Results for 'normative concepts'

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  1.  88
    A Normative Conception of Coherence for a Discursive Theory of Legal Justification.Klaus Günther - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (2):155-166.
    The author introduces a normative conception of coherence, derived from a pragmatic interpretation of the application of norms to concrete cases. A distinction is made between the justification of a norm and its application. In the case of moral norms, justification and application can be analysed as two different discursive procedures which give rise to different aspects of the principle of impartiality. Impartial justification requires a procedure by which all interests concerned are taken into account whereas impartial application requires (...)
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  2. A Normative Conception of Philosophy.Frederick C. Doepke - 2006 - The Pluralist 1 (2):104 - 122.
    I defend a theory of philosophy, suggested explicitly by Allan Gibbard (and inspired by Kant), in which the main branches may be considered as fundamental inquiry into norms of different kinds. Special attention is given to how even metaphysics fits the description. The theory is defended by explaining a variety of ‘known facts’ about philosophy, understood as facts commonly recognized in academic philosophy. These include: that philosophy spans a diversity of areas, including logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics; that philosophy (...)
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  3. Normative Concepts: A Connectedness Model.Laura Schroeter - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    This paper proposes a new relational account of concepts and shows how it is particularly well suited to characterizing normative concepts. The key advantage of our ‘connectedness’ model is that it explains how subjects can share the same normative concepts despite radical divergences in the descriptive or motivational commitments they associate with them. The connectedness model builds social and historical facts into the foundations of concept identity. This aspect of the model, we suggest, reshapes (...) epistemology and provides new resources for a vindication of realism in ethics. (shrink)
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  4. Choosing Normative Concepts.Matti Eklund - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The concepts we use to value and prescribe are historically contingent, and we could have found ourselves with others. But what does it mean to say that some concepts are better than others for purposes of action-guiding and deliberation? What is it to choose between different normative conceptual frameworks?
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  5. (1 other version)Authoritatively Normative Concepts.Tristram McPherson - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This paper offers an analysis of the authoritatively normative concept PRACTICAL OUGHT that appeals to the constitutive norms for the activity of non-arbitrary selection. I argue that this analysis permits an attractive and substantive explanation of what the distinctive normative authority of this concept amounts to. I contrast my account with more familiar constitutivist theories, and briefly show how it answers ‘schmagency’-style objections to constitutivist explanations of normativity. Finally, I explain how the account offered here can be used (...)
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    Two “Normative” Conceptions of Personhood.K. Behrens - 2011 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 25 (1-2):103-118.
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    Controversial conceptions of humanism.R. Norm Jr - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (3):69.
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    Normative Concepts in Conservation Biology: Reply to Willers and Hunter.J. Baird Callicott, Larry B. Crowder & Karen Mumford - 2000 - Conservation Biology 14 (2):575-578.
  9. Normative Conceptions of European Identity-A Synthetic Approach.Pablo Jiménez Lobeira - 2010 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 12 (1).
    The European project was aimed from the outset, alongside reconciliation (peace) and economic reconstruction (prosperity), at a degree of political integration too. Political integration has progressed modestly. Not everybody is convinced of its benefits. Besides, the notion of a European polity opens the question about its sources of cohesion. Those sources are more or less evident in the member states – language, history, legal, political and religious traditions, for instance. They give, say, Latvia, Italy or Hungary a certain degree of (...)
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  10. The normative conception of the sources of law.Zygmunt Ziembiński - 2020 - In Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak, Poznań School of Legal Theory. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
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  11. Les corps normes n'ont Rien d'exceptionnel. Usages contemporains du concept de biopouvoir dans la sociologie de l'etat Nicolas Fischer.Usages Contemporains du Concept de - 2005 - In Sylvain Meyet, Marie-Cécile Naves & Thomas Ribémont, Travailler avec Foucault: retours sur le politique. Paris: Harmattan.
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  12. Choosing Normative Concepts.Matthew S. Bedke - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (1):121-126.
