Results for 'past experience'

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  1.  33
    An experimental investigation of past experience as a determinant of visual form perception.M. Henle - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 30 (1):1.
  2.  14
    Access Conditions to Past Experience.Pierre Vermersch - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):235-237.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Excavating Belief About Past Experience: Experiential Dynamics of the Reflective Act” by Urban Kordeš & Ema Demšar. Upshot: I discuss four points: The “excavation fallacy” is a skeptical assertion, therefore, it is not a valid argument; Nisbett & Wilson’s results are experimental artefacts; Guiding to recall enables the exceeding of limits ruled by experimental psychology of memory; A typology of research situations must be introduced to the way we consider methodology.
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    The role of past experience in the visual apprehension of masked forms.S. Djang - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 20 (1):29.
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    Past experiences and recent challenges in participatory design research.Susanne Bødker - 2009 - In Annalisa Sannino, Harry Daniels & Kris D. Gutierrez, Learning and expanding with activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 274--285.
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    Education for sustainable development: Past experience., Present action and future prospects.Charles Hopkins & Rosalyn McKeown - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (2):231–244.
  6. Remembering past experiences: episodic memory, semantic memory and the epistemic asymmetry.Christoph Hoerl - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin, New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 313-328.
    There seems to be a distinctive way in which we can remember events we have experienced ourselves, which differs from the capacity to retain information about events that we can also have when we have not experienced those events ourselves but just learned about them in some other way. Psychologists and increasingly also philosophers have tried to capture this difference in terms of the idea of two different types of memory: episodic memory and semantic memory. Yet, the demarcation between episodic (...)
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  7. Excavating Belief About Past Experience: Experiential Dynamics of the Reflective Act.Urban Kordeš & Ema Demšar - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):219-229.
    Context: Philosophical and - more recently - empirical approaches to the study of mind have recognized the research of lived experience as crucial for the understanding of their subject matter. Such research is faced with self-referentiality: every attempt at examining the experience seems to change the experience in question. This so-called “excavation fallacy” has been taken by many to undermine the possibility of first-person inquiry as a form of scientific practice. Problem: What is the epistemic character and (...)
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    The influence of past experience in visual perception.K. W. Braly - 1933 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 16 (5):613.
  9.  26
    Education for Sustainable Development: past experience, present action and future prospects.Charles Hopkins McKeown - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (2):231-244.
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    Teaching Plato’s Cave through Your Students’ Past Experiences.Audrey L. Anton - 2016 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 2:143-166.
    Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is both a staple in the philosopher’s diet and the lesson that is often difficult to digest. In this paper, I describe one way to teach the Sun, Line, and Cave analogies in reference to students’ personal past experiences. After first learning about Plato’s metaphysics and epistemology through reading Republic VI-VII, students are asked to reflect upon a time in their lives when they emerged from a particular “cave of ignorance.” In reflecting on this (...)
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  11. Dynamic Decision Making when Risk Perception Depends on Past Experience.Michèle Cohen, Johanna Etner & Meglena Jeleva - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (2-3):173-192.
    The aim of the paper is to propose a preferences representation model under risk where risk perception can be past experience dependent. A first step consists in considering a one period decision problem where individual preferences are no more defined only on decisions but on pairs (decision, past experience). The obtained criterion is used in the construction of a dynamic choice model under risk. The paper ends with an illustrative example concerning insurance demand. It appears that (...)
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    Serial form as entertainment and interpretative framework: Probability and the ‘black box’ of past experience.Michael Betancourt - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):315-324.
    This essay presents and discusses the ways that prior experience constitutes a logical black box in Umberto Eco’s discussion of serial forms in ‘Interpreting Serials’ by using the complex adaptive system model for how complexity arises and is sustained over time, as proposed by John Holland. In exploring how Holland’s model can account for some aspects of Eco’s past experience, it becomes evident that a modification of both theories to accommodate multiple, contradictory potentials simultaneously suggests we consider (...)
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    Lived Experience: Past and Present.John Stewart - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):237-238.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Excavating Belief About Past Experience: Experiential Dynamics of the Reflective Act” by Urban Kordeš & Ema Demšar. Upshot: The theme of lived experience involves an intensely personal, subjective, existential dimension; if this is not taken up, something essential is missing.
