Results for 'opacity of the sensible world'

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  1.  23
    The Obsolescence of Sensibility: Aesthetics and Politics in Ending Time by Günther Anders.Carlos Balzi - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:173-193.
    Günther Anders is still an almost secret thinker, even though his work has been progressively rediscovered in the last two decades. His reflections, moreover, are contained in a dispersed and varied work. That is why the purpose of these pages is pages is to reconstruct an aesthetical and political notion at the same time, present throughout it, to contribute to the discovery of a reading key that gives a unified image of this sparse set. It is about the idea of (...)
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    Resistance of the sensible world: an introduction to Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Introduction: Return to the obvious -- Perception -- Language -- Ontology of the visible -- Conclusion: Toward dia-phenomenology.
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    The sensible world and the world of expression: course notes from the Collège de France, 1953.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2020 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Bryan A. Smyth.
    The Sensible World and the World of Expression presents the lecture notes for a course taught by Maurice Marleau-Ponty, a central figure of phenomenological philosophy, at a key point in his career.
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    Rhythm as a Logic of the Sensible World.John Montani - 2024 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):11-27.
    One of the aims of phenomenology was to uncover a logic of the sensible world. This essay shows how rhythm can be understood as a logic of the sensible world and how rhythm is not only a profoundly aesthetic experience but one integral to phenomenological reflection. The essay highlights how aesthetic experiences accomplish phenomenological reductions and how phenomenological reflection demands a continued inquiry into the ways intelligibility first opens from within the sensible world. Rhythm (...)
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    Resistance of the Sensible World an Introduction to Merleau-Ponty.Gerald Cipriani - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (3):279-282.
    Volume 50, Issue 3, July 2019, Page 279-282.
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    Plato on the Imperfection of the Sensible World.Alexander Ne Hamas, Frederick A. Olafson & Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2).
  7.  4
    Rhythm as a Logic of the Sensible World.John Montani - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):11-27.
    One of the aims of phenomenology was to uncover a logic of the sensible world. This essay shows how rhythm can be understood as a logic of the sensible world and how rhythm is not only a profoundly aesthetic experience but one integral to phenomenological reflection. The essay highlights how aesthetic experiences accomplish phenomenological reductions and how phenomenological reflection demands a continued inquiry into the ways intelligibility first opens from within the sensible world. Rhythm (...)
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  8. Plato on the imperfection of the sensible world.Alexander Nehamas - 2000 - In Gail Fine, Plato. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The logos of the sensible world: Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological philosophy.John Sallis - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Richard Rojcewicz.
    This volume of the collected writings of John Sallis presents a two-semester lecture course on Maurice Merleau-Ponty given at Duquesne University from 1970 to 1971. Devoted primarily to a close reading of the French philosopher's magnum opus, Phenomenology of Perception, the course begins with a detailed analysis of The Structure of Behavior. The central topics considered in the lectures include the functions of the phenomenological body; beyond realism and idealism; the structures of the lived world; spatiality, temporality, language, sexuality; (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Plato on the Imperfection of the Sensible World.Alexander Nehamas - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):105 - 117.
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    Plato on the Unknowability of the Sensible World.Richard J. Ketchum - 1987 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 4 (3):291 - 305.
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    The Sensible World and The World of Expression (English).Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2010 - Chiasmi International 12:31-37.
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    John Sallis, The Logos of the Sensible World: Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological Philosophy, ed. Richard Rojcewicz.Bryan Counter - 2021 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 42 (2):475-478.
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    The Opacity of the Self, Sovereignty & Freedom: In Conversation with Arendt, Butler & Derrida.Graham Giles & Cristina Delgado Vintimilla - 2007 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 16 (2):35-44.
    This paper asks and examines the question “who are you?” In doing so it embarks across the conceptual terrain of subjectivity, passing through five different regions. First is the subject and otherness, in which are considered Arendtian notions of the “who” of the individual in the appearing world. Next is the relation between the “I” and the “you” in systems of recognition, and how those systems are creations and expressions of social normativity. This is followed by the idea of (...)
