Results for 'existential concentration'

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  1.  60
    Theory construction and existential description in Schelling’s treatise on freedom.Peter Dews - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):157-178.
    Despite considerable recent attention, important features of Schelling’s famous work, the 1809 treatise On the Essence of Human Freedom, remain under-explored. One of these is the methodological dualism which Schelling advocates at the very start of the text. Schelling aims to weld together into a coherent position a first-person phenomenology of freedom and an explanation achieved by locating freedom within a conceptual system articulating the basic structure of the world. Most interpretations of the Freiheitsschrift, however, concentrate on only one of (...)
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    At the Threshold of Ricoeur’s Concerns in La Métaphore Vive: A Spatial Discourse of Diametric and Concentric Structures of Relation Building on Lévi-Strauss.Paul Downes - 2016 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2):146-163.
    In La Métaphore Vive, spatial understandings pervade much of Ricoeur’s discussion of metaphor in terms of proximity and distance, tension, substitution, displacement, change of location, image, the ‘open’ structure of words, closure, transparency and opaqueness. Yet this is usually where space is discussed within metaphor, and as a metaphor itself, rather than as a precondition or prior system of relations to language interacting with language. Based on reinterpretation of an aspect of Lévi-Strauss’ structuralist anthropology, diametric and concentric spaces are argued (...)
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  3.  51
    The Thought of Concentrating Kyoung (敬) and its Contemporary Meaning of Dongchundang Songjoongil (1606-1672).In-Chang Song - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:291-302.
    Dongchundang Songjoongil (1606-1672) was a scholar who represented Gihoyeahak and Sanlim (山林) influencing the society of Chosŏn dynasty since the middle of 17th century. This report focus on its contemporary purport and reconciliation spirit on the Kyoung (敬) of Dongchundang. The Kyoung is the core idea that elucidates Dongchundang's philosophy and its characteristic. Dongchundang tried to continue to live the life of 'according knowledge and action' (知行一致) and dreamed the world of 'harmonization but not same' (和而不同) which indicates the principle (...)
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    Empty Justice: One Hundred Years of Law, Literature and Philosophy : Existential, Feminist and Normative Perspectives in Literary Jurisprudence.Melanie Williams - 2002 - Routledge.
    Utilising literature as a serious source of challenges to questions in philosophy and law, this book provides a fresh perspective not only upon the inculcation of the legal subject, but also upon the relationship between modernism, postmodernism and how such concepts might evolve in the construction of community ethics. The creation and role of the legal subject is just one aspect of jurisprudential enquiry now attracting much attention. How do moral values act upon the subject? How do moral 'systems' impinge (...)
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    The Great Awakening of Life: an Existential Phenomenological Interpretation of the Mahat-Buddhi in the Sāṃkhya Kārikā.Geoffrey Ashton - 2018 - Journal of Dharma Studies 1 (1):97-109.
    The Sāṃkhya Kārikā’s “mahat-buddhi” appears to be riddled with obscurity. Standard realist interpreters struggle to explain its cumbersome, textually unsupported bivalence, namely, how the mahat-buddhi can represent both a cosmological entity and a psychological capacity. Idealist readings, meanwhile, neglect the historically deep ontological meaning of this tattva by reducing it to a power of the transcendental ego. This paper moves beyond the impasse of the realism-idealism framework for interpreting the Sāṃkhya Kārikā and examines the mahat-buddhi through the existential phenomenology (...)
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    Structural Subsumption and Least Common Subsumers in a Description Logic with Existential and Number Restrictions.Ralf Küsters & Ralf Molitor - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (2):227-259.
    The least common subsumer of a set of concept descriptions is the most specific concept description that subsumes all of the concept descriptions in the given set. By computing the lcs, commonalities between concept descriptions can be made explicit. This is an important inference task useful in several applications, including, for instance, the bottom-up construction of description logic knowledge bases. Previous work on the lcs has concentrated on description logics that either allow for number restrictions or for existential restrictions. (...)
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    Opening Death’s Door: Psilocybin and Existential Suffering in Palliative Care.Duff R. Waring - 2022 - In Tomas Zima & David N. Weisstub (eds.), Medical Research Ethics: Challenges in the 21st Century. Springer Verlag. pp. 235-262.
