Results for 'military dictatorships'

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  1. The Legal Exceptionality of Exile. An Approach to Punitive Chilean and Argentine Expulsion of the Military Dictatorships.Mariela Cecilia Avila - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12):69-102.
    El presente trabajo busca acercarse al problema del exilio como categoría jurídico-política. Con esta finalidad, se hace un recorrido sobre la noción misma de exilio en tanto pena desde sus orígenes en el derecho romano arcaico. Interesa de modo particular ver el lugar que esta institución punitiva ha tenido en la política latinoamericana, tanto en el momento de su constitución política bajo la forma de Estado-nación, como en las últimas dictaduras militares de la región. En vistas a desarrollar un análisis (...)
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    The Scientific Field During Argentina’s Latest Military Dictatorship : Contraction of Public Universities and Expansion of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research. [REVIEW]Fabiana Bekerman - 2013 - Minerva 51 (2):253-269.
    This study looks at some of the traits that characterized Argentina’s scientific and university policies under the military regime that spanned from 1976 through 1983. To this end, it delves into a rarely explored empirical observation: financial resource transfers from national universities to the National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET, for its Spanish acronym) during that period. The intention is to show how, by reallocating funds geared to Science and Technology, CONICET was made to expand and decentralize to (...)
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    We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United States by James N. Green: Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2010. [REVIEW]Alison J. Bruey - 2013 - Human Rights Review 14 (1):53-54.
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    Universities Under Dictatorship.John Connelly & Michael Grüttner (eds.) - 2005 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Dictatorships destroy intellectual freedom, yet universities need it. How, then, can universities function under dictatorships? Are they more a support or a danger for the system? In this volume, leading experts from five countries explore the many dimensions of accommodation and conflict, control and independence, as well as subservience and resistance that characterized the relationship of universities to dictatorial regimes in communist and fascist states during the twentieth century: Nazi Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Francoist Spain, Maoist China, the Soviet (...)
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    A “União dos Estudantes Secundaristas do Amapá” e apoio ao golpe militar de 1964 / The “Amapá Union of Secondary Students” and their support for the military coup of 1964.Marcella Vieira Viana - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):61-68.
    O presente artigo visa analisar a atuação da União dos Estudantes Secundaristas do Amapá, durante a ditadura civil-militar no Brasil, em específico, como se deu a deliberação de apoio da entidade ao golpe. Para tanto, foi necessário analisar as peculiaridades da recepção do regime autoritário no então Território Federal do Amapá, o Movimento Estudantil de forma ampla, os aspectos constitutivos da União dos Estudantes Secundaristas do Amapá, suas divisões e seu desenvolvimento diante do golpe. O objetivo com isso, foi traçar (...)
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    In a distant glimmer of light: photographic and literary correspondences under the Chilean dictatorship.Lorena P. López Torres - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 48:151-166.
    Resumen: Este artículo reflexiona acerca de la producción artística y literaria chilena que surge en la década del 70, en la que se estrecha la relación entre fotografía y literatura, colaboración que se incrementa a mediados de los 80. Las imágenes fotográficas son trasladadas al campo artístico por medio de operaciones intermediales que plagan de nuevos significados la escena artístico-literaria nacional. Estas convergen como señales disruptivas en la construcción de un texto híbrido, que al mismo tiempo enriquecen los cruces palimpsésticos (...)
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    Voltaire's bastards: the dictatorship of reason in the West.John Ralston Saul - 1992 - New York: Vintage Books.
    In a wide-ranging, provocative anatomy of modern society and its origins, novelist and historian John Ralston Saul explores the reason for our deepening sense of crisis and confusion. Throughout the Western world we talk endlessly of individual freedom, yet Saul shows that there has never before been such pressure for conformity. Our business leaders describe themselves as capitalists, yet most are corporate employees and financial speculators. We are obsessed with competition, yet the single largest item of international trade is a (...)
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  8.  67
    Machiavelli and the Problem of Dictatorship.Marco Geuna - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (2):226-241.
