Results for 'health care advance directive'

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  1.  18
    Health care power of attorney and combined advance directive legislation (as of January 1, 1997).C. Sabatino - 1996 - Bioethics Bulletin (Washington, Dc) 5 (3):14-22.
  2. Advance directives and advance health care planning.G. S. Fischer, J. A. Tulsky & R. M. Arnold - 2004 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 1:78-86.
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    Comparison of patients' and health care professionals' attitudes towards advance directives.D. Blondeau, P. Valois, E. W. Keyserlingk, M. Hébert & M. Lavoie - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (5):328-335.
    OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to identify and compare the attitudes of patients and health care professionals towards advance directives. Advance directives promote recognition of the patient's autonomy, letting the individual exercise a certain measure of control over life-sustaining care and treatment in the eventuality of becoming incompetent. DESIGN: Attitudes to advance directives were evaluated using a 44-item self-reported questionnaire. It yields an overall score as well as five factor scores: autonomy, beneficence, justice, external (...)
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    Are advance directives helpful for good end of life decision making: a cross sectional survey of health professionals.Eimantas Peicius, Aurelija Blazeviciene & Raimondas Kaminskas - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):40.
    This paper joins the debate over changes in the role of health professionals when applying advance directives to manage the decision-making process at the end of life care. Issues in relation to advance directives occur in clinical units in Lithuania; however, it remains one of the few countries in the European Union where the discussion on advance directives is not included in the health-care policy-making agenda. To encourage the discussion of advance directives, (...)
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  5. Advance directive in the 1990s: Medical care of the dying and the myth of Sisiphus.J. F. Brenahan - 1994 - In John F. Monagle & David C. Thomasma (eds.), Health care ethics: critical issues. Gaithersburg, Md.: Aspen Publishers. pp. 213--216.
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    Relationships between various attitudes towards self-determination in health care with special reference to an advance directive.M. Eisemann & J. Richter - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (1):37-41.
    OBJECTIVES: The subject of patient self-determination in health care has gained broad interest because of the increasing number of incompetent patients. In an attempt to solve the problems related to doctors' decision making in such circumstances, advance directives have been developed. The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between public attitudes towards patient autonomy and advance directives. SUBJECTS AND MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: A stratified random sample of 600 adults in northern Sweden was surveyed by (...)
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    A model integrated advance directive for health care unto the third generation.A. J. Weisbard - 1994 - Bioethics Bulletin (Washington, Dc) 4 (2):2-12.
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  8. Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision Making in Health Care. United States, Germany and Japan: Edited by H-M Sass, R M Veatch and R Kimura, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998, 311 pages, US$48. [REVIEW]Ann Sommerville - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (5):414-415.
  9.  15
    Advance Directives.Nikola Biller-Andorno, Susanne Brauer & Peter Lack (eds.) - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume gives an overview on the currently debated ethical issues regarding advance directives from an international perspective. It focuses on a wider understanding of the known and widely accepted concept of patient self-determination for future situations. Although advance directives have been widely discussed since the 1980s, the ethical bases of advance directives still remain a matter of heated debates. The book aims to contribute to these controversial debates by integrating fundamental ethical issues on advance directives (...)
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  10.  32
    Towards the implementation of law n. 219/2017 on informed consent and advance directives for patients with psychiatric disorders and dementia. Physicians’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in four northern Italian health care facilities. [REVIEW]Corinna Porteri, Giulia Ienco, Mariassunta Piccinni & Patrizio Pasqualetti - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background On December 2017 the Italian Parliament approved law n. 219/2017 “Provisions for informed consent and advance directives” regarding challenging legal and bioethical issues related to healthcare decisions and end-of life choices. The law promotes the person’s autonomy as a right and provides for the centrality of the individual in every scenario of health care by mean of three tools: informed consent, shared care planning and advance directives. Few years after the approval of the law, (...)
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    Advance Directives: the New Zealand context.Pauline Wareham, Antoinette McCallin & Kate Diesfeld - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (4):349-359.
    Advance directives convey consumers’ wishes about accepting or refusing future treatment if they become incompetent. They are designed to communicate a competent consumer’s perspective regarding the preferred treatment, should the consumer later become incompetent. There are associated ethical issues for health practitioners and this article considers the features that are relevant to nurses. In New Zealand, consumers have a legal right to use an advance directive that is not limited to life-prolonging care and includes general (...)
