Results for 'grammar'

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  1. P. Stanley Peters and RW Ritchie.Formational Grammars - 1983 - In Alex Orenstein & Rafael Stern (eds.), Developments in Semantics. Haven. pp. 2--304.
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  2. Rosane Rocher.Indian Grammar - 1969 - Foundations of Language 5:73.
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  3. Sep 2972-10 am.Transformational Grammar - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:310.
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    Timothy C. Potts.Fregean Categorial Grammar - 1973 - In Radu J. Bogdan & Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.), Logic, language, and probability. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 245.
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    Primary works.Rational Grammar - 2005 - In Siobhan Chapman & Christopher Routledge (eds.), Key thinkers in linguistics and the philosophy of language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 10.
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  6. Front Matter Front Matter (pp. i-iii).Creative Grammar, Art Education Creative Grammar & Art Education - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (3).
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  7. Nicolas Generative Grammar - 1981 - In W. Klein & W. Levelt (eds.), Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics. Reidel. pp. 23.
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  8. James D. McCawley.Transformational Grammar - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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  9. Word Meaning and Montague Grammar.David R. Dowty - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):290-295.
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  10. Dynamic Montague grammar.Martin Stokhof - 1990 - In L. Kalman (ed.), Proceedings of the Second Symposion on Logic and Language, Budapest, Eotvos Lorand University Press, 1990, pp. 3-48. Budapest: Eotvos Lorand University Press. pp. 3-48.
    In Groenendijk & Stokhof [1989] a system of dynamic predicate logic (DPL) was developed, as a compositional alternative for classical discourse representation theory (DRT ). DPL shares with DRT the restriction of being a first-order system. In the present paper, we are mainly concerned with overcoming this limitation. We shall define a dynamic semantics for a typed language with λ-abstraction which is compatible with the semantics DPL specifies for the language of first-order predicate logic. We shall propose to use this (...)
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  11. Mats Rooth.Noun Phrase Interpretation In Montague, File Change Semantics Grammar & Situation Semantics - 1987 - In Peter Gärdenfors (ed.), Generalized Quantifiers. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 237.
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  12. Wittgenstein's private language: grammar, nonsense, and imagination in Philosophical investigations, sections 243-315.Stephen Mulhall - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Stephen Mulhall offers a new way of interpreting one of the most famous and contested texts in modern philosophy: remarks on "private language" in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. He sheds new light on a central controversy concerning Wittgenstein's early work by showing its relevance to a proper understanding of the later work.
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    Nothing is Hidden: Contextualism and the Grammar‐Meaning Interface.Wolfram Hinzen - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (3):259-291.
    A defining assumption in the debate on contextual influences on truth-conditional content is that such content is often incompletely determined by what is specified in linguistic form. The debate then turns on whether this is evidence for positing a more richly articulated logical form or else a pragmatic process of free enrichment that posits truly unarticulated constituents that are unspecified in linguistic form. Questioning this focus on semantics and pragmatics, this article focuses on the independent grammatical dimensions of the problem. (...)
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    Linguistics and the Formal Sciences: The Origins of Generative Grammar.Marcus Tomalin - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    The formal sciences, particularly mathematics, have had a profound influence on the development of linguistics. This insightful overview looks at techniques that were introduced in the fields of mathematics, logic and philosophy during the twentieth century, and explores their effect on the work of various linguists. In particular, it discusses the 'foundations crisis' that destabilised mathematics at the start of the twentieth century, the numerous related movements which sought to respond to this crisis, and how they influenced the development of (...)
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    Knowledge of grammar as a propositional attitude.Jonathan Knowles - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (3):325 – 353.
    Noam Chomsky claims that we know the grammatical principles of our languages in pretty much the same sense that we know ordinary things about the world (e.g. facts), a view about linguistic knowledge that I term ''cognitivism''. In much recent philosophy of linguistics (including that sympathetic to Chomsky's general approach to language), cognitivism has been rejected in favour of an account of grammatical competence as some or other form of mental mechanism, describable at various levels of abstraction (''non-cognitivism''). I argue (...)
