Results for 'non-separability'

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  1. Non-separability Does Not Relieve the Problem of Bell’s Theorem.Joe Henson - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (8):1008-1038.
    This paper addresses arguments that “separability” is an assumption of Bell’s theorem, and that abandoning this assumption in our interpretation of quantum mechanics (a position sometimes referred to as “holism”) will allow us to restore a satisfying locality principle. Separability here means that all events associated to the union of some set of disjoint regions are combinations of events associated to each region taken separately.In this article, it is shown that: (a) localised events can be consistently defined without (...)
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    Quantum-like non-separability of concept combinations, emergent associates and abduction.P. D. Bruza, K. Kitto, R. Ramm, L. Sitbon, D. Song & S. Blomberg - 2012 - .
    Consider the concept combination ‘pet human’. In word association experiments, human subjects produce the associate ‘slave’ in relation to this combination. The striking aspect of this associate is that it is not produced as an associate of ‘pet’, or ‘human’ in isolation. In other words, the associate ‘slave’ seems to be emergent. Such emergent associations sometimes have a creative character and cognitive science is largely silent about how we produce them. Departing from a dimensional model of human conceptual space, this (...)
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  3. Quantum-like non-separability of concept combinations, emergent associates and abduction.P. Bruza, K. Kitto, B. Ramm, L. Sitbon & D. Song - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (2):445-457.
    Consider the concept combination ‘pet human’. In word association experiments, human subjects produce the associate ‘slave’ in relation to this combination. The striking aspect of this associate is that it is not produced as an associate of ‘pet’, or ‘human’ in isolation. In other words, the associate ‘slave’ seems to be emergent. Such emergent associations sometimes have a creative character and cognitive science is largely silent about how we produce them. Departing from a dimensional model of human conceptual space, this (...)
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    Quantum Logic and Non-Separability.Bernard D'Espagnat - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra, The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 714--735.
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  5. Quantum truth, non-separability and reality.Enrico Giannetto - 1999 - In S. Smets J. P. Van Bendegem G. C. Cornelis, Metadebates on Science. VUB-Press & Kluwer. pp. 6--225.
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    Relational quantum entanglement beyond non-separable and contextual relativism.Christian de Ronde & César Massri - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):68-78.
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    Non-Locality or Non-Separability?Jan Faye - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse, Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 97--118.
  8. Aspects of Quantum Non-Locality I: Superluminal Signalling, Action-at-a-Distance, Non-Separability and Holism.Joseph Berkovitz - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (2):183-222.
    In this paper and its sequel, I consider the significance of Jarrett’s and Shimony’s analyses of the so-called factorisability condition for clarifying the nature of quantum non-locality. In this paper, I focus on four types of non-locality: superluminal signalling, action-at-a-distance, non-separability and holism. In the second paper, I consider a fifth type of non-locality: superluminal causation according to ‘logically weak’ concepts of causation, where causal dependence requires neither action nor signalling. In this connection, I pay special attention to the (...)
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    Two Aspects of Śūnyatā in Quantum Physics: Relativity of Properties and Quantum Non-separability.Michel Bitbol - 2019 - In Siddheshwar Rameshwar Bhatt, Quantum Reality and Theory of Śūnya. Springer. pp. 93-117.
    The so-called paradoxes of quantum physics are easily disposed of as soon as one accepts that there are no such things as intrinsically existing particles and their intrinsic properties, but that both particles and properties are relational “observables.” Accordingly, quantum physics does not offer a “description of the outer world,” but rather a prescription about how to make probabilistic predictions within a participatory environment. The latter view looks quite radical with respect to standard Western Aristotelian ontology; but it looks natural (...)
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    McKay C. G.. The non-separability of a certain finite extension of Heyting's propositional logic. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, series A, vol. 71 , pp. 312–315; also Indagationes mathematica«, vol. 30 , pp. 312–315. [REVIEW]T. Umezawa - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):331-331.
  11. Incomplete Entities, Natural Non-separability, and Leibniz’s Response to François Lamy’s De la Conoissance de soi-même.Andreas Blank - 2003 - The Leibniz Review 13:1-17.