    A signal challenge of twenty-first century psychiatry is the effective treatment of existential/spiritual suffering in palliative care. This chapter will concentrate on research to assess the therapeutic potential of psilocybin to assuage that suffering. If a “psychedelic experience” can facilitate an acceptance of impending death, and reduce the existential suffering of those who endure it, it could prove to be a valuable intervention where one is sorely needed. The therapeutic use of psilocybin with dying patients (hereinafter patients) raises (...)
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  8.  43
    Of death and dominion: the existential foundations of governance.Mohammed A. Bamyeh - 2007 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Death is the opposite not of life, but of power. And as such, Mohammed Bamyeh argues in this original work, death has had a great and largely unexplored impact on the thinking of governance throughout history, right down to our day. In Of Death and Dominion Bamyeh pursues the idea that a deep concern with death is, in fact, the basis of the ideological foundations of all political systems. Concentrating on four types of political systems—polis, empire, theocracy, and modern mass (...)
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  9.  41
    Translation of Levinas’s Review of Lev Shestov’s Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy.James McLachlan - 2016 - Levinas Studies 11 (1):237-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Translation of Levinas’s Review of Lev Shestov’s Kierkegaard and the Existential PhilosophyJames McLachlan (bio)In 1937, Emmanuel Levinas published a review of Lev Shestov’s Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy.1 In one of the first studies in English on Levinas, Edith Wyschogrod claims: “What Levinas writes of Shestov’s analysis of Kierkegaard might well be taken as a program for his own future work.”2 The review of Shestov’s Kierkegaard book (...)
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  10.  48
    À propos d’un cours inédit de Michel Foucault sur l’analyse existentielle de Ludwig Binswanger (Lille 1953–54)On Michel Foucault’s unpublished lectures on Ludwig Binswanger’s existential analysis (Lille 1953–54)Über Michel Foucaults Unveröffentlichte Vorlesungen Zur Daseinsanalyse Ludwig Binswangers. [REVIEW]Elisabetta Basso - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1):35-59.
    RésuméCet article examine la manière dont Michel Foucault se rapporte à la psychologie et à la psychopathologie phénoménologiques dans les années 1950, à la lumière des nouvelles sources documentaires que nous avons aujourd’hui à notre disposition. Notre contribution se concentre en particulier sur le manuscrit inédit de l’un des cours donnés par Foucault à l’université de Lille entre 1952 et 1954 : le cours sur « Binswanger et la phénoménologie ». L’analyse de ce cours, conçu par Foucault dans le contexte (...)
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  11.  33
    The faces of death.G. Popa & E. Hanganu - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (2):71-72.
    The individual's reaction to imminent death depends on his concept of the existential meaning of death.There are two main, but opposing, concepts, one positive and the other tragic. The first sees death as a transition to another mode of being. Within that three main modalities are to be distinguished, in which is considered either as an element in the cosmic harmony, the reintegration of the individual into the universal (the `Tagorian' mode); or secondly the possibility of man's external existence (...)
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  12.  31
    Pedagogical Immediacy, Listening, and Silent Meaning: Essayistic Exercises in Philosophy and Literature for Early Childhood Educators.Viktor Magne Johansson - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-29.
    This essay concentrates on philosophizing that happens outside and in addition to planned philosophical discussions, philosophizing that comes alive in practice, that is intensified in children’s encounters with the world, with others, with language, in play. It contemplates how adults, educators and parents encounter children and are affected by children’s philosophical explorations. What is the role of the adult in children’s philosophical questioning? How can we respond to children’s philosophizing? What does it mean to do so? The essay explores philosophical (...)
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  13.  12
    At a Crossroads: a Tragicomic Shot of Serial Dehumanization.Алексей Фатенков - 2023 - Philosophical Anthropology 9 (2):97-102.
    In correlation with the semantics of the word “crossroads”, the modern worldview situation is conceptualized. The problems of humanism and dehumanization are in focus. While defending the humanist position in general, the author points out its weakness: humanism has not been able to escape the temptation of the idea of immortality, although the project of immortality steadily leads to de-individualization and thus to dehumanization.
