Results for 'philosophical suicide'

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  1. Philosophical suicide.Byron J. Stoyles - 2012 - Think 11 (30):73-84.
    In response to the view that death is bad when it ruins our lives by interrupting what gives our lives meaning, my approach in this paper is to consider the meaning of life as something that ends at death. With this, I focus on the meaning of life rather than our vulnerability to the badness of death. Specifically, I consider two responses to the myth of Sisyphus—one from Albert Camus and one from Thomas Nagel—both of which take our lives to (...)
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    The educational cost of philosophical suicide: What it means to be lucid.Simone Thornton - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (6):608-618.
    The struggle to become lucid is at the heart of The Myth of Sisyphus. To understand the absurd is to understand that the fit between our conception of the world and the world itself is fraught with uncertainty; lucidity is the elucidation of the absurd. To be lucid is to revolt against the type of certainty that leads to suffering; to revolt against philosophical suicide. Camus teaches us the intellectual humility that stays hands; there is no reasoning that (...)
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  3. Suicide: The Philosophical Dimensions.Michael Cholbi - 2011 - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press.
    _Suicide_ was selected as a Choice _Outstanding Academic Title_ for 2012! _Suicide: The Philosophical Dimensions_ is a provocative and comprehensive investigation of the main philosophical issues surrounding suicide. Readers will encounter seminal arguments concerning the nature of suicide and its moral permissibility, the duty to die, the rationality of suicide, and the ethics of suicide intervention. Intended both for students and for seasoned scholars, this book sheds much-needed philosophical light on one of the (...)
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    Why suicide is amoral: a philosophical account.Robyn Gaier - 2024 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    If an agent lacks the ability to exercise deliberative agency or moral agency, or otherwise does not believe themselves to have a choice with respect to an action, then that action is amoral. Robyn Gaier argues that actions of suicide are amoral in at least these ways.
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    Permitting Suicide in Philosophical Counseling.Elliot D. Cohen - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 1 (1):65-79.
    This paper introduces and examines the concept of permitted suicide in the context of philosophical counseling. It argues that clients suffering from serious, irremediable physical illnesses, such as Lou Gehrigs, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and HIV, should be free to philosophically explore the option of suicide with their philosophical counselors without undue fear of paternalistic intervention to thwart a rational suicide decision. Legal liability, professional duties, and qualifications of philosophical counselors who counsel such clients are (...)
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    Rational suicide: philosophical perspectives on schizophrenia. [REVIEW]Jeanette Hewitt - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (1):25-31.
    Suicide prevention is a National Health Service priority in the United Kingdom. People with mental illness are seen to represent one of the most vulnerable groups for suicide and recent British Government policy has focused on prevention and management of perceived risk. This approach to suicide prevention is constructed under a biomedical model of psychiatry, which maintains that suicidal persons suffer from some form of disease or irrational drive towards self-destruction. Many react to the idea of self-inflicted (...)
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    The Suicidal Philosopher: Plato's Socrates.Anna B. Christensen - 2020 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 37 (4):309-330.
    Since the Phaedo characterizes Socrates’s death as a punishment by Athens, many scholars argue that he could neither have been responsible for nor have intended his death, so that his death was not suicide. This is no mere semantic quibble: the question turns on issues of responsible and intentional action. I argue that the dialogues portray Socrates as committing suicide. To do so, I use a Platonic account of responsibility and intention to show how Athens and Socrates were (...)
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    Suicide in Plotinus’ Philosophy on the Axis of Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy.Mehmet Murat Karakaya - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):339-355.
    Suicide, which is defined as the attempt of the human being against his life using his will, has been a subject of deep discussions of the philosophical field as an equivalent of the search for the meaning in the existential sense beyond just a sociological fact. In this sense, suicide has been debated in the philosophical field from antiquity to nowadays and different approaches to this phenomenon have been made. While Greek philosophy opposes suicide in (...)
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    Jaspers’ Philosophical Study on Suicide and Philosophical Counseling. 주혜연 - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 130:99-130.
