developmental genetic data can help identify homologus structures. they are niether necessary (...)
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  23.  32
    Developmental genetics and early hominid craniodental evolution.Melanie A. McCollum & Paul T. Sharpe - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):481-493.
    Although features of the dentition figure prominently in discussions of early hominid phylogeny, remarkably little is known of the developmental basis of the variations in occlusal morphology and dental proportions that are observed among taxa. Recent experiments on tooth development in mice have identified some of the genes involved in dental patterning and the control of tooth specification. These findings provide valuable new insight into dental evolution and underscore the strong developmental links that exist among the teeth and (...)
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    The Developmental Genetic Toolkit and the Molecular Homology—Analogy Paradox.Stuart A. Newman - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (1):12-16.
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    Developmental genetics of drosophila.Adam S. Wilkins - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (8):710-711.
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    Evolutionary developmental genetics of floral symmetry: The revealing power of Linnaeus' monstrous flower.Günter Theißen - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (3):209.
  27.  14
    Insect developmental genetics – moving beyond Drosophila.Rob Denell - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (2):77-79.
  28.  16
    At the crossroads of developmental genetics: The cloning of the classical mouse T locus.Lee M. Silver - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (8):377-380.
    The discovery, more than 60 years ago, of a mutant mouse with a short tail led to the birth of the new field of developmental genetics. Over the years since, numerous investigators have probed the biology of the original short‐tail mutation at the T locus, as well the naturally‐occurring t haplotypes that were uncovered as a result of their interaction with this mutation. Although the T locus ranks among the best characterized developmental loci in the mouse, it (...)
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  29.  10
    The plant hormone auxin: Insight in sight.Mark Estelle - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (7):439-444.
    Physiological experiments conducted over the last 60 years indicate that the plant hormone auxin regulates a diverse set of developmental processes via changes in cell division, cell elongation and cell differentiation. Recent studies using transgenic plants with altered auxin levels support these conclusions and promise to provide more detailed information on the role of auxin during plant development. Although it is possible that all auxin responses are mediated by the same primary biochemical events, the studies described in this (...)
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    A few comments on electrostatic interactions in cell physiology.Stéphane Genet, Robert Costalat & Jacques Burger - 2000 - Acta Biotheoretica 48 (3-4):273-287.
    The role of fixed charges present at the surface of biological membranes is usually described by the Gouy-Chapman-Grahame theory of the electric double-layer where the Grahame equation is applied independently on each side of the membrane and where the capacitive charges are disregarded. In this article, we generalize the Gouy-Chapman-Grahame theory by taking into account both intrinsic charges and capacitive charges, in the density value of the membrane surface charges. In the first part, we show that capacitive charges couple electrostatic (...)
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  31.  21
    Asymmetry – where evolutionary and developmental genetics meet.Philip Batterham, Andrew G. Davies, Anne Y. Game & John A. McKenzie - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (10):841-845.
    The mechanisms responsible for the fine tuning of development, where the wildtype phenotype is reproduced with high fidelity, are not well understood. The difficulty in approaching this problem is the identification of mutant phenotypes indicative of a defect in these fine‐tuning control mechanisms. Evolutionary biologists have used asymmetry as a measure of developmental homeostasis. The rationale for this was that, since the same genome controls the development of the left and right sides of a bilaterally symmetrical organism, departures from (...)
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  32.  58
    The Epic of Evolution: A Course Developmental Project.Russell Merle Genet - 1998 - Zygon 33 (4):635-644.
    The Epic of Evolution is a course taught at Northern Arizona University. It engages the task of formulating a new epic myth that is based on the physical, natural, social, and cultural sciences. It aims to serve the need of providing meaning for human living in the vast and complex universe that the sciences now depict for us. It is an interdisciplinary effort in an academic setting that is often divided by specializations; it focuses on values in a climate of (...)
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  33.  21
    Comparative insect developmental genetics: phenotypes without mutants.Rob Denell & Teresa Shippy - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (5):379-382.
