Results for 'intepretation'

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  1. Language and Intepretation: Philosophical Reflections and Empirical Inquiry.Noam Chomsky - 2000 - In New horizons in the study of language and mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 46--74.
  2. The Ethics of Intepretation in Political Theory and Intellectual History.Michael L. Frazer - 2019 - The Review of Politics 81 (1):77-99.
    Scholars studying classic political texts face an important decision: Should these texts be read as artifacts of history or as sources for still-valid insights about politics today? Competing historical and “presentist” approaches to political thought do not have a methodological dispute—that is, a disagreement about the most effective scholarly means to an agreed-upon end. They instead have an ethical dispute about the respective value of competing activities that aim at different purposes. This article examines six ethical arguments, drawn primarily from (...)
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    Dogmatics as the fist intepretation of the religious sense in the philosophy of religion of F.D.E. Schleiemacher.A. V. Belyaeva - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):260-268.
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    Gödel's Intepretation of Heyting's Arithmetic.Georg Kreisel, G. Kreisel & A. Heyting - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):169-171.
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    Kreisel G.. Gödel's intepretation of Heyting's arithmetic. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957, 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, pp. 125–133.Kreisel G.. Relations between classes of constructive functional. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957, 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, pp. 292–302.Kreisel Georg. Interpretation of analysis by means of constructive functional of finite types. Constructivity in mathematics, Proceedings of the colloquium held at Amsterdam, 1957, edited by Heyting A., Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1959, pp. 101–128. [REVIEW]D. van Dalen - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):169-171.
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    Aurel Codoban: despre comprehensiune şi reflecţie critică/ Aurel Codoban: On Comprehension and Critical Reflection.Stefan Afloroaei - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (21):112-119.
    In the following pages I intend to bring to attention the way in which the concrete effort of comprehension (as sensitive yet lucid grasping of a state of affairs) becomes critical reflection. I am constantly referring to several of Aurel Codoban’swritings, using as a departure point his 2001 book, Sign and intepretation. A postmodern introduction in semiotics and hermeneutics, whose pages might serve as a good guide for such a discussion. I remark than that criticalreflection manifests in several ways: (...)
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  7. Motive and Rightness in Kant's Ethical System.Mark Timmons - 2002 - In Kant's Metaphysics of morals: interpetative essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Some contemporary intepreters of Kant maintain that on Kant's view fulfilling duties of virtue require doing so from the motive of duty. I argue that there are interpretive and doctinal reasons for rejecting this interpretation. However, I argue that for Kant motives can be deontically relevant; one's motives can affect the deontic status of actions.
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  8. Semantic interpretation in generative grammar.Ray Jackendoff - 1972 - Cambridge, Mass.,: MIT Press.
    A study of the contribution semantics makes to the syntactic patterns of English: an intepretive theory of grammar.
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    Spacetime and Physical Equivalence.Sebastian De Haro - unknown
    In this essay I begin to lay out a conceptual scheme for: analysing dualities as cases of theoretical equivalence; assessing when cases of theoretical equivalence are also cases of physical equivalence. The scheme is applied to gauge/gravity dualities. I expound what I argue to be their contribution to questions about: the nature of spacetime in quantum gravity; broader philosophical and physical discussions of spacetime. - proceed by analysing duality through four contrasts. A duality will be a suitable isomorphism between models: (...)
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  10. Philosophy and Interpretations of Quantum Non-Locality.Michele Caponigro - manuscript
    In this brief paper, we argue about some epistemological positions about quantum non-locality.
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  11. Os seis requisitos das premissas da demonstração científica em Aristóteles.Lucas Angioni - 2012 - Manuscrito 35 (1):7-60.
    I discuss in this paper the six requirements Aristotle advances at Posterior Analytics A-2, 71b20-33, for the premisses of a scientific demonstration. I argue that the six requirements give no support for an intepretation in terms of “axiomatization”. Quite on the contrary, the six requirements can be consistently understood in a very different picture, according to which the most basic feature of a scientific demonstration is to explain a given proposition by its appropriate cause.
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    The small‐is‐very‐small principle.Albert Visser - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (4):453-478.
