Results for 'particles of nanowires'

982 found
  1. the Theory of Indistinguishable Particles in Quantum Mechanics'(joint paper with P. Teller).Particle Labels - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43:201-8.
  2.  35
    The QS Quantization of Fundamental Particle Mass Robert A. Stone Jr. 1313 Connecticut Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06484 (USA).Fundamental Particle Mass - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4).
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  3. Quanta: The Toll of Unacknowledged Metaphysics'(joint paper with P. Teller).Particle Lables Particles - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21:43-62.
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    Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science.Thomas P. Sheahen - 2017 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 17 (4):720-723.
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  5. The Particle of Haag's Local Quantum Physics: A critical assessment.Gregg Jaeger - 2024 - Entropy 26:748.
    Rudolf Haag’s Local Quantum Physics (LQP) is an alternative framework to conventional relativistic quantum field theory for combining special relativity and quantum theory based on first principles, making it of great interest for the purposes of conceptual analysis despite currently being relatively limited as a tool for making experimental predictions. In LQP, the elementary particles are defined as species of causal link between interaction events, together with which they comprise its most fundamental entities. This notion of particle has yet (...)
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  6. The Elementary Particles of Quantum Fields.Gregg Jaeger - 2021 - Entropy 11 (23):1416.
    The elementary particles of relativistic quantum field theory are not simple field quanta, as has long been assumed. Rather, they supplement quantum fields, on which they depend but to which they are not reducible, as shown here with particles defined instead as a unified collection of properties that appear in both physical symmetry group representations and field propagators. This notion of particle provides consistency between the practice of particle physics and its basis in quantum field theory.
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  7. List of Contents: Volume 16, Number 4, August 2003.Shigeki Matsutani, Yoshihiro Onishi & Wave-Particle Complementarity - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (1).
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  8. (1 other version)Tracking Particles of Poly-dimensional Harmony in the Search for Music's URAM.Karlton E. Hester - 2007 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 30 (1):78-92.
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    Some sub-atomic particles of logic.R. M. Hare - 1989 - Mind 98 (389):23-37.
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    Particles of Light.Stephen Turner - 2022 - Film and Philosophy 26:103-122.
    This article addresses recent science fiction films about the colonization of outer worlds, or space-steading, in the context of the longer colonial history of the frontier. Paying particular attention to Interstellar (Christopher Nolan, 2014), Serenity (Joss Whedon, 2005) and The Wild Blue Yonder (Werner Herzog, 2005), I argue that colonizing outer space is not only a race to the new frontier, but that this takes place because technologies that picture space have quickened the pulse. Through its imagining of the end (...)
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    The multiple scattering of particles of opposite charge.I. S. Hughes & D. Sinclair - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (45):1013-1016.
  12. Assessing the modality particles of the yi group in fuzzy possible-worlds semantics.Matthias Gerner - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (2):143-184.
    Of late, evidentiality has received great attention in formal semantics. In this paper I develop ‘evidentiality-informed’ truth conditions for modal operators such as must and may . With language data drawn from Luoping Nase (a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the P.R. of China and belonging to the Yi Nationality), I illustrate that epistemic modals clash with clauses articulating first-hand information. I then demonstrate that existing models such as Kratzer’s graded possible-worlds semantics fail to provide accurate truth conditions for modals tagging (...)
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    Size-dependent chemical transformation, structural phase change, and optical properties of nanowires.Brian Piccione, Rahul Agarwal, Yeonwoong Jung & Ritesh Agarwal - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (17):2089-2121.
  14.  48
    With one's eyes half-closed, a particle of Laruelle.Drew S. Burk - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (2):59-72.
    This essay will strive to provide the reader with various entry points into the project of François Laruelle's non-standard philosophy and its relation to non-aesthetics, via its relation to philosophy as rigorous fiction. It is a new genre, what Laruelle also calls a philo-fiction. Via Laruelle's preoccupation with photography as a new kind of thought, we will follow his trajectory of applying non-philosophy to photography. From his concept of non-photography and continued in Photo-Fiction, a Non-Standard Aesthetics, Laruelle's practice of striving (...)
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    Bohm particles and their detection in the light of neutron interferometry.H. R. Brown, C. Dewdney & G. Horton - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (2):329-347.