    The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in interest in the extent to which morphological evolution depends on changes in regulatory pathways. Insects provide a fertile ground for study because of their diversity and our high level of understanding of the genetic regulation of development in Drosophila melanogaster. However, comparable genetic approaches are presently possible in only a small number of non‐Drosophilid insects. In a recent paper, Hughes and Kaufman(1) have used a new methodology, RNA interference, in the milkweed (...)
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  34.  29
    Developmental Genetics Genetic analysis of animal development. By Adam S. Wilkins, John Wiley & Sons, New York. pp. 546. $.69.95 (in U.S.); £66.95. [REVIEW]Lewis Wolpert - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (5):235-236.
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    Skipping sex: A nonrecombinant genomic assemblage of complementary reproductive modules.Diego Hojsgaard & Manfred Schartl - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000111.
    The unusual occurrence and developmental diversity of asexual eukaryotes remain a puzzle. De novo formation of a functioning asexual genome requires a unique assembly of sets of genes or gene states to disrupt cellular mechanisms of meiosis and gametogenesis, and to affect discrete components of sexuality and produce clonal or hemiclonal offspring. We highlight two usually overlooked but essential conditions to understand the molecular nature of clonal organisms, that is, a nonrecombinant genomic assemblage retaining modifiers of the sexual program, (...)
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  36.  20
    Early Life Stress, Physiology, and Genetics: A Review.Nia Fogelman & Turhan Canli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Nadine Dobrovolskaïa‐Zavadskaïa and the dawn of developmental genetics.Vladimir Korzh & David Grunwald - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):365-371.
    In one of the first genetic screens aimed at identifying induced developmental mutants, Nadine Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa, working at the Pasteur Laboratory in the 1920s, isolated and characterized a mutation affecting Brachyury, a gene that regulates tail and axial development in the mouse. Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa's analysis of Brachyury and other mutations affecting tail development were among the earliest attempts to link gene action with a tissue-specific developmental process in a vertebrate. Her analyses of genes that interacted with Brachyury led to the (...)
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  38.  34
    An epistemology of the concrete: twentieth-century histories of life.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2010 - Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
    Ludwik Fleck, Edmund Husserl : on the historicity of scientific knowledge -- Gaston Bachelard : the concept of "phenomenotechnique" -- Georges Canguilhem : epistemological history -- Pisum : Carl Correns's experiments on Xenia, 1896-99 -- Eudorina : Max Hartmann's experiments on biological regulation in protozoa, 1914-21 -- Ephestia : Alfred Kähn's experimental design for a developmental physiological -- Genetics, 1924-45 -- Tobacco mosaic virus : virus research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes for Biochemistry and Biology, 1937-45 -- (...)
  39.  22
    Microbial adaptation to a changeable environment: Cell‐cell interactions mediate physiological and genetic differentiation.R. Frank Rosenzweig & Julian Adams - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (10):715-717.
    Recent work by Magnuson, Solomon and Grossman(1) adds to a growing body of evidence indicating that microorganisms possess sophisticated signaling systems that enable them to sense and respond to environmental challenges. Typically, this response results in morphological, physiological and even genetic differentiation, paralleling that observed among higher organisms. These signaling systems may be interpreted as adaptations that maximize the reproductive potential of a population.
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    Epigenetics in Biological Communication.Guenther Witzany (ed.) - 2024 - Cham: SpringerNature.
    Every cell, tissue, organ and organism is competent to use signs to exchange information reaching common coordinations and organisations of both single cell and group behavior. These sign-mediated interactions we term biological communication. The regulatory system that works in development, morphology, cell fate and identity, physiology, genetic instructions, immunity, memory/learning, physical and mental disease depends on epigenetic marks. The communication of cells, persistent viruses and their defectives such as mobile genetic elements and RNA networks ensures both the transport of regulatory (...)
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    François Jacob's Lab in the Seventies: The T-complex and the Mouse Developmental Genetic Program.Michel Morange - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):397 - 411.
    The existence of a genetic program of development was proposed by molecular biologists in the nineteen-sixties. Historians and philosophers of science have since thoroughly criticized this notion. To fully appreciate its significance, it is interesting to consider the research which was pursued during this period by molecular biologists who proposed this notion. This study focuses on François Jacob's work and on the model of development supported by his lab in the early seventies, the T-complex model. This episode of Jacob's scientific (...)
