Results for 'intercultural studies'

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  1.  21
    Reason and Dialogue: My Road to Intercultural Studies.Fred Dallmayr - 2017 - Journal of World Philosophies 2 (2):157-161.
    In general terms, the preference for dialogue and mutual understanding was present in all my intercultural studies—starting with the German-French encounter in my youth. My forays into different cultures and religions were never prompted by idle touristic curiosity nor by scholastic pedantry, but by a practical impulse: to find out how—coming from very diverse backgrounds—people can yet live peacefully and justly in this world. In this short essay, I reflect about my journey through philosophy in a global setting.
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    The paths of symbolic knowledge: occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies, presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies.Paul Bishop & Roger H. Stephenson (eds.) - 2006 - Leeds, UK: Maney.
    The famous story of the choice of Hercules became one frequently depicted in Western art and, as Ernst Panofsky showed, the various treatments of this theme demonstrate the significance of cultural continuity through the centuries. At the same time, the motif of Hercules and his choice presents us with a challenge to current theoretical approaches to culture. We can either take the easy path and accept the current hermeneutic orthodoxies of popular cultural studies, or we can choose a harder (...)
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    Cultural studies and the symbolic: occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural theory studies, presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies.Paul Bishop & Roger H. Stephenson (eds.) - 2003 - Leeds, U.K.: Northern Universities Press.
    Occasional Papers in Cassirer and Cultural-Theory Studies presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies. Given the growing disenchantment, on all sides, with the 'high theory' of the 1970s and 1980s, and with the dominant master-trope of literary and cultural reflexion of the 1980s and 1990s, the extended metaphor or 'allegory', this volume offers a timely re-examination of what, according to Goethe, is a deeper mode of understanding the symbol. Via the life-long preoccupation of Ernst (...)
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  4. The Persistence of Myth as Symbolic Form : Proceedings of an International Conference Held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005/.P. Bishop (ed.) - 2008
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  5. Paul Bishop and RH Stephenson, eds., Cultural Studies and the Symbolic: Occasional Papers in Cassirer and Cultural-Theory Studies, Presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies Reviewed by.Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (1):10-12.
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    Correlational study on cyberbullying and social abilities in intercultural teenagers.María Tomé-Fernández, José Manuel Ortiz-Marcos & Christian Fernández-Leyva - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article analyzes the relationship between cyberbullying profile by racist reasons and social abilities in a group of intercultural teenagers living in Spain. The study includes participants aged between 12 and 16 years old. Of these, 738 were male and 740 were female. A correlational study was carried out using online tools with suitable psychometrics parameters. The first one was a scale that measured social abilities, and the second one evaluated racist or xenophobic cyberbullying, differentiating the victim and aggressor (...)
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    Enhancing intercultural competence of German medical students through innovative teaching on medical ethics with a focus on Muslim patients – a pilot study.Aysun Tekbaş, Arian Mauntel, Thomas Lehmann, Hans-Michael Tautenhahn, Utz Settmacher, Teresa Festl-Wietek & Anne Herrmann-Werner - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background Effective healthcare delivery in today's diverse society necessitates healthcare providers' adeptness in navigating cultural and religious nuances in patient care. However, the integration of cultural competence training into medical education remains inadequate, particularly concerning the care of Muslim patients. In response, we introduce a novel educational intervention aimed at enhancing intercultural proficiency among medical students, emphasizing care for Muslim patients. Methods The intervention comprised interactive seminars and simulated patient sessions. With a bespoke and the Cross-Cultural Competence of Healthcare (...)
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    Interculturality as a source of organisational positivity in expatriate work teams: An exploratory study.Alexandre Anatolievich Bachkirov - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):391-405.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Japanese intercultural communication hindrances in business environment: Case studies with Polish counterparts.Hiroki Nukui - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (2):163-181.
    Japan has been facing with paradigm shift necessity in terms of the demographic structure, globalizing business and technology revolution, and as its consequence, also with deficiency of human resources with global literacy. The Japanese government has established a new strategy aiming to develop and foster “Global Human Resources” with high language and communication skills capable for international operations. Analyses of the literature on Japanese sociocultural behavioral characteristics and empirical case studies carried out in Poland with pragmatics approach in this (...)