    Properties sometimes attributed to the “particle” aspect of a neutron, e.g., mass and magnetic moment, cannot straightforwardly be regarded in the Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics as localized at the hypothetical position of the particle. This is shown by examining a series of effects in neutron interferometry. A related thought-experiment also provides a variation of a recent demonstration that which-way detectors can appear to behave anomolously in the Bohm theory.
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    Sintering of a bcc structure of spherical particles of equal and different sizes.Pia Redanz & Robert M. McMeeking - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (23):2693-2714.
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    Particles and waves: historical essays in the philosophy of science.Peter Achinstein - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume brings together eleven essays by the distinguished philosopher of science, Peter Achinstein. The unifying theme is the nature of the philosophical problems surrounding the postulation of unobservable entities such as light waves, molecules, and electrons. How, if at all, is it possible to confirm scientific hypotheses about "unobservables"? Achinstein examines this question as it arose in actual scientific practice in three nineteenth-century episodes: the debate between particle and wave theorists of light, Maxwell's kinetic theory of gases, and J.J. (...)
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  18.  26
    Trajectories of two-particle states for the harmonic oscillator.A. Kyprianidis - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (11):1077-1091.
    Using the example of a harmonic oscillator and nondispersive wave packets, we derive, in the frame of the causal interpretation, the equations of motion and particle trajectories in one- and two-particle systems. The role of the symmetry or antisymmetry of the wave function is analyzed as it manifests itself in the specific types of corelated trajectories. This simple example shows that the concepts of the quantum potential and the quantum forces prove to be essential for the specification of the dynamics (...)
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  19.  29
    Localizable Particles in the Classical Limit of Quantum Field Theory.Rory Soiffer, Jonah Librande & Benjamin H. Feintzeig - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-31.
    A number of arguments purport to show that quantum field theory cannot be given an interpretation in terms of localizable particles. We show, in light of such arguments, that the classical ħ→0\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\hbar \rightarrow 0$$\end{document} limit can aid our understanding of the particle content of quantum field theories. In particular, we demonstrate that for the massive Klein–Gordon field, the classical limits of number operators can be understood to encode local information about (...)
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  20. Particles, causation, and the metaphysics of structure.Anjan Chakravartty - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2273-2289.
    I consider the idea of a structure of fundamental physical particles being causal. Causation is traditionally thought of as involving relations between entities—objects or events—that cause and are affected. On structuralist interpretations, however, it is unclear whether or how precisely fundamental particles can be causally efficacious. On some interpretations, only relations exist; on others, particles are ontologically dependent on their relations in ways that problematize the traditional picture. I argue that thinking about causal efficacy in this context (...)
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  21.  10
    Validation of Particle Physics Simulation.Peter Mättig - 2019 - In Claus Beisbart & Nicole J. Saam, Computer Simulation Validation: Fundamental Concepts, Methodological Frameworks, and Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 631-660.
    The procedures of validating computer simulations of particle physicsParticle physics events at the LHCLarge Hadron Collider are summarized. Because of the strongly fluctuating particle content of LHC events and detectorDetector interactions, particle-based Monte Carlo methods are an indispensable tool for dataData analysis analysis. Simulation in particle physicsParticle physics is founded on factorizationFactorization and thus its global validation can be realized by validating each individual step in the simulation. This can be accomplished by drawing on results of previousMeasurement measurements, in situ (...)
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    Wave-particle dualism and the interpretation of quantum mechanics.C. Dewdney, G. Horton, M. M. Lam, Z. Malik & M. Schmidt - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (10):1217-1265.
    The realist interpretations of quantum theory, proposed by de Broglie and by Bohm, are re-examined and their differences, especially concerning many-particle systems and the relativistic regime, are explored. The impact of the recently proposed experiments of Vigier et al. and of Ghose et al. on the debate about the interpretation of quantum mechanics is discussed. An indication of how de Broglie and Bohm would account for these experimental results is given.
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    Particle or Wave: The Evolution of the Concept of Matter in Modern Physics.Charis Anastopoulos - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    'Particle or Wave' explains the origins and development of modern physical concepts about matter and the controversies surrounding them.