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  15. Transparent Media and the Development of Digital Habits.Daniel Susser - 2017 - In Van den Eede Yoni, Irwin Stacy O'Neal & Wellner Galit, Postphenomenology and Media: Essays on Human-Media-World Relations. Lexington Books. pp. 27-44.
    Our lives are guided by habits. Most of the activities we engage in throughout the day are initiated and carried out not by rational thought and deliberation, but through an ingrained set of dispositions or patterns of action—what Aristotle calls a hexis. We develop these dispositions over time, by acting and gauging how the world responds. I tilt the steering wheel too far and the car’s lurch teaches me how much force is needed to steady it. I come too (...)
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  16. How to Conceive of the Perceivable? Hades as a Metaphor of the Sensible World.Robert Karul - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (9):894-902.
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  17. The Sensible World and the World of Expression: Course Notes from the Collège de France, 1953, written by Merleau-Ponty, M. [REVIEW]Jan Halák - 2023 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 54 (1):143-152.
    A review of the English translation of Merleau-Ponty's course notes from the Collège de France, The Sensible World and the World of Expression, 1953.
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    Review of Emmanuel Alloa’s Resistance of the Sensible World: An Introduction to Merleau-Ponty. [REVIEW]Bernard Flynn - 2018 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (1):263-279.
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    The Universality of the Sensible.Jessica Wiskus - 2008 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (1):121-132.
    In reassessing the relationship between the ideal and the sensible realms, Merleau-Ponty’s later work (Notes de cours 1958–1959 et 1960–1961 and The Visibleand the Invisible) investigates the “musical idea” of Proust. This idea resembles that of the chora in the Timaeus with respect to its institution of a productive “space” between the ideal and the sensible realms. However, because the musical idea attains its status as an idea through repeated initiation in the sensible world, it transgresses (...)
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  20.  46
    Foundations of Geometry and Induction.Geometry in the Sensible World.The Logical Problem of Induction.Jean Nicod - 1932 - Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Sensibility and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World.Arnold Berleant - 2010 - Imprint Academic.
    Aesthetic sensibility rests on perceptual experience and characterizes not only our experience of the arts but our experience of the world. _Sensibility and Sense_ offers a philosophically comprehensive account of humans' social and cultural embeddedness encountered, recognized, and fulfilled as an aesthetic mode of experience. Extending the range of aesthetic experience from the stone of the earth's surface to the celestial sphere, the book focuses on the aesthetic as a dimension of social experience. The guiding idea of pervasive interconnectedness, (...)
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    In Defence of the Sensible Theory of Indeterminacy.Harold W. Noonan - 2013 - Metaphysica 14 (2):239-252.
    Can the world itself _be_ vague, so that rather than vagueness be a deficiency in our mode of describing the world, it is a necessary feature of any true description of it? Gareth Evans famously poses this question in his paper ‘Can There Be Vague Objects’ (Analysis 38(4):208, 1978 ). In his recent paper ‘Indeterminacy and Vagueness: Logic and Metaphysics’, Peter van Inwagen ( 2009 ) elaborates the account of vagueness and, in particular, in the case of sentences, (...)
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  23. The creativity of intellect: from ontology to meaning. The transmutation of the sensible and intelligible worlds in Kant's critical work.Walter B. Gulick - 1994 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17 (2):99-108.
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    Art, Rhythm, and the Truth of the Sensible. Henri Maldiney’s Phenomenological Aesthetics.A. Visiting Scholar at the Husserl Archives in Parishe is Currently Working on A. Phd Project Dealing & the Concept of Form in Merleau-Ponty’S. Philosophy - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):29-46.
    In this essay, I will examine Henri Maldiney’s phenomenological aesthetics, focusing on his claim that “art is the truth of the sensible.” This claim is presented by Maldiney in the context of a two-fold critique of Husserl’s and Heidegger’s respective attempts to phenomenologically elucidate the experience of artworks. According to Maldiney, both Husserl and Heidegger fail to recognize what he, following Erwin Straus, terms the “pathic” moment of sense experience, which is also the key moment of the aesthetic reception (...)