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    Intercultural Competence in EMP Training: A Case Study and Implications for Syllabus Design.Agnieszka Dudzik & Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 49 (1):55-71.
    Due to the development of global economy and increased geographical and occupational mobility, communication with people from multicultural backgrounds has become commonplace in many healthcare institutions. As the demographic profiles of both patients and medical personnel are increasingly varied, intercultural competence has become an integral component of English for Medical Purposes training. However, are medical students generally familiar with the notion of intercultural competence? What intercultural aspects should they be aware of in order to practise effectively when (...)
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    The persistence of myth as symbolic form: proceedings of an international conference held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005.Paul Bishop & Roger H. Stephenson (eds.) - 2008 - Leeds, UK: Maney.
    'Myth has not been really vanquished and subjugated. It is always there, lurking in the dark and waiting for its hour and opportunity' Ernst Cassirer, The Myth of the StateAs a central part of his philosophy of symbolic forms as a form of religious expression, and as a political problematic the question of myth belongs at the heart of Ernst Cassirer's intellectual enterprise. Using a variety of methodological and conceptual approaches, these papers examine the persistence of myth as a symbolic (...)
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    Distrust and patients in intercultural healthcare: A qualitative interview study.Lise-Merete Alpers - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (3):313-323.
    Background: The importance of trust between patients and healthcare personnel is emphasised in nurses’ and physicians’ ethical codes. Trust is crucial for an effective healthcare personnel–patient relationship and thus for treatment and treatment outcomes. Cultural and linguistic differences may make building a trusting and positive relationship with ethnic minority patients particularly challenging. Although there is a great deal of research on cultural competence, there is a conspicuous lack of focus on the concepts of trust and distrust concerning ethnic minority patients, (...)
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    Teacher cognition in teaching intercultural communicative competence: A qualitative study on preservice Chinese language teachers in Hong Kong SAR, China.Yang Frank Gong, Chun Lai, Xuesong Gao, Guofang Li, Yingxue Huang & Lin Lin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study is to examine preservice Chinese language teachers’ cognition in teaching intercultural communicative competence. In the study we collected data through in-depth interviews with seven preservice teachers in a Master of Education program at a university in Hong Kong SAR, China. The findings indicated that the participants had a relatively positive attitude and inclination toward the development of students’ intercultural communicative competence, while their conceptualizations of culture tended to be static and ambiguous. In addition, (...)
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  14. Hubungan antara intercultural sensitivity (ics) Dengan motivasi kerja (studi pada pt X).Nia Kumala, M. Nisfiannoor & Yohanes Budiarto - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (2).
    The aim of this research is to examine association between intercultural sensitivity with job motivation in PT. Staedtler Indonesia. Participant in this study (N = 55) were employed as a staff at PT Staedtler Indonesia a years at least. Questionnaire of intercultural sensitivity and job motivation was used to collect the data. Data was analyzed use Pearson product Moment in SPSS 16.00. The result shows that rxy (55) = 0,282 and p = 0,037 < 0,05, means that there (...)
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    Aeizōon to amaranton. Intercultural Collaboration in a Late Byzantine Nature Study.Andrew Griebeler - 2019 - Convivium 6 (2):16-29.
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    Psychological Violence and Interculturality: A Correlational Study of Psychological Violence and Ethnic Identification at the Universidad Técnica del Norte-Ibarra.Elmer Meneses-Salazar, Pablo Buitrón-Jácome, Marco Hernández-Martínez, Sandra Elizabeth Álvarez Ramos, Oscar Vladimir Garrido-Rocha, Jorge-Elías Rivadeneira & Alexandra Mina - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:717-732.
    This study aimed to identify the level of psychological violence in ethnic relationships among students of the National Academic Leveling System (SNNA, derived from Spanish) at Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN). The research is quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational due to the interaction observed between the variables associated with psychological violence and ethnic identification. A survey of 12 Likert-type questions was applied to students aged 17 years and older, encompassing both men and women representing different ethnicities. The sampling approach was probabilistic (...)