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    Galilean Particles: An Example of Constitution of Objects.Elena Castellani - unknown
    A draft version of Chapter 11 of the edited volume 'Interpreting Bodies. Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics',. The Chapter is devoted to illustrating the group-theoretic approach to the issue of physical objects. In particular, the Chapter discusses the group-theoretic constitution of classical and quantum particles in the nonrelativistic case.
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  25. Taking particle physics seriously: A critique of the algebraic approach to quantum field theory.David Wallace - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 42 (2):116-125.
    I argue against the currently prevalent view that algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT) is the correct framework for philosophy of quantum field theory and that “conventional” quantum field theory (CQFT), of the sort used in mainstream particle physics, is not suitable for foundational study. In doing so, I defend that position that AQFT and CQFT should be understood as rival programs to resolve the mathematical and physical pathologies of renormalization theory, and that CQFT has succeeded in this task and AQFT (...)
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  26.  19
    Waves, Particles, Independent Tests and the Limits of Inductivism.Larry Laudan - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:212 - 223.
    This paper seeks to show that Achinstein's recent attempt to establish that both parties to the wave-particle debate in 19th-century optics were Bayesian conditionalizers forces us to ignore several of the key conceptual issues in that controversy-not least the role of the vera causa principle and, more important still, the role of positive evidence in securing acceptance for the wave theory of light.
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    Theories of Variable Mass Particles and Low Energy Nuclear Phenomena.Mark Davidson - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (2):144-174.
    Variable particle masses have sometimes been invoked to explain observed anomalies in low energy nuclear reactions (LENR). Such behavior has never been observed directly, and is not considered possible in theoretical nuclear physics. Nevertheless, there are covariant off-mass-shell theories of relativistic particle dynamics, based on works by Fock, Stueckelberg, Feynman, Greenberger, Horwitz, and others. We review some of these and we also consider virtual particles that arise in conventional Feynman diagrams in relativistic field theories. Effective Lagrangian models incorporating variable (...)
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  28.  50
    The Gibbs Paradox and the Distinguishability of Identical Particles.Marijn A. M. Versteegh & Dennis Dieks - unknown
    Classical particles of the same kind are distinguishable: they can be labeled by their positions and follow different trajectories. This distinguishability affects the number of ways W a macrostate can be realized on the micro-level, and via S=k ln W this leads to a non-extensive expression for the entropy. This result is generally considered wrong because of its inconsistency with thermodynamics. It is sometimes concluded from this inconsistency, notoriously illustrated by the Gibbs paradox, that identical particles must be (...)
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  29. On Quantum-Classical Transition of a Single Particle.Agung Budiyono - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (8):1117-1133.
    We discuss the issue of quantum-classical transition in a system of a single particle with and without external potential. This is done by elaborating the notion of self-trapped wave function recently developed by the author. For a free particle, we show that there is a subset of self-trapped wave functions which is particle-like. Namely, the spatially localized wave packet is moving uniformly with undistorted shape as if the whole wave packet is indeed a classical free particle. The length of the (...)
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    Embedding of Particle Waves in a Schwarzschild Metric Background.David Zareski - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (2):253-285.
    The special and general relativity theories are used to demonstrate that the velocity of an unradiative particle in a Schwarzschild metric background, and in an electrostatic field, is the group velocity of a wave that we call a “particle wave,” which is a monochromatic solution of a standard equation of wave motion and possesses the following properties. It generalizes the de Broglie wave. The rays of a particle wave are the possible particle trajectories, and the motion equation of a particle (...)
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    Role of ions in the colloidal synthesis of gold nanowires.T. K. Sau & C. J. Murphy - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (14-15):2143-2158.
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    Particles, fields, and the measurement of electron spin.Charles T. Sebens - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11943-11975.
    This article compares treatments of the Stern–Gerlach experiment across different physical theories, building up to a novel analysis of electron spin measurement in the context of classical Dirac field theory. Modeling the electron as a classical rigid body or point particle, we can explain why the entire electron is always found at just one location on the detector but we cannot explain why there are only two locations where the electron is ever found. Using non-relativistic or relativistic quantum mechanics, we (...)