    Machiavelli is the first modern political thinker who pays great attention to the magistracy of dictatorship. “Dictatorial authority,” as he puts it, is fundamental to the survival and prosperity of republics: It is the magistracy, the “ordinary mode,” to which they turn to deal with “extraordinary accidents,” political and military emergencies. Machiavelli's gaze is cast both on the Ancient and the Modern world: Although he concentrates on the Roman magistracy, he also pays attention to magistracies of the modern world (...)
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    Just Coups: A Reconsideration of Domestic Military Action.E. Stefan Kehlenbach - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (3):320-336.
    Are there situations where military coups can be considered justified, such as the overthrow of a collapsing, genocidal dictatorship? I argue that under certain circumstances there is an opening for “just coups.” I propose a theoretical assessment of coups based on an adaptation of just war theory. I bring the comparative literature surrounding civil–military relations into conversation with the literature on just war theory in order to develop a theory of just coups. By adapting the categories of just (...)
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    El exilio en el Cono Sur: acercamientos a un problema siempre vigente.Mariela Cecilia Avila - 2019 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 10:155-179.
    In this work we are going to study the political category of exile related to Southern Cone military dictatorships. It also will be introduced a kind of art state of the art of the principal problem in philosophy´s field, and the epistemological bases that support this research will be clarificated, specially the concept of a priori antropológico. In order to that, it will be an aproach to the notion of exile separating it from other similar categories. The next (...)
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    Political Origins of Freudianism and the Neutrality of Psychoanalysis in Brazil as a Symptom.Rose Gurski & Míriam Debieux Rosa - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:179-191.
    The article highlights the origins of Freudian thought as the germ of the advent of psychoanalysis and, in particular, the discovery of the unconscious as one of the disruptive effects that changed the course of human history. The writing suggests that Freud’s Jewishness, in post-Enlightenment Europe in the 19th century, enabled an intellectual formation capable of sustaining political impulses that were not always explicit in the history of psychoanalytic theory. By retracing the path of building ties with the polis, established (...)
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    Border Deaths as Forced Disappearances: Frantz Fanon and the Outlines of a Critical Phenomenology.Ayten Gündoğdu - 2022 - Puncta 5 (3):12-41.
    This article aims to examine the racialized forms of violence enacted by contemporary border regimes by rethinking border deaths as “forced disappearances." Although “forced disappearance” is often associated with military dictatorships, I extend it to border control policies that push migrants beyond the pale of the law, make it difficult to find out about their fates or whereabouts, and render their lives disposable. In thinking about border deaths as forced disappearances, I move beyond the strictly juridical meaning of (...)
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  13.  45
    Reforms in Yugoslavia.Svetozar Stojanović - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (61):120-128.
    As the military dictatorship was being imposed on Poland, Enrico Berlinguer declared: “The model set in motion by the October revolution has run out of steam.” I would add: “The Yugoslav model of that archetype (otherwise progressive and meaningful), symbolized by Stalin's break with Tito in 1948 even though it actually began with Tito's break with Stalin a year or two later, ran out of steam in terms of its ability to generate innovation among the people and to motivate (...)
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    Le gel de l'accord d'Athènes : La Communauté et la Grèce.Spyros Haritos - 1979 - Res Publica 21 (4):641-666.
    The article analyses the problems raised by the decision of the European Community to «freeze» its relations with Greece following the military takeover on 21 April 1967. The author first outlines the main features of the development of the attitude adopted by Community institutions during the military dictatorship, then attempts to define the economic and political impact of the Community position. He goes on to examine whether the «day-to-day management» of the Agreement influenced the speeding-up of the new (...)
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    Do Development and Democracy Positively Affect Gender Equality in Cabinets?John Högström - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):332-356.
    It has been argued that economic development and democracy create new opportunities and resources for women to access political power, which should increase gender equality in politics. However, empirical evidence from previous research that supports this argument is mixed. The contribution of this study is to expand the research on gender equality in politics through an in-depth examination of the effect of development and democracy on gender equality in cabinets. This has been completed through separate analyses that include most of (...)