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  17. The Discursive Construction of Intercultural Understanding in China: A Case Study of an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Intercultural Health Practices: Towards an Equal Recognition Between Indigenous Medicine and Biomedicine? A Case Study from Chile. [REVIEW]Maria Costanza Torri - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (1):31-49.
    Over the past few years, intercultural health has become an emerging issue in health policy. Intercultural health is an approach in health that aims at reducing the gap between indigenous and western health systems, on the basis of mutual respect and equal recognition of these knowledge systems. This article questions the applicability of such a concept in the context of Chile. Here, conflicting interests between the Mapuche and the Chilean state are related to aspects of economic development, modernity (...)
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    Intercultural Pragmatics.Istvan Kecskes - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Intercultural Pragmatics studies how language systems are used in social encounters between speakers who have different first languages and cultures, yet communicate in a common language. The field first emerged in the early 21st century, joining two seemingly antagonistic approaches to pragmatics research: the cognitive-philosophical approach, which considers intention as an a priori mental state of the speaker, and the sociocultural-interactional approach, which considers it as a post factum construct created by both speaker and hearer though conversation. Istvan (...)
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    Locating ‘Contextual Bible Study’ within biblical liberation hermeneutics and intercultural biblical hermeneutics.Gerald O. West - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    The Lost Key: A Study in Intercultural Symbology.Martha Pingel - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 6:373-387.
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  22. Papers in Intercultural Philosophy and Transcontinental Comparative Studies.Pius Mosima (ed.) - 2018
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    Intercultural constructions of the New Testament: Epistemological foundations.Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):8.
    The present study discusses epistemological foundations of intercultural constructions of the New Testament in Africa. Before embarking on this discussion, it documents the history and procedures of this interpretive tool. In Africa, the intercultural method emanates from the paradigm of inculturation coupled with reconstruction. It has already embraced biblical exegesis, translation studies, canonical criticism and ecological hermeneutics. Contribution: The insights of the article ‘Intercultural constructions of the New Testament: Epistemological foundations’ pertain firstly to the description of (...)
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  24.  17
    (1 other version)Intercultural information ethics: foundations and applications.Rafael Capurro - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (2):116-126.
    – This paper aims to examine the present status of the research field intercultural information ethics including the foundational debate as well as specific issues., – A critical overview of the recent literature of the field is given., – The present IIE debate focuses on a narrow view of the field leaving aside comparative studies with non‐digital media as well as with other epochs and cultures. There is an emphasis on the question of privacy but other issues such (...)
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    Semiosis of intercultural cooking: The nineteenth century travel literature as a case study.Mohamed Bernoussi - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (211):45-57.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Teaching intercultural competence: Dialogue, cognition and position in Luke 10:25-37.Erastus Sabdono, Erni M. C. Efruan, Morris P. Takaliuang, Leryani M. M. Manuain & Zummy A. Dami - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    This research aimed to know the intercultural competency teaching model of Jesus using a parable technique based on Luke 10:25-37 to improve intercultural competence. The authors used a method of diacognitive analysis with three lenses that include dialogue, cognition and position. The results of the study have shown that the application of the parable technique can improve the competence of intercultural students towards people with different cultures, as well as increase the understanding and awareness that love is (...)
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    Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh.Kwok-Ying Lau - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book approaches the topic of intercultural understanding in philosophy from a phenomenological perspective. It provides a bridge between Western and Eastern philosophy through in-depth discussion of concepts and doctrines of phenomenology and ancient and contemporary Chinese philosophy. Phenomenological readings of Daoist and Buddhist philosophies are provided: the reader will find a study of theoretical and methodological issues and innovative readings of traditional Chinese and Indian philosophies from the phenomenological perspective. The author uses a descriptive rigor to avoid cultural (...)
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    Contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation as schemes of power relations.Benson O. Igboin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):1-11.
    Western imperialism and colonialism have tremendously affected the epistemological conception of Africa and Africans. In the same vein, early missionaries did not countenance the cosmologies and lived experiences of the Africans in their interpretation and application of the Bible. On the contrary, they imposed Western epistemologies and theological images on Africa. Although much work has been carried out in these areas, little attention has been devoted to how contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation are exercised in power struggles: the power to define (...)
