Results for 'level of arousal'

977 found
  1.  11
    A shared “optimal-level of arousal”: Seeking basis for creativity and curiosity.Erik Gustafsson, Paula Ibáñez de Aldecoa & Emily R. R. Burdett - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e100.
    We argue that the phases identified in the novelty-seeking model can be clarified by considering an updated version of the optimal-level of arousal model, which incorporates the “arousal” and “mood changing” potentials of stimuli and contexts. Such a model provides valuable insights into what determines one's state of mind, inter-individual differences, and the rewarding effects of curiosity and creativity.
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    The relationship of performance level to level of arousal.Richard G. Stennett - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (1):54.
  3.  12
    " Mors stupebit": multiple levels of fear-arousing mechanisms in Verdi's Messa da Requiem.Luca Zoppelli - 2013 - In Tom Cochrane, Bernardino Fantini & Klaus R. Scherer, The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control. Oxford University Press. pp. 147.
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    Differential recall of paired associates as a function of arousal and concreteness-imagery levels.M. Johnna Butter - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):252.
  5. Coffee cues elevate arousal and reduce level of construal.Eugene Y. Chan & Sam J. Maglio - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:57-69.
    Coffee and tea are two beverages commonly-consumed around the world. Therefore, there is much research regarding their physiological effects. However, less is known about their psychological meanings. Derived from a predicted lay association between coffee and arousal, we posit that exposure to coffee-related cues should increase arousal, even in the absence of actual ingestion, relative to exposure to tea-related cues. We further suggest that higher arousal levels should facilitate a concrete level of mental construal as conceptualized (...)
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    Tachistoscopic recognition thresholds as a function of arousal level.Gary W. Patton - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (2p1):354.
  7.  28
    Interaction of arousal and number of learning trials in paired-associate learning.John W. Osborne - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):135.
  8.  28
    Arousal, adaptation level, and accentuation of judgment.Wolfgang Schönpflug - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (3):443.
  9.  69
    Emotional time distortions: The fundamental role of arousal.Sandrine Gil & Sylvie Droit-Volet - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (5):847-862.
    An emotion-based lengthening effect on the perception of durations of emotional pictures has been assumed to result from an arousal-based mechanism, involving the activation of an internal clock system. The aim of this study was to systematically examine the arousal effect on time perception when different discrete emotions were considered. The participants were asked to verbally estimate the duration of emotional pictures from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). The pictures varied either in arousal level, i.e., (...)
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  10.  16
    Exploring the Emotional Experience During Instant Messaging Among Young Adults: An Experimental Study Incorporating Physiological Correlates of Arousal.Anne-Linda Camerini, Laura Marciano, Anna Maria Annoni, Alexander Ort & Serena Petrocchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Instant messaging is a highly diffused form of communication among younger populations, yet little is known about the emotional experience during IM. The present study aimed to investigate the emotional experience during IM by drawing on the Circumplex Model of Affect and measuring heart rate and electrodermal activity as indicators of arousal in addition to self-reported perceived emotional valence. Using an experimental design, we manipulated message latency and message valence. Based on data collected from 65 young adults, we observed (...)
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    The Role of Exercise-Induced Arousal and Exposure to Blue-Enriched Lighting on Vigilance.Antonio Barba, Francisca Padilla, Antonio Luque-Casado, Daniel Sanabria & Ángel Correa - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:429021.