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  16. Events, Ontology and Grammar.P. M. S. Hacker - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (222):477 - 486.
    In recent years philosophers have given much attention to the ‘ontological problem’ of events. Donald Davidson puts the matter thus: ‘the assumption, ontological and metaphysical, that there are events is one without which we cannot make sense of much of our common talk; or so, at any rate, I have been arguing. I do not know of any better, or further, way of showing what there is’. It might be thought bizarre to assign to philosophers the task of ‘showing what (...)
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    Toward a grammar of meaning.Dennis W. Stampe - 1968 - Philosophical Review 77 (2):137-174.
  18. Dreaming and 'depth grammar'.Hilary Putnam - 1962 - In R. J. Butler (ed.), Analytical Philosophy, First Series. Oxford University Press.
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    Discourse in Cognitive Grammar.Ronald W. Langacker - 2001 - Cognitive Linguistics 12 (2).
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    The logic of grammar.Donald Davidson (ed.) - 1975 - Encino, Calif.: Dickenson Pub. Co..
  21. Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar.Matthew Stone - unknown
    We present an algorithm for simultaneously constructing both the syntax and semantics of a sentence using a Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG). This approach captures naturally and elegantly the interaction between pragmatic and syntactic constraints on descriptions in a sentence, and the inferential interactions between multiple descriptions in a sentence. At the same time, it exploits linguistically motivated, declarative specifications of the discourse functions of syntactic constructions to make contextually appropriate syntactic choices.
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    (1 other version)Syntactic codes and grammar refinement.M. Kracht - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (4):359-380.
    We callsyntactic coding a technique which converts syntactic principles or constraints on representations into grammatical rules which can be implemented in any given rule grammar. In this paper we show that any principle or constraint on output trees formalizable in a certain fragment of dynamic logic over trees can be coded in this sense. This allows to reduce in a mechanical fashion most of the current theories of government and binding into GPSG-style grammars. This will be exemplified with Rizzi'sRelativized (...)
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  23. The History of Grammar in the Middle Ages. Collected Papers.R. Hunt & G. Bursill-Hall - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (1):122-123.
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    Heidegger on (In)finitude and the Greco-Latin Grammar of Being.Richard J. Colledge - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (2):289-319.
    Heideggerian thought is routinely understood to involve an insistence on finitude, and a rejection of the metaphysical priority of the infinite. As a general rule, this characterization is adequate, but it risks a significant oversimplification of a complex theme in Heidegger’s thinking. After an initial discussion of his dominant position on (in)finitude, the paper focuses on a number of largely neglected and some recently published texts concerning Heidegger’s retrieval of the inheritance of the Greek and Latin grammar of Being, (...)
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  25. The Formal Theory of Grammar.J. A. Kimball - 1973
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    Developing and Validating the English Teachers’ Cognitions About Grammar Teaching Questionnaire (TCAGTQ) to Uncover Teacher Thinking.Lawrence Jun Zhang & Qiang Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    It is well-acknowledged that teachers play a significant role in enhancing student learning and that investigating teachers’ cognitions about teaching is a first and important step to understanding the phenomenon. Although much research into teachers’ cognitions about grammar teaching has been conducted in various socio-cultural contexts, little has been reported on cognitions of Chinese teachers of English as a foreign language so far. Such understanding is of primary importance to student success in language learning given the sociocultural context where (...)
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    Operators and Nucleus: A Contribution to the Theory of Grammar.Pieter A. M. Seuren - 1969 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    Dr Seuren's study deals with the problem of presenting an adequate model of grammatical description. The model he proposes conforms in its main outlines to the transformational generative grammar established by Chomsky, but differs in important respects. These mainly affect that part of Chomsky's syntactic component known as the 'base', which generates basic or 'deep' structures. In the model of the base proposed here two main constituents are distinguished for every deep structure representation of a sentence, vis-a-vis the operators (...)