    The central result of this paper is the small‐is‐very‐small principle for restricted sequential theories. The principle says roughly that whenever the given theory shows that a definable property has a small witness, i.e., a witness in a sufficiently small definable cut, then it shows that the property has a very small witness: i.e., a witness below a given standard number. Which cuts are sufficiently small will depend on the complexity of the formula defining the property. We draw various consequences from (...)
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    Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill on Sexual Equality: Historical, Methodological and Philosophical Issues.Vincent Guillin - 2009 - Brill.
    Drawing on a detailed analysis of their correspondence, this books offers a new intepretation of the relation between Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill, which focuses on their controvery over sexual equality.
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    The Skopos Assumption: Its Justification and Function in the Neoplatonic Commentaries on Plato.Dirk Baltzly - 2017 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 11 (2):173-195.
    _ Source: _Volume 11, Issue 2, pp 173 - 195 This paper examines the role of the theme in Neoplatonic interpretive practice, particularly with respect to Platonic dialogues. The belief that every dialogue has a single _skopos_ and that every aspect of the dialogue can be seen as subserving that _skopos_ is one of the most distinctive of the Neoplatonists’ intepretive principles. 1 It is also the one that is most directly responsible for the forced and artificial character of their (...)
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    Artistic Detachment in Japan and the West: Psychic Distance in Comparative Aesthetics.Steve Odin - 2001 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Artistic Detachment in Japan and the West takes up the notion of artistic detachment, or psychic distance, as an intercultural motif for East-West comparative aesthetics. The work begins with an overview of aesthetic theory in the West from the eighteenth-century empiricists to contemporary aesthetics and concludes with a survey of various critiques of psychic distance. Throughout, the author takes a highly innovative approach by juxtaposing Western aesthetic theory against Eastern aesthetic theory. Weaving between cultures and time periods, the author focuses (...)
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  16. Understanding madness?Simon J. Evnine - 1989 - Ratio 2 (1):1-18.
    The paper contrasts two ways of understanding the apparently strange assertions of mad persons, finds them both problematic, and proposes an alternative. The first approach, exemplified by R.D. Laing, is to suppose that the beliefs of the mad person are ordinary but expressed in terms that make them appear irrational. The other approach, advocated by Silvano Arieti, is to take the words at face value but to attribute to the mad person a kind of deviant logic. I suggest, on the (...)
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    How to solve the measurement problem of quantum mechanics.Jeffrey Bub - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (7):701-722.
    A solution to the measurement problem of quantum mechanics is proposed within the framework of an intepretation according to which only quantum systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom have determinate properties, i.e., determinate values for (some) observables of the theory. The important feature of the infinite case is the existence of many inequivalent irreducible Hilbert space representations of the algebra of observables, which leads, in effect, to a restriction on the superposition principle, and hence the possibility (...)
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  18. David Stove (1927-1994), Sydney philosopher and master of argument: life and work.James Franklin - 2021 - Sydney Realist 43:1-8.
    David Stove was a philosopher strong on argument and polemic. His work on the logical intepretation of probability led to a defence of induction in The Rationality of Induction (1986). It resulted too in his denunciation of Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyeraband as irrationalists because of their "deductivism" (the thesis that the only logic is deductive logic). Stove also defended controversial views on the intelligence of women and on Darwinism. The article surveys his life and work.
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    Naturaleza y substancia: el caso de los artefactos en la Metafísica de Aristóteles.José Edgar González Varela - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):185-215.
    Aristóteles parece negar el estatuto ontológico de los artefactos que no serían sustancias. Se analizan los textos básicos al respecto y sus principales interpretaciones. Se discute la opinión de R. Katayama, para mostrar que acierta en remarcar la importancia de la separabilidad de los compuestos, pero se equivoca en la noción de separación. Se sostiene que las formas no son separables de sus compuestos tanto naturales como artefactos, pero los primeros poseen un tipo de separación de otras formas o especies (...)
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    Metafizyczne implikacje fizyki kwantowej (przeł. Elżbieta Drozdowska).Tim Maudlin & Elżbieta Drozdowska - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):407-439.
    Translated here into Polish is Tim Maudlin’s “Distilling Metaphysics from Quantum Physics,” which is a chapter of The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics. The author discusses six important metaphysical issues on which quantum physics sheds new light. He shows how differently each of the three main intepretations of quantum theory (von Neumann’s and GRW collapse theory, Bohm’s hidden variable theory, and Everett’s many-worlds theory) views each of them. The issues discussed are determinism, determinateness, the role of the observer, uncertainty and complementarity, (...)