    This is a review of Eklund's book. It discusses his suggestion that "ardent realists" use the practical profiles of normative concepts to A) explain what it is for a concept to be normative, B) fix reference, and C) provide an extensional theory of normative properties. I argue that those sympathetic to ardent realism will be happier to focus on the way in which normativity presents itself to cognition, particularly that presentation of inherent, authoritative guidance, and whether (...)
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    Matti Eklund, Choosing Normative Concepts. Oxford University Press, 2017, 224 s.Zdeněk Trávníček - 2020 - Pro-Fil 21 (1):88.
    Recenze knihy:Matti Eklund, Choosing Normative Concepts. Oxford University Press, 2017, 224 s.
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    Current Normative Concepts in Conservation.J. Baird Callicott, Larry B. Crowder & Karen Mumford - 1999 - Conservation Biology 13 (1):22-35.
    A plethora of normative conservation concepts have recently emerged, most of which are ill-defined: biological diversity, biological integrity, ecological restoration, ecological services, ecological rehabilitation, ecological sustainability, sustainable development, ecosystem health, ecosystem management, adaptive management, and keystone species are salient among them. These normative concepts can be organized and interpreted by reference to two new schools of conservation philosophy, compositionalism and functionalism. The former comprehends nature primarily by means of evolutionary ecology and considers Homo sapiens separate from (...)
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  15. Normative concepts and the return to Eden.Preston J. Werner - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (7):2259-2283.
    Imagine coming across an alternative community such that, while they have normative terms like 'ought' with the same action-guiding roles and relationships to each other, their normative terms come to pick out different properties. When we come across such a community, or even just imagine it, those of us who strive to be moral and rational want to ask something like the following: Further Question: Which set of concepts ought we use—theirs or ours? The problem, first raised (...)
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  16. Alternative normative concepts.Matti Eklund - 2012 - Analytic Philosophy 53 (2):139-157.
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    The normative concept of coercion.Cheyney C. Ryan - 1980 - Mind 89 (356):481-498.
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    The “Normative” Concept of Personhood in Wiredu’s Moral Philosophy.Motsamai Molefe - 2021 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 10 (1):119-144.
    The article explores the place and status of the normative concept of personhood in Kwasi Wiredu’s moral philosophy. It begins by distinguishing an ethic from an ethics, where one involves cultural values and the other strict moral values. It proceeds to argue, by a careful exposition of Wiredu’s moral philosophy, that he locates personhood as an essential aspect of communalism [an ethic], and it specifies culture-specific standards of excellence among traditional African societies. I conclude the article by considering one (...)
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    Normative Concepts of Nature in the GMO Protest. A Qualitative Content Analysis of Position Papers Criticizing Green Genetic Engineering in Germany.Christian Dürnberger - 2019 - Food Ethics 4 (1):49-66.
    New Breeding Techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 are revolutionizing plant breeding and food production. Experts believe that the social debate about these technologies could be similar to those on green genetic engineering: emotional and highly controversial. Future debate about Genome Editing could benefit from a better understanding of the GMO (genetically modified organism) controversy. Against this background, this paper (a) presents results of a content analysis of position papers criticizing green genetic engineering in Germany. In particular, (b) it focuses on the (...)
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    Normative concepts and motivation.François Schroeter - 2005 - Philosophers' Imprint 5:1-23.
    Philip Pettit, Michael Smith, and Tyler Burge have suggested that the similarities between theoretical and practical reasoning can bolster the case for judgment internalism – i.e. the claim that normative judgments are necessarily connected to motivation. In this paper, I first flesh out the rationale for this new approach to internalism. I then argue that even if there are reasons for thinking that internalism holds in the theoretical domain, these reasons don’t generalize to the practical domain.
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  21. What Makes Normative Concepts Normative.Shawn Hernandez & N. G. Laskowski - forthcoming - Southwest Philosophy Review 37 (1).
