Results for 'metaphysics of sport'

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  1.  10
    Philosophy of sport: critical concepts in sports studies.R. Scott Kretchmar & Peter M. Hopsicker (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routlege.
    Volume I. Metaphysics and sport -- volume II. Ethics of sport -- volume III. Sport and the good life -- volume IV. Sport and education.
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    (1 other version)Introduction to the Philosophy of Sport.Heather Lynne Reid - 2012 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Introduction to the Philosophy of Sport begins with the history of sport, delves into both the metaphysics and ethics of sport, and also addresses dimensions of the social and political elements of sport. This book is a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy of sport with a straightforward layout that professors can plan and build their courses around.
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    The philosophy of sport.Andrew Edgar - unknown
    Philosophy as a discipline is typically characterized through the use of rigorous argument and analysis, and the clarification of the meaning of concepts. Philosophical problems are thus resolved, not through the appeal to empirical evidence, but by identifying inconsistent and confusing patterns of thought and reflection. This paper will clarify the nature of a philosophical methodology by explicating the relationship between the philosophy of sport and the core traditional areas of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, axiology and logic.
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  4. The spirit of sports before modern times: a historical materialism perspective.Wei He - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-15.
    This article examines the evolution of the spirit of sports before the modern era through the lens of historical materialism, focusing on ancient Greek civilization and the Middle Ages. Building on previous research, it applies Marxist stage theory and Althusser’s concept of the Ideological State Apparatus to analyze how the spirit of sports emerged under different material and social conditions. The article argues that ancient Greek sports embodied a form of spirituality, not rooted in ethical ideals but as a mechanism (...)
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    Philosophy of Sport[REVIEW]Paul Gaffney - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (4):863-864.
    If there is one argument that can be said to animate this book it is the contention that the world of sport not only in itself presents some challenging and fascinating questions, but also that it offers an important perspective from which to consider many of the more traditional philosophical themes. Drew Hyland skillfully frames those issues that deserve serious study and, in many instances, points the way toward a resolution of current controversies. This book could serve, therefore, as (...)
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    Metaphysics of Relation.Yasuki Kato - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 29 (1):1-9.
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    The Reality of Fantasy Sports: A Metaphysical and Ethical Analysis.Chad Carlson - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (2):187 - 204.
    Fantasy sports have become a major sector of our sport industry. With millions of participants worldwide and billions of dollars generated, fantasy sports have become a fixed part of our sport spectatorship. However, this prevalence has come without much intellectual investigation. Therefore, in this paper I discuss the metaphysics and ethics of fantasy sports. After providing arguments for the consistency of fantasy sports with prominent descriptions of play and games, I compare fantasy sports to other genres of (...)
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  8. Sport and art: An essay in the hermeneutics of sport.Andrew Edgar - unknown
    In this essay I explore the relationship of sport to art. I do not intend to argue that sport is one of the arts. I will rather argue that sport and art have a commonality, in that both are alienated philosophy. This is to propose – in an argument that has its roots in Hegel's aesthetics – that sport and art may both be interpreted as a way of reflecting upon metaphysical and normative issues, albeit in (...)
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    Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport by Aaron HARPER (review).Tim Elcombe - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (1):147-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport by Aaron HARPERTim ElcombeHARPER, Aaron. Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2022. viii + 172 pp. Cloth, $95.00At a crucial moment in the 2019 World Series all six on-field umpires, in communication with Major League Baseball’s headquarters, engaged in an 8-minute discussion to determine if a baserunner should be called out for (...)
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  10. What Might a Theory of Causation Do for Sport?Evan Thomas Knott - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (2):34-0.
    The purpose of this research is to articulate how a theory of causation might be serviceable to a theory of sport. This article makes conceptual links between Bernard Suits’ theory of game-playing, causation, and theories of causation. It justifies theories of causation while drawing on connections between sport and counterfactuals. It articulates the value of theories of causation while emphasizing possible limitations. A singularist theory of causation is found to be more broadly serviceable with particular regard to its (...)
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    Games as Pastimes in Suits’s Utopia: Meaningful Living and the “Metaphysics of Leisure”.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 34 (1):88-96.
  12. Games as Pastimes in Suits's Utopia: Meaningful Living and the "Metaphysics of Leisure".M. Holowchak - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 34 (1).
  13.  30
    Dancing in Movements, Movements in Sports: a Comparative Approach Toward a Metaphysical Realist Ontology.Arturo Leyva - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-22.
    Ontological approaches to the arts have neglected art forms such as dance. This hinders analysis of the metaphysical similarities and differences between different art forms. In this paper, I develop a metaphysical realist ontological approach to dance and sport that is grounded in embodiment. I first examine the debate between descriptivism and metaontological realism in the philosophy of arts in the context of Thomasson’s descriptive approach and Dodd’s metaontological approach of folk-theoretic modesty. Following Dodd, I adopt a realist metaontological (...)