    자살을 바라보는 다양한 시각이 존재할 수 있지만 통상적으로 두 가지 시선이 존재한다. 첫째로 자살은 광범위한 정신적 질병의 결과로 보는 것이며, 둘째로 사회적 현상으로서의 자살이다. 그러나 이러한 두 가지 입장은 인간의 자살을 충분히 이해하고 설명하기에는 한계를 가진다. 우울증과 같은 정신적 질병으로 인해 인간이 자살을 실행한다는 입장이나 사회적 현상에 의해 인간의 자살이 결정된다는 입장 어디에도 행위의 주체로서 무제약적 결단에 나설 수 있는 인간의 실존적 의지는 간과되기 때문이다. 이 글에서는 야스퍼스(Jaspers)의 『철학』II 권을 중심으로 한계상황에 부딪친 인간이 선택할 수 있는 무제약적 행위로서의 자살을 규명한다. (...)
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    Contemplating Suicide: The Language and Ethics of Self-Harm.Gavin J. Fairbairn & Gavin Fairbairn - 1995 - Routledge.
    Suicide is devastating. It is an assault on our ideas of what living is about. In Contemplating Suicide Gavin Fairbairn takes fresh look at suicidal self harm. His view is distinctive in not emphasising external facts: the presence or absence of a corpse, along with evidence that the person who has become a corpse, intended to do so. It emphasises the intentions that the person had in acting, rather than the consequences that follow from those actions. Much of (...)
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    Le suicide: traité 16 (Ennéade I, 9).Matthieu Guyot - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Plotinus.
    Plotin (205-270) est le premier des philosophes néoplatoniciens aussi bien d'un point de vue chronologique que par son importance. Auteur de 54 traités regroupés en six Ennéades ("neuvaines"), il consacra l'un d'eux, le traité 16 (Ennéade I, 9), très bref, à la question du suicide. Dans cet ouvrage Plotin se demande si et quand le suicide peut être un choix légitime. Le commentaire qui accompagne la traduction de ce traité s'efforce de l'éclairer même pour un lecteur qui ne (...)
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    Suicide and Freedom from Suffering in Schopenhauer’s “Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung”.Christopher Roland Trogan - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):5-8.
    Schopenhauer’s stance on suicide focuses on the possibility of achieving freedom from suffering through the denial of the individual will-to-life. Ultimately, Schopenhauer argues that suicide fails to achieve this freedom, primarily because it is an act of will that confirms, rather than denies, the will-to-life. Suicide, he argues, is a kind of contradiction in that it involves the individual will’s willfully seeking to exterminate itself as a way of escaping the wretchedness of willing. While Schopenhauer explicitly states (...)
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    Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and the Philosophical Anthropology of Karol Wojtyla.Ashley K. Fernandes - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (3):379-402.
    The lack of consensus in American society regarding the permissibility of assisted suicide and euthanasia is due in large part to a failure to address the nature of the human person involved in the ethical act itself. For Karol Wojtyla, philosopher and Pope, ethical action finds meaning only in an authentic understanding of the person; but it is through acting ( actus humanus ) alone that the human person reveals himself. Knowing what the person ought to be cannot be (...)
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  14. Suicidal thoughts: Hobbes, Foucault and the right to die.Thomas F. Tierney - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (5):601-638.
    Liberal articulations of the right to die generally focus on balancing individual rights against state interests, but this approach does not take full advantage of the disruptive potential of this contested right. This article develops an alternative to the liberal approach to the right to die by engaging the seemingly discordant philosophical perspectives of Michel Foucault and Thomas Hobbes. Despite Foucault’s objections, a rapprochement between these perspectives is established by focusing on their shared emphasis on the role that death (...)
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  15. Suicide intervention and non–ideal Kantian theory.Michael J. Cholbi - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (3):245–259.
    Philosophical discussions of the morality of suicide have tended to focus on its justifiability from an agent’s point of view rather than on the justifiability of attempts by others to intervene so as to prevent it. This paper addresses questions of suicide intervention within a broadly Kantian perspective. In such a perspective, a chief task is to determine the motives underlying most suicidal behaviour. Kant wrongly characterizes this motive as one of self-love or the pursuit of happiness. (...)
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    Existential Interpretation of Suicide and Philosophical Counseling - Focusing on Jaspers’ Existential Suicide Theory -. 홍경자 - 2019 - The Catholic Philosophy 32:167-198.
