Results for 'perspective projection'

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  1.  9
    Knowledge Ascription, Perspective-projective Relativism and Additional Factors. 최동호 - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 130:247-276.
    지식귀속에 대한 최근의 대표적인 세 이론들은 주체 민감적 불변주의, 맥락주의 그리고 상대주의라고 볼 수 있다. 필자는 이들 이론들이 각각의 한계점들을 가지고 있으며, 인식적 양상에 대한 필자의 관점 투영적 상대주의 이론(최동호, 2014)이 지식귀속에도 확장되어 적용가능하다고 생각한다. 그리고 필자는 여기에서 멈추지 않고, (과거의 필자를 포함한) 기존의 이론들은, 지식귀속의 고유성을 포착하기 위해, 더 많은 새로운 요소들의 도입을 검토해야 한다고 논증할 것이다.
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    On the complexity of labeling perspective projections of polyhedral scenes.Pietro Parodi & Vincent Torre - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 70 (1-2):239-276.
  3.  53
    The projection postulate: A new perspective.Paul Teller - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (3):369-395.
    Previous work has shown that the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics is not correctly seen as one of understanding some allegedly univocal process of measurement in nature which corresponds to the projection postulate. The present paper introduces a new perspective by showing that how we are to understand the nature of the change of quantum mechanical state on measurement depends very sensitively on the interpretation of the state function, and by showing how attention to this dependence can (...)
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    Development projects, success or failure? Personal perspectives on an FAO fertilizer project in Nepal.Anil Shrestha & Purna B. Chhetri - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (4):71-74.
    A development project introduces various changes into a community. Some of these changes are positive while others are negative or warrant better planning. Evaluation reports designed strictly for quantitative, targetoriented physical and fiscal achievements often overlook many of these changes. Our personal field observations and experiences with an agricultural development project showed us several examples of impacts brought about in the local farming system in some hill districts of Nepal. These impacts cannot be neglected and project evaluation and progress reports (...)
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    The Project of an Experimental Social Psychology: Historical Perspectives.Kurt Danzier - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):309-328.
    The ArgumentThe notion that experimentation provides an appropriate means for acquiring valid knowledge about some aspects of social reality has always depended on certain presuppositions about the nature of social reality and about the role of expenment in knowledge acquisition. In this paper I examine historical changes in these presuppositions from the beginnings of social psychological experimentation to the period after World War II.It was late nineteenth-century crowd psychology that provided the theoretical inspiration fo the first systematic steps in the (...)
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  6. The project of feminist epistemology: Perspectives from a nonwestern feminist.Uma Narayan - 1989 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo (eds.), Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. pp. 256--69.
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    Mill’s Liberal Project and Defence of Colonialism from a Post-Colonial Perspective.Craig Grant Campbell - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):63-73.
    Whilst this paper was initially part of a larger project tracing the development of Anglo-American thought from the colonial through to the post-colonial era, below it stands alone as reflection on the colonialism of John Stuart Mill read from a post-colonial perspective. It aims to show that Mill's views on colonial rule were largely informed by his principle of liberty which, in turn, was based on his qualitative utilitarianism. The driving force behind his colonialism, as with his work in (...)
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    Difficulties of I-Perspective in Projects of Phenomenology and Naturalism Integration.Diana E. Gasparyan - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (4):99-116.
    The article explores the private nature of subjectivity in programs of integration the phenomenology with naturalism. It is considered if their tools are relevant for the phenomenological, rather than naturalistic way of subjectivity’s explaining. Justification of the key ideas is provided with the help of such concepts as “body image”, “body scheme”, (Sh. Gallagher), “ontological significance” (L. Baker), “experience”, “cognitive niches” (F. Varela), “transparent body” (T. Fuchs). Based on the traditional phenomenology of E. Husserl, it is shown that a set (...)
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    Exploring identity and alterity: perspectives and projects.Jose Nandhikkara (ed.) - 2020 - Geneva, Switzerland:
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    A new perspective on the role of activity in the development of eye-specific retinogeniculate projections.L. M. Chalupa & Andrew D. Huberman - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press. pp. 85--92.
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    The spectrum of perspective shift: protagonist projection versus free indirect discourse.Márta Abrusán - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (4):839-873.
    This paper examines a little studied type of perspective shift that I call protagonist projection, following Holton :625–628, 1997). PP is a way of describing the mental state of a protagonist that conveys, to some extent, her perspective. Similarly to its better known cousin free indirect discourse, the shift in perspective is achieved without an overt operator. Unlike FID, PP is not based on a presumed speech-act of a protagonist. Rather, it gives a linguistic form to (...)
