Results for 'patient‐choice surgery'

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  1.  71
    The ethics of Cesarean section on maternal request: A feminist critique of the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists' position on patient-choice surgery.Veronique Bergeron - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (9):478–487.
    ABSTRACT In recent years, the medical establishment has been speaking in favor of women's autonomy in childbirth by advocating cesarean delivery on maternal request (CDMR). This paper offers to look at the ethical dimension of CDMR through a feminist critique of the medicalization of childbirth and its influence on present‐day medical ethics. I claim that the medicalization of childbirth reflects a sexist bias with regard to conceptions of the body and needs to be used with caution when applied to women's (...)
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    Rationing elective surgery for smokers and obese patients: responsibility or prognosis?Virimchi Pillutla, Hannah Maslen & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):28.
    In the United Kingdom, a number of National Health Service Clinical Commissioning Groups have proposed controversial measures to restrict elective surgery for patients who either smoke or are obese. Whilst the nature of these measures varies between NHS authorities, typically, patients above a certain Body Mass Index and smokers are required to lose weight and quit smoking prior to being considered eligible for elective surgery. Patients will be supported and monitored throughout this mandatory period to ensure their clinical (...)
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  3. Patient autonomy and metabolic bariatric surgery: an empirical perspective.Shelly Kamin-Friedman, Nili Karako-Eyal & Galya Hildesheimer - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-16.
    Metabolic Bariatric Surgery (MBS) has gained significant popularity over the past decade. Legally and ethically, physicians should obtain the patient’s voluntary and informed consent before proceeding with the surgery. However, the decision to undergo MBS is often influenced by external factors, prompting questions about their impact on the patient’s ability to choose voluntarily. In addressing this issue, the study focuses on two key questions: first, which factors influence MBS candidates during the decision-making process, and second, whether these influences (...)
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    The paradox of promoting choice in a collectivist system.A. Oliver - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4):187-187.
    The notion of choice and its individualistic underpinnings is fundamentally inconsistent with the collectivist NHS ethosIn both the policy1 and academic2 literatures, the issue of extending patient choice in the UK National Health Service is currently a much discussed issue. From December 2005—for example, general practitioners will be required to offer patients needing elective surgery the choice of five providers at the point of referral.1 Choice is often thought of as an intrinsically good thing; that is, that people value (...)
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    Better Conversations for Better Informed Consent: Talking with Surgical Patients.Margaret L. Schwarze, Robert M. Arnold, Justin T. Clapp & Jacqueline M. Kruser - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (3):11-14.
    For more than sixty years, surgeons have used bioethical strategies to promote patient self‐determination, many of these now collectively described as “informed consent.” Yet the core framework—understanding, risks, benefits, and alternatives—fails to support patients in deliberation about treatment. We find that surgeons translate this framework into an overly complicated technical explanation of disease and treatment and an overly simplified narrative that surgery will “fix” the problem. They omit critical information about the goals and downsides of surgery and present (...)
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    Arguments for a ban on pediatric intersex surgery: A dis/analogy with Jehovah witness blood transfusion.Catherine Clune-Taylor - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (5):460-468.
    This article argues for a ban on the performance of medically unnecessary genital normalizing surgeries as part of assigning a binary sex/gender to infants with intersex conditions on the basis of autonomy, regardless of etiology. It does this via a dis/analogy with the classic case in bioethics of Jehovah Witness (JW) parents' inability to refuse life-saving blood transfusions for their minor children. Both cases address ethical medical practice in situations where parents are making irreversible medical decisions on the basis of (...)
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    Sex and the surgery: students' attitudes and potential behaviour as they pass through a modern medical curriculum.J. Goldie - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):480-486.
    Objective: To examine students’ attitudes and potential behaviour to a possible intimate relationship with a patient as they pass through a modern medical curriculum.Design: A cohort study of students entering Glasgow University’s new learner centred, integrated medical curriculum in October 1996.Methods: Students’ pre year 1 and post year 1, post year 3, and post year 5 responses to the “attractive patient” vignette of the Ethics in Health Care Survey instrument were examined quantitatively and qualitatively. Analysis of students’ multi-choice answers enabled (...)