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    Contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation as schemes of power relations.Benson O. Igboin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):11.
    Western imperialism and colonialism have tremendously affected the epistemological conception of Africa and Africans. In the same vein, early missionaries did not countenance the cosmologies and lived experiences of the Africans in their interpretation and application of the Bible. On the contrary, they imposed Western epistemologies and theological images on Africa. Although much work has been carried out in these areas, little attention has been devoted to how contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation are exercised in power struggles: the power to define (...)
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  30. Interculturality of philosophy and religion.Gregory D'Souza (ed.) - 1996 - Bangalore: National Biblical Catechetical & Liturgical Centre.
    Contributed research papers presented at a seminar organized by Dept. of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Christianity, University of Mysore, India in collaboration with the Society of Intercultural Philosophy, Koeln, Germany in Oct. 1994.
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    Interacting With Competence: A Validation Study of the Self-Efficacy in Intercultural Communication Scale-Short Form.Russell S. Kabir & Aaron C. Sponseller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Self-efficacy as applied to language learning encompasses the belief in one’s ability to obtain mastery in a sought-after domain of linguistic competence by committing to goals and maintaining acquired skills. Intercultural communication and effectiveness are of interest to the professional and personal language goals of learners as their progress depends upon a strong motivation to put practical language skills to use when the real-world requires it. Studying or working abroad and engaging in intercultural training are two such contexts (...)
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    Confluences intercultural journeying in research and teaching: from hermeneutics to a changing world order.David Geoffrey Smith - 2019 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    In this book, Canadian scholar David Geoffrey Smith reflects on over thirty years of research and teaching in the human sciences, including education. Written between 1986 and 2018, the essays are organized around three themes: Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences; The Poststructuralist Turn; Globalization and Its Discontents; East/West Encounters and the Search for Wisdom. As a historical guide through the defining discourses in the human sciences, this volume could well serve as an introductory text for graduate students in education and (...)
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    Towards Intercultural Philosophy of Education.Heesoon Bai, Claudia Eppert, Charles Scott, Saskia Tait & Tram Nguyen - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):635-649.
    In this paper, we propose an understanding of philosophy of education as cultural and intercultural work and philosophers of education as cultural and intercultural workers. In our view, the discipline of philosophy of education in North America is currently suffering from measures of insularity and singularity. It is vital that we justly and respectfully engage with and expand our knowledge and understanding of sets of conceptual and life-practice resources, and honor and learn from diverse histories, cultures, and traditions. (...)
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    Towards Intercultural Philosophy of Education.Michael A. Peters & Gert Biesta - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):635-649.
    In this paper, we propose an understanding of philosophy of education as cultural and intercultural work and philosophers of education as cultural and intercultural workers. In our view, the discipline of philosophy of education in North America is currently suffering from measures of insularity and singularity. It is vital that we justly and respectfully engage with and expand our knowledge and understanding of sets of conceptual and life-practice resources, and honor and learn from diverse histories, cultures, and traditions. (...)
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  35. Reconceptualizing The Ethical Guidelines for Mental Health Apps: Values From Feminism, Disability Studies, and Intercultural Ethics.Matthew Dennis, Lily E. Frank, Arthur Bran Herbener, Michał Klincewicz, Malene Flensborg Damholdt, Anna Puzio, Katherine Bassil, Jessica Stone, Philip Schneidenbach, Shriya Das, Ella Thomas & Mat Rawsthorne - 2024 - IEEE Xplore:1-33.
    Existing ethical guidelines that aim to guide the development of mental health apps tend to overemphasize the role of Western conceptual frameworks. While such frameworks have proved to be a useful first step in introducing ethics to a previously unregulated industry, the rapid global uptake of mental health apps requires thinking more deeply about the diverse populations these apps seek to serve. One way to do this is to introduce more intercultural ethical perspectives into app design and the guidelines (...)
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    An Intercultural Nursing Perspective on Autonomy.Ingrid Hanssen - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (1):28-41.
