Results for 'physician assisted suicide'

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  1. Raphael Cohen-Almagor.Physician-Assisted Suicide - 2000 - In Raphael Cohen-Almagor (ed.), Medical ethics at the dawn of the 21st century. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. pp. 913--127.
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  2. Problems Involved in the Moral Justification of Medical Assistance in Dying.Physician-Assisted Suicide - 2000 - In Raphael Cohen-Almagor (ed.), Medical ethics at the dawn of the 21st century. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. pp. 157.
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  3. Please note that not all books mentioned on this list will be reviewed.Physician-Assisted Suicide - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3:221-222.
  4.  51
    Physicians, Assisted Suicide, and Christian Virtues.Philip A. Reed - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (1):50-68.
    The debate about physician-assisted suicide has long been entwined with the nature of the doctor–patient relationship. Opponents of physician-assisted suicide insist that the traditional goals of medicine do not and should not include intentionally bringing about or hastening a patient’s death, whereas proponents of physician-assisted suicide argue that this practice is an appropriate tool for doctors to relieve a patient’s suffering. In this article, I discuss these issues in light of the (...)
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  5. Does physician assisted suicide violate the integrity of medicine?Richard Momeyer - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (1):13-24.
    This paper evaluates the arguments against physician assisted suicide which contend that it violates the integrity of medicine and the physician-patient relation; i.e. that it contradicts the goal of seeking health and healing, violates an absolute prohibition against killing, and undermines the patient's trust in the physician. These arguments against physician assisted suicide (1) misuse notions of teleology and teleological explanation; (2) rely on inappropriate notions of "ideal medicine", for which death is (...)
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    The Physician-Assisted Suicide Pathway in Italy: Ethical Assessment and Safeguard Approaches.Luciana Riva - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):185-192.
    Although in Italy there is currently no effective law on physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia, Decision No. 242 issued by the Italian Constitutional Court on September 25, 2019 established that an individual who, under specific circumstances, has facilitated the implementation of an independent and freely-formed resolve to commit suicide by another individual is exempt from criminal liability. Following this ruling, some citizens have submitted requests for assisted suicide to the public health system, generating a situation (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Before, During, and After the Holocaust.Sheldon Rubenfeld & Daniel P. Sulmasy (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book provides a history of Nazi medical euthanasia programs, demonstrating that arguments in their favor were widely embraced by Western medicine before the Third Reich. Contributors find significant continuities between history and current physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia and urge caution about their legalization or implementation.
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  8. Physician assisted suicide: A new look at the arguments.J. M. Dieterle - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (3):127–139.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, I examine the arguments against physician assisted suicide . Many of these arguments are consequentialist. Consequentialist arguments rely on empirical claims about the future and thus their strength depends on how likely it is that the predictions will be realized. I discuss these predictions against the backdrop of Oregon's Death with Dignity Act and the practice of PAS in the Netherlands. I then turn to a specific consequentialist argument against PAS – Susan M. Wolf's (...)
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    Physician Assisted Suicide: A Variety of Religious Perspectives.Mark F. Carr (ed.) - 2008 - Wheatmark.
    The "California Compassionate Choices Act," AB 374, is inching its way into the voter's booth. Are you ready to vote for or against physician-assisted suicide? California is not the only state facing this issue, and as a responsible citizen you will not be able to escape taking a position on this important social and personal moral question. This collection of essays was gleaned from the Jack W. Provonsha Lecture Series on physician-assisted suicide. Representing a (...)
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  10. Physician-assisted suicide and public policy.Gerald Dworkin - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 89 (2-3):133-141.
    A defense of Physician-assisted suicide as ethically justifiable, and as legally permissible.
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide and Criminal Prosecution: Are Physicians at Risk?Stephen J. Ziegler - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (2):349-358.
    The legalization of physician-assisted suicide remains a hotly debated issue throughout the United States, and continues to capture the attention of government officials at both the state and federal levels. While the practice is currently legal in Oregon, some federal lawmakers and officials from the U.S. Department of Justice have attempted to outlaw that state's practice through legislation, or through a strained interpretation of the federal Controlled Substances Act. And while several citizen groups throughout the United States (...)