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    Patients' attitudes towards "do not attempt resuscitation" status.A. J. Gorton, N. V. G. Jayanthi, P. Lepping & M. W. Scriven - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (8):624-626.
    Introduction: The decision of “do not attempt resuscitation” in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest is usually made when the patients are critically ill and cannot make an informed choice. Although, various professional bodies have published guidelines, little is know about the patients’ own views regarding DNAR discussion.Aim: The aim of this study was to determine patients’ attitudes regarding discussing DNAR before they are critically ill.Methods: A prospective study was performed in a general out patients department. A questionnaire was distributed to (...)
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    Ethics, economics and the regulation and adoption of new medical devices: case studies in pelvic floor surgery.Sue Ross, Charles Weijer, Amiram Gafni, Ariel Ducey, Carmen Thompson & Rene Lafreniere - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):14-.
    Background: Concern has been growing in the academic literature and popular media about the licensing, introduction and adoption of surgical devices before full effectiveness and safety evidence is available to inform clinical practice. Our research will seek empirical survey evidence about the roles, responsibilities, and information and policy needs of the key stakeholders in the introduction into clinical practice of new surgical devices for pelvic floor surgery, in terms of the underlying ethical principals involved in the economic decision-making process, (...)
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    Does written informed consent adequately inform surgical patients? A cross sectional study.Erminia Agozzino, Sharon Borrelli, Mariagrazia Cancellieri, Fabiola Michela Carfora, Teresa Di Lorenzo & Francesco Attena - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1.
    Informed consent is an essential step in helping patients be aware of consequences of their treatment decisions. With surgery, it is vitally important for patients to understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and decide accordingly. We explored whether a written IC form was provided to patients; whether they read and signed it; whether they communicated orally with the physician; whether these communications influenced patient decisions. Adult postsurgical patients in nine general hospitals of Italy’s Campania Region were interviewed (...)
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  11. Patient choice as inclusion criterion for first clinical trials of xenotransplantation.Johannes Kögel - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    We are grateful for the thoughtful commentaries to our article on patient selection for first clinical trials of cardiac xenotransplantation1 because they give us the opportunity to clarify and further sharpen our arguments in this response. In our article, we proposed a multicriteria approach to selecting patients for first clinical trials of (cardiac) xenotransplantation, encompassing the four criteria medical need, capacity to benefit, patient choice and compliance (used as an exclusion criterion). We also argued that clinical trials following clearly defined (...)
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    Patients' Choices for Return of Exome Sequencing Results to Relatives in the Event of Their Death.Laura M. Amendola, Martha Horike-Pyne, Susan B. Trinidad, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Barbara J. Evans, Wylie Burke & Gail P. Jarvik - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):476-485.
    The informed consent process for genetic testing does not commonly address preferences regarding disclosure of results in the event of the patient's death. Adults being tested for familial colorectal cancer were asked whether they want their exome sequencing results disclosed to another person in the event of their death prior to receiving the results. Of 78 participants, 92% designated an individual and 8% declined to. Further research will help refine practices for informed consent.
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    Incentivizing Patient Choices: The Ethics of Inclusive Shared Savings.Richard Yetter Chappell - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (6):597-600.
    Is it ethical to pay patients for selecting cheaper medical treatments? The healthcare system in the United States is notoriously profligate, at least in part because when insurers foot the bill, patients have little incentive to avoid wasteful treatments. One familiar means for dealing with this problem is for insurers to offer reduced co-pays to patients who select cheaper treatments. Would it be ethical to take this one step further, beyond the zero bound, sharing the savings of cheaper treatments by (...)
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  14. Shared Decision Making, Paternalism and Patient Choice.Lars Sandman & Christian Munthe - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (1):60-84.
    In patient centred care, shared decision making is a central feature and widely referred to as a norm for patient centred medical consultation. However, it is far from clear how to distinguish SDM from standard models and ideals for medical decision making, such as paternalism and patient choice, and e.g., whether paternalism and patient choice can involve a greater degree of the sort of sharing involved in SDM and still retain their essential features. In the article, different versions of SDM (...)
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    Limited patient choice within the Military Health System.Brian T. Ipock - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (1):92-95.