    When asked which of our concepts are normative concepts, metaethicists would be quick to list such concepts as GOOD, OUGHT, and REASON. When asked why such concepts belong on the list, metaethicists would be much slower to respond. Matti Eklund is a notable exception. In his recent book, Choosing Normative Concepts, Eklund argues by elimination for “the Normative Role view” that normative concepts are normative in virtue of having a (...)
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  22. Normative and Non-normative Concepts: Paternalism and Libertarian Paternalism.Kalle Grill - 2013 - In Daniel Strech, Irene Hirschberg & Georg Marckmann, Ethics in Public Health and Health Policy: Concepts, Methods, Case Studies. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 27-46.
    This chapter concerns the normativity of the concepts of paternalism and libertarian paternalism. The first concept is central in evaluating public health policy, but its meaning is controversial. The second concept is equally controversial and has received much attention recently. It may or may not shape the future evaluation of public health policy. In order to facilitate honest and fruitful debate, I consider three approaches to these concepts, in terms of their normativity. Concepts, I claim, may be (...)
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    Indoctrination as a normative conception.Willis Moore - 1966 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 4 (4):396-403.
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    Is ‘Remembering’ a Normative Concept?Changsheng Lai - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 32 (4):404-427.
    There is a substantial disagreement in the literature over whether ‘remembering’ is a normative concept. Some philosophers have attempted to defend the normativity of ‘remembering’ by highlighting its normative importance or its conceptual affinities with ‘knowing’ or ‘duties’. This paper will first reveal defects of these existing normativist arguments. After that, I will propose and defend a new normativist argument, according to which the concept ‘remembering’ is partly constituted by a paradigmatically normative concept, namely ‘rational’. To be (...)
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    On the Normative Conception of a Person.Ifeanyi A. Menkiti - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu, A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 324–331.
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    Adaptation as a normative concept.Thomas W. Platt - 1970 - Ethics 80 (3):230-235.
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    Rationality is... the essence of literary theory.Norm Klassen - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    A culturally influential sub-discipline within literary studies, literary theory has developed in parallel form in other arts and social science disciplines, so that one might refer to "cultural theory" or "social theory" as well, or even just to "theory." It's as familiar as the word "postmodern" and as tricky as "deconstruction." What is it about? What is at stake? Theory is about rationality. This book's title invites two different interpretations of what it might mean to say so. For many, the (...)
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  28. How to Choose Normative Concepts.Ting Cho Lau - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (2):145-161.
    Matti Eklund (2017) has argued that ardent realists face a serious dilemma. Ardent realists believe that there is a mind-independent fact as to which normative concepts we are to use. Eklund claims that the ardent realist cannot explain why this is so without plumping in favor of their own normative concepts or changing the topic. The paper first advances the discussion by clarifying two ways of understanding the question of which normative concepts to choose: (...)
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    Eklund, Matti. Choosing Normative Concepts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. 224. $55.00.Sarah Zoe Raskoff - 2018 - Ethics 129 (1):122-127.
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  30. Is truth a normative concept?Paul Horwich - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):1127-1138.
    My answer will be ‘no’. And I’ll defend it by: distinguishing a concept’s having normative import from its being functionally normative; sketching a method for telling whether or not a concept is of the latter sort; responding to the antideflationist, Dummettian argument in favor of the conclusion that truth is functionally normative; proceeding to address a less familiar route to that conclusion—one that’s consistent with deflationism about truth, but that depends on the further assumption that meaning is (...)
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    Is ‘Remembering’ a Normative Concept?Changsheng Lai - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 32 (4):404-427.
    There is a substantial disagreement in the literature over whether ‘remembering’ is a normative concept. Some philosophers have attempted to defend the normativity of ‘remembering’ by highlighting its normative importance or its conceptual affinities with ‘knowing’ or ‘duties’. This paper will first reveal defects of these existing normativist arguments. After that, I will propose and defend a new normativist argument, according to which the concept ‘remembering’ is partly constituted by a paradigmatically normative concept, namely ‘rational’. To be (...)