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    Intuitionistic categorial grammar.Aarne Ranta - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (2):203 - 239.
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    Approaches to Natural Language: Proceedings of the 1970 Stanford Workshop on Grammar and Semantics.Kaarlo Jaakko Juhani Hintikka, Julius M. E. Moravcsik & Patrick Suppes - 1973 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Reidel.
    Proceedings of the 1970 Stanford Workshop on Grammar and Semantics.
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    (1 other version)Natural Language Grammar Induction using a Constituent-Context Model.Dan Klein & Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    This paper presents a novel approach to the unsupervised learning of syntactic analyses of natural language text. Most previous work has focused on maximizing likelihood according to generative PCFG models. In contrast, we employ a simpler probabilistic model over trees based directly on constituent identity and linear context, and use an EM-like iterative procedure to induce structure. This method produces much higher quality analyses, giving the best published results on the ATIS dataset.
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  31. Partial proof trees as building blocks for a categorial grammar.Aravind K. Joshi & Seth Kulick - 1997 - Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (6):637-667.
    We describe a categorial system (PPTS) based on partial proof trees(PPTs) as the building blocks of the system. The PPTs are obtained byunfolding the arguments of the type that would be associated with a lexicalitem in a simple categorial grammar. The PPTs are the basic types in thesystem and a derivation proceeds by combining PPTs together. We describe theconstruction of the finite set of basic PPTs and the operations forcombining them. PPTS can be viewed as a categorial system incorporating (...)
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    The research article and the science popularization article: a probabilistic functional grammar perspective on direct discourse representation.Adriana Silvina Pagano & Janaina Minelli de Oliveira - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (5):627-646.
    This article discusses the results of an investigation on discourse representation in a corpus of 34 million words constituted by texts in Brazilian Portuguese from two different genres: the research article and the science popularization article. Drawing on a systemic functional grammar perspective of language and pursuing a probabilistic approach, it focuses on the realization of lexicogrammatical systems of direct discourse representation as enacting interpersonal and social relationships. It is argued that the citation practices employed by writers in the (...)
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  33. Edmund Husserl, grammar systematic grammar and Anton Marty.Sy Kuroda - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10 (2):169-195.
  34. Separating syntax and combinatorics in categorial grammar.Reinhard Muskens - 2007 - Research on Language and Computation 5 (3):267-285.
    The ‘syntax’ and ‘combinatorics’ of my title are what Curry (1961) referred to as phenogrammatics and tectogrammatics respectively. Tectogrammatics is concerned with the abstract combinatorial structure of the grammar and directly informs semantics, while phenogrammatics deals with concrete operations on syntactic data structures such as trees or strings. In a series of previous papers (Muskens, 2001a; Muskens, 2001b; Muskens, 2003) I have argued for an architecture of the grammar in which finite sequences of lambda terms are the basic (...)
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  35.  13
    The Matters Of Using Grammar Terms Dictionaries And Terms.Zuhal Kültüral - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:2378-2389.
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    Chomsky on Grammar and Mind.Harold H. Kuester - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2):157-172.
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    De Ortu Grammaticae: Studies in Medieval Grammar and Linguistic Theory in memory of Jan Pinborg.G. L. Bursill-Hall, Sten Ebbesen & Konrad Koerner (eds.) - 1990 - Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    The Danish scholar Jan Pinborg made outstanding contributions to our understanding of medieval language study. The papers in this volume clearly demonstrate the wealth of Pinborg's scholarly interests and the extent of his influence.Though centered on medieval theories of grammar and language, the collection ranges in time from the fourth century B.C. to the seventeenth century A.D.; theories of the pronoun, of mental language, of supposition, of figurative expressions and of mereology are among the topics discussed; and the papers (...)