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    Autoritarismo y participación: el pensamiento político de Jaime Guzmán.Belén Moncada - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:473-486.
    The subject of this paper is to deep in the way that Guzmán planned to make effective social participation in an authoritarian context like Pinochet's Chile (1973-1990). We will see how Guzmán considered civil participation as an essential requirement in order to get a modern democracy which would be opened in Chile after the military dictatorship. He supported this idea through the concepts of subsidiarity State and liberal economy policy.
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    Political Work on a Cultural Front.Kristin Plys - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (3):206-235.
    After South Asia won its flag-independence from Britain, Pakistani artists pursued two distinct strategies for the shared goal of producing art in the service of national liberation. A group of communist artists sought to innovate new cultural forms to serve movements of the left, while others endeavoured to recover the pre-colonial Islamicate culture of South Asia to serve state-building efforts. During the Zia coup in 1977, protest poetry and art of the Pak Tea House, Lahore’s art and literary salon, inspired (...)
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    Bananas y otros frutos del deseo: divas y subversiones en la performance de Ney Matogrosso.María del Pilar del Pilar Jarpa Manzur - 2019 - Aisthesis 66 (66):211-233.
    Taking into account the symbolic universe of the civic-military dictatorships of the Southern Cone as a context, this article seeks to reflect on the aesthetic and political implications of the figuration of the diva in the performance of local artists, through the case of Ney Matogrosso and his reappropriations of Carmen Miranda. From a feminist theoretical orientation in a postcolonial key, it is possible to suspect that the figuration of the diva is strategically infiltrated in its performance, from (...)
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    Brazilian political scientists and the Cold War: Soviet hearts, North-American minds.Lidiane Soares Rodrigues - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (2):145-169.
    ArgumentThe process of institutionalization of Political Science in Brazil was conditioned by the country’s position in the geopolitical scenario proper to the Cold War, strongly affected by the influence of the USA and, later on, by the military dictatorship experienced between 1964 and 1985. The first Brazilian professionalized political scientists were, during their youth, anti-Stalinist revolutionary militants. They had been financed by the Ford Foundation to pursue their PhDs in the USA. In this paper, I argue that the north-American (...)
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    La actualidad de Freire, una obra cincuentenaria en su centenario.José Eustáquio Romão & Natatcha Priscilla Romão - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:161-177.
    This article reconstructs the genesis of the formulation and writing of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire, his most important and best known work. It also reconstructs, historically, the trajectory of the editions, with emphasis on the first ones, especially the one held in Brazil, due to its prohibition imposed by the military dictatorship that had been installed in April 1964 and that had banned Paulo Freire from the country. Even after his death in May 1997, there are (...)
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    Socially Engaged Buddhism (review).Brian Karafin - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:215-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Socially Engaged BuddhismBrian KarafinSocially Engaged Buddhism. By Sallie B. King. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009. 192 pp.In a chapter on the philosophical and ethical foundations of the socially engaged Buddhist movement, Sallie King retells a story from the Burmese liberation struggle against military dictatorship. The story was originally told by Aung San Suu Kyi (b. 1945), the Burmese Buddhist activist who is one of the several (...)
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    Drought, clientalism, fatalism and fear in northeast Brazil.Mary Lorena Kenny - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (2):123 – 134.
    Northeast Brazil has been targeted for remedial projects to combat drought for more than 100 years, although drought mitigation policies have been mostly ineffective in reducing vulnerability for the majority of the population. In this paper I review some of the historical and contemporary approaches to drought mitigation and examine the efficacy of mitigation through the aperture of contemporary clientalism and the persistence of asymmetric power relations in democratic Brazil. Although the abertura , political opening, and end of a 20-year (...)
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  23. The Third Party: Power, Disappearances, Performances.Antonia Garcia Castro - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (193):66-76.
    The scene takes place in O'Higgins Park, in Santiago, Chile, on 1 October 1995. Some women have just taken their place on the stage and the enthusiastic audience is applauding, the women have started singing accompanied by a guitar, but they cannot be heard, for the audience is still applauding. One of the women gets up. Like the others, she is wearing a white blouse and a long black skirt, she is old and her hair is grey. She moves to (...)