    Robert M. Adams claims that Leibniz’s rehabilitation of the doctrine of incomplete entities is the most sustained effort to integrate a theory of corporeal substances into the theory of simple substances. I discuss alternative interpretations of the theory of incomplete entities suggested by Marleen Rozemond and Pauline Phemister. Against Rozemond, I argue that the scholastic doctrine of incomplete entities is not dependent on a hylomorphic analysis of corporeal substances, and therefore can be adapted by Leibniz. Against Phemister, I claim that (...)
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  12. Metaphysical implications of causal non separability.Laurie Letertre - 2022 - Dissertation, Universite Grenoble Alpes
    In quantum mechanics, quantum nonseparability is at the core of philosophical debates regarding its meaning. In the context of the process matrix formalism, causal nonseparability characterises quantum processes (connecting the inputs and outputs of different local quantum operations) that are incompatible with any definite causal structure among interacting parties. One talks about indefinite causal orders. A famous example of causally nonseparable processes is called the quantum switch (QS). It is extensively studied in the literature in virtue of its simple architecture (...)
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  13. Bell's inequalities and quantum non-separability.S. V. Bhave - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (4):541-545.
    The separable hidden variables theory (Bhave [1986]) of Aspect's [1982] four single channel polarizers is developed further to consider possible modified Aspect's experiment with four double channel polarizers. It is shown that Aspect's commutator is not a truly stochastic commutator, and that until such a truly stochastic commutator is devised, experiments based on Bell's inequalities (like those of Aspect's) cannot be adequate experimental tests of quantum nonseparability.
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    Valuing future cash flows with non separable discount factors and non additive subjective measures: conditional Choquet capacities on time and on uncertainty. [REVIEW]Robert Kast & André Lapied - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (1):27-53.
    We consider future cash flows that are contingent both on dates in time and on uncertain states. The decision maker (DM) values the cash flows according to its decision criterion: Here, the payoffs’ expectation with respect to a capacity measure. The subjective measure grasps the DM’s behaviour in front of the future, in the spirit of de Finetti’s (1930) and of Yaari’s (1987) Dual Theory in the case of risk. Decomposition of the criterion into two criteria that represent the DM’s (...)
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  15. Separability and Non-Individuality: Is It Possible to Conciliate (At Least A Form Of) Einstein’s Realism with Quantum Mechanics?Décio Krause & Jonas R. B. Arenhart - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 44 (12):1269-1288.
    In this paper we argue that physical theories, including quantum mechanics, refer to some kind of ‘objects’, even if only implicitly. We raise questions about the logico-mathematical apparatuses commonly employed in such theories, bringing to light some metaphysical presuppositions underlying such apparatuses. We point out to some incongruities in the discourse holding that quantum objects would be entities of some ‘new kind’ while still adhering to the logico-mathematical framework we use to deal with classical objects. The use of such apparatus (...)
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  16. German Non-inflectional Constructions as Separate Performatives.Sebastian Bucking & Jennifer Rau - 2013 - In Daniel Gutzmann & Hans-Martin Gärtner, Beyond Expressives: Explorations in Use-Conditional Meaning. Boston: Brill.
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  17. Non-Positivism and Encountering a Weakened Necessity of the Separation between Law and Morality – Reflections on the Debate between Robert Alexy and Joseph Raz.Wei Feng - 2019 - Archiv Für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 158:305-334.
    Nearly thirty years ago, Robert Alexy in his book The Concept and Validity of Law as well as in other early articles raised non-positivistic arguments in the Continental European tradition against legal positivism in general, which was assumed to be held by, among others, John Austin, Hans Kelsen and H.L.A. Hart. The core thesis of legal positivism that was being discussed among contemporary German jurists, just as with their Anglo- American counterparts, is the claim that there is no necessary connection (...)
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    (1 other version)Levinas separates the (hu) man from the non (hu) man, using hunger, enjoyment and anxiety to illuminate their relationship.Angela Hirst - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (1):159-190.
    This paper is part of my journey with Emmanuel Levinas on a dystopic path to the ethical encounter. For the journey, I agree to be Levinas#39;s human subject, to encounter his quot;otherquot;. And he agrees to traverse a path through my world, a world of food and eating. To ready me for the encounter, Levinas tells me the story of his ethics, narratively , and so this paper is unavoidably #39;story#39; too. To preface, then: The ethical encounter is a quot;face (...)