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  14.  24
    Sports and Naiveté.Jeffrey P. Fry - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (2):219-231.
    This paper examines varieties of naiveté manifested in the world of sport. In particular, I examine epistemological, ethical, and metaphysical naiveté. My contention is that virtually from cradle to grave forms of naiveté toward sport are present. We are tempted and all too often succumb to the temptation to accept appearances. But the initial appearances of sport often disappoint, and the underlying reality that confronts us is sometimes a hard reality. Faced with disappointment and exposed illusions, one’s (...)
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  15. Athlete Agency and the Spirit of Olympic Sport.Heather Reid - 2020 - Journal of Olympic Studies 1 (1):22-36.
    A debate has arisen over whether “the spirit of sport” is an appropriate criterion for determining whether a substance should be banned. In this paper, I argue that the criterion is crucial for Olympic sport because Olympism celebrates humanity, specifically human agency, so we need to preserve the degree to which athletes are personally and morally responsible for their performances. This emphasis on what I call “athlete agency” is reflected metaphysically in the structure of sport, which characteristically (...)
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  16. Iain Thomson.of Western Metaphysics - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson, The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Knowing the score: how sport teaches us about philosophy (and philosophy about sport).Eric Moore - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (1):108-111.
    David Papineau is a prominent philosopher known for his work outside of philosophy of sport, primarily in philosophy of science, epistemology, and metaphysics and philosophy of mind. Knowing the Sc...
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    Introduction to Philosophical Issues in Sport Science.Emily Ryall - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (4):57.
    The role and value of science within sport increases with ever greater professionalization and commercialization. Scientific and technological innovations are devised to increase performance, ensure greater accuracy of measurement and officiating, reduce risks of harm, enhance spectatorship and raise revenues. However, such innovations inevitably come up against epistemological and metaphysical problems related to the nature of sport and physical competition. This special issue identifies and explores key and contemporary philosophical issues in relation to the science of sport (...)
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    Exploring the depths of play: re-calibrating metaphysical descriptions and re-conceptualizing sources of value.Chad Carlson - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (3):342 - 355.
    This paper has two main parts to it. First, it is an attempt to clarify certain metaphysical issues regarding play. Play scholars from any number of academic disciplines have created a vast body of literature on the topic that seems overwhelming. Therefore, I offer descriptions of four characteristics of play that seem most experientially prominent and most indicative of the many play descriptors that previous authors have used. Second, I make axiological claims that follow from the metaphysical descriptions. I argue (...)
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  20.  35
    The Ethics of Efficiency.Heather L. Reid - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 63:25-32.
    Ethics in sport demand not only that we respect ourselves and others, but also that we respect sport itself. But the question of respecting sport seems to create a kind of moral dilemma between the obligation to “play one’s best” by maximizing performance, and the obligation to follow rules and traditions that ban the use of ergogenic aids. It is often argued that bans on performance-enhancing substances, equipment, and training techniques are paternalistic and violate athletes’ liberty to (...)
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  21. A Pluralist Conception of Play.Randolph Feezell - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (2):147-165.
    The philosophical and scientific literature on play is extensive and the approaches to the study, description, and explanation of play are diverse. In this paper I intend to provide an overview of approaches to play. My interest is in describing the most fundamental categories in terms of which play is characterized, explained, and evaluated. Insofar as these categories attempt to describe what kind of reality we are talking about when we make claims about play, I hope to clarify the (...) of play. Once this categorical scheme is made clear, we will be in a better position to evaluate the task of definition, claims about the relation of sport and play, and assertions about the significance of play. First, I place the discussion in the context of Bernard Suits's account of play and some other recent approaches to play. Next, I distinguish the following approaches to play: (a) play as behavior or activity; (b) play as motive, attitude, or state of mind; (c) play as form or structure; (d) play as meaningful experience; (e) play as an ontologically distinctive phenomenon. There is a natural progression in the way the analysis unfolds. In the final section I argue that my analysis generates a pluralist, nonreductive account of play. (shrink)
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    The Elite Sport Classification System Needs Improvement, Not Replacement.Sigmund Loland Norwegian School of Sports Sciences - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):24-26.
    Volume 24, Issue 11, November 2024, Page 24-26.
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    Метафізичні засади спорту як оптимуму буття.Vlada Bilohur - 2017 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 69:25-30.
