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  1. Russell's Mathematical Logic.Kurt Gödel - 1944 - In The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell. Northwestern University Press. pp. 123-154.
  2. (5 other versions)What is Cantor's Continuum Problem?Kurt Gödel - 1947 - The American Mathematical Monthly 54 (9):515--525.
  3. A Remark About the Relationship Between Relativity Theory and Idealistic Philosophy.Paul Arthur Schilpp & Kurt Gödel - 1949 - Harper & Row.
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    On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems.Kurt Gödel - 1931 - New York, NY, USA: Basic Books.
    First English translation of revolutionary paper that established that even in elementary parts of arithmetic, there are propositions which cannot be proved or disproved within the system. Introduction by R. B. Braithwaite.
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    The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis.Kurt Gödel - 1940 - Princeton University Press.
    Previously published: Princeton University Press, 1940.
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  6. The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell.Kurt Gödel - 1944 - Northwestern University Press.
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    An Example of a New Type of Cosmological Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations of Gravitation.Kurt Gödel - 1949 - Reviews of Modern Physics 21 (3):447–450.
  8. The modern development of the foundations of mathematics in the light of philosophy.Kurt Godel - unknown
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  9. Über eine bisher noch nicht benützte Erweiterung des finiten Standpunktes.Kurt Gödel - 1958 - Dialectica 12 (3):280.
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  10. Is Mathematics Syntax of Language?Kurt Gödel - 1953 - In K. Gödel Collected Works. Oxford University Press: Oxford. pp. 334--355.
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  11. Remarks before the Princeton Bicentennial Conference on Problems in Mathematics.Kurt Gödel - 1990 - In Solomon Feferman, John Dawson & Stephen Kleene (eds.), Kurt Gödel: Collected Works Vol. Ii. Oxford University Press. pp. 150--153.
  12. Some Remarks on the Undecidability Results.Kurt Gödel - 1990 - In Solomon Feferman, John Dawson & Stephen Kleene (eds.), Kurt Gödel: Collected Works Vol. Ii. Oxford University Press. pp. 305--306.
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  13. On an Extension of Finitary Mathematics which has not yet been Used.Kurt Gödel - 1990 - In Solomon Feferman, John Dawson & Stephen Kleene (eds.), Kurt Gödel: Collected Works Vol. Ii. Oxford University Press. pp. 271--284.
  14. (1 other version)Diskussion zur grundlegung der mathematik.Kurt Gödel - 1931 - Erkenntnis 2 (1):135-151.
  15.  19
    Collected Works: Volume Iii: Unpublished Essays and Lectures Vol. 3.Kurt Gödel - 1986 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press. Edited by Solomon Feferman.
    Kurt Gödel was the greatest logician of this century. This third volume of his collected works consists of previously unpublished material, both essays and lectures.
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    On a hitherto unexploited extension of the finitary standpoint.Kurt Gödel - 1980 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 9 (2):133 - 142.
    P. Bernays has pointed out that, in order to prove the consistency of classical number theory, it is necessary to extend Hilbert's finitary standpoint by admitting certain abstract concepts in addition to the combinatorial concepts referring to symbols. The abstract concepts that so far have been used for this purpose are those of the constructive theory of ordinals and those of intuitionistic logic. It is shown that the concept of a computable function of finite simple type over the integers can (...)
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  17.  16
    O pewnych zasadniczych twierdzeniach dotyczących podstaw matematyki i wnioskach z nich płynących.Kurt Gödel - 2018 - Studia Semiotyczne 32 (2):9-32.
    Badania nad podstawami matematyki przyniosły w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach wyniki, które wydają mi się ciekawe nie tylko dla nich samych, lecz także z uwagi na wnioski, jakie płyną z nich w odniesieniu do tradycyjnych problemów filozoficznych dotyczących natury matematyki. Same wyniki są dość szeroko znane, mimo to jednak sądzę, że warto raz jeszcze przedstawić je w zarysie, zwłaszcza w obliczu faktu, że dzięki pracy szeregu matematyków zyskały one znacznie doskonalszą formę, niż miały pierwotnie. Największy postęp, mający decydujące znaczenie dla tych wyników, (...)
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  18. K. Gödel Collected Works.Kurt Gödel - 1953 - Oxford University Press: Oxford.
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  19.  73
    Philosophie I Maximen 0 / Philosophy I Maxims 0: Philosophische Notizbücher Band 1 / Philosophical Notebooks Volume 1.Kurt Gödel - 2019 - Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter.
    Over a period of 22 years (1934-1955), the mathematician Kurt Gödel wrote down a series of philosophical reflections, the so-called Philosophical Remarks (Max Phil). They have been handed down in 15 notebooks written in Gabelsberg shorthand. The first notebook contains general philosophical reflections. Notebooks two and three consist of Gödel's individual ethics. The notebooks that follow clearly show that Gödel had designed a philosophy of science in which he placed his discussions of physics, psychology, biology, mathematics, language, theology, and history (...)
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  20. La lógica matemática de Russell.Kurt Gödel - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):113-138.
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  21.  28
    Collected Works, Volume 1: Publications 1929-1936.Kurt Gödel - 1986 - Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.
    The initial volume of a comprehensive edition of Gödel's works, this book makes available for the first time in a single source all his publications from 1929 to 1936. The volume begins with an informative overview of Gödel's life and work and features facing English translations for all German originals, extensive explanatory and historical notes, and a complete biography. Volume 2 will contain the remainder of Gödel's published work, and subsequent volumes will include unpublished manuscripts, lectures, correspondence and extracts from (...)