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    Conceptualising the separation from an abusive partner as a multifactorial, non-linear, dynamic process: A parallel with Newton’s laws of motion.Daniela Di Basilio, Fanny Guglielmucci & Maria Livanou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present study focused on the dynamics and factors underpinning domestic abuse survivors’ decisions to end the abusive relationship. The experiences and opinions of 12 female DA survivors and 18 support workers were examined through in-depth, one-to-one, semi-structured interviews. Hybrid thematic analysis was conducted to retrieve semantic themes and explore relationships among the themes identified and the differences in survivors’ and professionals’ narratives of the separation process. The findings highlighted that separation decisions derived from the joint action of two sets (...)
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    Separability and fundamentality.Claudio Calosi - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-18.
    According to High-Dimensional Wavefunction Fundamentalism (HDWF) the wavefunction field evolving in configuration space is all that exists fundamentally. The main argument in favor of HDWF is an argument from separability and locality: separability is a desirable feature of a fundamental metaphysics and HDWF is indeed such a separable metaphysics. Separability in turn is desirable because it is simple and intuitive. Tim Maudlin has recently argued that intuitiveness and simplicity cannot motivate separability. In particular, our intuitions stem (...)
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    Science Education for Non-Majors: the Goal Is Literacy, the Method Is Separate Courses.David L. Adams - 1990 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 10 (3):125-129.
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    Early Rearing Conditions Affect Monoamine Metabolite Levels During Baseline and Periods of Social Separation Stress: A Non-human Primate Model (Macaca mulatta).Elizabeth K. Wood, Natalia Gabrielle, Jacob Hunter, Andrea N. Skowbo, Melanie L. Schwandt, Stephen G. Lindell, Christina S. Barr, Stephen J. Suomi & J. Dee Higley - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:624676.
    A variety of studies show that parental absence early in life leads to deleterious effects on the developing CNS. This is thought to be largely because evolutionary-dependent stimuli are necessary for the appropriate postnatal development of the young brain, an effect sometimes termed the “experience-expectant brain,” with parents providing the necessary input for normative synaptic connections to develop and appropriate neuronal survival to occur. Principal among CNS systems affected by parental input are the monoamine systems. In the present study,N= 434 (...)
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  23. Instrumental Rationality Without Separability.Johanna Thoma - 2018 - Erkenntnis 85 (5):1219-1240.
    This paper argues that instrumental rationality is more permissive than expected utility theory. The most compelling instrumentalist argument in favour of separability, its core requirement, is that agents with non-separable preferences end up badly off by their own lights in some dynamic choice problems. I argue that once we focus on the question of whether agents’ attitudes to uncertain prospects help define their ends in their own right, or instead only assign instrumental value in virtue of the outcomes they (...)
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    Planning and control: Are they separable in the brain? Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.Myrka Zago, Francesco Lacquaniti, Alexandra Battaglia-Mayer & Roberto Caminiti - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):56-57.
    We argue that planning and control may not be separable entities, either at the behavioural level or at the neurophysiological level. We review studies that show the involvement of superior and inferior parietal cortex in both planning and control. We propose an alternative view to the localization theory put forth by Glover.
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  25. Aspects of Quantum Non-Locality II: Superluminal Causation and Relativity.Joseph Berkovitz - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (4):509-545.
    In a preceding paper, I studied the significance of Jarrett's and Shimony's analyses of 'factorisability' into 'parameter independence' and 'outcome independence' for clarifying the nature of non-locality in quantum phenomena. I focused on four types of non-locality; superluminal signalling, action-at-a-distance, non-separability and holism. In this paper, I consider a fifth type of non-locality: superluminal causation according to 'logically weak' concepts of causation, where causal dependence requires neither action nor signalling. I conclude by considering the compatibility of non-factorisable theories with (...)
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    Is Anupalabdhi (Non-apprehension) a Separate pramāṇa?: Analysis of the Vaiśeṣika View.Soma Chakraborty - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (3):321-345.
