Results for 'modal logic S4 and its extensions'

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  1.  22
    Modal extension of ideal paraconsistent four-valued logic and its subsystem.Norihiro Kamide & Yoni Zohar - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (10):102830.
    This study aims to introduce a modal extension M4CC of Arieli, Avron, and Zamansky's ideal paraconsistent four-valued logic 4CC as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus and prove the Kripke-completeness and cut-elimination theorems for M4CC. The logic M4CC is also shown to be decidable and embeddable into the normal modal logic S4. Furthermore, a subsystem of M4CC, which has some characteristic properties that do not hold for M4CC, is introduced and the Kripke-completeness and cut-elimination theorems for this (...)
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    Base-extension semantics for modal logic.Timo Eckhardt & David J. Pym - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In proof-theoretic semantics, meaning is based on inference. It may seen as the mathematical expression of the inferentialist interpretation of logic. Much recent work has focused on base-extension semantics, in which the validity of formulas is given by an inductive definition generated by provability in a ‘base’ of atomic rules. Base-extension semantics for classical and intuitionistic propositional logic have been explored by several authors. In this paper, we develop base-extension semantics for the classical propositional modal systems |$K$|⁠, (...)
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    (1 other version)The lattice of modal logics: An algebraic investigation.W. J. Blok - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):221-236.
    Modal logics are studied in their algebraic disguise of varieties of so-called modal algebras. This enables us to apply strong results of a universal algebraic nature, notably those obtained by B. Jonsson. It is shown that the degree of incompleteness with respect to Kripke semantics of any modal logic containing the axiom □ p → p or containing an axiom of the form $\square^mp \leftrightarrow\square^{m + 1}p$ for some natural number m is 2 ℵ 0 . (...)
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    The modal logic of -centered forcing and related forcing classes.Ur Ya’Ar - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):1-24.
    We consider the modality “ $\varphi $ is true in every $\sigma $ -centered forcing extension,” denoted $\square \varphi $, and its dual “ $\varphi $ is true in some $\sigma $ -centered forcing extension,” denoted $\lozenge \varphi $, which give rise to the notion of a principle of $\sigma $ -centered forcing. We prove that if ZFC is consistent, then the modal logic of $\sigma $ -centered forcing, i.e., the ZFC-provable principles of $\sigma $ -centered forcing, is (...)
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    The lattice of normal modal logics (preliminary report).Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1977 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 6 (4):193-199.
    Most material below is ranked around the splittings of lattices of normal modal logics. These splittings are generated by nite subdirect irreducible modal algebras. The actual computation of the splittings is often a rather delicate task. Rened model structures are very useful to this purpose, as well as they are in many other respects. E.g. the analysis of various lattices of extensions, like ES5, ES4:3 etc becomes rather simple, if rened structures are used. But this point will (...)
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  6. Modal logic S4 as a paraconsistent logic with a topological semantics.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Leonardo Prieto-Sanabria - 2017 - In Caleiro Carlos, Dionisio Francisco, Gouveia Paula, Mateus Paulo & Rasga João, Logic and Computation: Essays in Honour of Amilcar Sernadas. College Publications. pp. 171-196.
    In this paper the propositional logic LTop is introduced, as an extension of classical propositional logic by adding a paraconsistent negation. This logic has a very natural interpretation in terms of topological models. The logic LTop is nothing more than an alternative presentation of modal logic S4, but in the language of a paraconsistent logic. Moreover, LTop is a logic of formal inconsistency in which the consistency and inconsistency operators have a nice (...)
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    Some properties of the hierarchy of modal logics (preliminary report).Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1976 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 5 (3):103-104.
    We are concerned with modal logics in the class EM0 of extensions of M0 . G denotes re exive frames. MG the modal logic on G in the sense of Kripke. M is nite if M = MG for some nite G. Finite G's will be drawn as framed diagrams, e.g. G = ! ; G = ! ; the latter shorter denoted by . EM0 is a complete lattice with zero M0 and one M . (...)
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    Lattices of modal logics and their groups of automorphisms.Marcus Kracht - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 100 (1-3):99-139.
    The present paper investigates the groups of automorphisms for some lattices of modal logics. The main results are the following. The lattice of normal extensions of S4.3, NExtS4.3, has exactly two automorphisms, NExtK.alt1 has continuously many automorphisms. Moreover, any automorphism of NExtS4 fixes all logics of finite codimension. We also obtain the following characterization of pretabular logics containing S4: a logic properly extends a pretabular logic of NExtS4 iff its lattice of extensions is finite and (...)
