Results for 'estética animal'

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  1.  10
    Estética más allá del antropocentrismo: la perspectiva evolutiva como punto de encuentro entre análisis ético y estético en la filosofía de Jean-Marie Schaeffer.E. Joaquín Suárez-Ruíz - 2023 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 66:393-418.
    Los escritos de Jean-Marie Schaeffer destacan entre los de otros filósofos franceses por el hecho de que no solo enfatizan la relevancia del enfoque evolutivo al interior de la reflexión filosófica, generalmente desacreditado por completo en los círculos intelectuales vinculados a la filosofía continental, sino por el hecho de que lo introducen en la investigación estética, lo cual resulta aún menos frecuente entre los filósofos en general. En la argumentación de Schaeffer, dicho enfoque explicita la existencia de un punto (...)
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    Estética, peletería y extinción de especies. El visón europeo como ejemplo.Marta Tafalla González - 1970 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 21:103-127.
    Una de las principales causas de que el visón europeo, Mustela lutreola, esté en peligro de extinción es la industria peletera. Por un lado, durante los siglos XIX y XX, la caza por su piel causó un grave declive en la especie. Por otro lado, a partir de la década de 1920, la peletería fue substituyendo la caza por la cría en cautividad, y Europa se llenó de granjas de visón americano, Neovison vison; los ejemplares fugados de ellas están colonizando (...)
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    lugar de la estética en la estromatología de Ortiz de Urbina.Silverio Sánchez Corredera - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:7-42.
    Tras la publicación de Estromatología, en 2014, y de Orden oculto, en 2021, Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina cierra su sistema filosófico, la «estromatología», con Por amor al Arte, en 2024. En el presenta artículo se estudia el encaje que esta última obra tiene en sus escritos anteriores. La estructura de la naturaleza humana se afina ahora más y, frente a ella, el lugar de la Naturaleza y la Eidética (conocimientos científicos) quedan ubicados de manera muy diferente al uso convencional. (...)
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    L’estetica del camuffamento animale. Riflessioni sul mimetismo biologico.Valeria Maggiore - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (2):17-30.
    This article wants to investigate the logic of mimicry and their communicative function in animal life adopting an aesthetical perspective. The relationship between appearance and not-appearance, between the act of making itself visible and the act of disguising itself, is investigated starting from the morphological thought of the Swiss biologist Adolf Portmann, in a continuous dialogue with great thinkers of past and actual time – Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Hannah Arendt and Roger Caillois – and with the artistic illustrations of (...)
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    Una nueva generación del Anime (2000-2020): Evolución, expansión y progreso técnico en la animación japonesa actual.Antonio Horno López - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-9.
    A través del análisis del lenguaje audiovisual y la comprensión del proceso de creación de algunas de las series anime más destacadas de la última década, este artículo pretende establecer las cualidades estéticas y técnicas actuales más representativas de este modelo de animación. Unos aspectos significativos que podrían dar lugar a una nueva etapa en la historia de la animación japonesa, ya que no solo las técnicas de producción o difusión han seguido evolucionando sino también su narrativa y estética (...)
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    L’origine animale dell’estetica.Wolfgang Welsch - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 54:181-206.
    Maybe human aesthetics developed from animal aesthetics. I am not, of course, suggesting that sophisticated aesthetics as practiced by humans already exists among animals. Yet the aesthetic attitude as such might have originated in the animal kingdom. Drawing on this animal resource, human aesthetics might have evolved and, when cultural evolution emerged, it had reached results very different from animal aesthetics. With this perspective in mind, I show that the evolutionary aesthetics, as commonly pursued today, falls (...)
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    Más allá del par forma-contenido. Una lectura de las fuentes biológicas de la estética deleuzeana.Guadalupe Lucero - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21 (1).
    RESUMEN:La originalidad que define la lectura deleuzeana de las artes es su crítica implícita a toda antropología o psicología del artista y del espectador, y a todo abordaje de la obra dependiente de la tradición hermenéutica, de las teorías del lenguaje y de la semiología estructuralista. El problema de la animalidad y de la vida en general en relación con el arte parece responder, de un modo inédito, al desdibujamiento de las esferas que la estética clásica distinguía como categorías (...)
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    Estetica e significazione. Sul rapporto fra linguaggio ed esperienza sensibile.Felice Cimatti - 2023 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 20.
    Is language an evolutionarily independent faculty from other cognitive capacities? In recent years two opposing views have clashed: the innatist view, of which linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky is the main exponent, which answers in the affirmative; the constructivist-empiricist one according to which, on the other hand, language is but the ultimate evolution-complication of non-linguistic capabilities already present in non-human animals. This paper presents and comments on the position of the scientist and philosopher Giorgio Prodi (1928-1987) who avoids this contraposition (...)