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    Phenomenology of Distraction, or Attention in the Fissuring of Time and Space.Michael Marder - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (3):396-419.
    The goal of “Phenomenology of Distraction“ is to explore the imbrication of attention and distraction within existential spatiality and temporality. First, I juxtapose the Heideggerian dispersion of concern (which includes, among other things, the attentive comportment) in everyday life, conceived as a way to get distracted from one's impending mortality, to Fernando Pessoa's embracing of the inauthentic, superficial, and restless existence, where attention necessarily reverts into distraction. Second, I consider the philosophical confessions of St. Augustine and Jean-Jacques Rousseau as (...)
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  15.  49
    Expressivity of Imperfect Information Logics without Identity.Antti Kuusisto - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (2):237-265.
    In this article we investigate the family of independence-friendly (IF) logics in the equality-free setting, concentrating on questions related to expressive power. Various natural equality-free fragments of logics in this family translate into existential second-order logic with prenex quantification of function symbols only and with the first-order parts of formulae equality-free. We study this fragment of existential second-order logic. Our principal technical result is that over finite models with a vocabulary consisting of unary relation symbols only, this fragment (...)
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  16.  14
    Cross-cultural existentialism: on the meaning of life in Asian and Western thought.Leah Kalmanson - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Expanding the scope of existential discourse beyond the Western tradition, this book engages Asian philosophies to reassess vital questions of life's purpose, death's imminence, and our capacity for living meaningfully in conditions of uncertainty. Inspired by European existentialism in theory, the book explores concrete techniques for existential practice via the philosophies of East Asia. The investigation begins with the provocative existential writings of twentieth-century Korean Buddhist nun Kim Iryop, who asserts that meditative concentration conducts a potent (...)
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  17.  41
    Wise therapy: philosophy for counsellors.Tim LeBon - 2001 - New York: Continuum.
    Independent on Sunday October 2nd One of the country's lead­ing philosophical counsellers, and chairman of the Society for Philosophy in Practice (SPP), Tim LeBon, said it typically took around six 50 ­minute sessions for a client to move from confusion to resolution. Mr LeBon, who has 'published a book on the subject, Wise Therapy, said philoso­phy was perfectly suited to this type of therapy, dealing as it does with timeless human issues such as love, purpose, happiness and emo­tional challenges. `Wise (...)
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  18.  19
    To the Other: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas.Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak & Emmanuel Lévinas - 1993
    The fruit of the author's many courses on Emmanuel Levinas in Europe and the United States, this study is a clear introduction for graduate students and scholars who are not yet familiar with Levinas's difficult but exceptionally important oeuvre. After a first chapter on the existential background and the key issues of his thought, chapters 2, 3, and 4 concentrate on and include a short text, "Philosophy and the idea of the Infinite," which contains the program of Levinas's entire (...)
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  19.  21
    AI-informed acting: an Arendtian perspective.Daniil Koloskov - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (5):1171-1188.
    In this paper, I will investigate the possible impact of weak artificial intelligence (more specifically, I will concentrate on deep learning) on human capability of action. For this goal, I will first address Arendt’s philosophy of action, which seeks to emphasize the distinguishing elements of action that set it apart from other forms of human activity. According to Arendt, action should be conceived as praxis, an activity that has its goal in its own very performance. The authentic meaning of action (...)
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  20.  15
    Moralisch legitim gehandelt?Lothar Fritze - 2016 - Archiv Für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (2):222-244.
    The discussion of a real-life example leads to the finding that basic, rationally grounded moral norms apply and must be followed even under conditions analogous to the “state of nature” such as those in a concentration camp. People who innocently end up in a situation in which they can only save their own lives by directly or directly causing the death of another innocent person, or by accepting this person’s death, are morally obligated under such conditions to refrain from (...)
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  21.  5
    Hate Speech Frontiers: Exploring the Limits of the Ordinary and Legal Concepts.Alexander Brown & Adriana Sinclair - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    No serious attempt to answer the question ‘What is hate speech?’ would be complete without an exploration of the outer limits of the concept(s). This book critically examines both the ordinary and legal concepts of hate speech, contrasting social media platform content policies with national and international laws. It also explores a range of controversial grey area examples of hate speech. Part I focuses on the ordinary concept and looks at hybrid attacks, selective attacks, reverse attacks, righteous attacks, indirect attacks, (...)