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  12.  87
    Physician-Assisted Suicide: Where to Draw the Line?Ernlé W. D. Young - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (3):407-410.
    In brief compass, I will touch on three of the central ethical and public policy issues that divide those who are opposed to physician-assisted dying from those who are supportive of this practice. These are: the moral distinction between actively hastening death and passively allowing to die; how to interpret the Hippocratic tradition in medicine with respect to physician-assisted death; and whether physician-assisted suicide can be effectively regulated. I shall summarize the arguments pro (...)
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  13. Physician Assisted Suicide in the United States of America.Kerri Anne Brussen - 2010 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 16 (2):3.
    Brussen, Kerri Anne This paper is a brief history of suicide, euthanasia, and physician assisted suicide in the United States of America which aims to provide an understanding of the continued and persistent effort in the USA to legalise physician assisted suicide. Oregon and Washington State Dying with Dignity Laws are reviewed as examples of legalised physician assisted suicide.
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    Physician-assisted suicide in the united states: The underlying factors in technology, health care and palliative medicine – part one.Robert F. Rizzo - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (3):277-289.
    In an age of rapid advances inlife-prolonging treatment, patients and caregivers areincreasingly facing tensions in making end-of-lifedecisions. An examination of the history of healthcare in the United States reveals technological,economic, and medical factors that have contributed tothe problems of terminal care and consequently to themovement of assisted suicide. The movement has itsroots in at least two fundamental perceptions andexpectations. In the age of technological medicineenergized by the profit motive, dying comes at a highprice in suffering and in personal (...)
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  15.  83
    Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of nurses in Andalusia (Spain).María-Isabel Tamayo-Velázquez, Pablo Simón-Lorda & Maite Cruz-Piqueras - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (5):677-691.
    The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and experiences of Spanish nurses in relation to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. In an online questionnaire completed by 390 nurses from Andalusia, 59.1% adequately identified a euthanasia situation and 64.1% a situation involving physician-assisted suicide. Around 69% were aware that both practices were illegal in Spain, while 21.4% had received requests for euthanasia and a further 7.8% for assisted suicide. A total (...)
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  16.  75
    Physician-Assisted Suicide Reconsidered: Dying as a Christian in a Post-Christian Age.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (2):143-167.
    The traditional Christian focus concerning dying is on repentance, not dignity. The goal of a traditional Christian death is not a pleasing, final chapter to life, but union with God: holiness. The pursuit of holiness requires putting on Christ and accepting His cross. In contrast, post-traditional Christian and secular concerns with self-determination, control, dignity, and self-esteem make physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia plausible moral choices. Such is not the case within the context of the traditional Christian (...)
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  17.  53
    Can Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Regulated Effectively?Franklin G. Miller, Howard Brody & Timothy E. Quill - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):225-232.
    With breathtalung speed, traditional criminal prohibitions against assisted suicide have been declared unconstitutional in twelve states, including California and New York. This poses great promise and great peril. The promise is that competent terminally ill patients, as a compassionate measure of last resort, will have the option of putting an end to their suffering by physician-assisted suicide. More sigmficant, legally permitting this controversial option may be a catalyst for doctors, health care institutions, and society to (...)
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  18.  39
    Physician-Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia: is it time the UK law caught up?Pauline Griffiths - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (2):107-117.
    People who wish to end their lives when they consider that they cannot endure further pain and suffering cannot legally obtain help to produce a peaceful death. The reality of practice seems to be that, covertly, physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia do take place. The value of personal autonomy in issues of consent has been clarified in the courts in that a competent adult person has the right to refuse or choose alternative treatments even if death will (...)
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  19.  13
    Physician-Assisted Suicide and Democracy.Raymond L. Dennehy - 2003 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (1-2):99-118.