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  33.  55
    (1 other version)Point-particle explanations: the case of gravitational waves.Andrew Wayne - 2017 - Synthese:1-21.
    This paper explores the role of physically impossible idealizations in model-based explanation. We do this by examining the explanation of gravitational waves from distant stellar objects using models that contain point-particle idealizations. Like infinite idealizations in thermodynamics, biology and economics, the point-particle idealization in general relativity is physically impossible. What makes this case interesting is that there are two very different kinds of models used for predicting the same gravitational wave phenomena, post-Newtonian models and effective field theory models. The paper (...)
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    On the existence of zero rest mass particles.L. S. Mayants - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (7-8):577-591.
    It is shown that no concrete particle can have zero rest mass. A separate photon is proven to be a concrete particle. The nonexistence of the electromagnetic field as an independent physical reality is demonstrated. The existence of a subatomic electromagnetic particle of a very small rest mass, theemon, instead of the electromagnetic field, is stated. The compatibility of the notion of the emon with the special relativity theory is elucidated. Some corollaries of the existence of the emon as well (...)
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    Particles, fields, and the ontology of the standard model.Federico Benitez - 2023 - Synthese 201 (1):1-26.
    In this work we discuss issues of ontological commitment towards one of the most important examples of contemporary fundamental science: the standard model of particle physics. We present a new form of selective structural realism, which uses as its basis the distinction between what have been called framework and interaction theories. This allows us to advance the ongoing debate about the ontological status of (quasi-)particles and quantum fields, by emphasising the distinction between quantum field theory serving as a framework, (...)
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    Diffusion of Self-Organized Brownian Particles in the Michelson-Morley Experiment.Jirí Stávek - 2004 - Apeiron 11 (2):373.
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    Particle-like configurations of the electromagnetic field: An extension of de Broglie's ideas.A. O. Barut & A. J. Bracken - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (10):1267-1285.
    Localised configurations of the free electromagnetic field are constructed, possessing properties of massive, spinning, relativistic particles. In an inertial frame, each configuration travels in a straight line at constant speed, less than the speed of lightc, while slowly spreading. It eventually decays into pulses of radiation travelling at speedc. Each configuration has a definite rest mass and internal angular momentum, or spin. Each can be of “electric” or “magnetic” type, according as the radial component of the magnetic or electric (...)
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  38.  27
    Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: On Rotations by 4pi for Half-Integral Spin Particles.L. S. F. Olavo - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1483-1494.
    Rotations in Quantum Mechanics are a very well-known subject. When one is faced with rotations related to the SO group, for instance, all the underlying operators are well-known and built from their classical counterparts. However, when it comes to represent rotations related to the SU group, it is always argued that there is no classical counterpart from which the expressions for the quantum mechanical operators can be built. The approach is always done using matrix representation. In the way of this (...)
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    Nucleation of misfit dislocations and plastic deformation in core/shell nanowires.K. E. Aifantis, A. L. Kolesnikova & A. E. Romanov - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (30):4731-4757.
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    Wave, particle-family duality and the conservation of discrete symmetries in strong interaction.E. van der Spuy - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (8):767-775.
    This paper starts from a nonlinear fermion field equation of motion with a strongly coupled self-interaction. Nonperturbative quark solutions of the equation of motion are constructed in terms of a Reggeized infinite component free spinor field. Such a field carries a family of strongly interacting unstable compounds lying on a Regge locus in the analytically continued quark spin. Such a quark field is naturally confined and also possesses the property of asymptotic freedom. Furthermore, the particular field self-regularizes the interactions and (...)
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    Critique of Quantum Optical Experimental Refutations of Bohr’s Principle of Complementarity, of the Wootters–Zurek Principle of Complementarity, and of the Particle–Wave Duality Relation.P. N. Kaloyerou - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (2):138-175.
    I argue that quantum optical experiments that purport to refute Bohr’s principle of complementarity fail in their aim. Some of these experiments try to refute complementarity by refuting the so called particle–wave duality relations, which evolved from the Wootters–Zurek reformulation of BPC. I therefore consider it important for my forgoing arguments to first recall the essential tenets of BPC, and to clearly separate BPC from WZPC, which I will argue is a direct contradiction of BPC. This leads to a need (...)