    본 논문은 자살을 현존을 넘어서는 ‘무제약적 행위’로 규정하는, 아직 국내에서는 다뤄지지 않은 야스퍼스의 자살론을 철학상담적관점에서 모색하고, 자살에 대한 실존철학적 이해를 도모한 뒤, 철학상담에서 자살위기에 내몰린 내담자를 도울 방안을 모색한다. 본 논문은 내담자로 하여금 자신이 당면한 문제를 비판적으로 성찰하게 한 뒤, 어떤 문제가 계속 살기를 포기하게 만드는지, 그 이유의 정당성을 합리적으로 검토하게 하고, 이를 넘어서서 죽어야할 이유가 아닌, 살아야 할 이유에 대해 질문의 초점을 달리함으로써 새로운 희망과 삶의 의미를 발견할 가능성을 상담자와 함께깊이 반성해봄으로써 자살위기의 내담자를 돕는데 목표를 둔다. 이를 위해 우선 (...)
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  17. Suicide in the Phaedo.Daniel Werner - 2018 - Rhizomata 6 (2):157-188.
    In the Phaedo the character Socrates argues that suicide is morally wrong. This is in fact one of only two places in the entire Platonic corpus where suicide is discussed. It is a brief passage, and a notoriously perplexing one. In this article, I distinguish between two arguments that Socrates gives in support of his claim. I argue that one of them is not to be taken literally, while the other represents the deeper reason for the prohibition of (...)
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  18. Suicide in Contemporary Western Philosophy I: the 19th century.Patrick Hassan - forthcoming - In Michael Cholbi & Paolo Stellino, Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Suicide. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter explores some of the major developments in the philosophical understanding of suicide in 19th Century Western thought. Two developments in particular are considered. The first is a widespread shift towards thinking about suicide in medical terms rather than moral terms. Deploying methods initiated by a number of French and German thinkers in the preceding century who worked at the then emerging interface between the social and biological sciences, a number of 19th century thinkers ejected what (...)
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    Contemplating Suicide: The Language and Ethics of Self Harm.Gavin Fairbairn & David J. Mayo - 1995 - Bioethics 10 (4):350-352.
    Suicide is devastating. It is an assault on our ideas of what living is about. In Contemplating Suicide Gavin Fairbairn takes fresh look at suicidal self harm. His view is distinctive in not emphasising external facts: the presence or absence of a corpse, along with evidence that the person who has become a corpse, intended to do so. It emphasises the intentions that the person had in acting, rather than the consequences that follow from those actions. Much of (...)
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    Of assisted suicide and “the philosophers' brief”.Paul J. Weithman - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3):548-578.
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    Socio-Neurotic Pathology and Philosophical Practice in Korea Concentrating on Depression, Anger, Violence, and Suicide.Sung-Jin Kim - 2012 - Philosophical Practice: Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (American Philosophical Practitioners Association) 7 (3).
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    Choosing death: philosophical observations on suicide and euthanasia.Eric Matthews - 1998 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 5 (2):107-111.
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    'How does the Body Depart?': A Neoplatonic Reading of Dante's Suicides.Seamus O'Neill - 2014 - Dante Studies 132:175-200.
    This paper examines Dante’s treatment of the suicides in Canto 13 of Inferno in light of certain Platonic arguments against suicide. I argue that Dante’s presentation of the suicides in many ways illustrates a similar philosophical understanding of the body-soul relation and the subsequent concerns about the effect of suicide on the human being. Dante’s Christian position emphasizes the importance of the body and shows how it is necessary for the human body-soul composite. I focus on two (...)
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  24. Schopenhauer, Suicide, and Contemporary Pessimism.Michael Cholbi - 2021 - In Patrick Hassan, Schopenhauer's Moral Philosophy. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Among contemporary philosophers, David Benatar espouses a form of pessimism most closely aligned with Schopenhauer’s. Both maintain that human existence is a misfortune, such that each of us would have been better off having never existed at all. Here my concerns are twofold: First, I investigate why, despite these similarities, Schopenhauer and Benatar arrive at divergent positions regarding suicide. For whereas Benatar concludes that suicide is sometimes a moral wrong to others but is prudentially rational in a wider (...)