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    Managing ethical aspects of advance directives in emergency care services.Silvia Poveda-Moral, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Núria Codern-Bové, Pilar José-María, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Mireia Vicente-García & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):91-105.
    Background: In Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical Services professionals experience situations in which they face difficulties or barriers to know patient’s advance directives and implement them. Objectives: To analyse the barriers, facilitators, and ethical conflicts perceived by health professionals derived from the management of advance directives in emergency services. Research design, participants, and context: This is a qualitative phenomenological study conducted with purposive sampling including a population of nursing and medical professionals linked to Hospital Emergency Department (...)
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  13. The Patient Self-Determination Act and Advance Directives: Snapshots of Activities in a Tertiary Health Care Center.John Engel, Gregory Kane, Deborah Jones, Debrah Lynne-McHale & Martha Swartz - 1997 - Journal of Medical Humanities 18 (3):193-208.
    This study describes the results of a retrospective review of patients' charts who had an advanced directive (AD) and who were hospitalized in a tertiary, acute care teaching hospital. The purpose of the review was to understand from clinical, sociological, ethical and legal perspectives the nature and utility of ADs. Findings and implications of the review are discussed in terms of: patient demographics; diagnoses; quality of ADs; influence of ADs on clinical decisions; and legal aspects of ADs.
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  14. Precedent Autonomy, Advance Directives, and End-of-Life Care.John Davis - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock (ed.), The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Bioethicists are widely agreed that patients have a right of self-determination over how they are treated. Our duty to respect this is said to be based on the principle of respect for autonomy. In end-of-life care the patient may be incompetent and unable to exercise that right. One solution is to exercise it in advance. Advance directives, which include living wills and powers of attorney for health care, enable people to decide what medical treatment they (...)
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  15.  96
    Contemporary Catholic health care ethics.David F. Kelly - 2004 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
    Theological basis -- Religion and health care -- The dignity of human life -- The integrity of the human person -- Implications for health care -- Theological principles in health care ethics -- Method -- The levels and questions of ethics -- Freedom and the moral agent -- Right and wrong -- Metaethics -- Method in Catholic bioethics -- Catholic method and birth control -- The principle of double effect -- Application -- Forgoing treatment, (...)
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  16. Advance directives in patients with Alzheimer's disease; Ethical and clinical considerations.J. Vollmann - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (2):161-167.
    Advance patient directives are various forms of anticipatory medical directives made by competent individuals for the eventuality of future incompetence. They are therefore appropriate instruments for competent patients in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease to document their self-determined will in the advanced stages of dementia. Theoretical objections have been expressed against the concept of advance patient directives (problems of authenticity and identity) which, however, cannot negate the fundamental moral authority of advance patient directives. Therefore, patients, family (...)
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  17. Advance Directives in Spain. Perspectives From a Medical Bioethicist Approach.Pablo Simon-Lorda - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (6):346-354.
    Spain is one of the most advanced European countries in terms of the legislative and administrative development of ADs. Article 11 of Law 41/2002, concerning Patient Autonomy, regulates ‘advance directives’ and has prompted various Autonomous Regions to develop legislation in this area. Nevertheless, whilst the variety of legislations in different territories presents advantages, the disparity of criteria also presents problems.Despite significant legislative development, only 23,000 Spanish citizens have filled in an AD. Clearly, AD use is confined to a minority. (...)
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  18.  43
    Binding consent or element of presumed consent? – Conceptualization and legal relevance of advance health care directives in the context of multicultural bioethics.Martino Mona - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):248-257.
    Erleichtert die Konzeptualisierung der Patientenverfügung als bloßes Indiz für den mutmaßlichen Willen die notwendige Einbeziehung eines relationalen Autonomieverständnisses in eine zunehmend kulturübergreifende Bioethik? Ich lege dar, dass die Berücksichtigung relationaler Autonomiekonzepte kein überzeugendes Argument für die Bestimmung der Patientenverfügung als bloßes Indiz für den mutmaßlichen Willen ist, sondern vielmehr – neben einer Reihe anderer Argumente – für die Patientenverfügung als verbindliche Willensbekundung spricht. Diese erweist sich als flexibel genug, um unterschiedlichen Formen von Autonomie gerecht zu werden.