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    Varieties of alternatives: Mandarin focus particles.Mingming Liu - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (1):61-95.
    Mandarin focus particles systematically have heterogeneous uses. By examining details of two focus particles jiu ‘only’ and dou ‘even’, this paper explores the hypothesis that varieties of alternatives give rise to systematic ‘ambiguities’. Specifically, by positing sum-based alternative sets and atom-based ones, it maintains unambiguous semantics of jiu as onlyweak and dou as even, while deriving their variability through interaction with alternatives. Independently motivated analyses of distributive/collective readings and contrastive topics, combined with varieties of alternatives, deliver the full (...)
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  43.  50
    Discourse Particles and Belief Reasoning: The Case of German doch.Daniel Schmerse, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2014 - Journal of Semantics 31 (1):fft001.
    Next SectionDiscourse particles typically express the attitudes of interlocutors with respect to the propositional content of an utterance – for example, marking whether or not a speaker believes the content of the proposition that she uttered. In German, the particle doch – which has no direct English translation – is commonly used to correct a belief that is thought to be common ground among those present. We asked whether German adults and 5-year-olds are able to infer that a speaker (...)
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  44. Question particles and the nature of wh-fronting.Seth Cable - 2008 - In Lisa Matthewson, Quantification: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Emerald. pp. 105--178.
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    Characterization of novel pseudoelastic behaviour of zinc oxide nanowires.A. J. Kulkarni, K. Sarasamak, S. Limpijumnong & M. Zhou - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (14-15):2117-2134.
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  46. Emergence of particles from bosonic quantum field theory.David Wallace - manuscript
    An examination is made of the way in which particles emerge from linear, bosonic, massive quantum field theories. Two different constructions of the one-particle subspace of such theories are given, both illustrating the importance of the interplay between the quantum-mechanical linear structure and the classical one. Some comments are made on the Newton-Wigner representation of one-particle states, and on the relationship between the approach of this paper and those of Segal, and of Haag and Ruelle.
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  47.  14
    Are 'Particles' in Quantum Mechanics "Just a Way of Talking"?Christian de Ronde & Raimundo Fernández Mouján - unknown
    In this work we discuss the widespread use and application of the notion of 'particle' within the standard understanding of quantum mechanics, trying to prove how it is not just an innocent and unproblematic “way of talking”, as it is often claimed, but the expression of an atomist metaphysics that represents rather a way of perceiving and thinking that inadvertently determines our understanding of the mathematical formalism and the experimental content of quantum mechanics. We show how the retention of atomist (...)
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    How Symmetry Undid the Particle: A Demonstration of the Incompatibility of Particle Interpretations and Permutation Invariance.Benjamin C. Jantzen - unknown
    The idea that the world is made of particles — little discrete, interacting objects that compose the material bodies of everyday experience — is a durable one. Following the advent of quantum theory, the idea was revised but not abandoned. It remains manifest in the explanatory language of physics, chemistry, and molecular biology. Aside from its durability, there is good reason for the scientific realist to embrace the particle interpretation: such a view can account for the prominent epistemic fact (...)
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    Reassessment of the Hebrew Negative Interrogative Particle hlʾ.Matthew McAffee - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (1):115-130.
    The trend in recent scholarship on the Hebrew negative interrogative particle hlʾ has been to suggest two distinct, underlying etymologies. In addition to the traditional etymology of interrogative {h} + negative particle lōʾ, some scholars propose an asseverative particle *hallū, now lost in the Masoretic leveling of all forms to halōʾ. The following study reassesses this proposal, suggesting that the evidence for the new etymology is untenable.
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    Exchange Degeneracy of Relativistic Two-Particle Quantum States.S. Rupp, S. Hunzinger & M. Sorg - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (5):705-750.
    The phenomenon of exchange degeneracy of 2-particle quantum states is studied in detail within the framework of Relativistic Schrödinger Theory (RST). In conventional quantum theory this kind of degeneracy refers to the circumstance that, under neglection of the interparticle interactions, symmetric and anti-symmetric 2-particle states have identical energy eigenvalues. However the analogous effect of RST degeneracy is rather related to the emergence of two types of mixtures (positive and negative) in connection with the vanishing or non-vanishing of certain components of (...)
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