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    Perspective on Good and Evil and Historical Self-consciousness of Yi Hangno -A Neo-Confucian Project to form Historical Subjects-. 배제성 - 2022 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 150:23-51.
    화서 이항로는 조선 말기에 굳건하게 성리학적 이념을 고수한 위정척사파를 대표하는 인물이자 당대 최고 수준의 성리학 지식인이었다. 본 논문은 그가 서양문명에 대한 대결 의식을 바탕으로 성리학의 실천적 주체성을 재구성한 방식을 규명한다. 그것은 성리학의 도덕적 주체성을 일종의 역사적 주체성으로 재해석한 과정이라 할 수 있다. 이항로는 성리학적 지식을 토대로 서양문명과의 충돌이라는 상황을 역사적으로 의미화하면서, 서양에 대항하는 것을 모든 사람이 추구해야 할 보편의 도덕적 과제로 제시하려 하였다. 이항로는 맹자에 기원하는 벽이단의 이념, 인심도심의 도덕수양, 서양문명에 대한 투쟁을 하나의 과제로 통합하려는 시도를 한다. 하지만 이를 위해 (...)
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    The Digital Phenotyping Project: A Psychoanalytical and Network Theory Perspective.Rémy Potier - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A new method of observation is currently emerging in psychiatry, based on data collection and behavioral profiling of smartphone users. Numerical phenotyping is a paradigmatic example. This behavioral investigation method uses computerized measurement tools in order to collect characteristics of different psychiatric disorders. First, it is necessary to contextualize the emergence of these new methods and to question their promises and expectations. The international mental health research framework invites us to reflect on methodological issues and to draw conclusions from certain (...)
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    Desargues' Method of Perspective Its Mathematical Content, Its Connection to Other Perspective Methods and Its Relation to Desargues' Ideas on Projective Geometry.Kirsti Andersen - 1991 - Centaurus 34 (1):44-91.
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    Prominent Inhibitory Projections Guide Sensorimotor Computation: An Invertebrate Perspective.Samantha Hughes & Tansu Celikel - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (10):1900088.
    From single‐cell organisms to complex neural networks, all evolved to provide control solutions to generate context‐ and goal‐specific actions. Neural circuits performing sensorimotor computation to drive navigation employ inhibitory control as a gating mechanism as they hierarchically transform (multi)sensory information into motor actions. Here, the focus is on this literature to critically discuss the proposition that prominent inhibitory projections form sensorimotor circuits. After reviewing the neural circuits of navigation across various invertebrate species, it is argued that with increased neural circuit (...)
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    The Human Genome Project in the United States: a perspective on the commercial, ethical, legislative and health care issues.Bruce F. Mackler & Micha Barach - 1990 - Journal International de Bioethique= International Journal of Bioethics 2 (3):149-157.
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    Transforming Economics: Perspectives on the Critical Realist Project.Paul Lewis (ed.) - 2004 - Psychology Press.
    Leading authors within economics have come together here to discuss the contribution of critical realism to economics. A wide range of opinions are offered from Ben Fine to Clive Grainger and the results are explosive.
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    Nurturing dialogue: perspectives and projects.Jose Nandhikkara (ed.) - 2017 - Bengaluru, India: Dharmaram Publications.
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    Circulatory behavior: Historical perspective and projections for the future.Stewart Wolf - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):304-305.
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    Exploring the Influence of Failure Aversion on Learning From Project Failure: A Sensemaking Perspective.Liangting Zhang, Bin Wang, Xiaoxia Feng, Yue Zhang & Wenzhou Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although project failure is commonly considered a negative event, it can provide valuable resources for learning. Despite well documented research on the antecedents of learning from project failure at the individual level, individuals’ attitude toward failures, a relatively proximal antecedent of learning from failure, has attracted limited attention in organizational studies. To address this paucity of research, based on the sensemaking theory, in the current study we specifically focused on individuals’ failure aversion and explored how it would influence learning from (...)
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    No Children Should Be Left Behind During COVID-19 Pandemic: Description, Potential Reach, and Participants' Perspectives of a Project Through Radio and Letters to Promote Self-Regulatory Competences in Elementary School.Jennifer Cunha, Cátia Silva, Ana Guimarães, Patrícia Sousa, Clara Vieira, Dulce Lopes & Pedro Rosário - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647708.
