Results for 'free EQ-algebras'

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  1.  45
    On the Category of EQ-algebras.Narges Akhlaghinia, Mona Aaly Kologani, Rajab Ali Borzooei & Xiao Long Xin - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (4):397-419.
    In this paper, we studied the category of EQ-algebras and showed that it is complete, but it is not cocomplete, in general. We proved that multiplicatively relative EQ-algebras have coequlizers and we calculated coproduct and pushout in a special case. Also, we constructed a free EQ-algebra on a singleton.
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    nn-Fold Filters of EQ-Algebras.Batoul Ganji Saffar, Rajab Ali Borzooei & Mona Aly Kologani - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (4):455-486.
    In this paper, we apply the notion of nn-fold filters to the EQEQ-algebras and introduce the concepts of nn-fold pseudo implicative, nn-fold implicative, nn-fold obstinate, nn-fold fantastic prefilters and filters on an EQEQ-algebra E\mathcal{E}. Then we investigate some properties and relations among them. We prove that the quotient algebra E/F\mathcal{E}/F modulo an 1-fold pseudo implicative filter of an EQEQ-algebra E\mathcal{E} is a good EQEQ-algebra and the quotient algebra E/F\mathcal{E}/F modulo an 1-fold fantastic filter of a good EQEQ-algebra E\mathcal{E} is (...)
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    Free equivalential algebras.Katarzyna Słomczyńska - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (2):86-96.
    We effectively construct the finitely generated free equivalential algebras corresponding to the equivalential fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic.
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  4.  19
    Free Boolean algebras and nowhere dense ultrafilters.Aleksander Błaszczyk - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):287-292.
    An analogue of Mathias forcing is studied in connection of free Boolean algebras and nowhere dense ultrafilters. Some applications to rigid Boolean algebras are given.
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    Free set algebras satisfying systems of equations.G. Antonelli - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1656-1674.
    In this paper we introduce the notion of a set algebra S satisfying a system E of equations. After defining a notion of freeness for such algebras, we show that, for any system E of equations, set algebras that are free in the class of structures satisfying E exist and are unique up to a bisimulation. Along the way, analogues of classical set-theoretic and algebraic properties are investigated.
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    Free ordered algebraic structures towards proof theory.Andreja Prijatelj - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):597-608.
    In this paper, constructions of free ordered algebras on one generator are given that correspond to some one-variable fragments of affine propositional classical logic and their extensions with n-contraction (n ≥ 2). Moreover, embeddings of the already known infinite free structures into the algebras introduced below are furnished with; thus, solving along the respective cardinality problems.
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    Free Monadic Algebras.Paul R. Halmos - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):469-469.
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    Finitely generated free MV-algebras and their automorphism groups.Antonio Di Nola, Revaz Grigolia & Giovanni Panti - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (1):65-78.
    The MV-algebra S m w is obtained from the (m+1)-valued ukasiewicz chain by adding infinitesimals, in the same way as Chang's algebra is obtained from the two-valued chain. These algebras were introduced by Komori in his study of varieties of MV-algebras. In this paper we describe the finitely generated totally ordered algebras in the variety MV m w generated by S m w . This yields an easy description of the free MV m w -algebras (...)
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  9.  62
    On L∞κ-free Boolean algebras.Sakaé Fuchino, Sabine Koppelberg & Makoto Takahashi - 1992 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (3):265-284.
    We study L∞κ-freeness in the variety of Boolean algebras. It is shown that some of the theorems on L∞κ-free algebras which are known to hold in varieties such as groups, abelian groups etc. are also true for Boolean algebras. But we also investigate properties such as the ccc of L∞κ-free Boolean algebras which have no counterpart in the varieties above.
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  10.  47
    On free annotated algebras.Renato A. Lewin, Irene F. Mikenberg & Marı́a G. Schwarze - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):249-259.
    In Lewin et al. 359–386) the authors proved that certain systems of annotated logics are algebraizable in the sense of Block and Rigozzi 396). Later in Lewin et al. the study of the associated quasi-varieties of annotated algebras is initiated. In this paper we continue the study of the these classes of algebras, in particular, we report some recent results about the free annotated algebras.
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  11.  62
    Finitely generated free Heyting algebras: the well-founded initial segment.R. Elageili & J. K. Truss - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1291-1307.
    In this paper we describe the well-founded initial segment of the free Heyting algebra ������α on finitely many, α, generators. We give a complete classification of initial sublattices of ������₂ isomorphic to ������₁ (called 'low ladders'), and prove that for 2 < α < ω, the height of the well-founded initial segment of ������α.