    In Indian philosophy, Bhāṭṭa Mīmāṃsakas and Advaita Vedāntins recognize abhāva or anupalabdhi (non-apprehension) as an independent source of knowledge; but no other school of Indian philosophy agrees with them on this issue, and for that reason, arguments have been given by the latter schools for rejecting anupalabdhi as an independent means of knowledge. In this paper, I am going to evaluate only those arguments which have been given by the Vaiśeṣika thinkers, who admit only two pramāṇa-s, viz. pratyakṣa and anumāna, (...)
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  27. Ontological Separation in Aristotle’s Metaphysics.Emily Katz - 2017 - Phronesis 62 (1):26-68.
    Ontological separation plays a key role in Aristotle’s metaphysical project: substances alone are ontologically χωριστόν. The standard view identifies Aristotelian ontological separation with ontological independence, so that ontological separation is a non-symmetric relation. I argue that there is strong textual evidence that Aristotle employs an asymmetric notion of separation in the Metaphysics—one that involves the dependence of other entities on the independent entity. I argue that this notion allows Aristotle to prevent the proliferation of substance-kinds and thus to secure the (...)
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    Separable Social Welfare Evaluation for Multi-Species Populations.Stéphane Zuber, Dean Spears & Mark Budolfson - unknown
    If non-human animals experience wellbeing and suffering, such welfare consequences arguably should be included in a social welfare evaluation. Yet economic evaluations almost universally ignore non-human animals, in part because axiomatic social choice theory has failed to propose and characterize multi-species social welfare functions. Here we propose axioms and functional forms to fill this gap. We provide a range of alternative representations, characterizing a broad range of possibilities for multi-species social welfare. Among these, we identify a new characterization of additively-separable (...)
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  29. How to account for quantum non-locality: ontic structural realism and the primitive ontology of quantum physics.Michael Esfeld - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2329-2344.
    The paper has two aims: (1) it sets out to show that it is well motivated to seek for an account of quantum non-locality in the framework of ontic structural realism (OSR), which integrates the notions of holism and non-separability that have been employed since the 1980s to achieve such an account. However, recent research shows that OSR on its own cannot provide such an account. Against this background, the paper argues that by applying OSR to the primitive ontology (...)
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    Stopping eyes and hands: evidence for non-independence of stop and go processes and for a separation of central and peripheral inhibition.Alessandro Gulberti, Petra A. Arndt & Hans Colonius - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Fratries : séparer pour soigner?William Baticle, Claire-Marie Hétier & Hana Rottman - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 234 (4):141-159.
    Dans le domaine du placement d’enfants, la loi de 1996 préconisant le maintien de la communauté de vie des frères et sœurs est souvent comprise comme une injonction sine qua non. Cet article se fait l’écho des observations d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire (éducateurs, psychologue, psychanalyste) engagée depuis de longues années dans l’accueil familial qui dévoilent, à travers une analyse à la fois quantitative et clinique, une réalité qui vient nuancer cet impératif. Les auteurs montrent que, dans un certain nombre de cas, (...)
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  32. Instrumental rationality without separability.Johanna Thoma - 2018 - Erkenntnis:1-22.
    This paper argues that instrumental rationality is more permissive than expected utility theory. The most compelling instrumentalist argument in favour of separability, its core requirement, is that agents with non-separable preferences end up badly off by their own lights in some dynamic choice problems. I argue that once we focus on the question of whether agents’ attitudes to uncertain prospects help define their ends in their own right, or instead only assign instrumental value in virtue of the outcomes they (...)
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  33. Separate- versus common-common-cause-type derivations of the Bell inequalities.Gábor Hofer-Szabó - 2008 - Synthese 163 (2):199-215.
    Standard derivations of the Bell inequalities assume a common-commoncause-system that is a common screener-off for all correlations and some additional assumptions concerning locality and no-conspiracy. In a recent paper Graßhoff et al., "The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science", 56, 663–680 ) Bell inequalities have been derived via separate common causes assuming perfect correlations between the events. In the paper it will be shown that the assumptions of this separate-common-cause-type derivation of the Bell inequalities in the case of perfect (...)
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    Separating McDowell’s two Myths of the Given - or on how to best explain the conceptuality of the space of reasons.Johan Gersel - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-17.