    It is currently assumed that exposure to an artificial blue-enriched light enhances human alertness and task performance, but recent research has suggested that behavioural effects are influenced by the basal state of arousal. Here we tested whether the effect of blue-enriched lighting on vigilance performance depends on participants’ arousal level. Twenty-four participants completed four sessions (blue-enriched vs. dim light x low vs. high arousal) at 10 pm on four consecutive days, following a repeated-measures design. Participants’ (...) was manipulated parametrically through the execution of a cycling task at two intensities (low vs. moderate), and was checked by monitoring their heart rate. On each session, distal and proximal skin temperatures were recorded as a neuroergonomic index of vigilance, while participants performed a 20-min psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) under either blue-enriched light or dim light conditions. The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale (RPE) were used to measure subjective psychological state. The results showed that the exercise-induced manipulation of arousal produced robust alerting effects in most measures, while the lighting manipulation only attenuated subjective sleepiness and enhanced positive affect, but it did not influence behaviour or physiology. Acute exposure to a blue-enriched light was practically ineffective when the arousal level was over baseline. The present research favoured the use of acute physical exercise over acute exposure to blue-enriched lighting in order to boost humans’ alertness when necessary, as in work settings where maintaining optimal levels of attention is difficult (shift work, night-work, vigilance tasks) and necessary to prevent human error and accidents. (shrink)
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    The Arousal Effect of Exclusionary and Inclusionary Situations on Social Affiliation Motivation and Its Subsequent Influence on Prosocial Behavior.Esther Cuadrado, Carmen Tabernero, Antonio R. Hidalgo-Muñoz, Bárbara Luque & Rosario Castillo-Mayén - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Given the negative costs of exclusion and the relevance of belongingness for humans, the experience of exclusion influences social affiliation motivation, which in turn is a relevant predictor of prosocial behavior. Skin conductance is a typical measure of the arousal elicited by emotions. Hence, we argued that both inclusion and exclusion will increase skin conductance level due to the increase of either positive affect or anger affects, respectively. Moreover, we argued that emotional arousal is also related to (...)
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  13.  33
    The projective measurement of experimentally induced levels of sexual motivation.Russell A. Clark - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (6):391.
  14.  16
    Event-Related Potential Correlates of Valence, Arousal, and Subjective Significance in Processing of an Emotional Stroop Task.Kamil K. Imbir, Joanna Duda-Goławska, Maciej Pastwa, Marta Jankowska & Jarosław Żygierewicz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:617861.
    The present study is the first to measure event-related potentials associated with the processing of the emotional Stroop task (EST) with the use of an orthogonal factorial manipulation for emotional valence, arousal, and subjective significance (the importance of the current experience for goals and plans for the future). The current study aimed to investigate concurrently the role of the three dimensions describing the emotion-laden words for interference control measured in the classical version of the EST paradigm. The results showed (...)
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  15.  31
    Affective arousal and energization properties of positive and negative stimuli.John Davis & John Lamberth - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (2):196.
  16.  9
    The role of valence and arousal for phonological iconicity in the lexicon of German: a cross-validation study using pseudoword ratings.David Schmidtke & Markus Conrad - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The notion of sound symbolism receives increasing interest in psycholinguistics. Recent research – including empirical effects of affective phonological iconicity on language processing (Adelman et al., 2018; Conrad et al., 2022) – suggested language codes affective meaning at a basic phonological level using specific phonemes as sublexical markers of emotion. Here, in a series of 8 rating-experiments, we investigate the sensitivity of language users to assumed affectively-iconic systematic distribution patterns of phonemes across the German vocabulary:After computing sublexical-affective-values (SAV) concerning (...)
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  17.  19
    Emotional arousal does not modulate stimulus-response binding and retrieval effects.Carina G. Giesen & Andreas B. Eder - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1509-1521.
    The adaptation-by-binding account and the arousal-biased competition model suggest that emotional arousal increases binding effects for transient links between stimuli and responses. Two highly-powered, pre-registered experiments tested whether transient stimulus-response bindings are stronger for high versus low arousing stimuli. Emotional words were presented in a sequential prime-probe design in which stimulus relation, response relation, and stimulus arousal were orthogonally manipulated. In Experiment 1 (N = 101), words with high and low arousal levels were presented individually in (...)
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  18. Editorial: Music and the Functions of the Brain: Arousal, Emotions, and Pleasure.Mark Reybrouck, Tuomas Eerola & Piotr Podlipniak - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Music impinges upon the body and the brain and has inductive power, relying on both innate dispositions and acquired mechanisms for coping with the sounds. This process is partly autonomous and partly deliberate, but multiple interrelations between several levels of processing can be shown. There is, further, a tradition in neuroscience that divides the organization of the brain into lower and higher functions. The latter have received a lot of attention in music and brain studies during the last decades. Recent (...)