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  12.  34
    A discrete free MV-algebra over one generator.Antonio Di Nola & Brunella Gerla - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (3-4):331-339.
    In this paper we give a representation of the free MV-algebra over one generator as a structure of functions having finite domain.
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  13.  33
    A Structure Theorem for Free Temporal Algebras.Francisco M. García Olmedo & Antonio J. Rodríguez Salas - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):249-256.
    In this paper an algebraic version for temporal algebras of the logical filtrations for modal and temporal logics is analysed. A structure theorem for free temporal algebras and also some results with regard to the variety of temporal algebras are obtained.
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  14.  73
    Free l-algebras.Alfred Horn - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):475-480.
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  15. Finitely generated free Heyting algebras.Fabio Bellissima - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):152-165.
    The aim of this paper is to give, using the Kripke semantics for intuitionism, a representation of finitely generated free Heyting algebras. By means of the representation we determine in a constructive way some set of "special elements" of such algebras. Furthermore, we show that many algebraic properties which are satisfied by the free algebra on one generator are not satisfied by free algebras on more than one generator.
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  16.  58
    A discrete representation of free MV-algebras.Antonio Di Nola, Revaz Grigolia & Luca Spada - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):279-288.
    We prove that the m -generated free MV-algebra is isomorphic to a quotient of the disjoint union of all the m -generated free MV-algebras. Such a quotient can be seen as the direct limit of a system consisting of all free MV-algebras and special maps between them as morphisms.
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  17.  79
    On Bellissima’s construction of the finitely generated free Heyting algebras, and beyond.Luck Darnière & Markus Junker - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (7-8):743-771.
    We study finitely generated free Heyting algebras from a topological and from a model theoretic point of view. We review Bellissima’s representation of the finitely generated free Heyting algebra; we prove that it yields an embedding in the profinite completion, which is also the completion with respect to a naturally defined metric. We give an algebraic interpretation of the Kripke model used by Bellissima as the principal ideal spectrum and show it to be first order interpretable in (...)
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  18.  27
    On elementary properties of free lie algebras.Andreas Baudisch - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (2):121-136.
    The elementary theory of a nontrivial free Lie algebra over a commutative integral domain is unstable and has the strict order property.
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  19.  44
    Freely generated filters in free Boolean algebras.Joanna Grygiel - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (2):139 - 147.
    In this paper we will prove that ifF is a filter of a free Boolean algebra such that the minimal cardinality of the set of generators ofF is an uncountable regular cardinal or a singular cardinal with uncountable cofinality thenF is freely generated.
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    Free nilpotent minimum algebras.Manuela Busaniche - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (3):219-236.
    In the present paper we give a description of the free algebra over an arbitrary set of generators in the variety of nilpotent minimum algebras. Such description is given in terms of a weak Boolean product of directly indecomposable algebras over the Boolean space corresponding to the Boolean subalgebra of the free NM-algebra.
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  21.  45
    Free Łukasiewicz implication algebras.José Patricio Díaz Varela - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (1):25-33.
    Łukasiewicz implication algebras are the {→,1}-subreducts of MV- algebras. They are the algebraic counterpart of Super-Łukasiewicz Implicational Logics investigated in Komori (Nogoya Math J 72:127–133, 1978). In this paper we give a description of free Łukasiewicz implication algebras in the context of McNaughton functions. More precisely, we show that the |X|-free Łukasiewicz implication algebra is isomorphic to ${\bigcup_{x\in X} [x_\theta)}$ for a certain congruence θ over the |X|-free MV-algebra. As corollary we describe the (...) algebras in all subvarieties of Łukasiewicz implication algebras. (shrink)
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  22.  89
    Algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic via choice-free duality.Nick Bezhanishvili, Gianluca Grilletti & Wesley H. Holliday - 2019 - In Rosalie Iemhoff, Michael Moortgat & Ruy de Queiroz, Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. WoLLIC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11541. Springer. pp. 35-52.
    We introduce new algebraic and topological semantics for inquisitive logic. The algebraic semantics is based on special Heyting algebras, which we call inquisitive algebras, with propositional valuations ranging over only the ¬¬-fixpoints of the algebra. We show how inquisitive algebras arise from Boolean algebras: for a given Boolean algebra B, we define its inquisitive extension H(B) and prove that H(B) is the unique inquisitive algebra having B as its algebra of ¬¬-fixpoints. We also show that inquisitive (...)