    This article is based on an empirical study regarding ethical challenges in intercultural nursing. The focus is on autonomy and disclosure. Autonomy is a human capacity that has become an important ethical principle in nursing. Although the relationship between autonomy and patients’ possibly harmful choices is discussed, the focus is on ‘forced’ autonomy. Nurses seem to equate respect with autonomy; it seems to be hard to cope with the fact that there are patients who voluntarily undergo treatment but who (...)
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    A consideration of the dimensions of servant leadership in intercultural contexts: a focal case study of a UK executive in Japan.Ashok Ashta & Peter Stokes - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):347-368.
    A range of emergent studies have explored the idea of a renewed human-centered society, termed “Society 5.0,” and the role therein, of servant leadership. In this regard, in East Asian cultural contexts, existing scholarship does not yet provide sufficient theoretical and practical guidance for intercultural contexts, such as when a predominantly individualistic UK business culture interacts with generally collectivist Japanese culture. This is an important gap because if Society 5.0 is to be realized then a more in-depth (...) contextual appreciation and understanding are required. The study examines the UK/Japan setting and adopts a social constructivist epistemology and case study approach to illustrate dimensions of servant leadership (DSLs) manifesting in the lived experience of a UK business leader in Japan. Connections to business leader training are drawn and the importance of intercultural dyad specificity is highlighted. The study is also important because recent widespread exposure of various global corporate scandals creates a view that many business leaders care only for themselves or organizational profits, especially in individualistic-orientated societies. This original case study research herein commences the process of developing detailed and focal studies on underpinning drivers and raises hope that ethical behavior, as comprised in the DSLs, can potentially manifest in an individualistic UK/collectivist Japan intercultural dyad context. (shrink)
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    Intercultural Interpretative Difficulties of Modern Chinese Intellectual Development: A Hermeneutical View.Matthew M. Chew - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (2):P34.
    This study is constituted by three components. The first will examine how Chinese scholars and Western sinologists have characterized modern Chinese intellectual history and what directions they have proposed for future intellectual development in China. The second section will construct a hermeneutic model of intercultural understanding and discuss its implications for the evaluation of modern Chinese intellectual development. I will show that an understanding of modern Chinese intellectual development in hermeneutical terms can circumventing many of the entrenched and misleading (...)
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    Philosophy and Intercultural Communication: The Phenomenon of a Human Being in the Confucian Tradition.T. V. Danylova - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:146-158.
    _Purpose._ This paper aims to investigate the phenomenon of a human being within the Confucian tradition as well as its interpretations from intercultural perspective. _Theoretical basis._ One of the ways to understand the deepest level of the intercultural dialogue is to reveal the interpretations of a human being in philosophical traditions, since they refer to the formation of personality and identity within a given culture including interpersonal, intergroup, and intercultural relations. Humanism based on the unity of Human (...)
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    Intercultural aspects of the speech act of promising from a relevance theoretic point of view.Regina Blass - 2012 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 8 (1):131-154.
    This study on the Speech Act of Promising builds on an article by Egner which claims that in many African Societies a promise is most often made not to be committed to its content but to be polite and save one's own or the addressee's face. While Egner opts for a Speech Act Theory approach to explain the phenomenon and comes to the conclusion that the speech act of promising may occur minus commitment, thus refuting the standard SAT claim, I (...)
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    Intercultural communication in child and family health: insights from postcolonial feminist scholarship and three‐body analysis.Julian Grant & Yoni Luxford - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (4):309-319.
    Concerns about intercultural communication practices in child and family health were raised during a South Australian ethnographic study. The family partnership model was observed as a universal pedagogic tool introduced into the host organisation in 2003. It has a role in shaping and reshaping cultural production within child health practice. In this study, we draw on insights from postcolonial feminist scholarship together with three‐body analysis to critique the theoretical canons of care that inform intercultural communication in the child (...)
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    On the Way to Intercultural Philosophy.Marietta Stepanyants - 2016 - In Stepanyants Marietta (ed.). pp. 240-256.
    In this autobiographical essay, I will sketch some events which have played a significant role in my intellectual biography. I began my career with a study of Islamic thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries before turning towards a study of Sufism. The exchanges, which took place with colleagues during conferences conducted by the East-West Philosophers’ Conferences, proved to be crucial for my further philosophical development. My current philosophizing is marked by a turn towards intercultural philosophy. In many ways, (...)