    In his book, John McDowell on Worldly Subjectivity, Tony Cheng argues that recent changes to McDowell’s theory of perceptual justification should lead him to accept that experiences possess non-conceptual content. In this paper, I take issue with Cheng’s conclusion. Instead, I argue that McDowell should adopt Travis’s position, where experiences aren’t taken to possess content at all. I argue that we can distinguish two separate Myths of the Given in McDowell’s writings. While McDowell often seamlessly moves from one to the (...)
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  35. Additive representation of separable preferences over infinite products.Marcus Pivato - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (1):31-83.
    Let X\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}X\mathcal{X }\end{document} be a set of outcomes, and let I\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}I\mathcal{I }\end{document} be an infinite indexing set. This paper shows that any separable, permutation-invariant preference order \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\end{document} on XI\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}XI\mathcal{X }^\mathcal{I }\end{document} admits an additive representation. That is: there exists a linearly ordered abelian group R\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} (...)
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    On Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Surplus Structure and Artifacts in Scientific Theories.Marie Gueguen - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Western Ontario
    Although logical empiricism is now mostly decried, their naturalist claim that the content of a theory can be read off from its structure, without any philosophical considerations needed, still supports traditional strategies to escape cases of underdetermination. The appeal to theoretical equivalence or to theoretical virtues, for instance, both assume that there is a neutral standpoint from which the structure of the theories can be analyzed, the physically relevant from the superfluous separated, and a comparison made between their theoretical content (...)
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    A separation theorem for discrete-time interval temporal logic.Dimitar P. Guelev & Ben Moszkowski - 2022 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 32 (1):28-54.
    Gabbay's separation theorem about linear temporal logic with past has proved to be one of the most useful theoretical results in temporal logic. In this paper, we establish an analogous statement a...
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    Enfants séparés par les continents et vécus maternels : impact émotionnel et transmission.Malika Mathiesen & Charles Di - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 246 (1):121-135.
    L’étude de l’impact émotionnel des séparations entre les mères migrantes, leurs enfants confiés au pays d’origine et ceux nés en pays d’accueil permet d’apporter un éclairage sur une problématique non négligeable au sein d’institutions médico-sociales. Cet article vise à analyser certains effets de ces séparations à partir de l’analyse de cinq entretiens avec des mères migrantes et au travers d’une méthode d’analyse qualitative. Les paramètres mis en avant sont ceux qui influent sur les modalités de choix de confiage des enfants (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Non-Western Art and the Concept of Art: Can Cluster Theories of Art Account for the Universality of Art?Annelies Monseré - 2012 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 49 (2):148-165.
    This essay seeks to demonstrate that there are no compelling reasons to exclude non-Western artefacts from the domain of art. Any theory of art must therefore account for the universality of the concept of art. It cannot simply start from ‘our’ art traditions and extend these conceptions to other cultures, since this would imply cultural appropriation, nor can it resolve the matter simply by formulating separate criteria for non-Western art, since this would imply that there is no unity in the (...)
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    Separate common causes and EPR correlations---a no-go result.Tomasz Placek & Leszek Wroński - unknown
    One diagnosis of Bell's theorem is that its premise of Outcome Independence is unreasonably strong, as it postulates one common screener system that purports to explain all the correlations involved. This poses a challenge of constructing a model for quantum correlations that is local, non-conspiratorial, and has many separate screener systems rather than one common screener system. In particular, the assumptions of such models should not entail Bell's inequalities. We prove that the models described do not exist, and hence, the (...)
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  41. The Separateness of Persons.Matt Zwolinski - 2003 - Dissertation, The University of Arizona
    One of the distinctive ideas of contemporary liberal political philosophy is that the separateness of persons is somehow normatively momentous. A proper respect for separateness is supposed to lead us not only to reject aggregative theories such as utilitarianism, but to embrace some particular positive theory about the sorts of obligations and claims we have amongst each other. Typically, philosophers have focused on the way in which the separateness of persons is important to matters of distribution. Given the intuitively unjust (...)
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  42. Separable hidden variables theory to explain Einstein-podolsky-Rosen paradox.S. V. Bhave - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):467-475.
    A realist separable hidden variables theory in conformity with Einstein's principle of causality is developed in this paper to explain the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, and the experimental results (including those in Aspect's four polarizers experiment) obtained so far with a view to test the non-separability of quantum mechanics.