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  23.  34
    Free Double Ockham Algebras.Manuel Abad & J. Patricio Díaz Varela - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):173-183.
    The variety O2 of double Ockham algebras consists of the algebras (A ∨, ∧, f,g 0,1) of type (2,2,1,1,0,0) where (A; ∨, ∧,f, 0,1) and (A; ∨, ∧,g 0,1) are Ockham algebras. In [16], M. Sequeira introduced several subvarieties of O2. In this paper we give a construction of free double Ockham algebras on a partially ordered set. We also describe free objects for the subvarieties of O2 considered in [16].
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  24.  38
    Lindenbaum algebras of intuitionistic theories and free categories.Peter Freyd, Harvey Friedman & Andre Scedrov - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 35 (C):167-172.
    We consider formal theories synonymous with various free categories . Their Lindenbaum algebras may be described as the lattices of subobjects of a terminator. These theories have intuitionistic logic. We show that the Lindenbaum algebras of second order and higher order arithmetic , and set theory are not isomorphic to the Lindenbaum algebras of first order theories such as arithmetic . We also show that there are only five kernels of representations of the free Heyting (...)
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  25.  20
    Free Algebras in Certain Varieties of Distributive Pseudocomplemented De Morgan Algebras.Hernando Gaitán - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (4):553-567.
    In this paper we characterize the join irreducible elements of the free algebras on n free generators in the subvarieties of the variety V0 of pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras satisfying the identity xx′* = ′*.
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  26.  28
    A characterization of MV-algebras free over finite distributive lattices.Vincenzo Marra - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (3):263-276.
    Mundici has recently established a characterization of free finitely generated MV-algebras similar in spirit to the representation of the free Boolean algebra with a countably infinite set of free generators as any Boolean algebra that is countable and atomless. No reference to universal properties is made in either theorem. Our main result is an extension of Mundici’s theorem to the whole class of MV-algebras that are free over some finite distributive lattice.
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  27.  15
    Saturated Free Algebras Revisited.Anand Pillay & Rizos Sklinos - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):306-318.
    We give an exposition of results of Baldwin–Shelah [2] on saturated free algebras, at the level of generality of complete first order theoriesTwith a saturated modelMwhich is in the algebraic closure of an indiscernible set. We then make some new observations whenM isa saturated free algebra, analogous to (more difficult) results for the free group, such as a description of forking.
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    The free n -generated BL-algebra.Stefano Aguzzoli & Simone Bova - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (9):1144-1170.
    For each integer n≥0, we provide an explicit functional characterization of the free n-generated BL-algebra, together with an explicit construction of the corresponding normal forms.
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  29.  20
    Free Łukasiewicz implication algebras.José Díaz Varela - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (1):25-33.
    AbstractŁukasiewicz implication algebras are the {→,1}-subreducts of MV- algebras. They are the algebraic counterpart of Super-Łukasiewicz Implicational Logics investigated in Komori (Nogoya Math J 72:127–133, 1978). In this paper we give a description of free Łukasiewicz implication algebras in the context of McNaughton functions. More precisely, we show that the |X|-free Łukasiewicz implication algebra is isomorphic to \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}xX[xθ){\bigcup_{x\in X} [x_\theta)}\end{document} for a certain congruence θ over the (...)
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  30.  44
    On the free implicative semilattice extension of a Hilbert algebra.Sergio A. Celani & Ramon Jansana - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):188-207.
    Hilbert algebras provide the equivalent algebraic semantics in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi to the implication fragment of intuitionistic logic. They are closely related to implicative semilattices. Porta proved that every Hilbert algebra has a free implicative semilattice extension. In this paper we introduce the notion of an optimal deductive filter of a Hilbert algebra and use it to provide a different proof of the existence of the free implicative semilattice extension of a Hilbert algebra as (...)
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  31.  61
    A. I. Mal′cév. Ob eléméntwnyh téoriáh lokal′no svobodnyh univérsal′nyh algébr. Doklady Akadémii Nauk SSSR, vol. 138 , pp. 1009–1012. - A. I. Mal′cev. On the elementary theories of locally free universal algebras. English translation of the preceding by Elliott Mendelson. Soviet mathematics, vol. 2 no. 3 pp. 768–771. - A. I. Mal′cev. Aksiomatiziruémyé klassy lokal′no svobodnyh algébr nékotoryh tipov . Sibirskij matématičéskij žurnal, vol. 3 , pp. 729–743. [REVIEW]Benjamin Franklin Wells - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):278-279.