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  24.  15
    La CIA y los problemas de la guerrilla urbana.Miguel Madueño Álvarez & José Manuel Azcona Pastor - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    The Cold War, extended from the popularization of its name in 1947 to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, functioned a bipolar order in which the White House and the Kremlin set the pace of events. In accordance with the decentralization of the axis of the shock [1], both superpowers chose to avoid direct confrontation and based their strategy on a kind of tactical movements carried out by third parties. The direct consequence was the creation of a breeding (...)
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    The farewell body: aesthetics of sickness and torture in finisecular Chile.Marcela Croce - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 18:31-39.
    "El cuerpo es siempre un inconveniente", sostiene Susan Sontag sobre la convicción de que es antes un espacio de sufrimiento que de placer. Los avatares de la enfermedad trazan una taxonomía en la cual la responsabilidad del sujeto parece seleccionar las fallas orgánicas. Sobre la conducta irresponsable y apasionada de los travestis chilenos, Pedro Lemebel establece en Loco afán un catálogo de degradación corporal articulado con un lenguaje barroco. El efecto del SIDA en los años 80 y 90 sobre los (...)
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  26. Autoritarismo y participación: el pensamiento político de Jaime Guzmán.Belén Moncada Durruti - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):473-486.
    The subject of this paper is to deep in the way that Guzmán planned to make effective social participation in an authoritarian context like Pinochet's Chile (1973-1990). We will see how Guzmán considered civil participation as an essential requirement in order to get a modern democracy which would be opened in Chile after the military dictatorship. He supported this idea through the concepts of subsidiarity State and liberal economy policy.
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    Molecular Revolution in Brazil.Felix Guattari & Suely Rolnik - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Molecular Revolution in BrazilFélix Guattari and Suely Rolniktranslated by KarelClapshow and Brian HolmesYes, I believe that there is a multiple people, a people of mutants, apeople of potentialities that appears and disappears, that is embodied in social, literary, andmusical events.... I think that we're in a period of productivity, proliferation, creation, utterlyfabulous revolutions from the viewpoint of this emergence of a people. That's molecular revolution:it isn't a slogan or a program, it's something that I feel, that I live....--from MolecularRevolution in (...)
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    A construção de uma crise: usos da história por intelectuais argentinos na contestação aos tratados com o Chile nas décadas de 1960 e 1970.Gabriel Passetti - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):139.
    Em 1978, os governos militares ditatoriais da Argentina e do Chile estavam à beira da guerra por conta do controle sobre três ilhas a leste do canal Beagle. As insatisfações e controvérsias, de ambos os lados, remontavam a tratados quase centenários. O artigo analisa a produção intelectual e os usos da história nas duas décadas antecedentes à “Crise do Beagle”, demonstrando a construção dos pontos de discórdia: o “expansionismo chileno” e a arbitragem internacional e de que forma estes foram aceitos (...)
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    Censura cinematográfica em Brasília: Análise do Discurso À luz de Pêcheux e Althusser / Cinematography censorship in Brasilia: Discourse Analysis through Pêcheux and Althusser.Amanda de Oliveira Passos - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):69-79.
    O artigo investiga as nuances dos discursos sobre Brasília presentes nos textos de pareceres de censores que atuaram durante a ditadura militar. Os filmes que sofreram censura prévia escolhidos para a construção do artigo foram ‘‘Vestibular 70’’, ‘‘Brasília Ano 10’’ e ‘‘Samba em Brasília’’. Os dois primeiros foram produzidos na capital e o último no Rio de Janeiro, no ano de 1960. Diante disso, foi importante refletir sobre a historicidade de como se apresentava o discurso dos pareceristas nos documentos. Para (...)