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  19.  63
    The ALARM Theory of Consciousness: A Two-Level Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness.Albert Newen & Carlos Montemayor - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (3):84-105.
    The scientific investigation of consciousness generates new findings at a rapid pace. We argue that we need a novel theoretical framework, which we call the ALARM theory of consciousness, in order to account for all central observations. According to this theory, we need to distinguish two levels of consciousness, namely basic arousal and general alertness. Basic arousal functions as a specific alarm system, keeping a biological organism alive under sudden intense threats, and general alertness enables flexible learning and (...)
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  20.  54
    Core Affect Dynamics: Arousal as a Modulator of Valence.Valentina Petrolini & Marco Viola - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (4):783-801.
    According to several researchers, core affect lies at the foundation of our affective lives and may be characterized as a consciously accessible state combining arousal (activated-deactivated) and valence (pleasure-displeasure). The interaction between these two dimensions is still a matter of debate. In this paper we provide a novel hypothesis concerning their interaction, by arguing that subjective arousal levels modulate the experience of a stimulus’ affective quality. All things being equal, the higher the arousal, the more a given (...)
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  21. Female sexual arousal: Genital anatomy and orgasm in intercourse.Kim Wallen & Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 2011 - Hormones and Behavior 59:780-792.
    In men and women sexual arousal culminates in orgasm, with female orgasm solely from sexual intercourse often regarded as a unique feature of human sexuality. However, orgasm from sexual intercourse occurs more reliably in men than in women, likely reflecting the different types of physical stimulation men and women require for orgasm. In men, orgasms are under strong selective pressure as orgasms are coupled with ejaculation and thus contribute to male reproductive success. By contrast, women's orgasms in intercourse are (...)
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  22.  37
    Valence, arousal and word associations.Anne-Laure Gilet & Christophe Jallais - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (4):740-746.
    This study aimed at testing the relative effects of valence and arousal on the generation of unusual first associates in response to non-emotional inducers. To examine this question, four specific moods varying along both the valence and the arousal dimensions were induced: happiness (positive mood, high arousal), serenity (positive mood, low arousal), anger (negative mood, high arousal) and sadness (negative mood, low arousal). The results indicate that the uniqueness of word-associations is influenced by (...) levels rather than by the valence of mood. No matter what the valence, high-arousing moods enhanced the production of unusual associates in contrast to low-arousing moods. (shrink)
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  23.  10
    Rehabilitation of Attention Functions.Redmond G. O'Connell & Ian H. Robertson - 2014 - In Anna C. Nobre & Sabine Kastner, The Oxford Handbook of Attention. Oxford University Press.
    The evidence for the effectiveness of rehabilitation of three types of attention—selectivity, sustained attention, and attentional switching—is reviewed. Limited but significant effects in all three domains are observed, though evidence for generalization to wider everyday life functions remains relatively sparse. In the case of sustained attention and also in the case of spatial selectivity, the modulating effects of arousal are shown to be important, and higher level executive deficits may at times be exacerbated or even caused by lowered (...)
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  24.  42
    Arousal and exposure duration affect forward step initiation.Daniëlle Bouman, John F. Stins & Peter J. Beek - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:166574.
    Emotion influences parameters of goal-directed whole-body movements in several ways. For instance, previous research has shown that approaching (moving toward) pleasant stimuli is easier compared to approaching unpleasant stimuli. However, some studies found that when emotional pictures are viewed for a longer time, approaching unpleasant stimuli may in fact be facilitated. The effect of viewing duration may have modulated whole-body approach movement in previous research but this has not been investigated to date. In the current study, participants initiated a step (...)
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  25.  13
    Influence of Mental Training of Attentional Control on Autonomic Arousal Within the Framework of the Temporal Preparation of a Force Task.Souhir Ezzedini, Sofia Ben Jebara, Malek Abidi & Giovanni de Marco - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13391.