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    Patient Choice and Preventive Genomic Sequencing—More Trouble Upstream.Søren Holm & Thomas Ploug - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):24-26.
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    Patient choice or patient abandoned?Roy Calne, Jane Calne & Suzanne Calne - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):996-999.
  18.  53
    The claim for patient choice and equity.D. A. Barr, L. Fenton & D. Blane - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):271-274.
    Recently, commentators close to and within the UK government have claimed that patient choice can increase equity in the context of the National Health Service. This article critically examines the basis for this claim through analysis of recent speeches and publications authored by secretaries of state for health and their policy advisers. It is concluded that this claim has not developed prospectively from an analysis of the causes of healthcare inequity, or even with a consistent normative definition of equity. The (...)
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    Do I Need To Come In? Ethics at the Edges of Expectations and Assessment.Ralph Didlake & Jo Anne Fordham - 2017 - Teaching Ethics 17 (2):167-176.
    Surgery is the most invasive intervention taken on behalf of health, but significant discrepancies exist between patient expectations and standard operating room practices, especially in teaching institutions. These discrepancies arise from the dual obligations of surgical faculty to present and future patients. On the one hand, in line with a patient’s autonomous election of a procedure and choice of a doctor, faculty are charged with treating patients to the utmost capacity of their knowledge and skill; on the other, in (...)
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    Patient Choices, Family Interests, and Physician Obligations.Thomas A. Mappes & Jane S. Zembaty - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):27-46.
    Recent articles in biomedical ethics have begun to explore both the relevance of family interests in treatment decisions and the resultant ramifications for physicians' obligations to patients. This article addresses two important questions regarding physicians' obligations vis-a-vis family interests: (1) What should a physician do when the exercise of patient autonomy threatens to negate the patient's moral obligations to other family members? (2) Does respect for patient autonomy typically require efforts on the part of physicians to keep patients' treatment decisions (...)
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  21.  16
    Why we have duties of autonomy towards marginal agents.Anna Hirsch - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (5):453-475.
    Patients are usually granted autonomy rights, including the right to consent to or refuse treatment. These rights are commonly attributed to patients if they fulfil certain conditions. For example, a patient must sufficiently understand the information given to them before making a treatment decision. On the one hand, there is a large group of patients who meet these conditions. On the other hand, there is a group that clearly does not meet these conditions, including comatose patients or patients in the (...)
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  22.  63
    What the doctor didn't say: the hidden truth about medical research.Jerry Menikoff - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Edward P. Richards.
    Most people know precious little about the risks and benefits of participating in a clinical trial--a medical research study involving some innovative treatment for a medical problem. Yet millions of people each year participate anyway. Patients at Risk explains the reality: that our current system intentionally hides much of the information people need to make the right choice about whether to participate. Witness the following scenarios: -Hundreds of patients with colon cancer undergo a new form of keyhole surgery at (...)
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  23. Framing Effects Do Not Undermine Consent.Samuel Director - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (2):221-235.
    Suppose that a patient is receiving treatment options from her doctor. In one case, the doctor says, “the surgery has a 90% survival rate.” Now, suppose the doctor instead said, “the procedure has a 10% mortality rate.” Predictably, the patient is more likely to consent on the first description and more likely to dissent on the second. This is an example of a framing effect. A framing effect occurs when “the description of [logically-equivalent] options in terms of gains (positive (...)
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    Body Integrity Dysphoria and “Just” Amputation: State-of-the-Art and Beyond.Leandro Loriga - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (1):71-93.
    This paper presents the foundation upon which the contemporary knowledge of body integrity dysphoria (BID) is built. According to the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases, 11th edition (ICD-11), the main feature of BID is an intense and persistent desire to become physically disabled in a significant way. Three putative aetiologies that are considered to explain the insurgence of the condition are discussed: neurological, psychological and postmodern theories. The concept of bodily representation within the medical context is highlighted, with (...)
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  25.  22
    Religious Hospitals and Patient Choice.Nadia N. Sawicki - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (6):8-9.