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    Intercultural parallax: Comparative modeling, ethnic taxonomy, and the dynamic object.Jamin Pelkey - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (232):147-185.
    Comparative modeling is necessary for semiotic inquiry. To better theorize such pursuits, a reflexive turn is in order: comparative modeling needs comparative modeling. In search of experientially grounded analogies better suited for understanding, validating, scrutinizing, and accounting for the situation of the semiotic inquirer, this paper applies insights from Peircean process semiotics and Göran Sonesson’s extended theory of cultural semiotics toward two ends: one theoretical, the other applied. First, I undertake a critical review of recent scholarly and creative works that (...)
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    Horion & Co. Greek Hybrid Names and their Value for the Study of Intercultural Contacts in Graeco-Roman Egypt.Nico Dogaer & Mark Depauw - 2017 - História 66 (2):193-215.
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    Contextual Bible reading and intercultural Bible reading: Four Colombian experiences.Edgar A. López - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    Contextual Bible Reading (CBR) and Intercultural Bible Reading (IBR) have enabled the cooperation between socially engaged scholars and marginalised groups to find new resources in biblical texts to interpret their contexts and fight against the surrounding violence. As the use of these two methods has not been the object of a comparative study based on concrete experiences, this article presents them through four cases of Christian communities in Colombia. This comparative study not only illustrates the differences between these two (...)
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    Intercultural criticism of spiritual warfare.Victor L. Budha - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (3).
    The text of Ephesians 6:10–20 reframes the sectors of what we know as ‘spiritual warfare’ to tackle demons that menace and disturb people’s daily life. Reading this text from an African perspective helps to understand the text as well as believers in Africa to efficiently use the proposed weapons.Contribution: An approach such as an intercultural criticism with the aid of a four-legged stool model in this research proved to be appropriate.
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    Heinz Kimmerle’s intercultural philosophy and the quest for epistemic justice.Renate Schepen & Anke Graness - 2020 - Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa 15 (1).
    Since the 1990s epistemic justice has been a central issue of post-colonial and feminist studies. But only during the last decade the term has become paradigmatic and new aspects of the issue have been addressed – particularly because of the works of De Sousa Santos and Fricker. One of the pioneers of an intercultural approach to philosophy is the German philosopher Heinz Kimmerle, who in the 1980s began to focus his research on African philosophies. Intercultural philosophy aimed (...)
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    Kimmerle's intercultural philosophy and beyond: the ongoing quest for epistemic justice.Renate Schepen - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book offers a concise overview of the development of intercultural philosophy since the early 1990s, focusing on one of its key pioneers Heinz Kimmerle (1930-2016). Building on influences from Gadamer, Heidegger and Derrida, Kimmerle's approach to intercultural philosophy is radical and fosters epistemic justice. Kimmerle critically reflected on his own western philosophical tradition, highlighting the problems of a discourse based on a dominant concept of rationality, and of excluding different approaches and participants. Instead, Kimmerle developed an alternative (...)
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  49. "Revisiting the Debate between Cassirer and Heidegger in Davos: Imagination, Finiteness and Morals”, Kyōto in Davos (Leiden: Brill), “Studies in Intercultural Philosophy”, 37-70.Michel Dalissier - 2023 - In Tobias Endres, Ralf Müller & Domenico Schneider (eds.), Kyoto in Davos: Intercultural Readings of the Cassirer-Heidegger Debate. Boston: Brill.
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    Intercultural and Inter-confessional Relations in a Romanian Countryside.Daniela Serban, Constantin Mitrut, Silvia-Elena Cristache, Dana Epure & Simona Vasilache - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (20):80-106.
    This paper addresses the question of ethnic entrepreneurship in relation to religious identity and multiculturalism in civil society and proposes a spotlight on Turkish entrepreneurs in Romania, as a relevant example of the benefits of increasing cultural diversity and opportunities to learn from different cultures and traditions. It aims at empirically investigating whether the distinct ethnic features of Turkish entrepreneurs, especially their religion, influence their business performance in Romania and their integration in the host country’s civil society. The information for (...)
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