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  9.  64
    The contribution of A.V. Kuznetsov to the theory of modal systems and structures.Alexei Y. Muravitsky - 2008 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 17 (1-2):41-58.
    We will outline the contributions of A.V. Kuznetsov to modal logic. In his research he focused mainly on semantic, i.e. algebraic, issues and lattices of extensions of particular modal logics, though his proof of the Full Conservativeness Theorem for the proof-intuitionistic logic KM (Theorem 17 below) is a gem of proof-theoretic art.
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    Implementing a relational theorem prover for modal logic K.Angel Mora, Emilio Munoz Velasco & Joanna Golińska-Pilarek - 2011 - International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88 (9):1869-1884.
    An automatic theorem prover for a proof system in the style of dual tableaux for the relational logic associated with modal logic K has been introduced. Although there are many well-known implementations of provers for modal logic, as far as we know, it is the first implementation of a specific relational prover for a standard modal logic. There are two main contributions in this paper. First, the implementation of new rules, called (k1) and (...)
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  11.  73
    The greatest extension of s4 into which intuitionistic logic is embeddable.Michael Zakharyaschev - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (3):345-358.
    This paper gives a characterization of those quasi-normal extensions of the modal system S4 into which intuitionistic propositional logic Int is embeddable by the Gödel translation. It is shown that, as in the normal case, the set of quasi-normal modal companions of Int contains the greatest logic, M*, for which, however, the analog of the Blok-Esakia theorem does not hold. M* is proved to be decidable and Halldén-complete; it has the disjunction property but does not (...)
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  12.  9
    Entailment, Mingle and Binary Accessibility.Katalin Bimbo & J. Michael Dunn - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman, Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 121-150.
    Saul Kripke’s work on the semantics of modal logics is well known, unlike his work on Anderson and Belnap’s system E of Entailment (a modal relevance logic), which included his proof of the decidability of its implicational fragment E_>, and also a counterexample to the conjecture of Belnap that E_> is the intersection of the implicational fragments of the relevance logic R and the modal logic S4. This led to Storrs McCall’s suggesting that the (...)
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  13.  66
    Boolean negation and non-conservativity I: Relevant modal logics.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (3):340-362.
    Many relevant logics can be conservatively extended by Boolean negation. Mares showed, however, that E is a notable exception. Mares’ proof is by and large a rather involved model-theoretic one. This paper presents a much easier proof-theoretic proof which not only covers E but also generalizes so as to also cover relevant logics with a primitive modal operator added. It is shown that from even very weak relevant logics augmented by a weak K-ish modal operator, and up to (...)
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  14.  29
    A General Semantic for Quantified Modal Logic.Robert Goldblatt & Edwin D. Mares - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 227-246.
    In "An Alternative Semantics for Quantified Relevant Logic" (JSL 71 (2006)) we developed a semantics for quantified relevant logic that uses general frames. In this paper, we adapt that model theory to treat quantified modal logics, giving a complete semantics to the quantified extensions, both with and without the Barcan formula, of every proposi- tional modal logic S. If S is canonical our models are based on propositional frames that validate S. We employ frames (...)
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  15.  27
    A Modified Subformula Property for the Modal Logic S4.2.Mitio Takano - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (1).
    The modal logic S4.2 is S4 with the additional axiom ◊□A ⊃ □◊A. In this article, the sequent calculus GS4.2 for this logic is presented, and by imposing an appropriate restriction on the application of the cut-rule, it is shown that, every GS4.2-provable sequent S has a GS4.2-proof such that every formula occurring in it is either a subformula of some formula in S, or the formula □¬□B or ¬□B, where □B occurs in the scope of some (...)
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  16. Modal Logics Between Propositional and First Order.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    One can add the machinery of relation symbols and terms to a propositional modal logic without adding quantifiers. Ordinarily this is no extension beyond the propositional. But if terms are allowed to be non-rigid, a scoping mechanism (usually written using lambda abstraction) must also be introduced to avoid ambiguity. Since quantifiers are not present, this is not really a first-order logic, but it is not exactly propositional either. For propositional logics such as K, T and D, adding (...)
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  17.  60
    An alternative rule of disjunction in modal logic.Timothy Williamson - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (1):89-100.