    Recent media reports have drawn widespread attention to the experiences of patients who are denied reproductive services at Catholic hospitals. For some patients, such as those experiencing miscarriage, denial of appropriate treatment can lead to serious health consequences. However, many patients are unaware of the limitations on services available at religiously affiliated health care institutions. As a result, patients’ ability to make informed and autonomous decisions about where to seek treatment is hindered. There are currently no federal or state laws (...)
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    The Continuing Evolution of Ethical Standards for Genomic Sequencing in Clinical Care: Restoring Patient Choice.Susan M. Wolf - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (3):333-340.
    Developing ethical standards for clinical use of large-scale genome and exome sequencing has proven challenging, in part due to the inevitability of incidental or secondary findings. Policy of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics has evolved but remains problematic. In 2013, ACMG issued policy recommending mandatory analysis of 56 extra genes whenever sequencing was ordered for any indication, in order to ascertain positive findings in pathogenic and actionable genes. Widespread objection yielded a 2014 amendment allowing patients to opt-out (...)
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    Lisa’s Story.Lisa P. Patient) & Jeanne Kerwin - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):7-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Lisa’s StoryLisa P. (wife of patient) and Jeanne KerwinMy husband suffered from sudden onset of heart failure with a very low ejection fraction and was on IV Milrinone at the age of 47. One of the most powerful things he told me was that he was not afraid to die and therefore did not want to move forward with Milrinone. He eventually “did it for the kids.” After the (...)
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  28. The physician's influence on patients' choices.Thomas Tomlinson - 1986 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 7 (2).
    Although the traditional physician ethic sees nothing objectionable about the doctor's influence over patients, superficial conceptions of the patient's right to self-determination imply that this influence may be manipulative. On the contrary, there are several different lines of argument which can reconcile self-determination with the physician's influence. Nevertheless, drawing the boundaries between legitimate methods of persuasion, and manipulation or coercion sometimes proves difficult.
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  29. Responsibility and the limits of patient choice.Benjamin Davies - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (5):459-466.
    Patients are generally assumed to have the right to choices about treatment, including the right to refuse treatment, which is constrained by considerations of cost‐effectiveness. Independently, many people support the idea that patients who are responsible for their ill health should incur penalties that non‐responsible patients do not face. Surprisingly, these two areas have not received much joint attention. This paper considers whether restricting the scope of responsibility to pre‐treatment decisions can be justified, or whether a demand to hold people (...)
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    When a device that later disintegrates is fitted to a patient during surgery, who is responsible for the consequences? What health professionals and hospitals need to know.D. McQuoid-Mason & T. L. Khumalo - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e2563.
    Consider the following hypothetical scenario: A patient suffering constant abdominal pain is referred to State Hospital A from her local clinic after not responding to simple analgesics for chronic pelvic pain associated with irregular menstruation. The doctors at State Hospital A discover that she has a suspicion of adenomyosis. She gives written informed consent for a hysterectomy. During routine postoperative check-ups she reports no alleviation of the pelvic pain, urinary frequency along with burning on micturition and a persistent vaginal discharge. (...)
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    Measuring improved patient choice.Margaret Holmes‐Rovner & David R. Rovner - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (3):263-272.
  32. The ethical assessment of innovative therapies: Liver transplantation using living donors.Peter A. Singer, Mark Siegler, John D. Lantos, Jean C. Emond, Peter F. Whitington, J. Richard Thistlethwaite & Christoph E. Broelsch - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (2).
    Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice for many forms of liver disease. Unfortunately, the scarcity of cadaveric donor livers limits the availability of this technique. To improve the availability of liver transplantation, surgeons have developed the capability of removing a portion of liver from a live donor and transplanting it into a recipient. A few liver transplants using living donors have been performed worldwide.Our purpose was to analyze the ethics of liver transplants using living donors and to propose guidelines (...)
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    Looking for Trouble: Preventive Genomic Sequencing in the General Population and the Role of Patient Choice.Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, John M. Conley, Arlene M. Davis, Marcia Van Riper, Rebecca L. Walker & Eric T. Juengst - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):3-14.
    Advances in genomics have led to calls for developing population-based preventive genomic sequencing programs with the goal of identifying genetic health risks in adults without known risk factors. One critical issue for minimizing the harms and maximizing the benefits of PGS is determining the kind and degree of control individuals should have over the generation, use, and handling of their genomic information. In this article we examine whether PGS programs should offer individuals the opportunity to selectively opt out of the (...)