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    The intercorporeality of closing a curtain : Sharing similar past experiences in interaction.Julia Katila & Johanne S. Philipsen - 2019 - Pragmatics Cognition 26 (2-3):167-196.
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    (1 other version)Past Gaming Experience and Cognition as Selective Predictors of Novel Game Learning Across Different Gaming Genres.Evan T. Smith, Bhargavi Bhaskar, Alex Hinerman & Chandramallika Basak - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Past experience with video games and cognitive abilities have been hypothesized to independently facilitate a greater ability to learn new video games and other complex tasks. The present study was conducted to examine this “learning to learn” hypothesis. We examined the predictive effects of gaming habits and cognitive abilities on learning of two novel video games in 107 participants. One video game was from the action genre, and the other was from the strategy genre. Hours spent gaming per (...)
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    Why Is 10 Past 10 the Default Setting for Clocks and Watches in Advertisements? A Psychological Experiment.Ahmed A. Karim, Britta Lützenkirchen, Eman Khedr & Radwa Khalil - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:255159.
    Have you ever noticed that in watch advertisements the time is usually set at 10:10? The reasons and psychological effects of this default time setting are elusive. In Experiment 1, we hypothesized that watches showing a time setting resembling a smiling face (10:10) would enhance emotional valence and intention to buy compared to a neutral time setting (11:30), whereas a time setting resembling a sad face (8:20) would have the opposite effect. Moreover, we investigated a possible interaction effect with the (...)
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  17. Some hallucinations are experiences of the past.Michael Barkasi - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (3):454-488.
    When you hallucinate an object, you are not in the normal sort of concurrent causal sensory interaction with that object. It's standardly further inferred that the hallucinated object does not actually exist. But the lack of normal concurrent causal sensory interaction does not imply that there does not exist an object that is hallucinated. It might be a past‐perceived object. In this paper, I argue that this claim holds for at least some interesting cases of hallucination. Hallucinations generated by (...)
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    Viewing past science from the point of view of present science, thereby illuminating both: Philosophy versus experiment in the work of Robert Boyle.Alan Chalmers - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 55:27-35.
  19. The “Past” and the “Delayed-Choice” Experiment.J. A. Wheeler - 1978 - In A. R. Marlow, Mathematical foundations of quantum theory. New York: Academic Press. pp. 30.
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  20. The “past” and the “delayed-choice” double-slit experiment.John Archibald Wheeler - 1978 - In A. R. Marlow, Mathematical foundations of quantum theory. New York: Academic Press.
  21.  73
    Towards a Disabled Past: Some preliminary thoughts about the history of disability, governmentality and experience.Pieter Verstraete - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (1):56-63.
    In this article a humble attempt is made to bridge the gap between the history of education and the philosophy of education with reference to what has been called Disability Studies since the 1980s. After outlining some of the internal tensions within New Disability History concerning ‘critique’, ‘power’ and ‘history’ the suggestion is made to consider the possibilities of the word ‘experience’ in order to construct a ‘new’ way of approaching the past. Our reading of history will draw (...)
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    Extracting meaning from past affective experiences: The importance of peaks, ends, and specific emotions.Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (4):577-606.
    This article reviews existing empirical research on the peak-and-end rule. This rule states that people's global evaluations of past affective episodes can be well predicted by the affect experienced during just two moments: the moment of peak affect intensity and the ending. One consequence of the peak-and-end rule is that the duration of affective episodes is largely neglected. Evidence supporting the peak-and-end rule is robust, but qualified. New directions for future work in this emerging area of study are outlined. (...)
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  23.  29
    Exploring the experience of episodic past, future, and counterfactual thinking in younger and older adults: A study of a Colombian sample.Felipe De Brigard, Diana Carolina Rodriguez & Patricia Montañés - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 51:258-267.
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    Presidential address: Experimenting with the scientific past.Gregory Radick - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (2):153-172.
    When it comes to knowing about the scientific pasts that might have been – the so-called ‘counterfactual’ history of science – historians can either debate its possibility or get on with the job. The latter course offers opportunities for engaging with some of the most general questions about the nature of science, history and knowledge. It can also yield fresh insights into why particular episodes in the history of science unfolded as they did and not otherwise. Drawing on recent research (...)
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    Judging the Past: The Case of the Human Radiation Experiments.Allen Buchanan - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (3):25-30.