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    Darwin’s Other Dilemmas and the Theoretical Roots of Emotional Connection.Robert J. Ludwig & Martha G. Welch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Modern scientific theories of emotional behavior, almost without exception, trace their origin to Charles Darwin, and his publications On the Origin of Species (1859) and The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). The most famous evolutionary dilemma Darwin acknowledged as a challenge to his theory of natural selection was the incomplete sub Cambrian fossil record. However, Darwin struggled with two other rarely referenced theoretical and scientific dilemmas that confounded his theories about emotional behavior. These included (1) the (...)
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    Development and Heredity in the Interwar Period: Hans Spemann and Fritz Baltzer on Organizers and Merogones.Christina Brandt - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (2):253-283.
    This article explores the collaborative research of the Nobel laureate Hans Spemann (1869–1941) and the Swiss zoologist Fritz Baltzer (1884–1974) on problems at the intersection of development and heredity and raises more general questions concerning science and politics in Germany in the interwar period. It argues that Spemann and Baltzer’s collaborative work made a significant contribution to the then ongoing debates about the relation between developmental physiology and hereditary studies, although Spemann distanced himself from _Drosophila_ genetics because of (...)
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  44. The sociobiology of sociopathy: An integrated evolutionary model.Linda Mealey - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18:523-541.
    Sociopaths are “outstanding” members of society in two senses: politically, they draw our attention because of the inordinate amount of crime they commit, and psychologically, they hold our fascination because most ofus cannot fathom the cold, detached way they repeatedly harm and manipulate others. Proximate explanations from behavior genetics, child development, personality theory, learning theory, and social psychology describe a complex interaction of genetic and physiological risk factors with demographic and micro environmental variables that predispose a portion of (...)
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    Evolution of behaviour: bridging the gap between evolutionary and developmental genetics.Rinaldo C. Bertossa - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (12):1303-1304.
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    Normalization and the Welfare State.Ladelle McWhorter - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (1):39-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Normalization and the Welfare StateLadelle McWhorterIn Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America, I argued that as race was absorbed into biology in the nineteenth century, it was recast from a morphological typology to a function of physiological and evolutionary development (McWhorter 2009b). Racial difference became a sign of developmental difference. Racial groups represented stages of human evolution, and raced individuals were to be disciplined and managed in (...)
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    From cell fates to morphology: Developmental genetics of the Caenorhabditis elegans male tail.Scott W. Emmons - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (5):309-316.
    The C. elegans male tail is being studied as a model to understand how genes specify the form of multicellular animals. Morphogenesis of the specialized male copulatory organ takes place in the last larval stages during male development. Genetic analysis is facilitated because the structure is not necessary for male viability or for strain propagation. Analysis of developmental mutants, isolated in several functional and morphological screens, has begun to reveal how fates of cells are determined in the cell lineages, (...)
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    Hormonal pleiotropy and the juvenile hormone regulation ofDrosophila development and life history.Thomas Flatt, Meng-Ping Tu & Marc Tatar - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (10):999-1010.
    Understanding how traits are integrated at the organismal level remains a fundamental problem at the interface of developmental and evolutionary biology. Hormones, regulatory signaling molecules that coordinate multiple developmental and physiological processes, are major determinants underlying phenotypic integration. The probably best example for this is the lipid-like juvenile hormone (JH) in insects. Here we review the manifold effects of JH, the most versatile animal hormone, with an emphasis on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, an organism amenable to (...)
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    Medakafish as a model system for vertebrate developmental genetics.Yuji Ishikawa - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (5):487-495.
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    Defining the Boundaries of Development with Plasticity.Antonine Nicoglou - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):36-47.
    The concept of plasticity has always been present in the history of developmental biology, both within the theory of epigenesis and within morphogenesis studies. However this tradition relies also upon a genetic conception of plasticity. Founded upon the concepts of ‘‘phenotypic plasticity’’ and ‘‘reaction norm,’’ this genetic conception focuses on the array of possible phenotypic change in relation to diversified environments. Another concept of plasticity can be found in recent publications by some developmental biologists (Gilbert, West-Eberhard). I argue (...)
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