  32.  74
    Free Algebras in Varieties of Glivenko MTL-Algebras Satisfying the Equation 2(x²) = (2x)².Roberto Cignoli & Antoni Torrens Torrell - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):157 - 181.
    The aim of this paper is to give a description of the free algebras in some varieties of Glivenko MTL-algebras having the Boolean retraction property. This description is given (generalizing the results of [9]) in terms of weak Boolean products over Cantor spaces. We prove that in some cases the stalks can be obtained in a constructive way from free kernel DL-algebras, which are the maximal radical of directly indecomposable Glivenko MTL-algebras satisfying the equation (...)
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  33. Free-decomposability in varieties of semi-Heyting algebras.Manuel Abad, Juan Manuel Cornejo & José Patricio Díaz Varela - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):168-176.
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    Free Modal Pseudocomplemented De Morgan Algebras.Aldo V. Figallo, Nora Oliva & Alicia Ziliani - 2018 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 47 (2):89.
    Modal pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras were investigated in A. V. Figallo, N. Oliva, A. Ziliani, Modal pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 53, 1, pp. 65–79, and they constitute a proper subvariety of the variety of pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras satisfying xΛ* = *))* studied by H. Sankappanavar in 1987. In this paper the study of these algebras is continued. More precisely, new characterizations of mpM-congruences are shown. In particular, one (...)
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    Free‐decomposability in varieties of semi‐Heyting algebras.Manuel Abad, Juan Manuel Cornejo & Patricio Díaz Varela - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):168-176.
    In this paper we prove that the free algebras in a subvariety equation image of the variety equation image of semi-Heyting algebras are directly decomposable if and only if equation image satisfies the Stone identity.
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  36.  15
    Free Spectra of Equivalential Algebras with Conjunction on Dense Elements.Sławomir Przybyło & Katarzyna Słomczyńska - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):399-418.
    We construct free algebras in the variety generated by the equivalential algebra with conjunction on dense elements and compute the formula for the free spectrum of this variety. Moreover, we describe the decomposition of free algebras into directly indecomposable factors.
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  37.  23
    Free Algebras Corresponding to Multiplicative Classical Linear Logic and Some of Its Extensions.Andreja Prijatelj - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (1):53-70.
    In this paper, constructions of free algebras corresponding to multiplicative classical linear logic, its affine variant, and their extensions with -contraction () are given. As an application, the cardinality problem of some one-variable linear fragments with -contraction is solved.
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  38.  33
    Decomposability of free Łukasiewicz implication algebras.Jose Patricio Díaz Varela & Antoni Torrens Torrell - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (8):1011-1020.
    Łukasiewicz implication algebras are {→,1}-subreducts of Wajsberg algebras (MV-algebras). They are the algebraic counterpart of Super-Łukasiewicz Implicational logics investigated in Komori, Nogoya Math J 72:127–133, 1978. The aim of this paper is to study the direct decomposability of free Łukasiewicz implication algebras. We show that freely generated algebras are directly indecomposable. We also study the direct decomposability in free algebras of all its proper subvarieties and show that infinitely freely generated algebras (...)
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  39.  46
    Free Spectra of Linear Equivalential Algebras.Katarzyna Slomczyńska - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (4):1341 - 1358.
    We construct the finitely generated free algebras and determine the free spectra of varieties of linear equivalential algebras and linear equivalential algebras of finite height corresponding. respectively, to the equivalential fragments of intermediate Gödel-Dummett logic and intermediate finite-valued logics of Gödel. Thus we compute the number of purely equivalential propositional formulas in these logics in n variables for an arbitrary n ∈ N.
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  40.  37
    Free and Projective Bimodal Symmetric Gödel Algebras.Revaz Grigolia, Tatiana Kiseliova & Vladimer Odisharia - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (1):115-143.
    Gödel logic is the extension of intuitionistic logic by the linearity axiom. Symmetric Gödel logic is a logical system, the language of which is an enrichment of the language of Gödel logic with their dual logical connectives. Symmetric Gödel logic is the extension of symmetric intuitionistic logic. The proof-intuitionistic calculus, the language of which is an enrichment of the language of intuitionistic logic by modal operator was investigated by Kuznetsov and Muravitsky. Bimodal symmetric Gödel logic is a logical system, the (...)
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  41.  29
    Gödel algebras free over finite distributive lattices.Stefano Aguzzoli, Brunella Gerla & Vincenzo Marra - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (3):183-193.