    Apologists for physician-assisted suicide maintain that democracy's commitment to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness entitles any rational adult to decide when to end one's life. Yet the procedure nullifies freedom and the right to life, and is thus anti-democratic. Both on the practical and theoretical levels, assisted suicide leads to involuntary euthanasia. On the theoretical level, the distinction between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia is clear, but on the practical level it becomes blurry. Both (...)
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    Physician-assisted suicide: The role of mental health professionals.Nico Peruzzi, Andrew Canapary & Bruce Bongar - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (4):353 – 366.
    A review of the literature was conducted to better understand the (potential) role of mental health professionals in physician-assisted suicide. Numerous studies indicate that depression is one of the most commonly encountered psychiatric illnesses in primary care settings. Yet, depression consistently goes undetected and undiagnosed by nonpsychiatrically trained primary care physicians. Noting the well-studied link between depression and suicide, it is necessary to question giving sole responsibility of assisting patients in making end-of-life treatment decisions to these (...)
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    Physician assisted suicide: New developments in the netherlands.Sjef Gevers - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):309–312.
    Until recently, physician assisted suicide was dealt with on the same basis as active voluntary euthanasia in the Netherlands. Over the last years, several cases relating to assistance in suicide of mental patients did raise specific issues, not addressed so far in the debate on euthanasia. One of these cases resulted in a Supreme Court decision. The paper summarizes this decision and comments on it from a legal point of view.
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  22. Physician-Assisted Suicide, the Right to Die, and Misconceptions About Life.Mario Tito Ferreira Moreno & Pedro Fior Mota De Andrade - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):14-27.
    In this paper, we analyze the legal situation regarding physician-assisted suicide in the world. Our hypothesis is that the prohibitive stance on physician-assisted suicide in most societies in the world today seems to be related to our moral attitudes toward suicide. This brings us to a discussion about life itself. We claim that the total lack of legal protection for physician-assisted suicide from international organizations and most countries in the world (...)
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  23.  38
    Against Recategorizing Physician-Assisted Suicide.Philip A. Reed - 2020 - Public Affairs Quarterly 34 (1):50-71.
    There is a growing trend among some physicians, psychiatrists, bioethicists, and other mental health professionals not to treat physician-assisted suicide (PAS) as suicide. The grounds for doing so are that PAS fundamentally differs from other suicides. Perhaps most notably, in 2017 the American Association of Suicidology argued that PAS is distinct from the behavior that their organization seeks to prevent. This paper compares and contrasts suicide and PAS in order to see how much overlap there (...)
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  24. Why Physician-Assisted Suicide Perpetuates the Idolatry of Medicine.Mark J. Cherry - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (2-3):245-271.
    Adequate response to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia depends on fundamental philosophical and theological issues, including the character of an appropriate philosophically and theologically anchored anthropology, where the central element of traditional Christian anthropology is that humans are created to worship God. As I will argue, Christian morality and moral epistemology must be nested within and understood through this background Christian anthropology. As a result, I will argue that physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia can only be (...)
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  25.  56
    Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide and Other Methods of Helping Along Death.Erich H. Loewy - 2004 - Health Care Analysis 12 (3):181-193.
    This paper introduces a series of papers dealing with the topic of euthanasia as an introduction to a variety of attitudes by health-care professionals and philosophers interested in this issue. The lead in paper—and really the lead in idea—stresses the fact that what we are discussing concerns only a minority of people lucky enough to live in conditions of acceptable sanitation and who have access to medical care. The topic of euthanasia and PAS really has three questions: (1) is killing (...)
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  26. Physicianassisted suicide: Two moral arguments.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3):497-518.
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  27. Physician-assisted suicide in the united states: Confronting legal and medical reasoning – part two.Robert F. Rizzo - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (3):291-304.
    In the United States, judicialrulings that unrealistically addressed the complexityof cases and demonstrated limited understanding ofprinciples, helped to create a legal quagmire whichlegislatures had to confront. Moreover, thelegislative response was often slow and inadequate interms of both the scope and clarity of the laws. However, since the 1970s, progress has been made onmany fronts, particularly in regard to advancedirectives dealing with end-of-life decisions. Thedebate over physician-assisted suicide has spawned arepetition of moral and legal arguments. Thoseagainst legalization have (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, and Christian Bioethics: Moral Controversy in Germany.Arnd T. May - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (2-3):273-283.