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  19.  14
    Advance Directives.Alexander Morgan Capron - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 299–311.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What Are Advance Directives and Why Do We Have Them? The Origins, and Limitations, of the “Living Will” Legislatively Authorized “Instruction Directives” Legislatively Authorized “Appointment Directives” Advance Directives Outside the United States Conceptual Problems and Practical Difficulties Barriers Remaining to the Effective Use of Advance Directives References Further reading.
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  20.  20
    Overcoming the Balkanization of State Advance Directive Laws.Charles P. Sabatino - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):978-987.
    State law requirements for health care advance directive documents were reviewed in every state and the District of Columbia to determine whether they are consistent and/or flexible enough to permit the utilization by the public of “universal” advance directive forms, specifically a health care power of attorney, that would be valid under every state's advance directive statutes. Such documents would have to overcome the wide variability of state legal formalities for (...)
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  21.  52
    Advance directives and the temporal structure of a good life.Lena Stange & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (2):239-255.
    Definition of the problemAdvance directives involve evaluative assumptions about the further course of one’s life that can be more or less appropriate and thus call for ethical reflection. This contribution focuses on the basis and criteria of such assumptions. We argue that considerations regarding the temporal structure of a good life constitute a particularly relevant perspective in this context.ArgumentsEmpirical studies on the individual composition of advance directives point to the important role of personal values and life plans that can (...)
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  22.  65
    Advance directives and older people: ethical challenges in the promotion of advance directives in New Zealand.Phillipa J. Malpas - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):285-289.
    In New Zealand an advance directive can be either an oral statement or a written document. Such directives give individuals the opportunity to make choices about future medical treatment in the event they are cognitively impaired or otherwise unable to make their preferences known. All consumers of health care have the right to make an advance directive in accordance with the common law. When we consider New Zealand's rapidly ageing population, the fact that more (...)
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    Inapplicability of advance directives in a paternalistic setting: the case of a post-communist health system. [REVIEW]Gentian Vyshka & Jera Kruja - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):12-.
    Background: The Albanian medical system and Albanian health legislation have adopted a paternalistic position with regard to individual decision making. This reflects the practices of a not-so-remote past when state-run facilities and a totalitarian philosophy of medical care were politically imposed. Because of this history, advance directives concerning treatment refusal and do-not-resuscitate decisions are still extremely uncommon in Albania. Medical teams cannot abstain from intervening even when the patient explicitly and repeatedly solicits therapeutic abstinence. The Albanian law (...)
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  24. Aids And Advance Directives: Clinical, Legal And Ethical Perspectives In Japan, Germany And The United States.Madison Powers, Carmen Kaminsky & Motoko Hayashi - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    Persons infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus often experience intermittent life-threatening infections, a progressive decrease in cognitive abilities, and a loss of capacity to communicate their wishes to their family and medical care providers. Accordingly, AIDS patients are among those most likely to benefit from the increased availability of legally recognized forms of advance care planning. Although the three countries examined in this article differ greatly in the prevalence of HIV infection, the legal status of advance (...)
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  25.  62
    Advance directives as a tool to respect patients’ values and preferences: discussion on the case of Alzheimer’s disease.Corinna Porteri - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):9.
    The proposal of the new criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease based on biomarker data is making possible a diagnosis of AD at the mild cognitive impairment or predementia/prodromal– stage. Given the present lack of effective treatments for AD, the opportunity for the individuals to personally take relevant decisions and plan for their future before and if cognitive deterioration occurs is one the main advantages of an early diagnosis. Advance directives are largely seen as an effective tool for (...)
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  26. Health care as a commodity.Joseph Heath - unknown
    One of the arguments that is often advanced in defence of the public health care system in Canada appeals to the idea that medical care should not be treated as a “commodity.” The recent Romanow Report on the Future of Health Care in Canada, for instance, says that, “Canadians view medicare as a moral enterprise, not a business venture.”1 Public provision is then urged on the grounds that this is the only mode of delivery compatible (...)
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  27.  23
    Mediation and Surrogate Decision-Making for LGBTQ Families in the Absence of an Advance Directive: Comment on “Ethical Challenges in End-of-Life Care for GLBTI Individuals” by Colleen Cartwright.Lance Wahlert & Autumn Fiester - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (3):365-367.