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    Jewish Sources in Picoʼs Concept of “Dignitas Hominis”: An Outline of the Problem.Jan Herufek - 2023 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 18 (1):7-27.
    The paper deals with Pico’s conception of man, especially with regard to his use of Jewish sources. This is mostly apparent in Pico’s works Oratio (1486), Conclusiones (1486) and Heptaplus (1488/89). Firstly, we point out his collaboration with Flavius Mithridates, who was Pico’s Hebrew teacher and an intepreter of some Jewish mystical texts (Gersonides, Nahmanides, Recanati). Secondly, we emphasize that at the same time Pico was in contact with another Jewish scholar Yohanan Alemanno as well. For this reason, modern interpreters (...)
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    A fixed point theory over stratified truth.Andrea Cantini - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):380-394.
    We present a theory of stratified truth with a μ‐operator, where terms representing fixed points of stratified monotone operations are available. We prove that is relatively intepretable into Quine's (or subsystems thereof). The motivation is to investigate a strong theory of truth, which is consistent by means of stratification, i.e., by adopting an implicit type theoretic discipline, and yet is compatible with self‐reference (to a certain extent). The present version of is an enhancement of the theory presented in [2].
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  23. Wittgenstein, Davidson, and the methodology of interpretation.Jim Hopkins - unknown
    This is a longer version of the paper published as 'Wittgenstein, Davidson, and Radical Interpretation. In everyday life we understand one another's utterances and actions, and hence interpret one another's linguistic and non-linguistic behaviour, with remarkable certainty, precision, and accuracy; and understanding of this kind seems basic to much else. Our interactions with others are mediated by interpretation of their actions, including speech; and much of what we regard ourselves as knowing is registered in language, or understood through our use (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Illustration of the Art of Exegesis.Christopher Janaway - 2002 - European Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):251-268.
    The paper argues on the basis of internal textual evidence that Nietzsche's statement that Essay 3 of On the Genealogy of Morality illustrates an aphorism has hitherto been misinterpreted. The aphorism in question is Section 1 of Essay 3 (which was in fact inserted a late stage of publication); the remainder of Essay 3 is the commentary on it. Those interpreters who have taken the short epigram concerning 'wisdom as a woman' to be the aphorism on which Essay 3 is (...)
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  25. Post-Holocaust: Interpretation, Misinterpretation, and the Claims of History.Berel Lang - 2005 - Indiana University Press.
    "These essays are extremely well written, with the clarity and accessibility that one has come to expect from Berel Lang, one of the most respected and significant philosophers writing about the Holocaust and its impact." —Michael L. Morgan In these trenchant essays, philosopher Berel Lang examines post-Holocaust intepretations—and misinterpretations—showing the ways in which rhetoric and ideology have affected historical discourse about the Holocaust and how these accounts can be deconstructed. Why didn’t the Jews resist? How could the Germans have done (...)
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    II—Kantian Benevolence.Erasmus Mayr - 2018 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 92 (1):225-245.
    Kantians may be unable to derive all of benevolence from reverence for rational agency, but the remaining lacuna is not as extensive as Arpaly thinks. For while we should take seriously Kantian worries about separating benevolence from reverence, a considerable part of benevolence can be explained in terms of reverence for rational agency on a plausible intepretation of the latter. Furthermore, Kantians have an irreducible role for benevolence within their ethics, which is different from the role of a self-standing (...)
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    Platón, la "República" y el anarquismo: Sobre el significado político del símil de la línea.Felipe Ledesma - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 35:141-181.
    This paper tries to undertake one more time the well-know image of the divided line to take out its political meaning by situating it in its context: a dialogue in which the justice is inquired. But it has at once the intention to intepret the question: what is justice? Not only as a moral or political question, but also as ontological, the question for that that makes posible every delimitation and every discernment. The place where both topics converge is the (...)
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  28. Explicação Científica em Descartes: O Papel da Experiência.Pedro Pricladnitzky - 2019 - Modernos and Contemporaneos 3 (7).