    Lemmon and Scott introduced the notion of a modal system's providing the rule of disjunction. No consistent normal extension of KB provides this rule. An alternative rule is defined, which KDB, KTB, and other systems are shown to provide, while K and other systems provide the Lemmon-Scott rule but not the alternative rule. If S provides the alternative rule then either —A is a theorem of S or A is whenever A -> ΠA is a theorem; the converse fails. (...)
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  18.  24
    Epistemic Logic for AI and Computer Science.John-Jules Ch Meyer & Wiebe van der Hoek - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    Epistemic logic has grown from its philosophical beginnings to find diverse applications in computer science, and as a means of reasoning about the knowledge and belief of agents. This book provides a broad introduction to the subject, along with many exercises and their solutions. The authors begin by presenting the necessary apparatus from mathematics and logic, including Kripke semantics and the well-known modal logics K, T, S4 and S5. Then they turn to applications in the context of (...)
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  19.  26
    Introductory Modal Logic.Kenneth Konyndyk - 1986 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Modal logic, developed as an extension of classical propositional logic and first-order quantification theory, integrates the notions of possibility and necessity and necessary implication. Arguments whose understanding depends on some fundamental knowledge of modal logic have always been important in philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and epistemology. Moreover, modal logic has become increasingly important with the use of the concept of "possible worlds" in these areas. Introductory Modal Logic fills the need for (...)
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  20.  31
    The lattice of Belnapian modal logics: Special extensions and counterparts.Sergei P. Odintsov & Stanislav O. Speranski - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (1):3-33.
    Let K be the least normal modal logic and BK its Belnapian version, which enriches K with ‘strong negation’. We carry out a systematic study of the lattice of logics containing BK based on: • introducing the classes of so-called explosive, complete and classical Belnapian modal logics; • assigning to every normal modal logic three special conservative extensions in these classes; • associating with every Belnapian modal logic its explosive, complete and classical (...)
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  21. Bi-Classical Connexive Logic and its Modal Extension: Cut-elimination, completeness and duality.Norihiro Kamide - 2019 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 28 (3):481-511.
    In this study, a new paraconsistent four-valued logic called bi-classical connexive logic (BCC) is introduced as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus. Cut-elimination and completeness theorems for BCC are proved, and it is shown to be decidable. Duality property for BCC is demonstrated as its characteristic property. This property does not hold for typical paraconsistent logics with an implication connective. The same results as those for BCC are also obtained for MBCC, a modal extension of BCC.
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    Rooting Gilbert's Multi-Modal Argumentation in Jung, and Its Extension to Law.Marko Novak - 2020 - Informal Logic 40 (3):383-421.
    This paper discusses how an understanding of Jung's psychological types is important for the relevance of Gilbert's multi-modal argumentation theory. Moreover, it highlights how the types have been confirmed by contemporary neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Based on Gilbert's approach, I extend multi-modal argumentation to the area of legal argumentation. It seems that when we leave behind the traditional fortress of “logical” legal argumentation, we "discover" alternate modes that have always been present, concealed in the theoretically underestimated rhetorical skills (...)
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  23. Modal translations in substructural logics.Kosta Došen - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 21 (3):283 - 336.
    Substructural logics are logics obtained from a sequent formulation of intuitionistic or classical logic by rejecting some structural rules. The substructural logics considered here are linear logic, relevant logic and BCK logic. It is proved that first-order variants of these logics with an intuitionistic negation can be embedded by modal translations into S4-type extensions of these logics with a classical, involutive, negation. Related embeddings via translations like the double-negation translation are also considered. Embeddings into (...)
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  24.  32
    On Combining Intuitionistic and S4 Modal Logic.João Rasga & Cristina Sernadas - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):321-344.
    We address the problem of combining intuitionistic and S4 modal logic in a non-collapsing way inspired by the recent works in combining intuitionistic and classical logic. The combined language includes the shared constructors of both logics namely conjunction, disjunction and falsum as well as the intuitionistic implication, the classical implication and the necessity modality. We present a Gentzen calculus for the combined logic defined over a Gentzen calculus for the host S4 modal logic. The (...)
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  25.  21
    Modal Logic: An Introduction to its Syntax and Semantics.Nino B. Cocchiarella & Max A. Freund - 2008 - Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Max A. Freund.
    In this text, a variety of modal logics at the sentential, first-order, and second-order levels are developed with clarity, precision and philosophical insight. All of the S1-S5 modal logics of Lewis and Langford, among others, are constructed. A matrix, or many-valued semantics, for sentential modal logic is formalized, and an important result that no finite matrix can characterize any of the standard modal logics is proven. Exercises, some of which show independence results, help to develop (...)