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    Schopenhauer, Pessimism and Suicide.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2014 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 76 (2):307-330.
    Schopenhauer’s argument against suicide is typically received negatively in the scholarly literature, insofar that it appears to be one of the numerous inconsistencies that haunt his philosophical system. Thus, after elaborating upon the unique characteristics of Schopenhauer’s argument against suicide, I will discuss the well-known objection to it. By offering a fresh outlook on Schopenhauer’s ethics, I will suggest a new way of appreciating Schopenhauer’s argument so as to rehabilitate his understanding of suicide within the framework (...)
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    Socratic suicide.James Warren - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:91-106.
    When is it rational to commit suicide? More specifically, when is it rational for a Platonist to commit suicide, and more worryingly, is it ever not rational for a Platonist to commit suicide? If the Phaedo wants us to learn that the soul is immortal, and that philosophy is a preparation for a state better than incarnation, then why does it begin with a discussion defending the prohibition of suicide? In the course of that discussion, Socrates (...)
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    Morals, suicide, and psychiatry: A view from japan.Jerome Young - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (5):412–424.
    In this paper, I argue that within the Japanese social context, the act of suicide is a positive moral act because the values underpinning it are directly related to a socially pervasive moral belief that any act of self-sacrifice is a worthy pursuit. The philosophical basis for this view of the self and its relation to society goes back to the writings of Confucius who advocated a life of propriety in which being dutiful, obedient, and loyal to one's (...)
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    Suicide: Foucault, History and Truth.Ian Marsh - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In an original and provocative study of suicide, Ian Marsh examines the historical and cultural forces that have influenced contemporary thought, practices and policy in relation to this serious public health problem. Drawing on the work of French philosopher Michel Foucault, the book tells the story of how suicide has come to be seen as first and foremost a matter of psychiatric concern. Marsh sets out to challenge the assumptions and certainties embedded in our beliefs, attitudes and practices (...)
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  29. Nietzsche on Suicide.Paolo Stellino - 2013 - Nietzsche Studien 42 (1).
    Nietzsche’s view of suicide is a topic which in the last years has been the focus of works such as Julian Young’s and Paul S. Loeb’s. Within this context, this paper seeks to add new elements to the discussion. To this purpose, Nietzsche’s attitude to suicide will be explored from two different points of view. The first part of the paper focuses on the distinction between voluntary (free) and involuntary (natural) death. Nietzsche’s appraisal of both will be scrutinized. (...)
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  30. The Rationality of Suicide and the Meaningfulness of Life.Michael Cholbi - 2022 - In Iddo Landau, The Oxford Handbook of Meaning in Life. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 445-460.
    A wide body of psychological research corroborates the claim that whether one’s life is (or will be) meaningful appears relevant to whether it is rational to continue living. This article advances conceptions of life’s meaningfulness and of suicidal choice with an eye to ascertaining how the former might provide justificatory reasons relevant to the latter. Drawing upon the recent theory of meaningfulness defended by Cheshire Calhoun, the decision to engage in suicide can be understood as a choice related to (...)
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    Suffering, Suicide and Immortality: Eight Essays From the Parerga.Arthur Schopenhauer - 1903 - Dover Publications. Edited by T. Bailey Saunders.
    One of the greatest philosophers of the nineteenth century, Arthur Schopenhauer is best known for his writings on pessimism. In this 1851 collection of essays, he offers concise statements of the unifying principles of his thinking. Schopenhauer, unlike most philosophers, expressed himself in simple, direct terms. These essays offer an accessible approach to his main thesis, as stated in The World as Will and Representation. They include "On the Sufferings of the World," "On the Vanity of Existence," "On Suicide," (...)
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  32. Mental Disorder and Suicide: What’s the Connection?Hane Htut Maung - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (3):345-367.
    This paper offers a philosophical analysis of the connection between mental disorder and suicide risk. In contemporary psychiatry, it is commonly suggested that this connection is a causal connection that has been established through empirical discovery. Herein, I examine the extent to which this claim can be sustained. I argue that the connection between mental disorder and increased suicide risk is not wholly causal but is partly conceptual. This in part relates to the way suicidality is built (...)