    In this commentary on a clinical ethics case pertaining to a same-sex couple that does not have explicit surrogate decision-making or hospital-visitation rights (in the face of objections from the family-of-origin of one of the queer partners), the authors invoke contemporary legal and policy standards on LGBTQ health care in the United States and abroad. Given this historical moment in which some clinical rights are guaranteed for LGBTQ families whilst others are in transition, the authors advocate for the (...)
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  28.  33
    Advance Directives and Dementia.Gregory E. Kaebnick - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (4):2-2.
    A competent person can avoid the onset of dementia by refusing life‐sustaining medical care and by voluntarily stopping eating and drinking, bringing life to an end well before any health crisis. A competent person can also try to limit the duration of dementia by drafting an advance directive that sets bounds on the life‐sustaining care, including artificial nutrition and hydration, that medical caregivers can provide when the person no longer has the capacity to make her (...)
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  29.  53
    Catalysts for Conversations About Advance Directives: The Influence of Physician And Patient Characteristics.Jeremy Sugarman, Nancy E. Kass, Ruth R. Faden & Steven N. Goodman - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (1):29-35.
    Recent legislation, such as the Patient Self-Determination Act, establishes advance directives as an acceptable procedural means of incorporating patients’ preferences for life-sustaining treatments into their medical care. Advance directives can enhance medical decision making since they provide patients with an opportunity to communicate their preferences before suffering from an acute illness that may preclude their ability to do so.Although patients expect discussions about life-sustaining therapies to be initiated by their physicians, very little is known about what prompts (...)
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  30.  79
    Decision Making in Health Care: limitations of the substituted judgement principle.Susan Bailey - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (5):483-493.
    The substituted judgement principle is often recommended as a means of promoting the self-determination of an incompetent individual when proxy decision makers are faced with having to make decisions about health care. This article represents a critical ethical analysis of this decision-making principle and describes practical impediments that serve to undermine its fundamental purpose. These impediments predominantly stem from the informality associated with the application of the substituted judgement principle. It is recommended that the principles upon which decisions (...)
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  31. The Impact of Roman Catholic Moral Theology on End-of-Life Care Under the Texas Advance Directives Act.David M. Zientek - 2006 - Christian Bioethics 12 (1):65-82.
    This essay reviews the Roman Catholic moral tradition surrounding treatments at the end of life together with the challenges presented to that tradition by the Texas Advance Directives Act. The impact on Catholic health care facilities and physicians, and the way in which the moral tradition should be applied under this statute, particularly with reference to the provision dealing with conflicts over end-of-life treatments, will be critically assessed. I will argue, based on the traditional treatment of end-of-life (...)
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  32.  89
    Readability of state-sponsored advance directive forms in the United States: a cross sectional study.Luke A. Mueller, Kevin I. Reid & Paul S. Mueller - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):6.
    State governments provide preprinted advance directive forms to the general public. However, many adults in the United States (US) lack the skills necessary to read and comprehend health care-related materials. In this study, we sought to determine the readability of state government-sponsored advance directive forms.
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  33.  45
    Advance Directives in English and French Law: Different Concepts, Different Values, Different Societies. [REVIEW]Ruth Judith Horn - 2012 - Health Care Analysis (1):1-14.
    In Western societies advance directives are widely recognised as important means to extend patient self-determination under circumstances of incapacity. Following other countries, England and France have adopted legislation aiming to clarify the legal status of advance directives. In this paper, I will explore similarities and differences in both sets of legislation, the arguments employed in the respective debates and the socio-political structures on which these differences are based. The comparison highlights how different legislations express different concepts emphasising different (...)
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  34.  63
    Would They Follow What has been Laid Down? Cancer Patients' and Healthy Controls' Views on Adherence to Advance Directives Compared to Medical Staff.Stefan Sahm, R. Will & G. Hommel - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):297-305.
    Advance directives are propagated as instruments to maintain patients’ autonomy in case they can no longer decide for themselves. It has been never been examined whether patients’ and healthy persons themselves are inclined to adhere to these documents. Patients’ and healthy persons’ views on whether instructions laid down in advance directives should be followed because that is (or is not) “the right thing to do”, not because one is legally obliged to do so, were studied and compared with (...)