    Our reluctance to measure the morality of past practices is more than a nagging problem for moral theorists. The legitimacy of retrospective moral judgment has fundamental implications for how practices and institutions should be viewed, and judged, now.
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  26. Past and present experiences of "natality" in border crossing. An Arendtian reading of the agency and rights of refugees.Paolo Monti & Anna Granata - 2023 - J-Reading 2023 (1):97-110.
    Recent crises in Europe and beyond have renewed a longstanding debate on the status and treatment of refugees. Hannah Arendt famously questioned the limits of universalistic human rights discourse based on the widespread phenomena of statelessness and displacement that emerged during and after World War II. In this paper, we analyze recent patterns of inclusion and exclusion of refugees in Italy through the lens of Arendtian narrative and theorizing. We consider three cases of interaction between families, schools, and other public (...)
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  27. The impact of past behaviour normality on regret: replication and extension of three experiments of the exceptionality effect.Lucas Kutscher & Gilad Feldman - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):901-914.
    Norm theory (Kahneman & Miller, 1986) described a tendency for people to associate stronger regret with a negative outcome when it is a result of an exception (abnormal behavior) compared to when it is a result of routine (normal behavior). In two pre-registered studies, we conducted a replication and extension of three classic experiments on past behavior exception/routine contrasts (N = 684). We successfully replicated Kahneman and Miller’s (1986) experiments with the classic hitchhiker-scenario (Part 1) and car accident-scenario (Part (...)
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    Private Reconstructions of Past Collective Experiences: Technologies of Remembering-Forgetting.Natasha Lushetich - 2015 - Environment, Space, Place 7 (1):105-134.
    This article queries the notion of performance as a sustained act of commemoration, and, thus, implicitly, atonement and forgetting. Laying aside potential considerations of guilt and/or victimisation inherent in the spatio-temporal superimposition of a World War II modality of existence on an affluent, and, by comparison, peaceful part of the world, my investigation focuses on three mutually related areas of performance: the body’s hidden somaticity, the co-becoming of the self and time; and walking as a mnemonic mechanism. Aided by the (...)
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    Retrieval of past and future positive and negative autobiographical experiences.Elvira García-Bajos & Malen Migueles - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1260-1267.
    We studied retrieval-induced forgetting for past or future autobiographical experiences. In the study phase, participants were given cues to remember past autobiographical experiences or to think about experiences that may occur in the future. In both conditions, half of the experiences were positive and half negative. In the retrieval-practice phase, for past and future experiences, participants retrieved either half of the positive or negative experiences using cued recall, or capitals of the world. Retrieval practice produced recall facilitation (...)
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  30.  37
    ”A past that has never been present”: The Literary Experience of Childhood and Nostalgia.Niklas Salmose - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):332-351.
    This essay explores the modernist aesthetic involved in creating a fictive, nostalgic, childhood experience. Evoking the experience of childhood through fiction is as close to actually reliving childhood as we can get. The author argues that it is possible to actually transport the reader into not only the idealized world of childhood, but more so into an embodied experience of childhood through the use of different kinds of narrative and stylistic configurations. In a stylistic and narratological analysis (...)
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    Peter Drucker's weimar experience: Moral managementas a perception of the past[REVIEW]Michael Schwartz - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (1-2):51 - 68.
    The writer discussed Drucker's ongoing denial of the relevance of business ethics in a paper presented to the Third Annual International Vincentian Conference. Later, in a paper presented to the Sixth Annual International Vincentian Conference, the writer argued that Collingwood's methodology would facilitate the advancement of an historical thesis which might explain the origins of Drucker's antipathy for business ethics. This latter aim is explored in the current paper. The paper asserts that it was Drucker's experiences of Weimar society and (...)
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  32. Influence of outcome valence in the subjective experience of episodic past, future, and counterfactual thinking.Felipe De Brigard - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1085-1096.