    Around the world, many schools were closed as one of the measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. School closure brought about important challenges to the students' learning process. This context requires strong self-regulatory competences and agency for autonomous learning. Moreover, online remote learning was the main alternative response to classroom learning, which increased the inequalities between students with and without access to technological resources or for those with low digital literacy. All considered, to level the playing field (...)
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    The ELSI program of the US-American Human Genome Project – new perspectives for medical ethics?Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (4):243-252.
    Definition of the problem: The ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues) program of the Human Genome Project is the biggest bioethical research project to date. However, it has met with fairly critical reception. Arguments: ELSI is nevertheless an important element in current bioethics. We can learn not just from the results and methodology of the numerous studies that received ELSI funding, but also by looking at the pros and cons of its close institutional integration into the Human Genome Project. Finally, (...)
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    The OpenPMU Project: Challenges and perspectives.David Laverty, Luigi Vanfretti, Iyad Al-Khatib, Viktor Applegreen, Robert Best & D. John Morrow - unknown
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    “Ukrainian Project” and it’s Discursive-Ethical Obstacles.Anatolij Karas - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:309-315.
    The perspectives of Ukraine which are outlined by the notion of the “Ukrainian project”, and determined by potential of development of civil society, as congruent with perspectives of steady international development for the sake of collaboration and peace, are examined in the article. Determination of such basic analytical notions as discursive practices of “prevailing” and “understanding” is offered with this purpose. Discourse is considered as reason for choice and giving the advantage to one meaning over the others that is set (...)
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    What is a High-Quality Moral Case Deliberation?-Facilitators’ Perspectives in the Euro-MCD Project.Lena M. Jakobsen, Bert Molewijk, Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Mia Svantesson & Gøril Ursin - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (4):541-557.
    The evaluation of the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcomes project (Euro-MCD) has resulted in a revised evaluation instrument, knowledge about the content of MCD (moral case deliberation), and the perspectives of those involved. In this paper, we report on a perspective that has been overlooked, the facilitators’. We aim to describe facilitators’ perceptions of high-quality moral case deliberation and their Euro-MCD sessions. The research took place in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands using a survey combined with interviews with 41 (...)
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  26. Critical Factors to Achieve Sustainability of Public-Private Partnership Projects in the Water Sector: A Stakeholder-Oriented Network Perspective.Nan He, Yijing Li, Huimin Li, Ziqi Liu & Chengyi Zhang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-17.
    A key challenge in the management of the public-private partnership project is to understand the critical factors for sustainability performance as well as their complex interaction. Majority of existing studies focus on identifying general factors without consideration of specific context of individual sector. To bridge the gap, unique characteristics of water PPP projects are taken into consideration in this study where the relationship among critical factors to achieve sustainable performance is analyzed from a network perspective. Stakeholder-associated factors and their (...)
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    The Psychological Expectation of New Project Income Under the Influence of the Entrepreneur’s Sentiment From the Perspective of Information Asymmetry.Huaqian Zhong, Runyu Yan, Shuai Li & Min Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A critical analysis of human improvement projects from the perspective of the self-organization theory.Mariana C. Broens - 2020 - Revista Natureza Humana 22 (1):16.
    Based on the theory of self-organization, the objective of this paper is tocritically discuss the theses defended by the postulators of two projects that aim toimprove human nature: eugenics and transhumanism. We will try to show that the“science of eugenics”, proposed by Francis Galton, and the contemporarytranshumanist project, outlined since the second half of the 20th century, share thecontroversial belief that human beings, through science and technology, are able tosuccessfully control the evolutionary processes of human species. We will try to (...)
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    The perspective‐sensitivity of presuppositions.Márta Abrusán - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (2):584-603.
    Presuppositions are perspective‐sensitive: They may be evaluated with respect to the beliefs of a salient protagonist. This happens not only in well‐known cases of perspective shift such as free indirect discourse, but also when the perspective shift is less obvious, but still present, such as in examples of so‐called protagonist projection. In this paper, I show that this simple observation explains many puzzling facts noted in connection with presuppositions over the last 50 years, concerning, for example, (...)
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    Beti’s Perspective: Using Critical Race Theory’s Composite Counterstory to Interrupt Antiracism Projects in Vancouver, BC.Manjeet Birk - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (2):344-361.
    Building on research conducted in feminist organizations in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, this paper explores the role, relationship, and responsibility of advocating for antiracism and social justice in the context of antiracism projects in feminist nonprofit organizations. In doing so this paper asks: What do antiracism projects look like in feminist organizations? And how are these projects informed or interrupted by racialized and Indigenous activists within these spaces? (...)
