Results for 'logic and epistemology'

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    (1 other version)Logic and epistemology.Anthony Charles Cotter - 1930 - Boston, Mass.,: The Stratford company.
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    Logic and Epistemology.Joseph E. Boland - 1931 - Modern Schoolman 8 (2):39-39.
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    Logic and Epistemology.Charles A. Hart - 1931 - New Scholasticism 5 (2):179-181.
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    The logical and epistemological implications of the theory of perspectives.Theodore Thomas Lafferty - 1928 - Chicago,: Chicago University Press.
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  5. Epistemic Logic and Epistemology.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2007 - In Vincent Hendricks, New Waves in Epistemology. Aldershot, England and Burlington, VT, USA: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This paper contributes to an increasing literature strengthening the connection between epistemic logic and epistemology (Van Benthem, Hendricks). I give a survey of the most important applications of epistemic logic in epistemology. I show how it is used in the history of philosophy (Steiner's reconstruction of Descartes' sceptical argument), in solutions to Moore's paradox (Hintikka), in discussions about the relation between knowledge and belief (Lenzen) and in an alleged refutation of verificationism (Fitch) and I examine an (...)
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    Logical and Epistemological Studies in Contemporary Physics.Robert S. Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky (eds.) - 1974 - Boston,: Springer Verlag.
    Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1969/1972.
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    Logic and epistemology in Theravāda =.Hâgoḍa Khemānanda - 1993 - Ratmalana: Dharma Paryeshanalaya.
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    Logical and epistemological problems in legal philosophy.Otto Bondy - 1951 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):81 – 97.
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  9. Epistemic logic and epistemology: The state of their affairs.Johan van Benthem - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (1):49 - 76.
    Epistemology and epistemic logic At first sight, the modern agenda of epistemology has little to do with logic. Topics include different definitions of knowledge, its basic formal properties, debates between externalist and internalist positions, and above all: perennial encounters with sceptics lurking behind every street corner, especially in the US. The entry 'Epistemology' in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Klein 1993) and the anthology (Kim and Sosa 2000) give an up-to-date impression of the field. Now, (...)
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  10. Informal logic and epistemology.R. H. Johnson - 2007 - Anthropology and Philosophy 8 (1-2):69-88.
    Many have adopted the view that informal logic is importantly dependent on epistemology . Finocchiaro has raised this issue in the context argumentation theory, as perhaps distinguished from informal logic A recent pair of issues of Informal Logic , guest edited by Christoph Lumer, was devoted to epistemological approaches to argumentation. On the other hand, both Johnson and Blair and Johnson have expressed reservations. In this paper I want to take another look at the relationship between (...)
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    Jaina logic and epistemology.Vashishtha Narayan Jha (ed.) - 1997 - Delhi, India: Sri Sadguru Publications.
    Papers presented at the National Seminar on Joina Logic and Epistemology held at the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Poona from 27th to 29th March 1995.
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    The Logic and epistemology of scientific change.Ilkka Niiniluoto & Raimo Tuomela (eds.) - 1979 - Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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    Buddhist Logic and Epistemology: Studies in the Buddhist Analysis of Inference and Language.Bimal Krishna Matilal & Robert D. Evans - 2012
    Most of the papers presented at a conference held at Oxford in August 1982.
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    Logic and Epistemology.Wendy Donner & Richard Fumerton - 2009-01-02 - In Steven Nadler, Mill. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 155–174.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Mill on Our Knowledge of the External World Mill on Our Knowledge of “Necessary” Truths Mill's “Reduction” of Deductive Reasoning to Inductive Reasoning Mill on the Ground of Inductive Reasoning Mill's Methods Further Reading.
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  15. The elements of Indian logic and epistemology. Annaṃbhaṭṭa - 1963 - Calcutta: Modern Book Agency. Edited by Bhattacharya, Chandrodaya & [From Old Catalog].
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  16. Modality: metaphysics, logic, and epistemology.Bob Hale & Aviv Hoffmann (eds.) - 2010 - qnew York: Oxford University Press.
    The philosophy of modality investigates necessity and possibility, and related notions--are they objective features of mind-independent reality? If so, are they irreducible, or can modal facts be explained in other terms? This volume presents new work on modality by established leaders in the field and by up-and-coming philosophers. Between them, the papers address fundamental questions concerning realism and anti-realism about modality, the nature and basis of facts about what is possible and what is necessary, the nature of modal knowledge, modal (...)
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  17. Buddhist Logic and Epistemology.Bimal Krishna Matilal & Robert D. Evans - 1989 - Religious Studies 25 (2):252-255.
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    (1 other version)Epistemic Logic and Epistemology.Wesley H. Holliday - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks, Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 351-369.
    This chapter provides a brief introduction to propositional epistemic logic and its applications to epistemology. No previous exposure to epistemic logic is assumed. Epistemic-logical topics discussed include the language and semantics of basic epistemic logic, multi-agent epistemic logic, combined epistemic-doxastic logic, and a glimpse of dynamic epistemic logic. Epistemological topics discussed include Moore-paradoxical phenomena, the surprise exam paradox, logical omniscience and epistemic closure, formalized theories of knowledge, debates about higher-order knowledge, and issues of (...)