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  25. Opacity in the Book of the World?Nicholas K. Jones - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies.
    This paper explores the view that the vocabulary of metaphysical fundamentality is opaque, using Sider’s theory of structure as a motivating case study throughout. Two conceptions of fundamentality are distinguished, only one of which can explain why the vocabulary of fundamentality is opaque.
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    Marx’s theory on the “sensible world” and the phenomenological movement.Mengwei Yan - 2007 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 2 (4):557-571.
    The epistemological problems that are implicit in Marx’s theory on the “sensible world” indicate that Marx’s philosophy in fact contains within itself the topics of pure philosophy, but Marx did not involve himself in these topics. Through comparing with Husserl’s epistemological critique and Heidegger’s existentialism, we can clearly see that there are theoretical spaces in which we can develop Marx’s philosophy to the realm of pure philosophy, however, we must devote our creative efforts to the exploration of the (...)
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  27.  24
    Architecture and the Distribution of the Sensible.Nika Grabar - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (2).
    Following Theodor W. Adorno’s reading of architecture as a purposeful art, the article explores how the social dimension is inscribed into the purposes ascribed to architecture by establishing a relation between what Adorno calls a sense of architectural space and the distribution of the sensible as defined by Jacques Rancière. Considering Rancière’s understanding of the political dimension of different “regimes of art”, the article attempts to show how similar observations can be made regarding architecture. What implications do these regimes (...)
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  28.  14
    Hollywood, the Conquest of the Imaginal World.Pierre Bas - 2022 - Iris 42.
    The Hollywood fiction places the spectators in an imaginal world, allows to actualize the mythologies which crossed the ages and to approach the representation of the dreams. The cinematographic device puts the spectators in an intermediary position between the sensible and the intelligible and creates, from this in-between, a new vector of fiction. Hollywood brings the public back to an original world where the moving image of reality pushes the creation of a mythological and dreamlike narrative. Thanks (...)
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    Sensibility and the otherness of the world: Levinas and Merleau-Ponty.Paula Lorelle - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (2):191-201.
    Sensibility has traditionally been defined as a relation with the world’s exteriority. However, a certain post-husserlian phenomenology tends to reverse this definition and to redefine sensibility as an internal relation that takes place from within the world. This article focuses on this phenomenological concept of “sensibility” in Levinas and Merleau-Ponty and intends to show that this concept rests upon the presupposition of an alternative according to which we would have whether a sensible experience of identity, or an (...)
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    The Universal (In the Realm of the Sensible): Beyond Continental Philosophy.Dorothea Olkowski - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    _The Universal_ proposes a radically new philosophical system that moves from ontology to ethics. Drawing on the work of De Beauvoir, Sartre, and Le Doeuff, among others, and addressing a range of topics from the Asian sex trade to late capitalism, quantum gravity, and Merleau-Ponty's views on cinema, Dorothea Olkowski stretches the mathematical, political, epistemological, and aesthetic limits of continental philosophy and introduces a new perspective on political structures. Straddling a course between formalism and conventionalism, Olkowski develops the concept of (...)
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    The poetics of the sensible.Stanislas Breton - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Sarah Horton.
    In the first English language translation of this classic late 20th-century text within French Catholic thought, Poetics of the Sensible brings together insights from Neoplatonism and phenomenology with a distinctive and innovative approach. Taking a stance within the generative conception of human language represented by continental thinkers such as Humboldt and Herder and powerfully articulated today by Charles Taylor, Stanislas Breton expands the sense of the "poetic"-the constructive meaning-bearing capacity that is a core characteristic of humanity-to include the body (...)
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  32. On the form and principles of the sensible and the intelligible world [inaugural dissertation].Immanuel Kant - 1992 - In David Walford, Immanuel Kant, Theoretical Philosophy 1755–1770. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 377--416.