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    Rules versus Statistics in Biconditional Grammar Learning: A Simulation based on Shanks et al. (1997).Bert Timmermans - unknown
    A significant part of everyday learning occurs incidentally — a process typically described as implicit learning. A central issue in this and germane domains such as language acquisition is the extent to which performance depends on the acquisition and deployment of abstract rules. In an attempt to address this question, we show that the apparent use of such rules in a simple categorisation task of artificial grammar strings, as reported by Shanks, Johnstone, and Staggs (1997), can be simulated by (...)
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    Listening to Sound-based music: Defining a perceptual grammar based on morphodynamic theory.Riccardo D. Wanke - 2023 - Gestalt Theory 45 (3):199-223.
    Summary In this contribution, I discuss the perceptual potential of certain genres of experimental and contemporary music, commonly grouped under the label “sound-based music”. The sonic patterns typical of this music are mostly associated, during listening, with visual and tactile sensory qualities and can evoke mental representations as shapes in motion. These are the result of physical-acoustic energies organized according to a perceptual grammar whose organization follows a series of Gestalt and kinaesthetic principles. The paper explores the nature of (...)
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    Making Sense: Reference, Agency, and Structure in a Grammar of Multimodal Meaning.Bill Cope & Mary Kalantzis - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The phenomenon of multimodality is central to our everyday interaction. 'Hybrid' modes of communication that combine traditional uses of language with imagery, tagging, hashtags and voice-recognition tools have become the norm. Bringing together concepts of meaning and communication across a range of subject areas, including education, media studies, cultural studies, design and architecture, the authors uncover a multimodal grammar that moves away from rigid and language-centered understandings of meaning. They present the first framework for describing and analysing different forms (...)
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    (1 other version)Mathematical relativism: Logic, grammar, and arithmetic in cultural comparison.Christian Greiffenhagen & Wes Sharrock - 2006 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (2):97–117.
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    Wittgenstein's Private Language: Grammar, Nonsense, and Imagination in Philosophical Investigations.Stephen Mulhall - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Stephen Mulhall offers a new way of interpreting one of the most famous and contested texts in modern philosophy: remarks on 'private language' in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. He sheds new light on a central controversy concerning Wittgenstein's early work by showing its relevance to a proper understanding of the later work.
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    On the History of Grammar among the Arabs: An Essays in Literary History.William Smyth, Ignaz Goldziher, Kinga Dévényi, Tamás Iványi, Kinga Devenyi & Tamas Ivanyi - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (3):620.
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    Competing Motivations in Grammar and Usage.Brian MacWhinney, Andreĭ Lʹvovich Malʹchukov & Edith A. Moravcsik (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume examines the conflicting factors that shape the content and form of grammatical rules in language, which speakers and addressees need to contend with when expressing themselves and when trying to comprehend messages. Chapters examine adult language, first and second language acquisition, and the motivations behind historical change.
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  45. Cristina Bicchieri • the grammar of society: The nature and dynamics of social norms.Francesco Guala - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (3):613-618.
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    Challenging the Grammar of Schooling: Individually Guided Education, 1969-1979.Pyeong-Gook Kim - 2004 - Education and Culture 20 (1):4.
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    Does Universal Grammar exist?Jan Koster - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):347-348.
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    Deane, Paul D.: Grammar in Mind and Brain.Viktor Krupa - 1993 - Human Affairs 3 (2):191-191.
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  49. the Question of Grammar in Logical Inx'estigations.Later Developments In Logic - 2003 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology World-Wide. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 94.
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    Reformed theology and ‘decolonised’ identity. Finding a grammar for peaceful coexistence.Nico Vorster - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    Decolonisation discourse has gained significant momentum in South Africa with the rise of the various #MustFall movements that strive to rid South Africa of its colonial vestiges. But does South Africa need another national metanarrative that envisions an ideal South Africa and champions utopian social ideals? Following the logic of Johan Degenaar and Dirkie Smit, this contribution argues that we should refrain from developing social meta-narratives that seek to frame a single South African identity and social ethos. However, we do (...)
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