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    Non-duality questions, non-duality answers: exploring spirituality and existence in the modern world.Richard Sylvester - 2016 - Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
    Non-Duality Questions, Non-Duality Answers is an organic, interactive exploration of non-duality--the understanding that in life there is no separation, only seamless Oneness. Designed to answer questions as they arise, this book invites readers to participate in the argument for non-separation, inquire about the nature of the self and the experience of liberation, and understand how non-dual awareness can impact our lives. With a unique blend of patience, compassion, respect, provocation, and humor, author Richard Sylvester helps frustrated spiritual seekers gain clarity (...)
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    Reverse mathematics of separably closed sets.Jeffry L. Hirst - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (1):1-2.
    This paper contains a corrected proof that the statement “every non-empty closed subset of a compact complete separable metric space is separably closed” implies the arithmetical comprehension axiom of reverse mathematics.
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    (1 other version)Non-Additive Axiologies in Large Worlds.Christian Tarsney & Teruji Thomas - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    Is the overall value of a world just the sum of values contributed by each value-bearing entity in that world? Additively separable axiologies (like total utilitarianism, prioritarianism, and critical level views) say 'yes', but non-additive axiologies (like average utilitarianism, rank-discounted utilitarianism, and variable value views) say 'no'. This distinction appears to be practically important: among other things, additive axiologies generally assign great importance to large changes in population size, and therefore tend to strongly prioritize the long-term survival of humanity over (...)
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  46. Non-Actualism.Wen-Fang Wang - 1996 - Dissertation, The University of Iowa
    This essay is a study of Non-actualism, the thesis that there are objects which do not exist. There are several difficulties surrounding this thesis. First, there is the question about how to make sense of this very thesis. Second, there is the problem about what evidences there are for such a thesis. Third, there is a serious doubt about whether such thesis can be held consistently. ;The first question is usually claimed to be answered by Non-actualists by distinguishing two kinds (...)
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    Separation logics and modalities: a survey.Stéphane Demri & Morgan Deters - 2015 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 25 (1):50-99.
    Like modal logic, temporal logic, and description logic, separation logic has become a popular class of logical formalisms in computer science, conceived as assertion languages for Hoare-style proof systems with the goal to perform automatic program analysis. In a broad sense, separation logic is often understood as a programming language, an assertion language and a family of rules involving Hoare triples. In this survey, we present similarities between separation logic as an assertion language and modal and temporal logics. Moreover, we (...)
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  48. Non‐uniformism about the Epistemology of Modality: Strong and Weak.Ylwa Sjölin Wirling - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 61 (2):152-173.
    Uniformism about the epistemology of modality is the view that there is only one basic route to modal knowledge; non-uniformism is the view that there are several. Non-uniformism is becoming an increasingly popular stance, but how can it be defended? I prise apart two ways of understanding the uniformism/non-uniformism conflict that are mixed up in the literature. I argue that once separated, it is evident that they lead up to two different non-uniformist theses that need to be argued for in (...)
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  49. Entanglement and Non-Locality: EPR, Bell and the consequences.Paul M. Näger & Manfred Stöckler - 2018 - In Cord Friebe, Meinard Kuhlmann, Holger Lyre, Paul M. Näger, Oliver Passon & Manfred Stöckler, Philosophy of Quantum Physics. Cham: Springer International.
    Entangled states are a specific feature of quantum physics that neither have a counterpart in classical physics nor in the realm of our ordinary experiences. In this chapter we outline the debate about these particular states both historically and systematically. We delineate how the debate originated in an argument for the incompleteness of quantum mechanics by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, and we show why, on the one hand, the argument is not considered convincing today, on the other hand, however, still (...)
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    Non-World Indices and Assessment-Sensitivity.Peter Lasersohn - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (2-3):122-148.
    I argue that sentence contents should be assigned truth-values relative to parameters other than a possible world only if those parameters are fixed by the context of assessment rather than the context of use. Standard counterexamples, including tense, de se attitudes, and knowledge ascriptions, all admit of alternative analyses which do not make use of such parameters. Moreover, allowing such indices greatly complicates the task of defining disagreement, and forces an odd separation between what is true, and what someone has (...)
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