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  26. Logics of public communications.Jan Plaza - 2007 - Synthese 158 (2):165 - 179.
    Multi-modal versions of propositional logics S5 or S4—commonly accepted as logics of knowledge—are capable of describing static states of knowledge but they do not reflect how the knowledge changes after communications among agents. In the present paper (part of broader research on logics of knowledge and communications) we define extensions of the logic S5 which can deal with public communications. The logics have natural semantics. We prove some completeness, decidability and interpretability results and formulate a general method (...)
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  27.  49
    The topological product of s4 and S.Philip Kremer - unknown
    Shehtman introduced bimodal logics of the products of Kripke frames, thereby introducing frame products of unimodal logics. Van Benthem, Bezhanishvili, ten Cate and Sarenac generalize this idea to the bimodal logics of the products of topological spaces, thereby introducing topological products of unimodal logics. In particular, they show that the topological product of S4 and S4 is S4 ⊗ S4, i.e., the fusion of S4 and S4: this logic is strictly weaker than the frame product S4 × S4. In (...)
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  28. Metaphysical Nihilism and Modal Logic.Ethan Brauer - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (9):2751-2763.
    In this paper I argue, that if it is metaphysically possible for it to have been the case that nothing existed, then it follows that the right modal logic cannot extend D, ruling out popular modal logics S4 and S5. I provisionally defend the claim that it is possible for nothing to have existed. I then consider the various ways of resisting the conclusion that the right modal logic is weaker than D.
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  29.  19
    Modal Logic and Its Applications. [REVIEW]T. K. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):370-371.
    The history of contemporary modal logic dates back to the writings of C. S. Lewis in the early part of this century. Since then, a growing body of literature has attested to professional interest in the area, and in a number of related issues in philosophical logic which have received wide attention. The recent development of powerful formal techniques for modal system building, together with an increasing interest in modal logic as a tool for (...)
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    Pure Modal Logic of Names and Tableau Systems.Andrzej Pietruszczak & Tomasz Jarmużek - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (6):1261-1289.
    By a pure modal logic of names we mean a quantifier-free formulation of such a logic which includes not only traditional categorical, but also modal categorical sentences with modalities de re and which is an extension of Propositional Logic. For categorical sentences we use two interpretations: a “natural” one; and Johnson and Thomason’s interpretation, which is suitable for some reconstructions of Aristotelian modal syllogistic :271–284, 1989; Thomason in J Philos Logic 22:111–128, 1993 and (...)
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    Some Remarks on Semantics and Expressiveness of the Sentential Calculus with Identity.Steffen Lewitzka - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (3):441-471.
    R. Suszko’s Sentential Calculus with Identity SCI SCI results from classical propositional calculus CPC CPC by adding a new connective \equiv and axioms for identity φψ\varphi \equiv \psi (which we interpret here as ‘propositional identity’). We reformulate the original semantics of SCI SCI using Boolean prealgebras which, introduced in different ways, are known in the literature as structures for the modeling of (hyper-) intensional semantics. We regard intensionality here as a measure for the discernibility of (...)
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  32.  70
    Modal logic and invariance.Johan Van Benthem & Denis Bonnay - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2-3):153-173.
    Consider any logical system, what is its natural repertoire of logical operations? This question has been raised in particular for first-order logic and its extensions with generalized quantifiers, and various characterizations in terms of semantic invariance have been proposed. In this paper, our main concern is with modal and dynamic logics. Drawing on previous work on invariance for first-order operations, we find an abstract connection between the kind of logical operations a system uses and the kind of (...)
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  33.  43
    Frege systems for extensible modal logics.Emil Jeřábek - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 142 (1):366-379.
    By a well-known result of Cook and Reckhow [S.A. Cook, R.A. Reckhow, The relative efficiency of propositional proof systems, Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 36–50; R.A. Reckhow, On the lengths of proofs in the propositional calculus, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 1976], all Frege systems for the classical propositional calculus are polynomially equivalent. Mints and Kojevnikov [G. Mints, A. Kojevnikov, Intuitionistic Frege systems are polynomially equivalent, Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI 316 129–146] have recently shown p-equivalence (...)
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    III. Logical analysis and its ontological consequences: Rise, fall and resurgence of intensional objects in contemporary philosophy.Bruno Leclercq - 2011 - In Petrov V., Ontological Landscapes: Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces between Science and Philosophy. Ontos. pp. 53.