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  22.  55
    St. Augustine and being: A metaphysical essay.Bruce A. Garside - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):79-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews St. Auc~stine and Being: A Me$aphyM,cal Essay. By James F. Anderson. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965.Pp. viii [i] + 76. Guilders 9.90.) Contemporary students of medieval philosophy, especially those influenced by the writings of Gilson, usually view Augustine as primarily an essentialist in metaphysics, while Aquinas is viewed as some sort of existentialist. This is taken to mean that, whereas Augustine seems to identify being with essence (...)
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  23.  13
    Hellenic Theology of the Epoch of High Classics.Viacheslav M. Naidysh & Найдыш Вячеслав Михайлович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):79-93.
    The conceptual basis of Hellenic theology was theoretical reflection on the essence of myth, the philosophy of mythology. Several stages can be distinguished in the history of Hellenic theology. The subject of this article is the Hellenic theology of the epoch of the high classics (Vt. half of the V century BC). The cultural roots of the High Classics go back to the ancient Enlightenment, which formed the rational attitude of the ancient consciousness to the world. The main event of (...)
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    Über die Einheit des Menschen aus ärztlicher Sicht.Klaus Gahl - 1999 - Ethik in der Medizin 11 (1):2-11.
    Definition of the problem: Discussions of “holistic” medical practice confine themselves to the treatment of so-called “psychosomatic disorders”. This paper traces ways in which the patient's personal unity may become apparent to medical practitioners during three critical steps of everyday practice: physical examination, “medical history” (anamnesis) and treatment. Physical examination touches on the patient's “Leiblichkeit” (his “organ” of bodily self-awareness of being a person). Objectifying of the “Leiblichkeit” may constitute an infringement upon the patient's personal unity and is only justified (...)
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  25.  18
    C.S. Peirce and the Nested Continua Model of Religious Interpretation.Natalia Lukianova & Elena Fell - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (266):177-179.
    The nested continua model is a visual methodological device, consisting in the graphic representation of a series of concentric circles representing successive contexts, within which a particular problem can be examined, ranging from the most specific to the least specific. It is ‘not fundamentally about Peirce’ (p. 3); however, Slater draws on Peirce’s ability to accommodate ‘distinctions of enormous gravity’ (p. 4) required in theology and acknowledges that his own model is analogous to Peirce’s Existential Graphs.
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  26. An Interview with Lance Olsen.Ben Segal - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):40-43.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 40–43. Lance Olsen is a professor of Writing and Literature at the University of Utah, Chair of the FC2 Board of directors, and, most importantly, author or editor of over twenty books of and about innovative literature. He is one of the true champions of prose as a viable contemporary art form. He has just published Architectures of Possibility (written with Trevor Dodge), a book that—as Olsen's works often do—exceeds the usual boundaries of its genre as it (...)
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  27. The Order of Evils: Toward an Ontology of Morals.Rela Mazali & Havi Carel (eds.) - 2005 - Zone Books.
    What remains of moral judgment when truth itself is mistrusted, when the validity of every belief system depends on its context, when power and knowledge are inextricably entangled? Is a viable moral theory still possible in the wake of the postmodern criticism of modern philosophy? The Order of Evils responds directly to these questions and dilemmas with one simple and brilliant change of focus. Rather than concentrating on the age-old themes of justice and freedom, Adi Ophir offers a moral theory (...)
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    Imagination in the Zhuangzi: the madman of Chu’s alternative to Confucian cultivation.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2017 - Asian Philosophy 27 (1):30-42.
    This paper examines the role of the imagination in the Zhuangzi. There are many avenues through which the various types of imaginations in the Zhuangzi could be investigated, but this paper will concentrate on only one, namely the use of imagination to criticize Confucius’ way. Specifically, the Zhuangzi finds Confucius’ views on virtuosity, moral cultivation, and social roles to include exceedingly limited imagined restrictions. The Daoist classic thereby creates stories to inspire the imagination of its readers, with the goal of (...)
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  29.  8
    La parola che nasce. Paci lettore di Rilke.Andrea Cirolla - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 58:147-165.