    The aim of this paper is to analyze some conceptual elements that compose the strucutre of scientific thinking in Descartes, specifically, the relations between theoretical principles and experience. An examination of the ways by which the author presents and sustains a model of a priori science that utilizes empirical cognitions is proposed. This investigation will lead to an intepretation that defends that science for Descartes is not a purely intellectual activity, empirical hypothesis and suppositions have an essential role on (...)
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    Economic imperatives and ethical values in global business: the South African experience and international codes today.S. Prakash Sethi - 2001 - Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Oliver F. Williams.
    Economic Imperatives and Ethical Values in Global Business offers an in-depth analysis of the Sullivan Principles' impact on the interactions of foreign corporations with South Africa. Appearing for the first time in the United States, this book inteprets how the experience of the Sullivan Principles might help large multinational corporations cope with issues of human rights, living and working conditions of workers, environmental protection, and sustainable growth in their overseas manufacturing operations.
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    Directed cyclic graphs, conditional independence, and non-recursive linear structural equation models.Peter Spirtes - unknown
    Recursive linear structural equation models can be represented by directed acyclic graphs. When represented in this way, they satisfy the Markov Condition. Hence it is possible to use the graphical d-separation to determine what conditional independence relations are entailed by a given linear structural equation model. I prove in this paper that it is also possible to use the graphical d-separation applied to a cyclic graph to determine what conditional independence relations are entailed to hold by a given non-recursive linear (...)
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  31. Anderson and Belnap’s Invitation to Sin.Alasdair Urquhart - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (4):453 - 472.
    Quine has argued that modal logic began with the sin of confusing use and mention. Anderson and Belnap, on the other hand, have offered us a way out through a strategy of nominahzation. This paper reviews the history of Lewis's early work in modal logic, and then proves some results about the system in which "A is necessary" is intepreted as "A is a classical tautology.".
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    al-Ittijāh al-naqdī al-kalāmī ʻinda Saʻd al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī.Maḥmūd Muḥammad Rabīʻ Muḥammad ʻUthmān - 2017 - ʻAmmān: Dār Dijlah Nāshirūn wa-Muwazziʻūn.
    Taftāzānī, Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar, 1322-1389?; criticiam and intepretation; Islamic law; early works.
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    The Principles of Interpretability.Mladen Vuković - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (2):227-235.
    A generalized Veltman semantics developed by de Jongh is used to investigate correspondences between several extensions of intepretability logic . In this paper we present some new results on independences.
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    On a Paradox of Hilbert and Bernays.Priest Graham - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (1):45-56.
    The paper is a discussion of a result of Hilbert and Bernays in their Grundlagen der Mathemnatik. Their interpretation of the result is similar to the standard intepretation of Tarski's Theorem. This and other interpretations are discussed and shown to be inadequate. Instead, it is argued, the result refutes certain versions of Meinongianism. In addition, it poses new problems for classical logic that are solved by dialetheism.
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    Realism and empiricism in Hume's account of causality.Bernard McBreen - 2007 - Philosophy 82 (3):421-436.
    Hume's empirical approach seems to drain the concept of causality of all content, so that causality in objects is reduced to constant conjunction. His use of language of causality, which is necessarily realist, is undermined by his account of causality, which is not realist. The realist intepretation of Hume, by philosophers such as Galen Strawson, is rejected because it is incompatible with empiricism. However, if Hume's view that we do not have any sensory experience of causing is challenged, then (...)
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    Work and Object: The Artist's Sanction in Contemporary Art.Sherri Irvin - 2003 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    Is an artwork simply identical to some physical object? While clearly not viable for art forms like literature and music, the view that artworks are physical objects is appealing for the singular visual arts , since it accords with our intuitions about the nature of visual artworks. A traditional challenge to the view holds that physical objects cannot possess representational properties, and thus visual artworks, most of which do have such properties, cannot be identical to physical objects. -/- In chapter (...)
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    An Ethical Interpretation of the Nash Choice Rule.Marco Mariotti - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (2):151-157.
    This paper provides an ethical intepretation of the Nash choice rule. In a setting in which (cardinal) utilities are interpersonally comparable, this procedure is characterised by an impartiality requirement and by the assumption that choices are not responsive to the agents' relative ability to convert resources into utility.
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    Creativity and Critique: Subjectivity and Agency in Touraine and Ricoeur.Glenda Ballantyne - 2007 - Brill.