  33. Lived words re-revisited: The opacity of the transparent. A time-dweller's voyage in the world of the film titanic.Matti Itkonen - 2008 - Analecta Husserliana 97:263-280.
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    Sensibility and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World: Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Isis Brook - 2011 - British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (1):108-110.
    (No abstract is available for this citation).
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    Sensibility and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World.Robert E. Innis - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (2):65-70.
    Arnold Berleant has produced once again a stimulating set of reflections on “vitally important topics” in the aesthetic field. The present book is more a collection than a treatise. This characteristic is the source both of the book’s very real value and of its shortcomings, minor as they may be from the substantive point of view. Berleant’s prior books and articles make up a most impressive scholarly and intellectual achievement, and they clearly inform the discussions and arguments brought forth in (...)
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  36. Review of Arnold Berleant's Sensibility and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World[REVIEW]Mara Miller - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
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    Man and the Natural World: A History of the Modern Sensibility. Keith Thomas.Robin Attfield - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):588-589.
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    (1 other version)Interpretation, Logic and Philosophy: Jean Nicod’s Geometry in the Sensible World.Sébastien Gandon - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-30.
    Jean Nicod (1893–1924) is a French philosopher and logician who worked with Russell during the First World War. His PhD, with a preface from Russell, was published under the titleLa géométrie dans le monde sensiblein 1924, the year of his untimely death. The book did not have the impact he deserved. In this paper, I discuss the methodological aspect of Nicod’s approach. My aim is twofold. I would first like to show that Nicod’s definition of various notions of equivalence (...)
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  39. Can disjunctivists explain our access to the sensible world?Adam Pautz - 2011 - Philosophical Issues 21 (1):384-433.
    Develops an empirical argument against naive realism-disjunctivism: if naive realists accept "internal dependence", then they cannot explain the evolution of perceptual success. Also presents a puzzle about our knowledge of universals.
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    Art, Rhythm, and the Truth of the Sensible. Henri Maldiney’s Phenomenological Aesthetics.Erik Lind - 2024 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):29-46.
    In this essay, I will examine Henri Maldiney’s phenomenological aesthetics, focusing on his claim that “art is the truth of the sensible.” This claim is presented by Maldiney in the context of a two-fold critique of Husserl’s and Heidegger’s respective attempts to phenomenologically elucidate the experience of artworks. According to Maldiney, both Husserl and Heidegger fail to recognize what he, following Erwin Straus, terms the “pathic” moment of sense experience, which is also the key moment of the aesthetic reception (...)
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  41. Man and the Natural World: A History of the Modern Sensibility.Keith Thomas - 1984 - Journal of Religious Ethics 12 (2):280-281.
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  42.  15
    Resistance and the Reconfiguration of the Sensible[REVIEW]Adam Burgos - 2017 - Syndicate Philosophy 1:n.p..
    Politics is about much more than the laws we enact, the politicians we elect, the institutional structures and procedures that we support, and the distribution of rights and goods that undergird those decisions. It is, certainly, all of those things, but it is also something deeper and more fundamental to our way of being in society and among those with whom we live: at the level of our sensibility lies that which conditions our experiences and interactions. By sensibility I am (...)
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    On the Transparency and Opacity of Philosophers.Ben-Ami Scharfstein - 1988 - The Monist 71 (3):455-465.
    Sometimes our thought is transparently clear. It is as if we were looking through a window whose clarity was an invitation for the world to come in. The pleasure we take in thinking transparent thoughts is like that we take in the unimpeded use of any ability; but such transparency is unique in that it suggests easy communication with oneself and others, the ability to nullify problems by seeing through them, and a clean, physically effortless mastery of life.
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    Forgiveness, Representative Judgement and Love of the World: Exploring the Political Significance of Forgiveness in the Context of Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Debates.Maša Mrovlje - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1079-1098.
    The article examines the political challenge and significance of forgiveness as an indispensable response to the inherently imperfect and tragic nature of political life through the lens of the existential, narrative-inspired judging sensibility. While the political significance of forgiveness has been broadly recognized in transitional justice and reconciliation contexts, the question of its importance and appropriateness in the wake of grave injustice and suffering has commonly been approached through constructing a self-centred, rule-based framework, defining forgiveness in terms of a moral (...)