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  22.  35
    Collected Works, Volume 2: Publications 1938-1974.Kurt Gödel - 1986 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Kurt Godel was the most outstanding logician of the 20th century. This second volume of Godel's works collects the remainder of his published work, covering the period 1938-1974. Each article or closely related group of articles is preceded by an introductory note that elucidates it and places it in its historical context.
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  23. On Undecidable Propositions of Formal Mathematical Systems .PostscriptumIntroductory Note to 1934.Martin Davis, Kurt Godel & Stephen C. Kleene - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):347.
  24. Collected Works. Vol. IV: Correspondence A-G. Vol. V: Correspondence H-Z.Kurt Gödel, Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson, Warren Goldfarb, Charles Parsons & Wilfried Sieg - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):165-166.
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  25.  25
    Kurt Godel Collected Works: Volume V: Correspondence, H-Z.Kurt Gödel - 2003 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Kurt Gödel was the most outstanding logician of the twentieth century, famous for his hallmark works on the completeness of logic, the incompleteness of number theory, and the consistency of the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis. He is also noted for his work on constructivity, the decision problem, and the foundations of computability theory, as well as for the strong individuality of his writings on the philosophy of mathematics. He is less well known for his discovery of unusual (...)
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  26.  62
    Les mathématiques sont-elles une syntaxe du langage?Kurt Gödel - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (1):3-.
    Nous publions sous ce titre la traduction française de l'essai philosophique de Kurt Gödel intitulé: «Is Mathematics Syntax of Language?» Inédit jusqu'à présent, l'original paraîtra dans le 3e volume des Collected Works de Gödel, dont la publication est imminente. Nous savons par Hao Wang que, le 15 mai 1953, Paul Arthur Schilpp avait invité Gödel à apporter sa contribution au volume consacré à Carnap dans The Library of Living Philosophers. Le manuscrit de Gödel «Carnap and the Ontology of Mathematics», devait (...)
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  27.  13
    Maximen Iii / Maxims Iii.Kurt Gödel - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    Der Mathematiker Kurt Gödel hat über einen Zeitraum von 22 Jahren philosophische Bemerkungen niedergeschrieben. Sie sind in 15 Notizbüchern in der Kurzschrift Gabelsberger überliefert. Das erste Heft enthält allgemeine philosophische Überlegungen, die Hefte zwei und drei bestehen aus Gödels Individualethik. Die dann folgenden zeigen, dass Gödel eine Wissenschaftsphilosophie entworfen hat, in der er seine Erörterungen zu Physik, Psychologie, Biologie, Mathematik, Sprache, Theologie und Geschichte in den Kontext einer Metaphysik stellt. Erstmals wird nun an der Kurt-Gödel-Forschungsstelle der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (...)
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    (1 other version)Maximen IV / Maxims IV.Kurt Gödel - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Der Mathematiker Kurt Gödel hat über einen Zeitraum von 22 Jahren (1934-1955) philosophische Bemerkungen, die so genannten Maximen Philosophie (Max Phil), niedergeschrieben. Sie sind in 15 Notizbüchern in der Kurzschrift Gabelsberger überliefert. Das erste Heft enthält allgemeine philosophische Überlegungen, die Hefte zwei und drei bestehen aus Gödels Individualethik. Die dann folgenden zeigen, dass Gödel eine Wissenschaftsphilosophie entworfen hat, in der er seine Erörterungen zu Physik, Psychologie, Biologie, Mathematik, Sprache, Theologie und Geschichte in den Kontext einer Metaphysik stellt. In Band 4 (...)
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  29. Philosophische Notizbücher, Band 1: Philosophie I Maximen 0 / Philosophical Notebooks, Volume 1: Philosophy I Maxims 0, edited by Eva-Maria Engelen, translated by Merlin Carl, Berlin (De Gruyter) 2019.Kurt Gödel (ed.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Over a period of 22 years (1934-1955), the mathematician Kurt Gödel wrote down a series of philosophical reflections, the so-called Philosophical Remarks (Max Phil). They have been handed down in 15 notebooks written in Gabelsberg shorthand. The first notebook contains general philosophical reflections. Notebooks two and three consist of Gödel's individual ethics. The notebooks that follow clearly show that Gödel had designed a philosophy of science in which he placed his discussions of physics, psychology, biology, mathematics, language, theology, and history (...)
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  30. Philosophische Notizbücher, Band 2: Zeiteinteilung (Maximen) I und II / Philosophical Notebooks, Volume 2: Time Management (Maxims) I and II, edited by Eva-Maria Engelen, translated by Merlin Carl, Berlin (De Gruyter) 2020.Kurt Gödel (ed.) - 2020 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Volume 2 contains both notebooks of "Time Management (Max) I and II" and thereby Gödel’s applied individual ethics, which he received among others through his teacher Heinrich Gomperz. Gödel thus incorporates the ethical ideal of self-perfection into his opus. The volume is prefaced by an introduction to relevant considerations from the ethics of the Stoics as well as ancient dietetics, which provide the philosophical background to understand Gödel’s approach. In addition, editor Eva-Maria Engelen presents how this fits into the context (...)
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  31. Una observación sobre la relación entre la teoría de la relatividad y la filosofía idealista.Kurt Gödel - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):103-108.
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  32. Unpublished Philosophical Essays.Kurt Gödel & F. Rodríguez-Consuegra - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):503-504.
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  33. Kurt Godel.Kurt Godel - 2004 - In Julian Baggini & Jeremy Stangroom (eds.), Great thinkers A-Z. New York: Continuum. pp. 105.
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    Review of Skolem's Über die Unmöglichkeit Einer Vollständigen Charakterisierung der Zahlenreihe Mittels Eines Endlichen Axiomensystems. [REVIEW]John Dawson, Kurt Godel & Robert Vaught - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):347-348.
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