    The essence of metaphysical foundations of sport, meaning the collection of the most favorable conditions for solving the objectives, based on optimum life and theoretical foundation of the concept of sport as being optimum, its conceptual and categorical apparatus; Posted interpretation of metaphysics in the context of its development history of philosophical thought and analyzed the sport as a cultural phenomenon that is designed to convert natural human body in its cultural and executed physicality; The conditions (...)
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  24.  19
    The Philosophy of Play as Life: Towards a Global Ethos of Management.Wendy Russell, Emily Ryall & Malcolm MacLean (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    It is now widely acknowledged that play is central to our lives. As a phenomenon, play poses important questions of reality, subjectivity, competition, inclusion and exclusion. This international collection is the third in a series of books that aims to build paradigmatic bridges between scholars of philosophy and scholars of play. Divided into four sections, this book sheds new light on the significance of play for both children and adults in a variety of cultural settings. Its chapters encompass a range (...)
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  25.  65
    Why Olympia matters for modern sport.Heather L. Reid - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (2):159-173.
    From the modern scientific perspective, Olympia is a ruin at the far end of a fading sense of history that represents little more than the origins from which sport has continuously evolved. Quantitative measurements show continued increases in human performance, equipment efficiency and funding. But some question this athletic evolution. We worry about qualitative issues, such as virtue, meaning and beauty. The source of this contrast is a difference in values: Olympic vs. Efficiency values. Such values establish an ethos (...)
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  26.  66
    Endless summer: What kinds of games will Suits’ utopians play?Christopher C. Yorke - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (2):213-228.
    I argue that we have good reason to reject Bernard Suits’ assertion that game-playing is the ideal of human existence, in the absence of a suitably robust account of utopian games. The chief motivating force behind this rejection rests in the fact that Suits begs the question that there exists some possible set of games-by-design in his utopia, such that the playing of its members would sustain an existentially meaningful existence for his utopians, in the event of a hypo-instrumental culture (...)
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    Schelling’s Metaphysics of Love.Andrew Jussaume - 2018 - Idealistic Studies 48 (3):211-236.
    This paper argues that Schelling’s understanding of love more readily captures his notion of unground as a contradictory-producing a priori. Love is a more appropriate term for unground insofar as it conveys the juxtaposition of feelings which motivate the eternal beginning. Self-expression, for Schelling, is born from the tension between God’s longing to be and his freedom. While this antithesis entails that God’s decision to be is only subjectively intelligible, it also implies the element of risk in the decision insofar (...)
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  28. Appropriate emotions and the metaphysics of time.Olley Pearson - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):1945-1961.
    Prior used our emotions to argue that tensed language cannot be translated by tenseless language. However, it is widely accepted that Mellor and MacBeath have shown that our emotions do not imply the existence of tensed facts. I criticise this orthodoxy. There is a natural and plausible view of the appropriateness of emotions which in combination with Prior’s argument implies the existence of tensed facts. The Mellor/MacBeath position does nothing to upset this natural view and therefore is not sufficient to (...)
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  29. The metaphysics of concepts.Christopher Peacocke - 1991 - Mind 100 (399):525-46.
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    Common Conceptions and the Metaphysics of Material Substance: Domingo de Soto, Kenelm Digby and Johannes de Raey.Han Thomas Adriaenssen - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1):117-139.
    This paper explores how, according to three early modern philosophers, philosophical theory should relate to our pre-theoretical picture of reality. Though coming from very different backgrounds, the Spanish scholastic, Domingo de Soto, and the English natural philosopher, Kenelm Digby, agreed that an ability to accommodate our pre-theoretical picture of the world and our ordinary way of speaking about reality is a virtue for a philosophical theory. Yet at the same time, they disagreed on what kind of ontology of the material (...)
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  31. Probabilistic physics and the metaphysics of time.Norbert Shanks - 1991 - South African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):37-44.
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  32. Temporal Ontology and the Metaphysics of Perspectives.Olla Solomyak - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):431-453.
    The question of what exists is often seen as one of the metaphysician’s primary concerns—an ontological stance is a central and basic component of a great many positions in metaphysics. Consider, in particular, the debate surrounding the metaphysics of time: the question of whether non-present entities exist is typically thought of as one of the fundamental issues at stake in the debate, with each position on the nature of time consisting in part of an answer to this question (...)
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    Kant’s Underlying Metaphysics of Mind.Edgar Maraguat - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 669-676.
  34. Metaphysics of Color 1: Physicalist Theories of Color.Heather Logue - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (4):211-219.
    This entry outlines physicalism about color, and objections to the effect that it cannot meet various desiderata on a metaphysics of color.
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  35. Paul Weiss on the Metaphysics of Human Experience.Daniel Dahlstrom - 1981 - The Thomist 45 (4):599.
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  36. Armstrong on the Metaphysics of Modality: Two Dilemmas.Anssi Korhonen - 2008 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 84:153.