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  45.  54
    ‘There is no brute world, only an elaborated world’: Merleau-Ponty on the intersubjective constitution of the world.Dermot Moran - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):355-371.
    In his later works, Merleau-Ponty proposes the notion of ‘the flesh’ (la chair) as a new ‘element’, as he put it, in his ontological monism designed to overcome the legacy of Cartesian dualism with its bifurcation of all things into matter or spirit. Most Merleau-Ponty commentators recognise that Merleau-Ponty's notion of ‘flesh’ is inspired by Edmund Husserl's conceptions of ‘lived body’ (Leib) and ‘vivacity’ or ‘liveliness’ (Leiblichkeit). But it is not always recognised that, for Merleau-Ponty, the constitution of the (...) of perception, the problem of embodiment or incarnation, is at the very same time one with the problem of the experience of others in what Husserl called Einfühlung or Fremderfahung and indeed one with the problem of the constitution of the commonly shared world ‘for all’. As Merleau-Ponty put it in his late essay ‘The Philosopher and His Shadow’ in Signs, ‘the problem of Einfühlung, like that of my incarnation, opens on the meditation of sensible being, or, if you prefer, it betakes itself there’. In other words, the problem of the apprehension of the other is part of the overall apprehension of the transcendent world. In this paper I want to meditate on the relations between embodiment, experience of others, and experience of the world in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy. I will take particular note, as in the title of this presentation, of the claim made by Merleau-Ponty in The Visible and the Invisible that ‘there is no brute world, only an elaborated world’ (il n'y a pas de monde brut, il n'y a qu'un monde élaboré). (shrink)
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    The Givenness of the World The Problem of Directionality in Modern Epistemology.Thaliath B. - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (4):1-9.
    As widely acknowledged, the epistemological turn of early modernity was based on the Cartesian method of doubt and negation, which primarily relates to the world of objects. The methodological negation and separation of sensible qualities and subjective attributes of objects left behind residual entities, which, from the Cartesian res extensa to the Kantian thing-initself, explicates an important basic feature of a historically unfolding transcendentalism: the reduction of objects to a mere givenness and the directional conditionality of epistemology that (...)
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  47. Language and the complexity of the world.Paul Teller - manuscript
    Nature is complex, exceedingly so. A repercussion of this “complex world constraint” is that it is, in practice, impossible to connect words to the world in a foolproof manner. In this paper I explore the ways in which the complex world constraint makes vagueness, or more generally imprecision, in language in practice unavoidable, illuminates what vagueness comes to, and guides us to a sensible way of thinking about truth. Along the way we see that the problem (...)
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  48. World Heritage Listing and the Globalization of the Endangerment Sensibility.Rodney Harrison - 2015 - In Fernando Vidal & Nélia Dias, Endangerment, biodiversity and culture. New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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    The infra-world.François J. Bonnet - 2015 - Falmouth, United Kingdom: Urbanomic.
    Traversing philosophy and the human sciences, literature, cinema, and the visual arts, this book maps out a history where all is chaos, maelstrom, and fog. If perception and language objectivate the world, if imagination structures it, if knowledge orders it, then how can we describe, name, or even apprehend that which comes to pass when language is absent, when perception vacillates, and when knowledge eludes us? How can we say, show, or make known that which undermines and refutes the (...)
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    Telling Ecopoetic Stories: Wax Worms, Care, and the Cultivation of Other Sensibilities.Martin Grünfeld - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-15.
    Recently, a beekeeper discovered the metabolic wizardry of wax worms, their ability to decompose polyethylene. While this organism has usually been perceived as a model organism in science or a pest to beekeepers, it acquired a new mode of being as potentially probiotic, inviting us to dream of a future without plastic waste. In this paper, I explore how wax worms are entangled with material practices of care and narratives that give meaning to these practices. These stories, however, are marked (...)
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