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    Vii. Process logic and epistemology.Jacques Riche - 2004 - In Michel Weber, After Whitehead: Rescher on process metaphysics. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 1--173.
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    Perspectives on Nyaya logic and epistemology.Sukharanjan Saha - 1987 - Calcutta: K.P. Bagchi & Co..
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  21. Studies in Language, Logic, and Epistemology.V. N. Jha - 1986 - Pratibha Prakashan.
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    Epistemic Logic and Epistemology: The State of their Affairs.Johan Benthem - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (1):49-76.
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  23. Epistemic Logic and Epistemology. The State of their Affairs', to appear in V. Hendricks, ed., special issue of.Johan van Benthem - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies.
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    Language, logic, and epistemology: a modal-realist approach.Christopher Norris - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Norris presents a series of closely linked chapters on recent developments in epistemology, philosophy of language, cognitive science, literary theory, musicology and other related fields. While to this extent adopting an interdisciplinary approach, Norris also very forcefully challenges the view that the academic "disciplines" as we know them are so many artificial constructs of recent date and with no further role than to prop up existing divisions of intellectual labour. He makes his case through some exceptionally acute revisionist readings (...)
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    Jaina logic and epistemology.Hari Mohan Bhattacharyya - 1994 - Calcutta: K.P. Bagchi & Co..
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    Awareness in Logic and Epistemology: A Conceptual Schema and Logical Study of the Underlying Main Epistemic Concepts.Claudia Fernández-Fernández - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book creates a conceptual schema that acts as a correlation between Epistemology and Epistemic Logic. It connects both fields and offers a proper theoretical foundation for the contemporary developments of Epistemic Logic regarding the dynamics of information. It builds a bridge between the view of Awareness Justification Internalism, and a dynamic approach to Awareness Logic. The book starts with an introduction to the main topics in Epistemic Logic and Epistemology and reviews the disconnection (...)
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  27. Idealization, epistemic logic, and epistemology.Audrey Yap - 2014 - Synthese 191 (14):3351-3366.
    Many criticisms of epistemic logic have centered around its use of devices such as idealized knowers with logical omniscience and perfect self-knowledge. One possible response to such criticisms is to say that these idealizations are normative devices, and that epistemic logic tells us how agents ought to behave. This paper will take a different approach, treating epistemic logic as descriptive, and drawing the analogy between its formal models and idealized scientific models on that basis. Treating it as (...)
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    Epistemology, logic, and grammer in the analysis of sentence-meaning.V. P. Bhatta - 1991 - Delhi, India: Eastern Book Linkers.
    Indian theories of sentence and its meaning with special reference to grammar (Vyākaraṇa), logic (Nyāya), and ritualism (Mīmāṃsā).
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  29. Logical and Epistemological Studies in Contemporary Physics.Robert S. Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky - 1976 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):297-299.
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    Truth and Discovery. Logical and Epistemological Investigations of Propositions and Propositional Contexts. [REVIEW]Veit Pittioni - 1987 - Philosophy and History 20 (2):115-115.
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    Squaring the Vienna Circle with Up-to-Date Logic and Epistemology.Jaakko Hintikka - 2003 - In Thomas Bonk, Language, Truth and Knowledge: Contributions to the Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 149--165.
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    Epistemology, Logic and Language.Zaimul Am - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):68.
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    Aristotelian Logic and Epistemology[REVIEW]Niels Öffenberger - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (1):23-25.
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    The Aristotelian Tradition and the Rise of British Empiricism: Logic and Epistemology in the British Isles.Marco Sgarbi - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Offers an extremely bold, far-reaching, and unsuspected thesis in the history of philosophy: Aristotelianism was a dominant movement of the British philosophical landscape, especially in the field of logic, and it had a long survival. British Aristotelian doctrines were strongly empiricist in nature, both in the theory of knowledge and in scientific method; this character marked and influenced further developments in British philosophy at the end of the century, and eventually gave rise to what we now call British empiricism, (...)
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    The Aristotelian Tradition and the Rise of British Empiricism. Logic and Epistemology in the British Isles (1570–1689).Sarah Hutton - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (4):585-586.
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    The Present Status of Logic and Epistemology in Germany.Paul F. Linke - 1926 - The Monist 36 (2):222-255.
  37. The Logic and the Epistemological Sanctions of Dr. Johnson's Arguments.Agnes Charlene Senape McDermott - 1988 - Dissertation, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;This thesis investigates the nature of Dr. Johnson's arguments in four main areas: religion, morality, literature and politics. The investigation proceeds by analysing the forms of the arguments and the coherence of their logic, establishing the premises of the arguments, and indicating which of a number of sanctions govern these premises. The sanctions looked at are reason, revelation, experience, testimony, authority and universality, with an attempt to establish (...)