    The aim of this paper will be to show how significant the logical theories of judgement which were worked out at the end of the nineteenth century have been for the ontological thought during the twentieth century. Against the classical - Aristotelian and Scholastic - analysis of predicative judgement, Franz Brentano on one hand and Gottlob Frege on the other hand have leveled two different criticisms, which then generated two radically divergent ontological paradigms. On one side, despite Brentano’s own nominalistic (...)
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    A Loop-Free Decision Procedure for Modal Propositional Logics K4, S4 and S5.Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (2):151-177.
    The aim of this paper is to present a loop-free decision procedure for modal propositional logics K4, S4 and S5. We prove that the procedure terminates and that it is sound and complete. The procedure is based on the method of Socratic proofs for modal logics, which is grounded in the logic of questions IEL.
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    A Modal Logic for Mixed Strategies.Joshua Sack & Wiebe van der Hoek - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (2):339-360.
    Modal logics have proven to be a very successful tool for reasoning about games. However, until now, although logics have been put forward for games in both normal form and games in extensive form, and for games with complete and incomplete information, the focus in the logic community has hitherto been on games with pure strategies. This paper is a first to widen the scope to logics for games that allow mixed strategies. We present a modal (...) for games in normal form with mixed strategies, and demonstrate its soundness and strong completeness. Characteristic for our logic is a number of infinite rules. (shrink)
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  37. The modal logic of set-theoretic potentialism and the potentialist maximality principles.Joel David Hamkins & Øystein Linnebo - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):1-35.
    We analyze the precise modal commitments of several natural varieties of set-theoretic potentialism, using tools we develop for a general model-theoretic account of potentialism, building on those of Hamkins, Leibman and Löwe [14], including the use of buttons, switches, dials and ratchets. Among the potentialist conceptions we consider are: rank potentialism, Grothendieck–Zermelo potentialism, transitive-set potentialism, forcing potentialism, countable-transitive-model potentialism, countable-model potentialism, and others. In each case, we identify lower bounds for the modal validities, which are generally either S4.2 (...)
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    Finite Axiomatizability of Transitive Modal Logics of Finite Depth and Width with Respect to Proper-Successor-Equivalence.Yan Zhang & X. U. Ming - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):951-964.
    This paper proves the finite axiomatizability of transitive modal logics of finite depth and finite width w.r.t. proper-successor-equivalence. The frame condition of the latter requires, in a rooted transitive frame, a finite upper bound of cardinality for antichains of points with different sets of proper successors. The result generalizes Rybakov’s result of the finite axiomatizability of extensions of $\mathbf {S4}$ of finite depth and finite width.
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    Weighted Modal Logic in Epistemic and Deontic Contexts.Huimin Dong, Xu Li & Yì N. Wáng - 2021 - In Sujata Ghosh & Thomas Icard, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, Lori 2021, Xi’an, China, October 16–18, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 73-87.
    We introduce a type of weighted modal logic with explicit weights both in the language and in the models. The framework has its applications in epistemic logic for reasoning about agents’ knowledge based on their capability, and in deontic logic for agents’ choices based on their deontic capability or utilities. We make use of weighted Kripke models with the weights understood epistemically as a similarity measure between states and deontically as a measure of expected utilities. We (...)
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    Modal Model Theory.Joel David Hamkins & Wojciech Aleksander Wołoszyn - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (1):1-37.
    We introduce the subject of modal model theory, where one studies a mathematical structure within a class of similar structures under an extension concept that gives rise to mathematically natural notions of possibility and necessity. A statement φ is possible in a structure (written φ) if φ is true in some extension of that structure, and φ is necessary (written φ) if it is true in all extensions of the structure. A principal case for us will be the (...)
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  41. A Uniform Logic of Information Dynamics.Wesley H. Holliday, Tomohiro Hoshi & Thomas F. Icard - 2012 - In Thomas Bolander, Torben Braüner, Silvio Ghilardi & Lawrence Moss, Advances in Modal Logic 9. London, England: College Publications. pp. 348-367.
    Unlike standard modal logics, many dynamic epistemic logics are not closed under uniform substitution. A distinction therefore arises between the logic and its substitution core, the set of formulas all of whose substitution instances are valid. The classic example of a non-uniform dynamic epistemic logic is Public Announcement Logic (PAL), and a well-known open problem is to axiomatize the substitution core of PAL. In this paper we solve this problem for PAL over the class of all (...)