    In this article the Author reconstructs some aspects of Enzo Paci’s aesthetics theory, focusing the attention on the concept of “rebirth”, connected to the topic of “growing” (reifen) in Rilke’s poetry. This interpretation of Rilke’s poetry, which he read during his imprisonment in several nazist concentration camps between 1943 and 1945, confirmed in Paci his previous philosophical perspective and allowed for new developments of thought. According to Paci, art cannot be separated from the theoretical field, thus displaying an essential (...)
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    Екзистенційні основи добра.Yuliia Yu Brodetska - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 62:174-181.
    The article is devoted to the consideration of the good nature existential foundations. Good, as a transcendental phenomenon, reveals itself in a person as a powerful mechanism of its internal development – spiritual needs. Need, unlike desire, is not just a requirement of the human body. Need is a way of relationship, that is, communication with objective reality. This life aspiration is responsible for the personality realization as an active, creative, responsible part of co-existence. Therefore, all aspects of human (...)
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    Existentialist Critiques of Cartesianism.İlham Dilman - 1993 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book is a discussion of Heidegger's, Sartre's and Marcel's rejection of Cartesian epistemology, the scepticism to which it leads and its objectivist conception of human existence. It compares this rejection with Wittgenstein's rejection of these conceptions of man, his relation to the knowledge of what belongs to the world in which he lives. It concentrates on the existentialist critiques of consciousness as a substance and of the self as such a substance, of each person's body as something external to (...)
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  32.  44
    Nietzsche's Questioning.Paul Van Tongeren - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):692-701.
    When Nietzsche is called a radical philosopher, it is (among other reasons) because he claims to call into question what other thinkers take for granted. In the article I concentrate on the way in which Nietzsche asks his questions, and how his questions (and the vocabulary which he uses to express his questions) develop through his writings. The article points out how Nietzsche gradually discovers his guiding question and how this search reaches its climax around 1886. This guiding question turns (...)
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  33.  9
    Epistemology, Ethics, and Meaning in Unusually Personal Scholarship.Amber Esping - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book uses Viktor Frankl's Existential Psychology (logotherapy) to explore the ways some professors use unusually personal scholarship to discover meaning in personal adversity. A psychiatrist imprisoned for three years in Nazi concentration camps, Frankl believed the search for meaning is a powerful motivator, and that its discovery can be profoundly therapeutic. Part I begins with four stories of professors finding meaning. Using the case studies as a foundation, Part II investigates issues of epistemology and ethics in unusually (...)
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  34. Distributive justice as an ethical principle for autonomous vehicle behavior beyond hazard scenarios.Manuel Dietrich & Thomas H. Weisswange - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (3):227-239.
    Through modern driver assistant systems, algorithmic decisions already have a significant impact on the behavior of vehicles in everyday traffic. This will become even more prominent in the near future considering the development of autonomous driving functionality. The need to consider ethical principles in the design of such systems is generally acknowledged. However, scope, principles and strategies for their implementations are not yet clear. Most of the current discussions concentrate on situations of unavoidable crashes in which the life of human (...)
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    A problem concerning the definition of `proper name'.William R. Stirton - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (174):83-89.
    By "proper name" I mean a proper name in Frege's sense, i.e., a singular term. The "problem" mentioned in the title is whether the subject-term of an existential statement can be a proper name. I concentrate on examining some of the existing attempts to define "proper name" and conclude that, whatever answer is given to the question just posed, the authors of these attempts (Dummett, C Wright and B Hale) will have to modify some of their beliefs. My own (...)
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    Knowledge, Cause, and Abstract Objects: Causal Objections to Platonism.C. Cheyne - 2010 - Springer.
    According to platonists, entities such as numbers, sets, propositions and properties are abstract objects. But abstract objects lack causal powers and a location in space and time, so how could we ever come to know of the existence of such impotent and remote objects? In Knowledge, Cause, and Abstract Objects, Colin Cheyne presents the first systematic and detailed account of this epistemological objection to the platonist doctrine that abstract objects exist and can be known. Since mathematics has such a central (...)
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    Philosophy Shaped by the Autobiographical: An Interview with Kris Sealey.Jim Vernon & Kris Sealey - 2024 - Symposium 28 (2):115-135.