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  32. Meaning as a Normative Concept.Gunnar Björnsson & Arvid Båve - 2007 - Theoria 73 (3):190-206.
    IN LATE SPRING 2007, professor Allan Gibbard gave the Hägerström Lectures at Uppsala University, Sweden, under the title of “Meaning as a Normative Concept”. He met up with Gunnar Björnsson and Arvid Båve to talk about the views he develops and defends in the lectures.
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  33. Is resilience a normative concept?Henrik Thorén & Lennart Olsson - 2018 - Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses 2 (6):112-128.
    In this paper, we engage with the question of the normative content of the resilience concept. The issues are approached in two consecutive steps. First, we proceed from a narrow construal of the resilience concept – as the ability of a system to absorb a disturbance – and show that under an analysis of normative concepts as evaluative concepts resilience comes out as descriptive. In the second part of the paper, we argue that (1) for systems (...)
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  34. Experimental philosophy and the fruitfulness of normative concepts.Matthew Lindauer - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (8):2129-2152.
    This paper provides a new argument for the relevance of empirical research to moral and political philosophy and a novel defense of the positive program in experimental philosophy. The argument centers on the idea that normative concepts used in moral and political philosophy can be evaluated in terms of their fruitfulness in solving practical problems. Empirical research conducted with an eye to the practical problems that are relevant to particular concepts can provide evidence of their fruitfulness along (...)
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  35. (1 other version)R. S. Peters' Normative Conception of Education and Educational Aims.Michael S. Katz - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (s1):97-108.
    This article aims to highlight why R. S. Peters' conceptual analysis of ‘education’ was such an important contribution to the normative field of philosophy of education. In the article, I do the following: 1) explicate Peters' conception of philosophy of education as a field of philosophy and explain his approach to the philosophical analysis of concepts; 2) emphasize several (normative) features of Peters' conception of education, while pointing to a couple of oversights; and 3) suggest how Peters' (...)
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  36. Normative concepts.Matti Eklund - forthcoming - In David Copp & Connie Rosati, The Oxford Handbook of Metaethics. Oxford University Press.
  37. Quasi-Naturalism and the Problem of Alternative Normative Concepts.Camil Golub - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (5):474-500.
    The following scenario seems possible: a community uses concepts that play the same role in guiding actions and shaping social life as our normative concepts, and yet refer to something else. As Eklund argues, this apparent possibility poses a problem for any normative realist who aspires to vindicate the thought that reality itself favors our ways of valuing and acting. How can realists make good on this idea, given that anything they might say in support of (...)
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  38. Rawls’s normative conception of the person: A Kantian reinterpretation.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (1):171-183.
    Trata-se de mostrar em que sentido a concepção normativa de pessoa em John Rawls pressupõe uma transformação semântica da concepção kantiana de subjetividade transcendental, em particular do seu ideal de personalidade. Uma reinterpretação kantiana da concepção normativa de pessoa logra explicar o dispositivo procedimental do equilíbrio reflexivo para responder a críticas comunitaristas em defesa do individualismo inerente ao liberalismo político, concebido não mais como uma doutrina abrangente da auto-identidade mas como um construtivismo, num modelo coerentista de justificativa epistêmico-moral. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – (...)
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    A Normative Conception of Necessity: Wittgenstein on Necessary Truths of Logic, Mathematics and Metaphysics.P. M. S. Hacker - 2010 - In Volker Munz, Essays on the philosophy of Wittgenstein. De Gruyter. pp. 13-34.
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    Premature Death as a Normative Concept.Preben Sørheim, Mathias Barra, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2024 - Health Care Analysis 32 (2):88-105.
    The practical goal of preventing premature death seems uncontroversial. But the term ‘premature death’ is vague with several, sometimes conflicting definitions. This ambiguity results in several conceptions with which not all will agree. Moreover, the normative rationale behind the goal of preventing premature deaths is masked by the operational definition of existing measures. In this article, we argue that ‘premature death’ should be recognized as a normative concept. We propose that normative theories should be used to justify (...)