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  31. The benefits of music engagement projects on young people : A music and education perspective.Justin Boreland & Eleanor Peters - 2023 - In Eleanor Peters (ed.), Music in crime, resistance, and identity. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Intersemiotic projection and academic comics: towards a social semiotic framework of multimodal paratactic and hypotactic projection.Xinyu Zhu & Lei Zeng - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):227-254.
    Intersemiotic projection is one of the most common configurations in the knowledge construction process of academic comics. Although previous studies address some general features of intersemiotic projection, further research on interdependency relations of intersemiotic projection is needed in order to map out the whole system. This study, based on the social-semiotic approach to multimodal studies, proposes a systemic framework of image-text paratactic and hypotactic projection in academic comics. This framework identifies three sub-categories of paratactic projection (...)
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  33. Evolution of Sameness and Difference: Perspectives on the Human Genome Project. By Stanley Shostak.R. N. Leamnson - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (2):248-249.
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    The projective theory of consciousness: from neuroscience to philosophical psychology.Alfredo Pereira Jr - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (s1):199-232.
    : The development of the interdisciplinary areas of cognitive, affective and action neurosciences contributes to the identification of neurobiological bases of conscious experience. The structure of consciousness was philosophically conceived a century ago as consisting of a subjective pole, the bearer of experiences, and an objective pole composed of experienced contents. In more recent formulations, Nagel refers to a “point of view”, in which qualitative experiences are anchored, while Velmans understands that phenomenal content is composed of mental representations “projected” to (...)
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    Projections, Perceptual Constancy, and Geometry.Yuval Dolev - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):305-323.
    Abstract:The notions "retinal images" and "retinal projection" are ubiquitous in both the scientific and philosophical literature on perception. However, this article argues that they belong to the former and should be kept out of the latter. In the context of the empirical investigation of perception, projections play a crucial role, and help articulate pressing research problems. But, as part of the phenomenological and conceptual analysis of perception, projections give rise to untenable models and to avoidable conundrums, such as the (...)
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    Another unfinished project of modernity from a Latin American perspective[REVIEW]Oliver Kozlarek - 2023 - European Journal of Social Theory 26 (1):113-117.
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  37. Slurring Perspectives.Elisabeth Camp - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (3):330-349.
    Slurs are rhetorically insidious and theoretically interesting because they communicate something above and beyond the truth-conditional predication of group membership, something which typically though not always projects across 'blocking' constructions like negation, conditionals, and indirect quotation, and which is exceptionally resistant to direct challenge. I argue that neither pure expressivism nor straightforward truth-conditionalism can account for the sort of commitment that speakers undertake by using slurs. Instead, I claim, users of slurs endorse a denigrating perspective on the targeted group.
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    The project of ultimate grounding and the appeal to intersubjectivity in recent transcendental philosophy.Steven Galt Crowell - 1999 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 7 (1):31 – 54.
    Transcendental philosophy has traditionally sought to provide non-contingent grounds for certain aspects of cognitive, moral, and social life. Further, it has made a claim to being 'ultimately' grounded in the sense that its account of experience should provide a non-dogmatic account of its own possibility. Most current approaches to transcendental philosophy seek to do justice to these twin aspects of the project by making an 'intersubjective turn', taking the structure of dialogue or social practice rather than the 'I think' or (...)
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    Comparing Project Complexity across Different Industry Sectors.Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker & Marcel Hertogh - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    Increasing complexity of projects is mentioned as one of the reasons for project failure—still. This paper presents a comparative research to investigate how project complexity was perceived by project practitioners in different industry sectors. Five sectors were included: process industry, construction industry, ICT, high-tech product development, and food processing industry. In total, more than 140 projects were included in the research, hence providing a broad view on Dutch project practice. From the complexity assessments, it is concluded that only one complexity (...)
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  40. Projective Adaptivism.Leonid Tarasov - 2019 - Philosophical Papers 48 (3):379-402.
    Moderate invariantism is the orthodox semantics for knowledge attributions. In recent years it has fallen out of favour, in large part because it fails to explain why ordinary speakers have the intuition that some utterances of knowledge attributions are felicitous and others infelicitous in several types of cases. To address this issue moderate invariantists have developed a variety of what I call non-semantic theories which they claim account for the relevant felicity intuitions independently of moderate invariantist semantics. Some critics have (...)
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  41. Projects and Methods of Experimental Philosophy.Eugen Fischer & Justin Sytsma - 2023 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Stephan Kornmesser (eds.), The Compact Compendium of Experimental Philosophy. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 39-70.