    While temporal preparation has frequently been examined through the manipulation of foreperiods, the role of force level during temporal preparation remains underexplored. In our study, we propose to manipulate mental training of attentional control in order to shed light on the role of the force level and autonomic nervous system in the temporal preparation of an action. Forty subjects, divided into mental training group (n = 20) and without mental training group (n = 20), participated in this study. (...)
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  26.  35
    Modelling audiovisual integration of affect from videos and music.Chuanji Gao, Douglas H. Wedell, Jongwan Kim, Christine E. Weber & Svetlana V. Shinkareva - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):516-529.
    Two experiments examined how affective values from visual and auditory modalities are integrated. Experiment 1 paired music and videos drawn from three levels of valence while holding arousal constant. Experiment 2 included a parallel combination of three levels of arousal while holding valence constant. In each experiment, participants rated their affective states after unimodal and multimodal presentations. Experiment 1 revealed a congruency effect in which stimulus combinations of the same extreme valence resulted in more extreme state ratings than (...)
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  27.  66
    Investigating Arousal, Saccade Preparation, and Global Luminance Effects on Microsaccade Behavior.Jui-Tai Chen, Rachel Yep, Yu-Fan Hsu, Yih-Giun Cherng & Chin-An Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Microsaccades, small saccadic eye movements occurring during fixation, have been suggested to be modulated by various sensory, cognitive, and affective processes relating to arousal. Although the modulation of fatigue-related arousal on microsaccade behavior has previously been characterized, the influence of other aspects of arousal, such as emotional arousal, is less understood. Moreover, microsaccades are modulated by cognitive processes that could also be linked to arousal. To investigate the influence of emotional arousal, saccade preparation, and (...)
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  28.  25
    Well-Come Back! Professional Basketball Players Perceptions of Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors Influencing a Return to Pre-injury Levels.Cristiana Conti, Selenia di Fronso, Monica Pivetti, Claudio Robazza, Leslie Podlog & Maurizio Bertollo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436536.
    The psychological factors influencing a return to sport has gained increased research attention. In the current investigation, we explored professional basketball players’ perceptions of the psychological factors facilitating a return to performance equal to or exceeding previous performance standards. We also sought to describe athletes’ experiences – both positive and negative – of returning to sport following injury recovery. Ten Italian professional male basketball players (age range 22-36 years), were retrospectively interviewed in relation to three time-periods: (1) from the commencement (...)
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  29.  19
    Illuminating Music: Impact of Color Hue for Background Lighting on Emotional Arousal in Piano Performance Videos.James McDonald, Sergio Canazza, Anthony Chmiel, Giovanni De Poli, Ellouise Houbert, Maddalena Murari, Antonio Rodà, Emery Schubert & J. Diana Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study sought to determine if hues overlayed on a video recording of a piano performance would systematically influence perception of its emotional arousal level. The hues were artificially added to a series of four short video excerpts of different performances using video editing software. Over two experiments 106 participants were sorted into 4 conditions, with each viewing different combinations of musical excerpts and hue combinations. Participants rated the emotional arousal depicted by each excerpt. Results indicated that (...)
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  30.  48
    The combined effects of neurostimulation and priming on creative thinking. A preliminary tDCS study on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.Barbara Colombo, Noemi Bartesaghi, Luisa Simonelli & Alessandro Antonietti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:113006.
    The role of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in influencing creative thinking has been investigated by many researchers who, while succeeding in proving an effective involvement of PFC, reported suggestive but sometimes conflicting results. In order to better understand the relationships between creative thinking and brain activation in a more specific area of the PFC, we explored the role of dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC). We devised an experimental protocol using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS). The study was based on a 3 (kind of stimulation: (...)
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  31.  34
    Guardianship and Clinical Research Participation: The Case of Wards with Disorders of Consciousness.Megan S. Wright, Michael R. Ulrich & Joseph J. Fins - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (1):43-70.
    Incapacitated adults with a legally appointed guardian or conservator may be recruited for or involved with medical, behavioral, or social science research. Much of the research in which such persons participate is aimed at evaluating medical interventions for them, or contributing to general knowledge about disorders from which they may suffer. In this paper we will consider how the appointment of guardians for patients with disorders of consciousness —severe brain injuries that affect a patient’s level of arousal and (...)