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    Improving efficiency and value in health care Intravenous iron management for anaemia associated with chronic kidney disease: linking treatment to an outpatient clinic, optimizing service provision and patient choice.Sunil Bhandari & Sarah Naudeer - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (6):996-1001.
  35.  23
    The decline of medical confidentiality medical information management: The illusion of patient choice.Ingrid Ann Whiteman - 2015 - Clinical Ethics 10 (3):47-58.
    It is reasonable to consider and trust that information taken from us about our medical health and history will be protected by rules on confidentiality and consent. Apart from very rare cases, perhaps of major public interest or for public health reasons, this information will not be shared with others without our consent. However, both a number of reforms in National Health Service patient data management policy (now enshrined in legislation) and developments in the general law on privacy challenge this (...)
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    A Fair Range of Choice: Justifying Maximum Patient Choice in the British National Health Service. [REVIEW]Stephen Wilmot - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (2):59-72.
    In this paper I put forward an ethical argument for the provision of extensive patient choice by the British National Health Service. I base this argument on traditional liberal rights to freedom of choice, on a welfare right to health care, and on a view of health as values-based. I argue that choice, to be ethically sustainable on this basis, must be values-based and rational. I also consider whether the British taxpayer may be persuadable with regard to the moral acceptability (...)
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    The patient and clinician experience of informed consent for surgery: a systematic review of the qualitative evidence.L. J. Convie, E. Carson, D. McCusker, R. S. McCain, N. McKinley, W. J. Campbell, S. J. Kirk & M. Clarke - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-17.
    Background Informed consent is an integral component of good medical practice. Many researchers have investigated measures to improve the quality of informed consent, but it is not clear which techniques work best and why. To address this problem, we propose developing a core outcome set to evaluate interventions designed to improve the consent process for surgery in adult patients with capacity. Part of this process involves reviewing existing research that has reported what is important to patients and doctors in (...)
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    Patient satisfaction with NHS elective tonsillectomy outsourced to the private sector under the Patient Choice Programme.Shalini Patiar, Stephen Lo, Shyam Duvvi & Paul Dr Spraggs - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (5):569-572.
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    An Actual Advance in Advance Directives: Moving from Patient Choices to Patient Voices in Advance Care Planning.Virginia L. Bartlett & Stuart G. Finder - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (1):21-36.
    Since the concept of the living wills emerged nearly 50 years ago, there have been practical challenges in translating the concept of an advance directive into documents that are clinically useful across various healthcare settings and among different patient populations and cultures. Especially, challenging has been the reliance in most ADs on pre-selected “choices” about specific interventions which either revolve around broad themes or whether or not to utilize particular interventions, both of which about most laypersons know little and, more (...)
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    John C. Fletcher 1931-2004.LeRoy Walters - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3):vii-viii.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.3 (2004) vii-viii [Access article in PDF] John C. Fletcher 1931-2004 John Fletcher was one of the pioneers in the still-young field of bioethics. In this short tribute, I can only hope to highlight a few of the many contributions he made to the field.For many of us, our first introduction to John occurred in October 1971. At an international symposium sponsored by the (...)
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    Conflicting Values: A Case Study in Patient Choice and Caregiver Perspectives.Margot M. Eves, Phoebe Day Danziger, Ruth M. Farrell & Cristie M. Cole - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):167-178.
    Decisions related to births in the “gray zone” of periviability are particularly challenging. Despite published management guidelines, clinicians and families struggle to negotiate care management plans. Stakeholders must reconcile conflicting values in the context of evolving circumstances with a high degree of uncertainty within a short time period. Even skilled clinicians may struggle to guide the patient in making value–laden decisions without imposing their own values. Exploring the experiences of one pregnant woman and her caregivers, this case study highlights how (...)
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  42. Agency and authenticity: Which value grounds patient choice?Daniel Brudney & John Lantos - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (4):217-227.