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    Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World (review).Marwood Larson-Harris - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):166-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing WorldMarwood Larson-HarrisConflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World. By Sulak Sivaraksa. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2005. 145 pp.Sulak Sivaraksa's Conflict, Culture, Change is a useful if uneven collection of essays that touch on many of the basic aspects of Engaged Buddhism. The book does not make an original contribution to the field, yet it serves as a good introduction (...)
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    A revista Paz e Terra: um lugar da memória da comunicação religiosa, ecumênica e política no Brasil.Magali do Nascimento Cunha - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (56):513-513.
    This article aims to examine the relevance of counter-information productions developed during the military dictatorship in Brazil by religious groups. The object is the journal Paz e Terra, by Editora Civilização Brasileira in the 1960s, as a unique initiative in the field of religious, ecumenical and political communication. In order to respond to the Research problem “what is the place of the journal Paz e Terra in the memory of religious media productions in Brazil?” the article refers its basis (...)
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    Molecular Revolution in Brazil.Karel Clapshow & Brian Holmes (eds.) - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Molecular Revolution in BrazilFélix Guattari and Suely Rolniktranslated by Karel Clapshow and Brian HolmesYes, I believe that there is a multiple people, a people of mutants, a people of potentialities that appears and disappears, that is embodied in social, literary, and musical events.... I think that we're in a period of productivity, proliferation, creation, utterly fabulous revolutions from the viewpoint of this emergence of a people. That's molecular revolution: it isn't a slogan or a program, it's something that I feel, (...)
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    Democratic Spain and the Ibero-American Community of Nations.Eugeniusz Górski & Maciej Bańkowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (2):93-114.
    The essay attempts to outline the historical ideological ties between Spain and its former Latin American colonies, with the main accent on the period following Spain’s and most of Latin America’s conversion to democracy in the wake of the fall of the Franco regime and other Latin-American military dictatorships. The author offers a detailed analysis, focusing especially on the democratic, decidedly pro-European and left-liberal government in Spain and its impact on Latin America, most of which today shows clear (...)
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    State Repression and the Labors of Memory.Elizabeth Jelin - 2003 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Hearing the news from South America at the turn of the millennium can be like traveling in time: here are the trials of Pinochet, the searches for "the disappeared" in Argentina, the investigation of the death of former president Goulart in Brazil, the Peace Commission in Uruguay, the Archive of Terror in Paraguay, a Truth Commission in Peru. As societies struggle to come to terms with the past and with the vexing questions posed by ineradicable memories, this wise book offers (...)
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    O Vaticano II na prática da igreja particular de Goiás - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n24p1341.Tomás Balduíno - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):1341-1360.
    Apresenta-se nesse texto as repercussões do Concílio Vaticano II na Igreja particular de Goiás. A fidelidade ao Concílio produziu efetiva participação de todos – presbíteros, religiosas e religiosos, leigos e leigas. Tomando como referências a vivência e experiência de pastor nessa diocese (1967-1998) e diversos estudos, Dom Tomás mostra os aspectos mais relevantes dessa história: as assembléias diocesanas, com participação de leitos (1968); as CEBs e a concretização da opção pelos pobres; as Escolas Bíblicas; a defesa da posse da terra, (...)
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    From Papers to Newspapers: Miguel Masriera (1901–1981) and the Role of Science Popularization under the Franco Regime.Agustí Nieto-Galan - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (3):527-549.
    ArgumentThis paper analyzes the political dimension of Miguel Masriera's (1901–1981) science popularization program. In the 1920s, Masriera worked at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich – with Hermann Staudinger, the luminary of polymer chemistry – to later become a lecturer of theoretical and physical chemistry at the University of Barcelona. After living in exile in Paris, at the end of the Civil War he returned to Spain but never recovered his position. Instead, Masriera became an active popular (...)
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    La república, el estado y el mercado en educación.Carlos Ruiz - 2012 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 68:11-28.
    This paper compares two normative theories of education in Chile, one centered in the republican tradition, mainly in the XIX and partly in the XXth century, and the other imposed by the military dictatorship and who uses the market freedom and the market efficiency as justificatory devices. The republican theory argues in favor of a central role of the state in the design of a public, universal, obligatory and tuitionless educational system, understood as essential to the formation of citizens (...)