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  32.  75
    Arousal, working memory, and conscious awareness in contingency learning☆.Louise D. Cosand, Thomas M. Cavanagh, Ashley A. Brown, Christopher G. Courtney, Anthony J. Rissling, Anne M. Schell & Michael E. Dawson - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1105-1113.
    There are wide individual differences in the ability to detect a stimulus contingency embedded in a complex paradigm. The present study used a cognitive masking paradigm to better understand individual differences related to contingency learning. Participants were assessed on measures of electrodermal arousal and on working memory capacity before engaging in the contingency learning task. Contingency awareness was assessed both by trial-by-trial verbal reports obtained during the task and by a short post-task recognition questionnaire. Participants who became aware had (...)
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  33.  37
    Motivational-general arousal imagery does not improve decision-making performance in elite endurance cyclists.David J. Spindler, Mark S. Allen, Stewart A. Vella & Christian Swann - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):1084-1093.
    ABSTRACTEmotions are predicted to influence judgement and decision-making across a range of performance contexts. This experiment tested whether motivational-general arousal imagery can improve the decision-making performance of elite endurance cyclists. In total, 54 cyclists were assigned to either a positive imagery condition or a negative imagery condition. The cyclists were read one of two scripts designed to elicit positive or negative images during a 20-min maximal sustainable interval on a cycle ergometer. A decision-making task was performed before and immediately (...)
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  34.  23
    Effects of acute exercise on emotional memory.Paul Loprinzi, Danielle Olafson, Claire Scavuzzo, Ashley Lovorn, Mara Mather, Emily Frith & Esther Fujiwara - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):660-689.
    Research has demonstrated beneficial effects of acute exercise on memory for neutral materials, such as word lists of neutral valence/low arousal. However, the impacts of exercise on emotional memory is less understood. Across three laboratory experiments in college students, we tested if acute exercise could enhance both neutral and emotional memory performance, anticipating a greater effect for emotional memory. We examined effects of exercise at varying intensities (Experiment 1: high-intensity; Experiment 2: low- and high-intensity; Experiment 3: moderate-intensity), of diverse (...)
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  35.  17
    A phenomenological account of users' experiences of assertive community treatment.Jay Watts & Stefan Priebe - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (5):439–454.
    Assertive community treatment (ACT) is a widely propagated team approach to community mental health care that ‘assertively’ engages a subgroup of individuals with severe mental illness who continuously disengage from mental health services. It involves a number of interested parties – including clients, carers, clinicians and managers. Each operates according to perceived ethical principles related to their values, mores and principles. ACT condenses a dilemma that is common in psychiatry. ACT proffers social control whilst simultaneously holding therapeutic aspiration. The clients’ (...)
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  36.  42
    Perception of Emotion in Conversational Speech by Younger and Older Listeners.Juliane Schmidt, Esther Janse & Odette Scharenborg - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:184571.
    This study investigated whether age and/or differences in hearing sensitivity influence the perception of the emotion dimensions arousal (calm vs. aroused) and valence (positive vs. negative attitude) in conversational speech. To that end, this study specifically focused on the relationship between participants’ ratings of short affective utterances and the utterances’ acoustic parameters (pitch, intensity, and articulation rate) known to be associated with the emotion dimensions arousal and valence. Stimuli consisted of short utterances taken from a corpus of conversational (...)
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  37.  17
    Visual post-occupancy evaluation of a restorative garden using virtual reality photography: Restoration, emotions, and behavior in older and younger people.Marco Boffi, Linda Grazia Pola, Elisabetta Fermani, Giulio Senes, Paolo Inghilleri, Barbara Ester Adele Piga, Gabriele Stancato & Natalia Fumagalli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Natural environments have a restorative effect from mental/attentional fatigue, prevent stress, and help to revitalize psychological and physical resources. These benefits are crucial for promoting active aging, which is particularly relevant given the phenomenon of population aging in recent decades. To be considered restorative, green spaces have to meet specific requirements in ecological and psychological terms that can be assessed through Post-Occupancy Evaluation, a multimethod approach commonly used by environmental psychologists and landscape architects after construction to evaluate the design outcomes (...)