    Discussions in Germany regarding appropriate end-of-life decision-making have been heavily influenced by the liberalization of access to physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia in the Netherlands and Belgium. These discussions disclose conflicting moral views regarding the propriety of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia, threatening conflicts within not only the medical profession, but also the mainline churches in Germany, whose membership now entertains views regarding end-of-life decision-making at odds with traditional Christian doctrine. On the surface, there (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide, Hospice, and Rituals of Withdrawal.William G. Bartholome - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):233-236.
    As I write, I hear that Dr. Jack Kevorluan has delivered another victim to the emergency room of his local Michigan hospital. Why do physicians and terminally ill patients feel we need to change the law with respect to assisted suicide when a rogue pathologist, who has been stripped of his medical license, is allowed to pursue his appetite for providing his clients with inhalation treatments of carbon monoxide gas? If no court will convict this outlaw, what makes (...)
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  30. Physician-assisted suicide: progress or peril.Christine K. Cassel - 1996 - In David C. Thomasma & Thomasine Kimbrough Kushner (eds.), Birth to death: science and bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 218--30.
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  31. Physicianassisted suicide, the doctrine of double effect, and the ground of value.F. M. Kamm - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3):586-605.
    In this article, I shall present three arguments for thc pcrmissibility 0f physician-assisted suicide (PAS), and then examine several objections 0f 21 "K21nti2m" and non-Kantian nature against them. These are really 0bjcctions against certain types of suicide. I shall focus 0n active PAS (eg., when 21 patient takes 21 lethal drug given by E1 physician, in which case both thc physician and patient are active). I shall assume the patient is 21 competent, responsible, rational (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide: Views of Swiss Health Care Professionals. [REVIEW]Eliane Pfister & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (3):283-285.
    Physician-Assisted Suicide: Views of Swiss Health Care Professionals Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11673-010-9246-2 Authors Eliane Pfister, Institute of Biomedical Ethics, University of Zurich, CH-8032 Zurich, Switzerland Nikola Biller-Andorno, Institute of Biomedical Ethics, University of Zurich, CH-8032 Zurich, Switzerland Journal Journal of Bioethical Inquiry Online ISSN 1872-4353 Print ISSN 1176-7529 Journal Volume Volume 7 Journal Issue Volume 7, Number 3.
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    PhysicianAssisted Suicide: Promoting Autonomy—Or Medicalizing Suicide?Tania Salem - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (3):30-36.
    Assisted suicide, many argue, honors self‐determination in returning control of their dying to patients themselves. But physician assistance and measures proposed to safeguard patients from coercion in fact return ultimate authority over this “private and deeply personal” decision to medicine and society.
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  34. Voluntary euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and the goals of medicine.Jukka Varelius - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (2):121 – 137.
    It is plausible that what possible courses of action patients may legitimately expect their physicians to take is ultimately determined by what medicine as a profession is supposed to do and, consequently, that we can determine the moral acceptability of voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide on the basis of identifying the proper goals of medicine. This article examines the main ways of defining the proper goals of medicine found in the recent bioethics literature and argues that they (...)
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    Physician-assisted Suicide.J. Shand - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (3):208-209.
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  36. Physician Assisted Suicide: A Constitutional Crisis Resolved.John Robinson - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 12 (2):369-386.
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  37. Physician Assisted Suicide: Its Challenge to the Prevailing Constitutional Paradigm.John Robinson - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 9 (2):345-366.
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  38. Physician-assisted suicide: a different approach.L. Emmanuel - 1997 - Bioethics Forum 13 (2):13-16.
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  39.  17
    In Defense of “Physician-Assisted Suicide”: Toward (and Back to) a Transparent, Destigmatizing Debate.Brandy M. Fox & Harold Braswell - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-12.