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    Phenomenology of audiovisual narrative for an ethical formation employing “anime”.Víctor Francisco Casallo Mesías - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 37:161-187.
    La formación ética enfrenta el reto de ser comprensible para los estudiantes, pero, sobre todo, de formularsedesde las formas de comprender y discutir sus propias vidas, para que les sea relevante. Una de esas formasespecialmente atractiva entre niños y jóvenes es la comunicación audiovisual, cuyo potencial formativo ha sidocomprendido usualmente en términos instrumentales, cuando no negado absolutamente. Este artículo presentauna propuesta fenomenológica para trabajar dialógicamente en el aula la problematización de una ética centradaen el deber, tal como es puesta en (...)
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    Istinti di socievolezza. Estetica e psicologia morale degli affetti altruistici in Leibniz.Miriam Aiello - 2023 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 20.
    The article focuses on Leibniz’s theory of dual access to the innate practical truths developed in the _New Essays_, on the background of the reconciliation between egoism and altruism he pursues – since his early writings on natural law – through the categories of disinterested love and charity, and the onto-aesthetic implication between harmony and pleasure as well. After reconstructing the meaning and the functions of the argument on the community of brigands that Leibniz addresses against Locke’s conventionalism, the article (...)
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    El animal cultural: biología y cultura en la realidad humana.Carlos París - 1994
    Es, quiza, la coleccion mas abierta que existe en cuestiones de etica, aunque se ha ocupado tambien de antropologia, estetica, ontologia, teoria del conocimiento e historia de la filosofia. El primer titulo que se publico en la coleccion fue la gran Historia de la filosofia y de la ciencia en tres volumenes de Ludovico Geymonat. A este le han seguido obras de A. J. Ayer, A. MacIntyre, Ernst Tugendhat, Antoni Domenech, Anna Estany, Agnes Heller, F. Fernandez Buey, Carlos Paris, Emilio (...)
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    Arte Descomposta - Stanley Cavell, a estética e o futuro da filosofia (Art Discomposed – Stanley Cavell, aesthetics and the future of philosophy).Sofia Miguens - 2022 - Lisboa: Edições 70.
    All of Stanley Cavell's work, whether its topic is Shakespeare's or Beckett's theatre, Hollywood cinema, Caro's sculpture or Derrida's deconstruction, rests on the philosophies of language of Wittgenstein and Austin and on the vision that in these one finds the life of human animals in language and culture. Behind the question "What is art?" Thus, in Cavell, questions such as: How does one enter language? What is speaking on one's own behalf? How is it possible to escape from inexpressiveness? What (...)
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    La cornacchia e l’albero. Biologia dell’esperienza estetica.Felice Cimatti - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 54:27-41.
    That non-human animals show genuine aesthetic experiences is (yet?) controversial. On the contrary, it seems that there is no doubt that human animal can do it. In this paper, however, we ask whether Homo sapiens has actually the biological capacity to make a truly aesthetic experience. The starting point for this analysis is the most important characteristic of the human species, the innate faculty of language. If you take into account the relationship between human body/mind and language is not (...)
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    Beautiful and Grotesque: Signifiers of Morality and Power in Okpella (Nigeria) Masking Traditions.Jean M. Borgatti - 2020 - Studium 25 (25):265-280.
    Paired masks described as beautiful and grotesque express complementary values in several southern Nigerian art traditions. Beautiful masks represent humans, often women, and serve as metaphors for things associated with civilization and culture. Grotesque masks represent animals or men, and tend to be linked with notions of masculinity and nature. Analysis of masks falling into these categories provides us with a set of formal criteria for this imagery. Mask types that fall into this continuum are used by the Okpella, a (...)
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    Il postumano e la ciabatta: ermeneutica e antropocentrismo.Leonardo Caffo - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:36-42.
    In questo articolo, a partire dal pensiero filosofico di Maurizio Ferraris considerato nelle sue tre linee argomentative principali (ermeneutica, estetica, ontologia), analizzo i presupposti e le implicazioni teoriche del postumano e del pensiero dell’animalità (di matrice continentale) per una metafisica radicalmente realista. La mia tesi è che tutta la produzione di Ferraris, come del resto quella del suo riferimento filosofico principale (che qui individuo in Jacques Derrida), sia descrivibile alla luce dell’animalità come entità teorica privilegiata per dimostrare l’esistenza di un (...)
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    El desierto era parecido a un paraíso. Aventuras posthumanas en una novela de G. Cabezón Cámara.Paula Fleisner - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (2):e37839.
    Este artículo parte de la perspectiva del materialismo posthumano, una línea de investigación que asume el presente como un contexto postantropocéntrico y postnatural en el que se ha vuelto indispensable volver a considerar las diversas lógicas de existencia que pueblan la Tierra. Es decir, se trata de pensar el espacio post/inhumano que se abre con la interacción, la hibridación y la co-emergencia de todo lo existente en la que los actores humanos están presentes pero no ya en el centro de (...)