    Recent findings suggest that our capacity to imagine the future depends on our capacity to remember the past. However, the extent to which episodic memory is involved in our capacity to think about what could have happened in our past, yet did not occur , remains largely unexplored. The current experiments investigate the phenomenological characteristics and the influence of outcome valence on the experience of past, future and counterfactual thoughts. Participants were asked to mentally simulate (...), future, and counterfactual events with positive or negative outcomes. Features of their subjective experiences during each type of simulation were measured using questionnaires and autobiographical interviews. The results suggest that clarity and vividness were higher for past than future and counterfactual simulations. Additionally, emotional intensity was lower for counterfactual simulations than past and future simulations. Finally, outcome valence influenced participants’ judgment of probability for future and counterfactual simulations. (shrink)
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    Encountering the Past within the Present: Modern Experiences of Time.Siobhan Kattago - 2019 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    Encountering the Past within the Present: Modern Experiences of Time examines different encounters with the past from within the present – whether as commemoration, nostalgia, silence, ghostly haunting or combinations thereof. Taking its cue from Hannah Arendt’s definition of the present as a time span lying between past and future, I reflect on the old philosophical question of how to live the good life – not only with others who are physically with us but also with those (...)
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    Shame and the Experience of Ambivalence on the Margins of the Global: Pathologizing the Past and Present in Romania's Industrial Wastelands.Jack R. Friedman - 2007 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 35 (2):235-264.
  35.  24
    The Internet of Futures Past: Values Trajectories of Networking Protocol Projects.Britt Paris - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (5):1021-1047.
    The Internet was conceptualized as a technology that would be capable of bringing about a better future, but recent literature in science and technology studies and adjacent fields provides numerous examples of how this pervasive sociotechnical system has been shaped and used to dystopic ends. This article examines different future imaginaries present in Future Internet Architecture projects funded by the National Science Foundation from 2006 to 2016, whose goal was to incorporate social values while building new protocols to replace Transmission (...)
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  36. Memory as Sensory Modality, Perception as Experience of the Past.Michael Barkasi - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):791-809.
    Perceptual experience strikes us as a presentation of the here and now. I argue that it also involves experience of the past. This claim is often made based on cases, like seeing stars, involving significant signal-transmission lag, or based on how working memory allows us to experience extended events. I argue that the past is injected into perceptual experience via a third way: long-term memory traces in sensory circuits. Memory, like the receptor-based senses, is (...)
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  37.  46
    The presence of the past: John Dewey and Alfred Schutz on the genesis and organization of experience.Rodman B. Webb - 1976 - Gainesville: University Presses of Florida.
  38.  51
    Developing U.S. Oversight Strategies for Nanobiotechnology: Learning from Past Oversight Experiences.Jordan Paradise, Susan M. Wolf, Jennifer Kuzma, Aliya Kuzhabekova, Alison W. Tisdale, Efrosini Kokkoli & Gurumurthy Ramachandran - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):688-705.
    The emergence of nanotechnology, and specifically nanobiotechnology, raises major oversight challenges. In the United States, government, industry, and researchers are debating what oversight approaches are most appropriate. Among the federal agencies already embroiled in discussion of oversight approaches are the Food and Drug Administration , Environmental Protection Agency , Department of Agriculture , Occupational Safety and Health Administration , and National Institutes of Health . All can learn from assessment of the successes and failures of past oversight efforts aimed (...)
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  39. Imagining the Past: on the nature of episodic memory.Robert Hopkins - 2018 - In Fiona MacPherson Fabian Dorsch, Memory and Imagination. Oxford University Press.
    What kind of mental state is episodic memory? I defend the claim that it is, in key part, imagining the past, where the imagining in question is experiential imagining. To remember a past episode is to experientially imagine how things were, in a way controlled by one’s past experience of that episode. Call this the Inclusion View. I motive this view by appeal both to patterns of compatibilities and incompatibilities between various states, and to phenomenology. The (...)
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    The musicality of the past: Sehnsucht, trauma, and the sublime.Kiene Brillenburg Wurth - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (2):219-247.
    This paper argues that the sublime feeling can only announce itself as a paradoxical mixture of pain and pleasure in an experience of a lost or irrevocable past. Presenting the typical evanescence and inevitable deferral of the past in musical terms, this paper rewrites the sublime feeling as a musical feeling: a suspended feeling wavering in-between apparently opposite intensities of tension and respite. This suspended feeling is analyzed through a juxtaposition of the sublime with Sehnsucht, or the (...)
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  41.  12
    Psychological contract breach and job performance of new generation of employees: Considering the mediating effect of job burnout and the moderating effect of past breach experience.Dongping Yu, Ke Yang, Xinsi Zhao, Yongsong Liu, Shanshan Wang, Maria Teresa D’Agostino & Giuseppe Russo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the intensification of COVID-19 epidemic, it becomes prominent to discuss the issue about the influence of psychological contract breach on job performance of new generation of employees. Based on social exchange theory, fairness theory, and conservation of resource theory, this study constructed a relationship model between psychological contract breach and job performance of new generation of employees with considering the mediating effect of job burnout and the moderating effect of past breach experience. Our hypotheses were tested using (...)