    Many bioethicists have recently shifted from using “physician-assisted suicide” (PAS) to “medical aid-in-dying” (MAID) to refer to the act of voluntarily hastening one’s death with the assistance of a medical provider. This shift was made to obscure the practice’s connection to “suicide.” However, as the charge of “suicide” is fundamental to arguments against the practice, “MAID” can only be used by its proponents. The result has been the fragmentation of the bioethical debate. By highlighting the (...)
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    On the Difference between PhysicianAssisted Suicide and Active Euthanasia.Nicholas Dixon - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (5):25-29.
    Those who defend physicianassisted suicide often seek to distinguish it from active euthanasia, but in fact, the two acts face the same objections. Both can lead to abuse, both implicate the physician in the death of a patient, and both violate whatever objections there are to killing. Their moral similarity derives from the similar roles of the physician.
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide in Context: Constitutional, Regulatory, and Professional Challenges.Bernard Lo, Karen H. Rothenberg & Michael Vasko - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):181-182.
    Last month, a fifty-eight-year old man developed bleeding into his cheek and oozing from sites where previously he had had blood samples drawn. This bleeding was caused by disseminated intravascular coagulation, a complication of colon cancer that had spread to his liver and lungs. This complication occurred even though he was on chemotherapy for the cancer. In the hospital, he received transfusions and was administered medicine to stop the bleeding. However, his condition did not improve. He developed more bruises. When (...)
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    Authenticity and physician-assisted suicide: a reply to Ahlzén.Jesper Ahlin Marceta - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):543-546.
    In a recent article in this journal, Rolf Ahlzén treats a moral problem related to physician-assisted suicide and the notion of authenticity. The problem is whether considerations of a patient’s “true self” should be included in judgments of PAS. In this short commentary, it is argued that Ahlzén neglects to attend to central contributions to the philosophy of authenticity, provides an internally inconsistent theory thereof, and conflates crucial distinctions in the debate.
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide in Psychiatry: Developments in the Netherlands.Johan Legemaate & J. K. M. Gevers - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (2):175.
    For more than two decades euthanasia and assisted suicide have been openly debated in the Netherlands. This development started in 1973 when the Regional Court in Leeuwarden decided a case in which a physician had administered a deadly dose of morphine to her terminally ill mother on the mother's serious and persistent request. In this case the court concluded that the average Dutch physician no longer considered it his or her duty to prolong a patient's life (...)
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    Physician-assisted suicide--is it a constitutional right?B. B. Livingston - 1996 - Bioethics Bulletin (Washington, Dc) 5 (3):2-8.
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  45. Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia: Rebuttals of rebuttals the moral prohibition remains.Edmund D. Pellegrino - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (1):93 – 100.
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    Dying under a Description? Physician-Assisted Suicide, Persons, and Solidarity.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (3):298-311.
    Debates over physician-assisted suicide comprise a small portion of broader culture wars. Their role in the culture wars obscures an under-acknowledged consensus between those who support PAS and those who oppose it. Drawing insights from personalism, this essay situates PAS within larger moral obligations of solidarity with the dying and their caregivers. The contributions of Roman Catholic personalism relocate debates over PAS and allow us to harness shared moral impulses.
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  47. Physician-Assisted Suicide and Federalism.Brian Bix - 2003 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 17 (1):53-70.
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    What We Owe to Terminally III Patients: The Option of Physician-Assisted Suicide.Hon-Lam Li - 2016 - Asian Bioethics Review 8 (3):224-243.
    This paper examines whether physician-assisted suicide is morally permissible, and whether it should be legalised in the sense that those seeking or performing such procedure will be immune from prosecution. The issues of moral and legal permissibility1 are closely connected. One way to argue for the permissibility of PAS is grounded in the argument that a patient has the right to refuse life-saving equipment, or to have it withdrawn,2 and then to further argue that there is no (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: German Protestantism, Conscience, and the Limits of Purely Ethical Reflection.Peter Bartmann - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (2-3):203-225.
  50. Confronting physician assisted suicide and euthanasia: My father's death.Susan M. Wolf - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (5):pp. 23-26.
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