    How does experimental philosophy address philosophical questions and problems? That is: What projects does experimental philosophy pursue? What is their philosophical relevance? And what empirical methods do they employ? Answers to these questions will reveal how experimental philosophy can contribute to the longstanding ambition of placing philosophy on the ‘secure path of a science’, as Kant put it. We argue that experimental philosophy has introduced a new methodological perspective – a ‘meta-philosophical naturalism’ that addresses philosophical questions about a phenomenon (...)
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    Gender as headline and subtext: problematizing the gender perspective in an occupational health project.Gunilla Olofsdotter & Angelika Sjöstedt Landén - 2014 - Vulnerable Groups and Inclusion 5.
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    The project, the everyday, and reflexivity in sociotechnical agri-food assemblages: proposing a conceptual model of digitalisation.Jérémie Forney & Angga Dwiartama - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):441-454.
    Digital technologies have opened up new perspectives in thinking about the future of food and farming. Not only do these new technologies promise to revolutionise our way of meeting global food demand, they do so by boldly claiming that they can reduce their environmental impacts. However, they also have the potential to transform the organisation of agri-food systems more fundamentally. Drawing on assemblage theory, we propose a conceptual model of digitalisation organised around three facets: digitalisation as a project; “everyday digitalisation”; (...)
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  44. Students’ perspectives on drugs and alcohol abuse at a public university in Zambia.Nicholas Mwanza & Ganizani Mwale - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):8.
    Access to students’ perspectives on substance abuse is essential for effective youth intervention projects development. This study aimed to explore students’ perspectives on abuse of drugs and alcohol with probable development of student-led intervention strategies. The study was conducted at public universities in Zambia. Student’s perspectives on drugs and alcohol abuse were documented using a mixed method design that employed purposive and snowball sampling to select 200 respondents to questionnaires and 10 to in-depth interviews. A humanistic theory approach was applied (...)
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    Phenomenal projection.Zoltan Jakab - 2003 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 9.
    In this paper I shall defend a projectivist view of sensory experience. The case I shall focus on is that of color experience. Projectivism has recently been criticized by some authors who claim that it is unintelligible, or at least implausible, and that it makes a severe category mistake. I shall argue that despite some prima facie impressions of implausibility, projectivism can be made intelligible, and plausible, if its details are spelled out in a reasonable way. In addition, projectivism is (...)
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  46. What, where, and wherefore: Dissonant perspectives on water in a Swedish railway tunnel project.A. Sjölander-Lindqvist - forthcoming - Environmental Values.
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    Posthumanist perspectives on affect: Framing the field.Magdalena Zolkos & Gerda Roelvink - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (3):1-20.
    This special issue on posthumanist perspectives on affect seeks to create a platform for thinking about the intersection of, on the one hand, the posthumanist project of radically reconfiguring the meaning of the “human” in light of the critiques of a unified and bounded subjectivity and, on the other, the insights coming from recent scholarship on affect and feeling about the subject, sociality, and connectivity. Posthumanism stands for diverse theoretical positions which together call into question the anthropocentric assertion of the (...)
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  48. Projection, symmetry, and natural kinds.Benjamin C. Jantzen - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3617-3646.
    Scientific practice involves two kinds of induction. In one, generalizations are drawn about the states of a particular system of variables. In the other, generalizations are drawn across systems in a class. We can discern two questions of correctness about both kinds of induction: what distinguishes those systems and classes of system that are ‘projectible’ in Goodman’s sense from those that are not, and what are the methods by which we are able to identify kinds that are likely to be (...)
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  49. Could Perspective ever be a Symbolic Form? Revisiting Panofsky with Cassirer.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2 (1):51-72.
    Erwin Panofsky’s essay “Perspective as Symbolic Form” from 1924 is among the most widely commented essays in twentieth-century aesthetics and was discussed with regard to art theory, Renaissance painting, Western codes of depiction, history of optical devices, psychology of perception, or even ophthalmology. Strangely enough, however, almost nothing has been written about the philosophical claim implicit in the title, i.e. that perspective is a symbolic form among others. The article situates the essay within the intellectual constellation at Aby (...)
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    Performing the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos.Aimee Slaughter - 2024 - History of Science 62 (2):305-325.
    Los Alamos, New Mexico has an enduring and complicated relationship with its past. During World War II, its residents worked to create the world’s first atomic weapons. The nuclear legacies of the Manhattan Project are global, but in contemporary Los Alamos the Project is often primarily considered a local history before a national or international one. The community’s modern identity is constructed in part through creating its history, and this article studies two children’s performances of the Manhattan Project past. The (...)
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