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  42.  84
    Why the past is sometimes perceived, and not only remembered.Helge Malmgren - 2004 - Philosophical Communications.
    This paper first advances and discusses the hypothesis that so-called “iconic” or (for the auditory sphere) “echoic” memory is actually a form of perception of the past. Such perception is made possible by parallel inputs with differential delays which feed independently into the sensorium. This hypothesis goes well together with a set of related psychological and phenomenological facts, as for example: Sperling’s results about the visual sensory buffer, the facts that we seem to see movement and hear temporal Gestalts, (...)
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  43.  7
    Why don’t I experience the past or present as now? (Proceedings of the CAPE International Workshops, 2013. Part II: The CAPE International Conference “A Frontier of Philosophy of Time”).Kristie Miller & Samuel Baron - 2014 - CAPE Studies in Applied Philosophy and Ethics Series 2:155-166.
    30th Nov. and 1st Dec. 2013 at Kyoto University. Organizer: Takeshi Sakon.
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    The experiment must continue: medical research and ethics in East Africa, 1940-2014.Melissa Graboyes - 2015 - Athens: Ohio University Press.
    The Experiment Must Continue is a beautifully articulated ethnographic history of medical experimentation in East Africa from 1940 through 2014. In it, Melissa Graboyes combines her training in public health and in history to treat her subject with the dual sensitivities of a medical ethicist and a fine historian. She breathes life into the fascinating histories of research on human subjects, elucidating the hopes of the interventionists and the experiences of the putative beneficiaries. Historical case studies highlight failed attempts to (...)
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  45.  43
    Experience as philosophy: on the work of John J. McDermott.James Campbell & Richard E. Hart (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The philosopher John J. McDermott comes out of the long American tradition that takes the aim of philosophical inquiry to be interpretation of the open meanings of experience, so that we might all live fuller and richer lives. Here, the authors of these nine essays explore his highly original interpretations of philosophy's various questions about our shared existence. How are we to understand the nature of American culture and to carry forward its important contributions? What is the personal importance (...)
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    Past-future preferences for hedonic goods and the utility of experiential memories.Ruth Lee, Jack Shardlow, Patrick A. O'Connor, Lesley Hotson, Rebecca Hotson, Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (8):1181-1211.
    Recent studies have suggested that while both adults and children hold past-future hedonic preferences – preferring painful experiences to be in the past and pleasurable experiences to lie in the future – these preferences are abandoned when the quantity of pain or pleasure under consideration is greater in the past than in the future. We examined whether such preferences might be affected by the utility people assign to experiential memories, since the recollection of events can itself be (...)
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  47. Phenomenal characteristics associated with projecting oneself back into the past and forward into the future: Influence of valence and temporal distance.A. D'Argembeau & Martial van der Linden - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):844-858.
    As humans, we frequently engage in mental time travel, reliving past experiences and imagining possible future events. This study examined whether similar factors affect the subjective experience associated with remembering the past and imagining the future. Participants mentally “re-experienced” or “pre-experienced” positive and negative events that differed in their temporal distance from the present , and then rated the phenomenal characteristics associated with their representations. For both past and future, representations of positive events were associated with (...)
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  48. The Weight of the Past in the Experience of Health: Time, Embodiment, and Cultural Change in Morocco.Marybeth Macphee - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (3):374-396.
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    Commentary on Herbert H. P. ma's "law and morality: Some reflections on the chinese experience past and present".Chung-ying Cheng - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (4):461-466.
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    Presencing the Past: Materiality and the Experience of Time in Derrida and Bergson.Austin Lillywhite - 2022 - Derrida Today 15 (2):167-188.
    Deconstruction and duration are arguably the two most important theories of time to emerge from French philosophy in the twentieth century. Yet, despite the resurgence of interest in Bergson, scholars have ignored Derrida’s own discussions of Bergson, both positive and negative, throughout his career. This lack of attention obscures an important influence on Derrida’s early thought, and hampers our ability to understand the nature of Derrida’s relationship to fields such as new materialism, posthumanism, and affect studies, that frequently turn to (...)
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