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    A Theory of Textuality: The Logic and Epistemology.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This book is just what it says it is: A theory of textuality divided into two parts, logical and epistemological.
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    Semantic games in logic and epistemology.Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2004 - In S. Rahman, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 57--103.
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    Logic, probability, and epistemology: the power of semantics.Sahotra Sarkar (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Garland Pub. Co..
    A new direction in philosophy Between 1920 and 1940 logical empiricism reset the direction of philosophy of science and much of the rest of Anglo-American philosophy. It began as a relatively organized movement centered on the Vienna Circle, and like-minded philosophers elsewhere, especially in Berlin. As Europe drifted into the Nazi era, several important figures, especially Carnap and Neurath, also found common ground in their liberal politics and radical social agenda. Together, the logical empiricists set out to reform traditional philosophy (...)
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  41. Epistemological System, Logic, and Contradiction in German Idealism. Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.Nectarios G. Limnatis - 2004 - Dissertation, New School University
    The dissertation contrasts Kant's epistemological assertiveness with his ontological skepticism as a central issue in the development of the discourse in German Idealism. Fichte's phenomenological demarche essentially amplifies this problem but, at the same time, allows him to advance a path breaking critique of formal logic and to stress the importance of contradiction. Schelling, by restoring metaphysics, attempts to overcome Fichte's contrast between ontological dualism and epistemological monism. Finally, it is Hegel who directly addresses the need for a non-formal (...)
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    (1 other version)Epistemology, logic, and grammar in Indian philosophical analysis.Bimal Krishna Matilal - 1971 - The Hague,: Mouton. Edited by Jonardon Ganeri.
    In this volume, Bimal K. Matilal blends knowledge contained in original Sanskrit texts and modern philosophical terminology in interpreting and reconstructing early philosophical theories, highlighting the critical and analytical nature of the Indian philosophical tradition.
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    Bcom ldan ral gri (1227-1305) on Indian Buddhist logic and epistemology: his commentary on Dignāga's Pramāṇasamuccaya. van der Kuijp & W. J. Leonard - 2013 - Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien. Edited by Arthur P. McKeown & Bcom-Ldan-Rigs-Paʼi-Ral-Gri.
    A diplomatic edition of a commentary by Bcom-ldan-ral-gri (1227-1305), a Tibetan Buddhist scholar of the Kadampa (Bka-gdams-pa) tradition, on the "Pramāṇasamuccaya" written by the Indian Buddhist logician, Dignāga (c. 480-540 CE); includes extensive introductory material on the life and work of Dignāga, and reception of this treatise in Tibet.
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    The philosophical teaching of Leonid Gabrilovich in the context of the logical and epistemological direction in the history of Russian thought of the 20th century.А. В Шевцов - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (2):168-183.
    The article discusses the formation of the philosophical concept of Leonid Evgenievich Gabrilovich (1878–1953), a Russian thinker of the first half of the 20th century. In the Rus­sian period of creativity, i.e. until 1918, as it is shown in the article, in his philosophi­cal development Gabrilovich experienced the influence of such fundamental theories as the philosophy of normative, immanent philosophy of W. Schuppe and phenomenology of E. Husserl. The article studies the following articles by L.E. Gabrilovich of the first, “Russian” (...)
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    Epistemology, Logic, and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis.Rosane Rocher - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):331.
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  46. Review of the book Cognitive Patterns in Science and Common Sense. Groningen Studies in Philosophy of Science, Logic, and Epistemology, TAF Kuipers & AR Mackor, 1996. [REVIEW]Hcdg De Regt - 1996 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 88 (4):316-321.
  47. Logical contradiction, contrary opposites, and epistemological relativism : Critical philosophical reflections on the psychological models of adult cognitive development.Miira Tuominen & Eeva K. Kallio - unknown
    In this contribution, we argue that a philosophical clarification of the discussion of adult cognitive development in psychology is needed in order to get a clearer view of what is at stake in this debated phenomenon. On the one hand, we contend that rather than epistemological relativism, mature adult cognition should be described in terms of integration. Integration means understanding that people have different views with each other and from us, but we still need to respect them as people and (...)
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  48. Modality: Metaphysics, Logic, and Epistemology, Bob Hale and Aviv Hoffmann (eds). [REVIEW]Arif Ahmed - 2012 - Mind 121 (483):817-822.
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    Review of B. Hale and A. Hoffmann (eds.), Modality: Metaphysics, Logic, and Epistemology[REVIEW]John P. Burgess - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (10).
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    Logic and Philosophy.Georg Henrik von Wright (ed.) - 1980 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The Entretiens of the Institut International de Philosophie for 1978 were held in connection with the World Congress of Philosophy in Dusseldorf, from August 27 to September 1. The theme of the Entretiens was Logic and Philosophy. The undersigned, then President of LI.P., was responsible for the planning of the programme. The programme was designed to consist of four sections with the headings Classical and Intuitionist Logic, Modal Logic and its Applications, Inductive Logic and its Applications, (...)
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