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  35.  58
    Protecting prisoners’ autonomy with advance directives: ethical dilemmas and policy issues.Roberto Andorno, David M. Shaw & Bernice Elger - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (1):33-39.
    Over the last decade, several European countries and the Council of Europe itself have strongly supported the use of advance directives as a means of protecting patients’ autonomy, and adopted specific norms to regulate this matter. However, it remains unclear under which conditions those regulations should apply to people who are placed in correctional settings. The issue is becoming more significant due to the increasing numbers of inmates of old age or at risk of suffering from mental disorders, all (...)
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  36.  11
    Finding Your Way: Through the Maze of Medical Ethics in Modern Health Care.Katrina A. Bramstedt - 2011 - Hilton. Edited by Albert R. Jonsen.
    Machine generated contents note: Introduction Chapter 1: The basics of ethical decision-making Chapter 2: Hospital ethics committees and clinical ethicists Chapter 3: The settings of health care ethical dilemmas Chapter 4: Advance directives Chapter 5: Do Not Resuscitate orders and "Code Blue" Chapter 6: Non-beneficial medical interventions Chapter 7: Quality of life and treatment burdens Chapter 8: Patient privacy and confidentiality Chapter 9: Refusing medical treatment Chapter 10: Health care at the end of life Chapter (...)
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  37. Perspectives on advance directives in Japanese society: A population-based questionnaire survey. [REVIEW]Akira Akabayashi, Brian Taylor Slingsby & Ichiro Kai - 2003 - BMC Medical Ethics 4 (1):1-9.
    Background In Japan, discussion concerning advance directives (ADs) has been on the rise during the past decade. ADs are one method proposed to facilitate the process of communication among patients, families and health care providers regarding the plan of care of a patient who is no longer capable of communicating. In this paper, we report the results of the first in-depth survey on the general population concerning the preferences and use of ADs in Japan. Method A (...)
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  38.  17
    Healthcare professionals’ perceptions about the Italian law on advance directives.Marina Maffoni, Piergiorgio Argentero, Ines Giorgi & Anna Giardini - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):796-808.
    Background: In the variegated legislative framework on advance directives, the first specific regulation in Italy on this issue came into force only in 2018. Research objective: This qualitative study aimed to investigate the implications of the new Italian law on advance directives in clinical practice from the perspective of those who deal with this delicate ethical issue on an everyday basis, that is, Italian healthcare professionals. Research design: A qualitative research design using semi-structured audio-recorded interviews was adopted. The (...)
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  39. Interpreting proxy directives: clinical decision-making and the durable power of attorney for health care.E. T. Juengst, C. J. Weil, C. Hackler, R. Mosely & D. Vawter - 1989 - In Chris Hackler, Ray Moseley & Dorothy E. Vawter (eds.), Advance directives in medicine. New York: Praeger.
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  40. Hans-Martin Sass, Robert M. Veatch, Rihito Kimura (eds.). Advance directives and surrogate decision making in health care[REVIEW]Ben A. Rich - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (4):367-373.
  41.  67
    Interpreting Advance Directives: Ethical Considerations of the Interplay Between Personal and Cultural Identity. [REVIEW]Silke Schicktanz - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (2):158-171.
    In many industrialized countries ethicists and lawyers favour advance directives as a tool to guarantee patient autonomy in end-of-life-decisions. However, most citizens seem reluctant to adopt the practice; the number of patients who have an advance directive is low across most countries. The article discusses the key argument for seeing such documents as an instrument of self-interpretation and life-planning, which ultimately have to be interpreted by third parties as well. Interpretation by third parties and the process of (...)
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  42.  19
    Practical decision making in health care ethics: cases, concepts, and the virtue of prudence.Raymond J. Devettere - 2016 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
    This is a new edition of a classic textbook in health care ethics, one that offers an alternative to the principle-based approach from Beauchamp and Childress (Principles of Biomedical Ethics, now in its seventh edition from OUP) and traditional Catholic approaches of Ashley and O'Rourke. In the early chapters Devettere spells out the meaning of ethics and the importance of prudential reasoning in seeking the good life. The rest of the book deals with issues and cases, including determinations (...)