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  38.  28
    Language Origins Viewed in Spontaneous and Interactive Vocal Rates of Human and Bonobo Infants.D. Kimbrough Oller, Ulrike Griebel, Suneeti Nathani Iyer, Yuna Jhang, Anne Warlaumont, Rick Dale & Josep Call - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    From the first months of life, human infants produce “protophones,” speech-like, non-cry sounds, presumed absent, or only minimally present in other apes. But there have been no direct quantitative comparisons to support this presumption. In addition, by 2 months, human infants show sustained face-to-face interaction using protophones, a pattern thought also absent or very limited in other apes, but again, without quantitative comparison. Such comparison should provide evidence relevant to determining foundations of language, since substantially flexible vocalization, the inclination to (...)
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  39. Emergence, self-organization, and social interaction: Arousal-dependent structure in social systems.Thomas S. Smith & Gregory T. Stevens - 1996 - Sociological Theory 14 (2):131-153.
    The understanding of emergent, self-organizing phenomena has been immensely deepened in recent years on the basis of simulation-based theoretical research. We discuss these new ideas, and illustrate them using examples from several fields. Our discussion serves to introduce equivalent self-organized phenomena in social interaction. Interaction systems appear to be structured partly by virtue of such emergents. These appear under specific conditions: When cognitive buffering is inadequate relative to the levels of stress persons are subjected to, anxiety-spreading has the potential of (...)
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    Reconciling the role of central serotonin neurons in human and animal behavior.Philippe Soubrié - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):319-335.
    Animal research suggests that central serotonergic neurons are involved in behavioral suppression, particularly anxiety-related inhibition. The hypothesis linking decreased serotonin transmission to reduced anxiety as the mechanism in the anxiolytic activity of benzodiazepines conflicts with most clinical observations. Serotonin antagonists show no marked capacity to alleviate anxiety. On the other hand, clinical signs of reduced serotonergic transmission (low 5-HIAA levels in the cerebrospinal fluid) are frequently associated with aggressiveness, suicide attempts, and increased anxiety. The target article attempts to reconcile such (...)
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    The Case of Jahi McMath: A Neurologist's View.D. Alan Shewmon - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):74-76.
    From the start, I followed the case of Jahi McMath with great interest. In December 2013, she clearly fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for brain death. As a neurologist with a special interest in chronic brain death, I was not surprised that, after she was flown to New Jersey, where she became statutorily resurrected and was treated as a comatose patient, Jahi's condition quickly improved. In 2014, her family reported that she sometimes responded to simple motor commands. I shared the general (...)
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  42.  23
    A Comparison of Four Dyadic Synchronization Models.Stephen J. Guastello & Anthony F. Peressini - unknown
    Synchronization is a special case of self-organization in which one can observe close mimicry in behavior of the system components. Synchrony in body movements, autonomic arousal, and EEG activity among human individuals has attracted considerable attention for their possible roles in social interaction. This article is specifically concerned with autonomic synchrony and finding the best model for the dyadic relationships, with regard to both theoretical and empirical accuracy, that could be extrapolated to synchrony levels for groups and teams of (...)
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    Invited essay Peak experiences and the natural universe—Metaphysical explorations of a cosmological physicist.Attila Grandpierre - 1995 - World Futures 44 (1):1-13.
    Among the most exciting experiences in our lives are the ones that arouse a magical rapture within us. This may happen when we become engrossed in a musical piece, when dancing becomes ecstatic, when we are passionately in love (or making love) or when we experience an intuitive perception or an altered state of consciousness, get caught by the spell of the infinity of the Universe or the splendor of nature; it can also happen during telepathic contact or in lucid (...)
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    The Nature of Proof in Psychiatry.Paul Lieberman - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (3):225-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Nature of Proof in PsychiatryPaul Lieberman (bio)Keywordspsychotherapy process, knowledge and psychiatry, externalism, WittgensteinThis vivid clinical report illustrates recognizably, and provocatively, a number of routine, but often unexamined, clinical questions. In its few paragraphs, it depicts challenges that each practitioner confronts, and, in the flux of clinical work, addresses, however implicitly and imperfectly, every day: From what data, and by what processes, does a clinical formulation, or way of (...)