    Gödel algebras form the locally finite variety of Heyting algebras satisfying the prelinearity axiom =. In 1969, Horn proved that a Heyting algebra is a Gödel algebra if and only if its set of prime filters partially ordered by reverse inclusion–i.e. its prime spectrum–is a forest. Our main result characterizes Gödel algebras that are free over some finite distributive lattice by an intrisic property of their spectral forest.
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    Free łukasiewicz and hoop residuation algebras.Joel Berman & W. J. Blok - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (2):153 - 180.
    Hoop residuation algebras are the {, 1}-subreducts of hoops; they include Hilbert algebras and the {, 1}-reducts of MV-algebras (also known as Wajsberg algebras). The paper investigates the structure and cardinality of finitely generated free algebras in varieties of k-potent hoop residuation algebras. The assumption of k-potency guarantees local finiteness of the varieties considered. It is shown that the free algebra on n generators in any of these varieties can be represented as (...)
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  43.  30
    Left division in the free left distributive algebra on many generators.Sheila K. Miller - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):177-205.
    Left distributive algebras arise in the study of classical structures such as groups, knots, and braids, as well as more exotic objects like large cardinals. A long-standing open question is whether the set of left divisors of every term in the free left distributive algebra on any number of generators is well-ordered. A conjecture of J. Moody describes a halting condition for descending sequences of left divisors in the free left distributive algebra on an arbitrary number of (...)
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  44. Review: Paul R. Halmos, Free Monadic Algebras[REVIEW]Aubert Daigneault - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):469-469.
  45.  9
    Decomposability of free Łukasiewicz implication algebras.Jose Díaz Varela & Antoni Torrens Torrell - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (8):1011-1020.
    AbstractŁukasiewicz implication algebras are {→,1}-subreducts of Wajsberg algebras (MV-algebras). They are the algebraic counterpart of Super-Łukasiewicz Implicational logics investigated in Komori, Nogoya Math J 72:127–133, 1978. The aim of this paper is to study the direct decomposability of free Łukasiewicz implication algebras. We show that freely generated algebras are directly indecomposable. We also study the direct decomposability in free algebras of all its proper subvarieties and show that infinitely freely generated algebras (...)
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  46. AHLBRANDT, G. and ZIEGLER, M., Quasi finitely axiomatiz-able totally categorical theories ASH, CJ and ROSENTHAL, JW, Intersections of algebraically closed fields BAUDISCH, A., On elementary properties of free Lie algebras[REVIEW]Jw Rosenthal & A. S. H. Cj - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30:321.
  47.  66
    A Characterization of the free n-generated MV-algebra.Daniele Mundici - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2):239-247.
    An MV-algebra A=(A,0,¬,⊕) is an abelian monoid (A,0,⊕) equipped with a unary operation ¬ such that ¬¬x=x,x⊕¬0=¬0, and y⊕¬(y⊕¬x)=x⊕¬(x⊕¬y). Chang proved that the equational class of MV-algebras is generated by the real unit interval [0,1] equipped with the operations ¬x=1−x and x⊕y=min(1,x+y). Therefore, the free n-generated MV-algebra Free n is the algebra of [0,1]-valued functions over the n-cube [0,1] n generated by the coordinate functions ξ i ,i=1, . . . ,n, with pointwise operations. Any such function (...)
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  48.  27
    λ-Definability on free algebras.Marek Zaionc - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 (3):279-300.
    Zaionc, M., λ-Definability on free algebras, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 279-300. A λ-language over a simple type structure is considered. There is a natural isomorphism which identifies free algebras with nonempty second-order types. If A is a free algebra determined by the signature SA = [α1,...,αn], then by a type τA we mean τ1,...,τn→0 where τi=0αi→0. It can be seen that closed terms of the type τA reflex constructions in the algebra A. (...)
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    An algebraic treatment of quantifier-free systems of arithmetic.Franco Montagna - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (4):209-224.
    By algebraic means, we give an equational axiomatization of the equational fragments of various systems of arithmetic. We also introduce a faithful semantics according to which, for every reasonable system T for arithmetic, there is a model where exactly the theorems of T are true.
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  50.  28
    On atomicity of free algebras in certain cylindric-like varieties.Zalán Gyenis - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (1):44-52.
    In this paper we show that the one-generated free three dimensional polyadic and substitutional algebras Fr1PA3 and Fr1SCA3 are not atomic. What is more, their corresponding logics have the Gödel’s incompleteness property. This provides a partial solution to a longstanding open problem of Németi and Maddux going back to Alfred Tarski via the book [12].
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