    Constructing a dialogue between the social theory of Alain Touraine and the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, this work locates the wellsprings of the renewed intepretative powers of Touraine's recent sociology of the subject and critique of modernity in an implicit and unfinished, but unmistakable 'hermeneutical turn'.
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    Olivi, Maifreda, Na Prous, and the Shape of Joachism, Ca. 1300.David Burr - 2015 - Franciscan Studies 73:275-294.
    It is hardly news that medieval Joachism was a protean affair. Ever since Marjorie Reeve wrote, we have been aware that various people who valued Joachim did so for different reasons and, in the process, read him in different ways. They still do, and the different readings of Joachim offered today are hardly unrelated to the varieties of intepretation offered then. The important thing for our purposes is that, within a century after Joachim’s death, various intellectually adventurous souls in (...)
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    Problems of context and knowledge.Jacques Jayez - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (3):303-319.
    In spite of alleged differences in purpose, descriptive and computational linguistics share many problems, due to the fact that any precise study on language needs some form of knowledge representation. This constraint is mostly apparent when interpretation of sentences takes into account elements of the so-called “context”. The parametrization of context, i.e. the explicit listing of features relevant to some intepretation task, is difficult because it requires flexible formal structures for understanding or simulating inferential behaviour, as well as a (...)
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  41. A Sequenced Model of Anaphora and Ellipsis Resolution.Shalom Lappin - unknown
    I compare several types of knowledge-based and knowledge-poor approaches to anaphora and ellipsis resolution. The former are able to capture fine-grained distinctions that depend on lexical meaning and real world knowledge, but they are generally not robust. The latter show considerable promise for yielding wide coverage systems. However, they consistently miss a small but significant subset of cases that are not accessible to rough-grained techniques of intepretation. I propose a sequenced model which first applies the most computationally efficient and (...)
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  42. On Indicative conditionals and Rationality in the Wason Task.Joelle Proust - 2009 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 15 (1).
    In his interesting paper, Duca argues that even though people don't apply a logical rule of inference – contraposition- when they try to solve the Wason task, they may be using another kind of formal strategy in terms of probabilistic relations between the antecedent and the consequent. It is suggested that there are two ways of intepreting this task – one logical and apriori, the other hypothetical and data driven. Taking a probabilistic interpretation of the conditional rule for subjects' card (...)
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    Osobni identitet u medicinskim diskursima.Peter R. Ritter - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):337-361.
    Osoba odnosno osobni identitet kao izvorno filozofski pojmovi nalaze primjenu i u medicinskim diskursima. Usto se njihova tumačenja ne izvode isključivo iz historijskog konteksta filozofijskih i teologijskih predodžbi, već poprimaju etičku dimenziju na razini ljudskog ponašanja. Njihovo osebujno značenje dosežu u interakciji između liječnika i pacijenta, interakciji koja se manifestira u tjelesno-fenomenalnoj interpretaciji personaliteta: isti se proteže od autonomije i svojevoljnosti refleksivno ustrojene svijesti do prividne disocijacije tijela i osobe u okviru pojma moždane smrti. Razumijevanje čovjeka kao osobe pritom je (...)
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    New essays on metaphysics as "scientia transcendens": proceedings of the second International Conference of Medieval Philosophy, held at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre/Brazil, 15-18 August 2006.Roberto Hofmeister Pich (ed.) - 2007 - Louvain-La-Neuve: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales.
    This volume is not an historical study of the origins and development of medieval approaches to theories of transcendentals. Its point of departure is rather the role that transcendentals played in natural theology and metaphysical theories of the 13th and 14th centuries. Accordingly, the effort of John Duns Scotus (1265/6-1308) to systematize a theory of transcendental concepts provides the central inspiration for this book. The theories in focus are not only linked to metaphysical issues, but come to constitute the understanding (...)
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    Regulation, necessity, and the misinterpretation of knockouts.Jamie Davies - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (8):826-830.
    Much contemporary biology consists of identifying the molecular components that associate to perform biological functions, then discovering how these functions are controlled. The concept of control is key to biological understanding, at least of the physiological kind; identifying regulators of processes underpins ideas of causality and allows complicated, multicomponent systems to be summarized in relatively simple diagrams and models. Unfortunately, as this article demonstrates by drawing on published articles, there is a growing tendency for authors to claim that a molecule (...)
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