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    A critical analysis of the impact of religion on the Nigerian struggle for nationhood.Oguejiofo C. P. Ezeanya, Benjamin O. Ajah, Christopher N. Ibenwa, Chioma P. Onuorah & Ugomma A. Eze - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    Religion plays a vital role in the formation of conscience and therefore is very important in determining how people co-exist in a society. Nigerian citizens live in regions other than their ethnic geographical areas, but they are not recognised as people of the same destiny and subjects of equal rights. The long period of military dictatorship that truncated the country’s democracy since the civil war gave Nigerians a constitution which adopted the Sharia legal system within a purported secular state. (...)
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    Women and Their Experiences of Exile. A Philosophical Approach.Mariela Cecilia Ávila - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 41:177-197.
    RESUMEN El presente trabajo busca demostrar cómo el reconocimiento y estudio de las narrativas exiliares de mujeres podrían otorgar nuevos registros analíticos y reflexivos al campo de trabajo filosófico sobre castigo político. Para ello, en principio, se lleva a cabo un recorrido por sus orígenes clásicos, griego y romano, destacando que, si bien el exilio ha variado a lo largo de los siglos, hay ciertos elementos constitutivos que se mantienen en sus aplicaciones contemporáneas. Esto lleva a observar el modo en (...)
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    A Conferência de Puebla: contexto e papel da juventude e da educação.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista, Wellington Teodoro da Silva & Giseli do Prado Siqueira - forthcoming - Horizonte:1426-1426.
    Fourty years ago, more than 190 Latin American bishops, attended by the newly elected Pope John Paul II, were gathered for the III General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate in Mexico, in Puebla de Los Angeles, between January 27th and February 13th, 1979. For Paul VI, The purpose of celebrating the 10th anniversary of Medellin was to translate his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi to Latin America: from “evangelization in the contemporary world” to “Latin America’s evangelization in the present and (...)
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    Empresas, Ditadura Civil Militar Brasileira e Centros de Memória e Documentação Corporativos: Um Estudo Exploratório.Alessandra de Sá Mello da Costa, Marcelo Almeida de Carvalho Silva & Carlos Arthur Vieira Monteiro - 2015 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 2 (1):122-144.
    De 1964 a 1985 o Brasil viveu sob um regime de governo ditatorial que de acordo com a historiografia mais recente foi sustentado, em grande parte, pela própria sociedade civil (MELO, 2012; COMISSÃO, 2014). Mais recentemente, a partir dos anos 1980, cresce o movimento de criação de espaços de memória corporativos com o objetivo de tornar pública a trajetória histórica das empresas (COSTA; SARAIVA, 2011). Dentre estes espaços, adquire relevância os Centros de Memória e documentação como lugares de armazenamento e (...)
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  42. North Korean Aesthetic Theory: Aesthetics, Beauty, and "Man".Alzo David-West - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (1):104-110.
    Aesthetics is not a subject usually associated with North Korea in Western scholarship, the usual tropes being autocracy, counterfeiting, drugs, human-rights abuse, famine, nuclear weapons, party-military dictatorship, Stalinism, and totalitarianism. Where the arts are concerned, they are typically seen as crude political propaganda. One British museum specialist writes that North Korean visual art is an "art under control," and one Russian historian insists that North Korean literature is devoid of the "beauty of language."1 As the short turns of phrase (...)
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  43. Film and Everyday Resistance.Marguerite La Caze - 2024 - Northwestern University Press.
    Václav Havel’s concept of “living within the truth” in an authoritarian regime frames Marguerite La Caze’s readings of international cinema, highlighting forms of resistance in which seemingly pre- or nonpolitical aspects of life—such as professional labor, exile, and truth telling—can be recognized as political when seen against a backdrop of general acquiescence. La Caze’s case studies cross genres, historical eras, and national contexts: the apartheid regime in South Africa, in A Dry White Season; post-Suharto Indonesia, in The Look of Silence; (...)