    Kris Sealey received her Ph.D. from the University of Memphis and is now Professor of Philosophy at the Pennsylvania State University. Her work ranges across a variety of ????ields from existential phenom-enology to the Philosophy of Race, Caribbean philosophy, and de-colonial philosophy. In this interview, conducted over email across several months, we track Sealey’s intellectual journey, focussing on her ????irst book, Moments of Disruption: Levinas, Sartre, and the Question of Transcendence, and her recent Creolizing the Nation, which received the (...)
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    Emancipatory Thinking: Simone de Beauvoir and Contemporary Political Thought.Elaine Stavro - 2018 - Montreal: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Most scholars have focused on The Second Sex and Simone de Beauvoir’s fiction, concentrating on gender issues but ignoring her broader emancipatory vision. Though Beauvoir’s political thinking is not as closely studied as her feminist works, it underpinned her activism and helped her navigate the dilemmas raised by revolutionary thought in the postwar period. In Emancipatory Thinking Elaine Stavro brings together Beauvoir’s philosophy and her political interventions to produce complex ideas on emancipation. Drawing from a range of work, including novels, (...)
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    'Everything you always wanted to know about Atomic Warfare but were afraid to ask': Nuclear Strategy in the Ukraine War era.Demetrius Floudas - forthcoming - Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative Termly Lectures; Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
    The ongoing conflict in Ukraine constitutes a poignant reminder of the enduring relevance and potential devastation associated with nuclear weapons. For decades, the possibility of such catastrophic conflict has not seemed so imminent as in the current world affairs. -/- This contribution presents a comprehensive analysis of nuclear strategy for the 21st century. By examining the evolving geostrategic landscape the talk illuminates key concepts such as nuclear posture, credible deterrence, first & second strike capabilities, flexible response, EMP , variable yield, (...)
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  40. Heidegger: The Question of Being and History.Jacques Derrida - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Thomas Dutoit, Marguerite Derrida & Geoffrey Bennington.
    Few philosophers held greater fascination for Jacques Derrida than Martin Heidegger, and in this book we get an extended look at Derrida’s first real encounters with him. Delivered over nine sessions in 1964 and 1965 at the École Normale Supérieure, these lectures offer a glimpse of the young Derrida first coming to terms with the German philosopher and his magnum opus, Being and Time. They provide not only crucial insight into the gestation of some of Derrida’s primary conceptual concerns—indeed, it (...)
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    Entangled Agencies: New Individual Practices of Human-Technology Hybridism Through Body Hacking.Bárbara Nascimento Duarte - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):275-285.
    This essay develops its idiosyncrasy by concentrating primarily on the trend of body hacking. The practitioners, self-defined as body hackers, self-made cyborgs or grinders, work in different ways to develop functional and physiological modifications through the contributions of technology. Their goal is to develop by themselves an empirically man-technique fusion. These dynamic “scientific” subcultures are producing astonishing innovations. From pocket-sized kits that sample human DNA, microchip implants that keep tabs on our internal organs, blood sugar levels or moods, and even (...)
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  42. "Everyday" and "Resolute" Dasein: Heidegger's Account of Human Beings in "Being and Time".Mariana J. Ortega - 1996 - Dissertation, University of California, San Diego
    The overall aim of this project is to provide an explanation of Dasein that takes into account both Dasein's social and individual characters as well as both Division I and II of Being and Time. Chapter 1 provides an exposition of the existentialia of Dasein which illustrate the difference between Heidegger's characterization of human beings as Dasein and the traditional Cartesian epistemic subject. Chapter 2 analyzes the roles of das Man and Mitsein, the existential structures that are key in (...)
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    Painting of Galychyna the end of XІХ – the beginning of XX centuries.Nadiya Rusco - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:168-176.
    The end of the second and the beginning of the third millennium was marked by the growth of national consciousness in Ukraine. Understanding of traditional values, culture, native history has become an important part of the spiritual sphere of the modern Ukrainian conceptual system. In connection with the loss of many ethical, aesthetic, religious, existential landmarks, there was a need for reconstruction, the return of national styles of thought, in which the ancient great Ukrainian culture and statehood would be (...)