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    Prior Concepts of the Metaphysics of Morals.Manfred Baum - 2013 - In Andreas Trampota, Oliver Sensen & Jens Timmermann, Kant’s “Tugendlehre”. A Comprehensive Commentary. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 113-138.
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    Kant's transition project and late philosophy: connecting the Opus postumum and Metaphysics of morals.Oliver Thorndike - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Kant's Transition Project and Late Philosophy is the first study to provide a close reading of the connection between texts written by Kant during 1796 and 1798. Connecting Kant's unfinished book project, the Opus postumum, with the Metaphysics of Morals, it identifies and clarifies issues at the forefront of Kant's focus towards the end of his life. Labelled by Kant as the “Transition Project”, the Opus postumum generates debate among commentators as to why Kant describes the project as filling (...)
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  39. The Metaphysics of Mass Expressions.Mark Steen - 2012 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  40.  42
    The Intrinsic Wrongness of Trash Talking and How It Diminishes the Practice of Sport: Reply to Kershnar.Nicholas Dixon - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (2):211-225.
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    From ‘philosophy of sport’ to ‘philosophies of sports’? History, identity and diversification of sport philosophy.Gunnar Breivik - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (3):301-320.
    ABSTRACTMy goal in this article is to give a portrait of how modern sport philosophy, which started in 1972, developed from relatively narrow paradigmatic borders to become a diverse and multi-para...
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  42. Thomas Aquina's Metaphysics of the Person and Phenomenological Personalism. The Case of Incoomunicability.Victor Salas - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (3):573-592.
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    Science in Metaphysics : Exploring the Metaphysics of Properties and Laws.Livanios Vassilis - 2017 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores the dispositional and categorical debates on the metaphysics of properties. It defends the view that all fundamental properties and relations are contingently categorical, while also examining alternative accounts of the nature of properties. Drawing upon both established research and the author's own investigation into the broader discipline of the metaphysics of science, this book provides a comprehensive study of the many views and opinions regarding a most debatable topic in contemporary metaphysics.
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    The Metaphysics of Constitution and Accounts of the Resurrection.Jonathan Loose - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (9):857-865.
    Some Christian materialists have argued for the possibility of resurrection given that persons are constituted by bodies, and constitution is not identity. Baker's constitutionist view claims superiority over animalist alternatives but offers only circular accounts of both personal identity over time and personhood. Corcoran's alternative approaches these questions differently but makes use of Zimmerman's ‘Falling Elevator Model’ of resurrection, which is rendered incoherent by its reliance on contingent identity. A recent constitutionist revision of this model succeeds only in exchanging incoherence (...)
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  45.  14
    Ethics, Knowledge and Truth in Sports Research: An Epistemology of Sport.Graham McFee - 2009 - Routledge.
    The study of sport is characterised by its inter-disciplinarity, with researchers drawing on apparently incompatible research traditions and ethical benchmarks in the natural sciences and the social sciences, depending on their area of specialisation. In this groundbreaking study, Graham McFee argues that sound high-level research into sport requires a sound rationale for one’s methodological choices, and that such a rationale requires an understanding of the connection between the practicalities of researching sport and the philosophical assumptions which underpin (...)
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  46. George Morel's Metaphysics of Historicity.Gerald A. Mccool - 1969 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 43:101.
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  47. The Intentionality, Causality and Metaphysics of Naming.David Freedman - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;This thesis delineates the boundaries of theories of naming, placing particular emphasis on the demarcation of the semantic function of referring expressions from the pragmatics of referential usage. The singular reference where pragmatic phenomena are used to refute semantic theories and vice versa. ;Part One of the thesis examines various conceptions of the semantic function of names. Frege's notion of 'Sinn' is shown to be incoherent as are its (...)
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    Johnson on the Metaphysics of Argument.Leo Groarke - 2002 - Argumentation 16 (3):277-286.
    This paper responds to two aspects of Ralph Johnson's Manifest Rationality (2000). The first is his critique of deductivism. The second is his failure to make room for some species of argument (e.g., visual and kisceral arguments) proposed by recent commentators. In the first case, Johnson holds that argumentation theorists have adopted a notion of argument which is too narrow. In the second, that they have adopted one which is too broad. I discuss the case Johnson makes for both claims, (...)
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    The Nietzchean Metaphysics of Life.Robert Marie Legros - 1997 - In Luc Ferry, Alain Renaut & Robert de Loaiza, Why We Are Not Nietzscheans. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
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    Julius Evola, The Metaphysics of War.Henrich Fačkovec - 2022 - Pro-Fil 23 (2):26-29.
    Book review: Julies Evola, Metafyzika války. Sol Noctis, 2021, 176 p.
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