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    A critical analysis of the impact of religion on the Nigerian struggle for nationhood.Chioma P. Onuorah - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    Religion plays a vital role in the formation of conscience and therefore is very important in determining how people co-exist in a society. Nigerian citizens live in regions other than their ethnic geographical areas, but they are not recognised as people of the same destiny and subjects of equal rights. The long period of military dictatorship that truncated the country's democracy since the civil war gave Nigerians a constitution which adopted the Sharia legal system within a purported secular state. (...)
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  45. Criticisms of Multiparty Democracy: Parallels between Wamba-dia-Wamba and Arendt.Gail Presbey - 1998 - New Political Science 20 (1):35-52.
    The IMF, World Bank, and former colonial powers have put pressure on African countries to adopt multiparty democracy. Because of this pressure, many formerly one‐party states as well as some military dictatorships have embraced Western and Parliamentarian democratic forms. But does this mean that democracy has succeeded in Africa? Ernest Wamba‐dia‐Wamba of the University of Dar‐es‐Saalam and CODESRIA argues that embracing Western paradigms in an unthinking fashion will not bring real democracy, i.e. people's liberation. He advances criticisms of (...)
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    Review: Heliana de Barros Conde Rodrigues, Ensaios sobre Michel Foucault no Brasil: Presença, efeitos, resson'ncias(Michel Foucault in Brazil: Presence, Effects, Resonances). [REVIEW]Marcelo Hoffman - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (7-8):253-257.
    Michel Foucault visited Brazil five times from 1965 to 1976 yet the details of his overall presence in the country have remained largely unexplored even in Brazil. Heliana Conde’s Ensaios sobre Michel Foucault no Brasil has the great merit of introducing readers to these details through a reliance on a wide range of sources, including interviews with his interlocutors and the archives of the former intelligence service. While Conde's book covers various aspects of Foucault in Brazil up to his effects (...)
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    The Rise and Fall of the Revolutionary Left in ‘People’s Poland’.Paweł Szelegieniec - 2021 - Historical Materialism 29 (2):143-187.
    This article explores the experiences of the revolutionary-left opposition in the People’s Republic of Poland, a bureaucratic post-capitalist state established after WWII. It draws heavily upon Andrzej Friszke’s research concentrated on the 1960s, when post-1956 oppositional activity emerged and had an impact on the public sphere. The aim of this article is to present Marxist and revolutionary trends within oppositional circles mainly via the political trajectory of two important figures associated with revolutionary Marxism during the ‘People’s Poland’ of the 1960s, (...)
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    Propelled by the force of memory: New directions in korean literature in the 1990s. [REVIEW]Ji-Moon Suh - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (1-2):149-170.
    This paper deals with the sudden change in the mood, themes and style of Korean literature in the 1990s, which was brought on by the inauguration of the first civilian government in three decades and the lifting of the oppressive shadow of military dictatorship. Under military dictatorship, serious Korean writers all felt obligated to be the conscience of the nation, so the emphasis of their works tended to be on social and political injustice and the lives of the (...)
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    Intermittent institutions.Adrian Vermeule - 2011 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10 (4):420-444.
    Standing institutions have a continuous existence: examples include the United Nations, the British Parliament, the US presidency, the standing committees of the US Congress, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Intermittent institutions have a discontinuous existence: examples include the Roman dictatorship, the Estates-General of France, constitutional conventions, citizens' assemblies, the Electoral College, grand and petit juries, special prosecutors, various types of temporary courts and military tribunals, ad hoc congressional committees, and ad hoc panels such as the 9/11 Commission and base-closing (...)
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    Mi camino hacia Marx: breve ensayo de autobiografía político-intelectual.Atilio Alberto Boron - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (49):69-96.
    Criado en un aluvión migratorio italiano y peronista seguí las transformaciones en el país de constantes pujas entre la religión, la educación y las intervenciones externas que me llevaron al exilio, resultado primero de los fanatismos franquistas de España que alimentaba las alucinaciones y el empe..
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