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    Arvydas Šliogeris’ Perspective on Place: Shaping the Cosmopolis for a Sustainable Presence.Mantas Daknys & Naglis Kardelis - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):157-71.
    This article explores the Lithuanian philosophical conception of philotopy by Arvydas Šliogeris, which, emphasizing the significance of place and experience, imposes limits on Nihil. Philotopy, as conceived by Šliogeris, is a novel method of contemporary philosophy, it is a possible answer to present-day challenges, both existential and environmental. The cosmopolis, as a concentration of things close to humans, primarily allows them to realize their finitude, similar to their place and the things closest to them. Consequently, this realization of (...)
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  45. The Intentionality, Causality and Metaphysics of Naming.David Freedman - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;This thesis delineates the boundaries of theories of naming, placing particular emphasis on the demarcation of the semantic function of referring expressions from the pragmatics of referential usage. The singular reference where pragmatic phenomena are used to refute semantic theories and vice versa. ;Part One of the thesis examines various conceptions of the semantic function of names. Frege's notion of 'Sinn' is shown to be incoherent as are its (...)
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  46. L'enfer est-il éternel?Bernard Sesboüé - 1999 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 87 (2):189-206.
    Commençant par rappeler les objections traditionnelles ou habituelles à l'Enfer de la part des meilleurs croyants , l'auteur évoque d'abord les raisons qui militent en faveur de l'Enfer, notamment dans les propos même de Jésus : opposition entre le bien et le mal, intransigeance à l'égard du mal, langage pédagogique des paraboles, propos qui paraissent surtout contradictoires. Une aporie surgissant de l'enseignement même de jésus, l'auteur examine quelques théories pour en sortir pour examiner ensuite les implications de la liberté créée (...)
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    Analysing Gaze in Terms of Subjective and Objective Interpretation: Sartre and Lacan.Pallavi Sharma & Archana Barua - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):61-75.
    Considering the Hegelian master–slave dichotomy over the exchange of the gaze, the paper focuses on the issue of vision and visibility, reinterpreted in Sartre’s phenomenological discussions in different ways. The Hegelian emphasis on recognition finds reflection in the treatment of vision as force expressed through visibility in Sartre and as an issue of self recognition in Lacan. Drawing the Hegelian tag with a comparative argument between Sartre and Lacan, the paper focuses on the different perspectives over the concept of gaze (...)
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    Die Sprache der Objekte : Zur Bedeutung der Dinge in der Erzählung einer Holocaust-Überlebenden.Christoph Wulf - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (1):219-230.
    Material objects play a central role in the development of human beings. The following paper reconstructs their importance in the testimony of a holocaust survivor. Materials play an important role in the formation of the lifeworld. In a concentration camp, they often gain an unexpected existential importance. According to the context clothes, wood, food, earth change their meaning for the detainees. The kind of clothes corresponds with the type of camp and may be an indicator for the chances (...)
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    Imaginação E horror. Uma reflexão a partir de Bachelard.Marco Heleno Barreto - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):809-833.
    RESUMO O artigo propõe-se a explorar, a partir de uma posição bachelardiana, as relações entre imaginação e horror. Para tanto, examino o campo dos sonhos vividos durante o regime de terror nazista, e em especial o material onírico e a experiência vivida por Jean Cayrol no universo concentracionário, pondo à prova teses fundamentais da concepção bachelardiana acerca da imaginação criadora em sua significação antropológico-existencial. ABSTRACT The paper explores the relations between imagination and horror, from a Bachelardian perspective. The analysis draws (...)
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  50. Presuppose Nothing! the Suspension of Assumptions in Phenomenological Psychological Methodology.Peter Ashworth - 1996 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 27 (1):i-25.
    Historically, the suspension of presuppositions arose as part of the philosophical procedure of the transcendental reduction which, Husserl taught, led to the distinct realm of phenomenological research: pure consciousness. With such an origin, it may seem surprising that bracketing remains a methodological concept of modern phenomenological psychology, in which the focus is on the life-world. Such a focus of investigation is, on the face of it, incompatible with transcendental idealism. The gap was bridged largely by Merleau-Ponty, who found it possible (...)
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