    In current American medical practice, autonomy is assumed to be more valuable than human life: if a patient autonomously refuses lifesaving treatment, the doctors are supposed to let him die. In this paper we discuss two values that might be at stake in such clinical contexts. Usually, we hear only of autonomy and best interests. However, here, autonomy is ambiguous between two concepts—concepts that are tied to different values and to different philosophical traditions. In some cases, the two values (that (...)
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    Dying is Difficult.Clarice Douille - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (1):6-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dying is DifficultClarice DouilleHayden had been a constant in my life since I was eight, as our families were close. He was a single dad who loved to talk and always had a smile on his face. He was obsessed with anything related to his kids and attended every school activity or sporting event.In 2015, Hayden was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer. He was adamant that he didn't (...)
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  44. Free Choice and Patient Best Interests.Emma C. Bullock - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (4):374-392.
    In medical practice, the doctrine of informed consent is generally understood to have priority over the medical practitioner’s duty of care to her patient. A common consequentialist argument for the prioritisation of informed consent above the duty of care involves the claim that respect for a patient’s free choice is the best way of protecting that patient’s best interests; since the patient has a special expertise over her values and preferences regarding non-medical goods she is ideally placed to make a (...)
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    The Right Heart.Ingrid Gould - 2022 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 12 (2):123-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Right HeartIngrid GouldI remarked to a friend, “We haven’t spoken since my arrest!” Alarm and confusion clouded his face, given my half-century of squeaky-clean living. “Cardiac arrest,” I clarified. “The fire department rebooted me.”An electrophysiologist diagnosed Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia, prescribed medication, and implanted a defibrillator. For the next three-and-a-half years, he helped me live with a disease I didn’t know existed until he told me I had (...)
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    Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision-Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice.Benjamin Moulton & Jaime S. King - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (1):85-97.
    Medical practice should evolve alongside medical ethics. As our understanding of the ethical implications of physician-patient interactions becomes more nuanced, physicians should integrate those lessons into practice. As early as the 1930s, epidemiological studies began to identify that the rates of medical procedures varied significantly along geographic and socioeconomic lines. Dr. J. Alison Glover recognized that tonsillectomy rates in school children in certain school districts in England and Wales were in some cases eight times the rates of children in other (...)
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    Tough decisions: a casebook in medical ethics.John Mark Freeman - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kevin McDonnell.
    Tough Decisions presents many of the complex medical-ethical issues likely to confront practitioners in critical situations. Through fictional but true-to-life cases, vividly described in clinical terms, the authors force the reader to choose among different courses of action and to confront a range of possible consequences. A two-year-old has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Who should be allowed to make decisions about the child's surgery and subsequent therapy, and on what basis? A family history of Huntington's disease (...)
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    Death Perception: How Temporary Ventilator Disconnection Helped my Family Accept Brain Death and Donate Organs.Thomas B. Freeman - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):9-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Death Perception:How Temporary Ventilator Disconnection Helped my Family Accept Brain Death and Donate OrgansThomas B. FreemanThe night of my nephew’s closed head injury in Boston, I was on call as a neurosurgeon at Tampa General Hospital. I was therefore not shocked at first when my telephone rang at four o’clock in the morning, but I soon understood the severity of the tragic news. The next half hour was a (...)
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    Pregnancy, autonomy and paternalism.G. M. Lockwood - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):537-540.
    Modern medicine is increasingly aware of the significance of patient autonomy in making treatment choices. This would seem to be particularly important where the therapy requested was "voluntary" as in fertility treatment or cosmetic surgery. However, the Hippocratic doctrine "Primum non nocere", seems especially relevant where the treatment sought may have a low chance of a successful outcome or even be life-threatening. Mrs A's case demonstrates the difficulty faced by the physician who wants to maximise her patient's autonomy, but (...)
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    Ethics and the Metaphysics of Medicine: Reflections on Health and Beneficence.Kenneth A. Richman - 2004 - MIT Press.
    Definitions of health and disease are of more than theoretical interest. Understanding what it means to be healthy has implications for choices in medical treatment, for ethically sound informed consent, and for accurate assessment of policies or programs. This deeper understanding can help us create more effective public policy for health and medicine. It is notable that such contentious legal initiatives as the Americans with Disability Act and the Patients' Bill of Rights fail to define adequately the medical terms on (...)
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