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  43. Too soon to give up: Re-examining the value of advance directives.Benjamin H. Levi & Michael J. Green - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):3 – 22.
    In the face of mounting criticism against advance directives, we describe how a novel, computer-based decision aid addresses some of these important concerns. This decision aid, Making Your Wishes Known: Planning Your Medical Future , translates an individual's values and goals into a meaningful advance directive that explicitly reflects their healthcare wishes and outlines a plan for how they wish to be treated. It does this by (1) educating users about advance care planning; (2) helping (...)
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  44. Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation. [REVIEW]Roberta M. Berry, Lisa Bliss, Sylvia Caley, Paul A. Lombardo, Jerri Nims Rooker, Jonathan Todres & Leslie E. Wolf - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (2):85-116.
    This article reviews recent developments in health care law, focusing on the engagement of law as a partner in health care innovation. The article addresses: the history and contents of recent United States federal law restricting the use of genetic information by insurers and employers; the recent federal policy recommending routine HIV testing; the recent revision of federal policy regarding the funding of human embryonic stem cell research; the history, current status, and need for future attention (...)
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  45. Minority Populations and Advance Directives: Insights from a Focus Group Methodology.Joshua M. Hauser, Sharon F. Kleefield, Troyen A. Brennan & Ruth L. Fischbach - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (1):58-71.
    Numerous studies have shown almost uniformly positive opinions among patients and physicians regarding theconceptof advance directives (either a healthcare proxy or living will). Several of these studies have also shown that the actual use of advance directives is significantly lower than this enthusiasm would suggest, but they have not explained the apparent discordance. Nor have researchers explained why members of minority groups are much less likely to complete advance directives than are white patients. In this study, we (...)
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    Protecting reasonable conscientious refusals in health care.Jason T. Eberl - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (6):565-581.
    Recently, debate over whether health care providers should have a protected right to conscientiously refuse to offer legal health care services—such as abortion, elective sterilization, aid in dying, or treatments for transgender patients—has grown exponentially. I advance a modified compromise view that bases respect for claims of conscientious refusal to provide specific health care services on a publicly defensible rationale. This view requires health care providers who refuse such services to disclose (...)
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    Indeterminacy of identity and advance directives for death after dementia.Andrew Sneddon - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):705-715.
    A persistent question in discussions of the ethics of advance directives for euthanasia is whether patients who go through deep psychological changes retain their identity. Rather than seek an account of identity that answers this question, I argue that responsible policy should directly address indeterminacy about identity directly. Three sorts of indeterminacy are distinguished. Two of these—epistemic indeterminacy and metaphysical indeterminacy—should be addressed in laws/policies regarding advance directives for euthanasia.
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    The Bioethical Underpinnings of Advance Directives.Yvonne Johnson - 2009 - Ethics and Social Welfare 3 (1):32-53.
    Advance directives are instructions on health care. Executed by a mentally competent individual, an advance directive becomes active in the event that the person loses mental capacity to make health care decisions. Many social workers have embraced advance directives on the basis that they promote self-determination at the end of life. However, on closer inspection, undergirding the rationale for advance directives are complex philosophical theories and concepts that include: self-determination; the good (...)
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    Why have Advance Directives failed in Spain?Benjamín Herreros, María Benito, Pablo Gella, Emanuele Valenti, Beatriz Sánchez & Tayra Velasco - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    Background In Spain, there has been great effort by lawmakers to put Advance Directives into practice since 2002. At the same time, the field of bioethics has been on the rise, a discipline that has spurred debate on the right of patients to exercise their autonomy. Despite all this, the implementation of ADs can be said to have failed in Spain, because its prevalence is very low, there is a great lack of knowledge about them and they have very (...)
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  50.  27
    The utility of standardized advance directives: the general practitioners’ perspective.Ina Carola Otte, Bernice Elger, Corinna Jung & Klaus Walter Bally - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):199-206.
    Advance directives are written documents that give patients the opportunity to communicate their preferences regarding treatments they do or do not want to receive in case they become unable to make decisions. Commonly used pre-printed forms have different formats. Some offer space for patients to appoint a surrogate decision maker, and/or to determine future medical treatments and/or give a statement of personal values. So far it is unknown which forms GPs preferably use and why they decide to do so. (...)
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