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    The problem of suicide: the philosophical and ideological dimension.V. Dvornikov & Sidorkov Sergey - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Researchжурнал Философских Исследований 1 (6):3-3.
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    Suicide and Insanity: a Physiological and Sociological Study.E. B. T. & S. A. K. Strahan - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4 (3):345.
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    Caring for family members following suicide: Professionals’ experiences of responsibility.May Elise Vatne, Dagfinn Nåden & Vibeke Lohne - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):394-407.
    Background When a patient commits suicide while hospitalized in the psychiatric ward, the mental healthcare professionals (MHCPs) who have had the patient in their care encounter the family members immediately following the suicide. Professionals who encounter the bereaved in this first critical phase may have a significant impact on the grieving process. By providing ethically responsible and professionally competent care, they have the opportunity to influence what can alleviate and reduce suffering and promote health in a longer perspective. (...)
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    The Thought of Suicide.Piotr Łączyński - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 10 (1):168-179.
    Main object of present work is to analyze thought embodied by Nietzsche’s aphorism from fourth part of Beyond Good and Evil: “The thought of suicide is a strong means of comfort: it helps get us through many an evil night” as potential tool to restore control over one’s own life during the strong existential crisis. An idiographic approach is assumed. There are proposed three theoretical cases which are the results of author’s direct life experiences and reflections. These cases of (...)
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  37. Euthanasia and assisted suicide: Who are the vulnerable?Meta Rus & Chris Gastmans - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (1):18-25.
    One of the common domains in health care in which the concept of vulnerability is used is end-of-life care, including euthanasia and assisted suicide (EAS). Since different uses and implications of the notion have been recognised in the literature on EAS, this paper aims to analyse them and reflect on who is the most vulnerable in the context of EAS. A prior exploratory review of the literature has served as a starting point for the discussion. We concluded that vulnerability (...)
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    Suicide and Insanity.A. Strahan - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4:345.
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    Voluntary Euthanasia, Suicide, and Physician‐Assisted Suicide.Brian Stoffell - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer, A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 312–320.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Traditional Prejudice Killing Suicide Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia From Morality to Public Policy Conclusion References Further reading.
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  40. Physician-Assisted Suicide, the Right to Die, and Misconceptions About Life.Mario Tito Ferreira Moreno & Pedro Fior Mota De Andrade - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):14-27.
    In this paper, we analyze the legal situation regarding physician-assisted suicide in the world. Our hypothesis is that the prohibitive stance on physician-assisted suicide in most societies in the world today seems to be related to our moral attitudes toward suicide. This brings us to a discussion about life itself. We claim that the total lack of legal protection for physician-assisted suicide from international organizations and most countries in the world lies in a philosophical assumption (...)
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  41. Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide and the Professional Obligations of Physicians.Lucie White - 2010 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 3:1-15.
    Euthanasia and assisted suicide have proved to be very contentious topics in medical ethics. Some ethicists are particularly concerned that allowing physicians to carry out these procedures will undermine their professional obligations and threaten the very goals of medicine. However, I maintain that the fundamental goals of medicine not only do not preclude the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide by physicians, but can in fact be seen to support these practices in some instances. I look at two (...)
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  42. Voluntary euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and the goals of medicine.Jukka Varelius - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (2):121 – 137.
    It is plausible that what possible courses of action patients may legitimately expect their physicians to take is ultimately determined by what medicine as a profession is supposed to do and, consequently, that we can determine the moral acceptability of voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide on the basis of identifying the proper goals of medicine. This article examines the main ways of defining the proper goals of medicine found in the recent bioethics literature and argues that they cannot provide (...)
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  43. Voluntary Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and the Right to do Wrong.Jukka Varelius - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (3):1-15.
    It has been argued that voluntary euthanasia (VE) and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) are morally wrong. Yet, a gravely suffering patient might insist that he has a moral right to the procedures even if they were morally wrong. There are also philosophers who maintain that an agent can have a moral right to do something that is morally wrong. In this article, I assess the view that a suffering patient can have a moral right to VE and PAS despite the (...)
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    Is “aid in dying” suicide?Philip Reed - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (2):123-139.