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    An Inquiry into a Normative Concept of Legal Efficacy.Andre Santos Campos - 2016 - Ratio Juris 29 (4):460-477.
    This essay argues that legal efficacy understood as existent binding force and as dominance of a system of coercion vis-à-vis competing systems is not strictly a matter of fact, but involves what can be termed justified normativity in a factual context. The argument is divided into four sections. The first three sections describe different dimensions of a normative concept of legal efficacy applied to legal systems: efficacy as persuasiveness, as indirect communication, and as constitutive obedience. The final section focuses (...)
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    Guiding Concepts : Essays on Normative Concepts, Knowledge, and Deliberation.Olle Risberg - 2020 - Dissertation, Uppsala University
    This thesis addresses a range of questions about normativity, broadly understood. Recurring themes include (i) the idea of normative ‘action-guidance’, and the connection between normativity and motivational states, (ii) the possibility of normative knowledge and its role in deliberation, and (iii) the question of whether (and if so, how) normative concepts can themselves be evaluated. The first two papers, ‘The Entanglement Problem and Idealization in Moral Philosophy’ and ‘Weighting Surprise Parties: Some Problems for Schroeder’, critically examine (...)
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    In Defense of a Normative Concept of Argument.Matthew W. McKeon - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (2):247-264.
    Blair articulates a concept of argument that suggests, as he puts it, that argument is a normative concept (Blair, Informal Logic 24:137–151, 2004, p. 190). Put roughly, the idea is that a collection of propositions doesn’t constitute an argument unless some taken together constitute a reason for the remaining proposition and thereby support it enough to provide at least prima facie justification for it (Blair, in: Blair, Johnson, Hansen, Tindale (eds) Informal Logic at 25, Proceedings of the 25th anniversary (...)
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    Health as a Normative Concept: Towards a New Conceptual Framework.K. Fedoryka - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (2):143-160.
    One of the main concerns in defining health is determining its status in relation to value. The main proposals in this direction generally assume a strict dichotomy between descriptive and evaluative dimensions. This essay argues that such a dichotomy leads to a theoretical inconsistency, which becomes evident once a definition of health is practically operative. A new conceptual framework uniting these two moments is proposed as an alternative, capable of preserving the fundamental insights of both descriptive and evaluative accounts of (...)
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    Semantic analyses of normative concepts.Franz Kutschera - 1975 - Erkenntnis 9 (2):195-218.
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    Semantic Analyses of Normative Concepts.Franz Von Kutschera - 1975 - Erkenntnis 9 (2):195 - 218.
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  47. Prescribing the mind: how norms, concepts, and language influence our understanding of mental disorder.Jodie Louise Russell - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    In this thesis I develop an account of how processes of social understanding are implicated in experiences of mental disorder, critiquing the lack of examination of this phenomena along the way. First, I demonstrate how disorder concepts, as developed and deployed by psychiatric institutions, have the effect of shaping the cognition of individuals with psychopathology through setting expectations. Such expectation-setting can be harmful in some cases, I argue, and can perpetuate epistemic injustices. Having developed this view, I criticise enactive (...)
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    Matti Eklund: Choosing Normative Concepts: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Hardback € 45,12. 240 pp.Sebastian Köhler - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):251-253.
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    Is `good' a normative concept?A. Campbell Garnett - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (28):260-263.
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    Death: An Evolving, Normative Concept.Arthur Caplan - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):60-62.
    Constantin Reliu had been working for twenty years as a cook in Turkey when he returned to his hometown of Barlad, Romania, to discover that, there, he was dead. His former wife had, unbeknownst to him, at some point during his stay in Turkey registered him as deceased in Romania. He has since been living a legal nightmare trying to prove to Romanian authorities that he is, in fact, alive. Reliu is not alone in finding out that the legal system (...)
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