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  42. Peacocke’s Principle-Based Account of Modality: “Flexibility of Origins” Plus S4.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2006 - Erkenntnis 65 (3):405-426.
    Due to the influence of Nathan Salmon’s views, endorsement of the “flexibility of origins” thesis is often thought to carry a commitment to the denial of S4. This paper rejects the existence of this commitment and examines how Peacocke’s theory of the modal may accommodate flexibility of origins without denying S4. One of the essential features of Peacocke’s account is the identification of the Principles of Possibility, which include the Modal Extension Principle (MEP), and a set of Constitutive (...)
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    Using modal logics to express and check global graph properties.Mario Benevides & L. Schechter - 2009 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 17 (5):559-587.
    Graphs are among the most frequently used structures in Computer Science. Some of the properties that must be checked in many applications are connectivity, acyclicity and the Eulerian and Hamiltonian properties. In this work, we analyze how we can express these four properties with modal logics. This involves two issues: whether each of the modal languages under consideration has enough expressive power to describe these properties and how complex it is to use these logics to actually test whether (...)
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    Simplified Kripke Semantics for K45-Like Gödel Modal Logics and Its Axiomatic Extensions.Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez, Olim Frits Tuyt, Francesc Esteva & Lluís Godo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):1081-1114.
    In this paper we provide a simplified, possibilistic semantics for the logics K45, i.e. a many-valued counterpart of the classical modal logic K45 over the [0, 1]-valued Gödel fuzzy logic \. More precisely, we characterize K45 as the set of valid formulae of the class of possibilistic Gödel frames \, where W is a non-empty set of worlds and \ is a possibility distribution on W. We provide decidability results as well. Moreover, we show that all the (...)
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    An extension of Jónsson‐Tarski representation and model existence in predicate non‐normal modal logics.Yoshihito Tanaka - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (2):189-201.
    We give an extension of the Jónsson‐Tarski representation theorem for both normal and non‐normal modal algebras so that it preserves countably many infinite meets and joins. In order to extend the Jónsson‐Tarski representation to non‐normal modal algebras we consider neighborhood frames instead of Kripke frames just as Došen's duality theorem for modal algebras, and to deal with infinite meets and joins, we make use of Q‐filters, which were introduced by Rasiowa and Sikorski, instead of prime filters. By (...)
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  46. Splittings and the finite model property.Marcus Kracht - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):139-157.
    An old conjecture of modal logics states that every splitting of the major systems K4, S4, G and Grz has the finite model property. In this paper we will prove that all iterated splittings of G have fmp, whereas in the other cases we will give explicit counterexamples. We also introduce a proof technique which will give a positive answer for large classes of splitting frames. The proof works by establishing a rather strong property of these splitting frames namely (...)
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    Infinitary Modal Logic and Generalized Kripke Semantics.Pierluigi Minari - 2011 - Annali Del Dipartimento di Filosofia 17:135-166.
    This paper deals with the infinitary modal propositional logic Kω1, featuring countable disjunctions and conjunc- tions. It is known that the natural infinitary extension LK.
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    Binary modal logic and unary modal logic.Dick de Jongh & Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Standard unary modal logic and binary modal logic, i.e. modal logic with one binary operator, are shown to be definitional extensions of one another when an additional axiom |$U$| is added to the basic axiomatization of the binary side. This is a strengthening of our previous results. It follows that all unary modal logics extending Classical Modal Logic, in other words all unary modal logics with a neighborhood semantics, can (...)
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    Axiomatizing modal inclusion logic and its variants.Aleksi Anttila, Matilda Häggblom & Fan Yang - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-39.
    We provide a complete axiomatization of modal inclusion logic—team-based modal logic extended with inclusion atoms. We review and refine an expressive completeness and normal form theorem for the logic, define a natural deduction proof system, and use the normal form to prove completeness of the axiomatization. Complete axiomatizations are also provided for two other extensions of modal logic with the same expressive power as modal inclusion logic: one augmented with a (...)
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  50. Metaphysical Foundations of Modal Logic.Roberta Ballarin - 2001 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    Modal logic was conceived in sin: the sin of confusing use and mention.” So quips Quine. The stigma stuck with modal logic for a while. But by the mid-sixties, a whole cluster of mathematically elegant interpretations of modal logic became available. All are natural extensions of the classical Tarskian semantics of predicate logic. By the mid-seventies, Quine’s criticisms seemed obsolete. Today, we teach the model theory of modal logic as a (...)
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