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  45. In Memory of Gustav Gustavovich Shpet.E. V. Pasternak & V. Kachalov - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):52-60.
    Among the many names violently consigned to oblivion, one cannot omit mentioning the name of Gustav Gustavovich Shpet, a scholar who made a substantial contribution to our country's philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, and linguistics. His rehabilitation in 1956 was not enough to restore his memory in public consciousness, paralyzed by the inertia and fears of the Stalinist years, and the freeze that began soon after, of the sprouts that had just been summoned to life, had its impact in an abrogation of (...)
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    Comparing the long-term evolution of ``cognitive invariances'' in physics with a dynamics in states of consciousness.Gerhard Grössing - 2001 - Foundations of Science 6 (4):255-272.
    It is shown that the evolution of physics canin several regards be described by elements of``regression'', i.e., that within a certaintradition of ideas one begins with theconstruction of most ``plausible'' statements(axioms) at hand, and then ``works onselfbackwards'' with respect to developmental terms.As a consequence of this strategy, the furtherwork proceeds along such a ``regressive'' path,the more one arrives at concepts andrelationships which are unexpected or evencounter-intuitive in terms of our everydayexperiences. However, a comparable phenomenology is wellknown from studies on states (...)
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  47.  44
    Contradictions of emotion in schizophrenia.Louis Sass - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (2):351-390.
    This paper considers contradictory features of emotional or affective experience and expression in schizophrenia in light of the “Kretschmerian paradox”—the fact that schizophrenia-spectrum patients can simultaneously experience both exaggerated and diminished levels of affective response. An attempt is made to explain the paradox and explore its implications. Recent research on emotion in schizophrenia is reviewed, including subjective reports, psychophysiological measures of arousal or activation, and behavioural measures, focusing on flat-affect and negative-symptom patients. After discussing relevant concepts and vocabulary of (...)
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  48.  63
    Influence of aesthetic perception on visual event-related potentials.Marina de Tommaso, Carla Pecoraro, Michele Sardaro, Claudia Serpino, Giulio Lancioni & Paolo Livrea - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):933-945.
    The aim of the study was to assess the effects of visual aesthetic perception on event-related potentials . Eight subjects assigned an aesthetic judgment and a 10-step beauty estimation to the target stimuli, consisting of famous artistic pictures and geometric shapes. In a further task, the subjects performed a motor response to the previously judged pictures and geometric shapes. ERPs were recorded through 54 scalp electrodes during both tasks. The P3b amplitude was increased during the categorization of the geometric shapes (...)
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  49.  30
    Benevolent Creativity Buffers Anxiety Aroused by Mortality Salience: Terror Management in COVID-19 Pandemic.Yu-Xin Cui, Xiang Zhou, Chong Zu, Hong-Kun Zhai, Bo-Ren Bai, Yu-Mei Xu & Duo Li - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    With the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis, the public keeps getting epidemic-related information on the media. News reports on the increasing number of fatalities have exposed individuals to death, which causes negative emotional experiences such as tension, anxiety, and fear. This study aimed to investigate whether creativity could serve as an anxiety-buffer when mortality is salient. Based on previous findings, the present study utilized type of creative task and personal search for meaning as moderators. In Study 1, a 2 × (...)
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  50.  26
    The Neuroscience of the Flow State: Involvement of the Locus Coeruleus Norepinephrine System.Dimitri van der Linden, Mattie Tops & Arnold B. Bakker - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:645498.
    Flow is a state of full task engagement that is accompanied with low-levels of self-referential thinking. Flow is considered highly relevant for human performance and well-being and has, therefore, been studied extensively. Yet, the neurocognitive processes of flow remain largely unclear. In the present mini-review we focus on how the brain's locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system may be involved in a range of behavioral and subjective manifestations of flow. The LC-NE system regulates decisions regarding task engagement vs. disengagement. This is doneviadifferent (...)
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