    The practice whereby terminally ill patients choose to end their own lives painlessly by ingesting a drug prescribed by a physician has commonly been referred to as physician-assisted suicide. There is, however, a strong trend forming that seeks to deny that this act should properly be termed suicide. The purpose of this paper is to examine and reject the view that the term suicide should be abandoned in reference to what has been called physician-assisted suicide. I (...)
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    Life’s Meaning and Late Life Rational Suicide.Jukka Varelius - 2016 - In Robert E. McCue & Meera Balasubramaniam, Rational Suicide in the Elderly. Springer. pp. 83-98.
    Suicidal ideation would often appear to relate to ideas about life’s meaninglessness. In this chapter, I consider the suicidal thoughts of an elderly person in light of the recent philosophical discussion on the meaning of life. I start by distinguishing between two importantly different questions about life’s meaning and explaining how they differ from certain other issues sometimes treated as questions about the meaning of life. Then I address the two questions about life’s meaning in turn, connecting them to (...)
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    Une tradition du suicide chez les cyniques.Isabelle Chouinard - 2020 - Philosophie Antique 20:141-164.
    Several versions of Diogenes of Sinope’s death are reported in Book VI of the Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. The heirs of Diogenes have transmitted to posterity that of suicide by self-asphyxiation, a death they deem worthy of his philosophy. This study aims to identify the Cynic foundation of Diogenes’ suicide by reconstructing the Cynic outlook on voluntary death. Several fragments and testimonies show that the Cynics consider life and death indifferent: what matters above all is to (...)
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  47. Pluralism and Incommensurability in Suicide Research.Hane Htut Maung - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 80:101247.
    This paper examines the complex research landscape of contemporary suicidology from a philosophy of science perspective. I begin by unpacking the methods, concepts, and assumptions of some of the prominent approaches to studying suicide causation, including psychological autopsy studies, epidemiological studies, biological studies, and qualitative studies. I then analyze the different ways these approaches partition the causes of suicide, with particular emphasis on the ways they conceptualize the domain of mental disorder. I argue that these different ways of (...)
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  48. Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide.Gerald Dworkin, R. G. Frey & Sissela Bok - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    The moral issues involved in doctors assisting patients to die with dignity are of absolutely central concern to the medical profession, ethicists, and the public at large. The debate is fuelled by cases that extend far beyond passive euthanasia to the active consideration of killing by physicians. The need for a sophisticated but lucid exposition of the two sides of the argument is now urgent. This book supplies that need. Two prominent philosophers, Gerald Dworkin and R. G. Frey present the (...)
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    On the Permissibility of Suicide Due to Suffering in Kant's Ethics. 이현우 - 2024 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 94 (94):57-92.
    이 글은 고통에 따른 자살이 칸트의 입장에서 정당화될 방안이 있는지에 관해서 탐구한다. 자살에 관한 칸트의 입장을 보다 느슨하게 해석하고자 하는 현대의 입장은, 주로 자율성의 큰 손실이 일어날 경우에 있어서 칸트의 입장이BR/자살을 허용할 수 있다고 주장한다. 그러나 여러 가지 방식의 안락사 허용에 대한 현대의 관행은 이와 같이 자율성에 근거해서가 아니라 주로 육체적 이유에 따라 안락사를 허용한다. 따라서 칸트의 입장에 대한 기존의 해석은 고통에 따른 안락사를 허용하는 현실의 관행을 충분히 반영하지 못한다는 문제가 있다. 이 글은 칸트 윤리학에서 고통에 근거한 자살의 허용 가능성을 (...)
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    Instrumental rationality and suicide in schizophrenia: a case for rational suicide?Markella Grigoriou, Rachel Upthegrove & Lisa Bortolotti - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):802-805.
    It is estimated that up to 7500 people develop schizophrenia each year in the UK. Schizophrenia has significant consequences, with 28% of the excess mortality in schizophrenia being attributed to suicide. Previous research suggests that suicide in schizophrenia may be more related to affective factors such as depression and hopelessness, rather than psychotic symptoms themselves. Considering suicide in schizophrenia within this framework enables us to develop a novel philosophical approach, in which suicide may not be (...)
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