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    Vida Sensível dos Animais.Mateus Uchôa - 2021 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 25 (2).
    O presente artigo discute as relações entre animais não-humanos e o sensível. Para tanto, ensaia-se uma compreensão das formas animais e suas aparências expressivas, apoiando-se em ideias e teses dos filósofos franceses Merleau-Ponty e Dominique Lestel formuladas a partir do estudo do zoólogo Adolf Portmann sobre a aparência dos animais, denominado A forma animal. A investigação de Portmann, interessada em apreender fora do registro funcional do biológico o mistério que envolve as formas vivas, assimila uma nova concepção de corpo (...)
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    El devenir expresivo de la materia. Deleuze y el arte.Ana María Simón - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 108:101-121.
    En este artículo hemos intentado poner de relieve la íntima solidaridad que existe entre la ontología y la estética de Gilles Deleuze. La conexión entre ambas disciplinas es tan estrecha que resulta materialmente imposible aproximarse a la teoría del arte de Deleuze sin tener una clara comprensión de las nociones nucleares que integran su pensamiento. Los conceptos de Deleuze no son estáticos, sino móviles, lo que les permite variar de fisonomía a medida que se desplaza el horizonte de la (...)
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    Sufrimiento y tortura ante el espacio público.Hernán Neira - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (303):463-480.
    Ricœur propone que la clínica médica y la fenomenología se entrecruzan en la semiología de los signos del sufrir. Ello solo se manifiesta si se alcanza alguna las características fundamentales del sufrimiento, que habrá que determinar. Este camino permite descifrar el lugar del sufrimiento en la ciudad por medio de su vínculo con una estética de lo sublime. Siendo el sufrimiento una experiencia, la consideración de su relación con una teoría de lo sublime no solo es legítima, sino ineludible. (...)
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    Oveja negra, cordero blanco. La creación de lana para teñir por selección artificial de la oveja doméstica.Víctor Manuel Díaz Núñez de Arenas & Juan José Negro - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):a696.
    La oveja (Ovis aries) es el primer animal domesticado para consumo en un hito histórico que marca el inicio de la sedentarización de las comunidades humanas al comienzo del Neolítico. Durante milenios, fueron semejantes al muflón asiático (Ovis orientalis), su ancestro salvaje. Las razas primitivas supervivientes en el norte de Europa son oscuras, mudan el pelo estacionalmente, tienen cuernos en ambos sexos y apenas producen lana. Los ancestros de las modernas surgieron hace unos 3.500 años. Se seleccionaron para producir (...)
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    ¿Cómo se forma un sujeto político?: prácticas estéticas y acciones colectivas.Carlos Manrique & Laura Quintana (eds.) - 2016 - Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Filosofía.
    ¿Cómo se forma un sujeto político? En la herencia más antigua de la interrogación filosófica esta pregunta busca recuperar una actitud de asombro suscitada por prácticas diversas de relación consigo y con los otros en las que personas comunes y corrientes ponen en cuestión experiencias sedimentadas sobre el cuerpo y el género, así como fronteras establecidas entre lo natural y lo artificial, lo humano y lo animal, lo común y lo propio. Los artículos aquí reunidos apuntan a mostrar que (...)
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  22. De Nietzsche a Trías: paralelismos filosófico-románticos, afectividad primordial y vitalismo escéptico.Sara Uma Rodríguez Velasco - 2023 - Thémata Revista de Filosofía 68 (Concepto y praxis: escepticismo):186-202.
    Interpretando a Nietzsche, podríamos afirmar que la embriaguez dionisíaca le posibilita al humano dirigirse afectivamente hacia lo externo, borrando incluso y paradójicamente ese límite que determinaría dónde empieza su ser y dónde aquello a lo que su ser es empujado. Trías recoge esta determinación en un concepto clave de su filosofía al denominarnos “ser del límite”. En ambos filósofos somos radicalmente pasión creadora; somos un animal límite y caótico, sufriente por queriente, y potencialmente feliz por el mismo motivo. Está (...)
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  23.  15
    Una cuestión de humanidad.Juan Acerbi - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.
    The question of the trait that would distinguish human beings from the rest of the animals has kept humanity awake for centuries. Their ability to express themselves through words, their use of reason, their self-awareness of their finiteness or their capacity to produce and appreciate the art have been some of the faculties that, over the centuries, have come to give humanity a justification for its position in the world. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, many of these attributes came (...)
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  24. O que é metafísica.Jaimir Conte & Oscar Federico Bauchwitz - 2011 - Natal, RN, Brasil: Editora da UFRN.
    Atas do III Colóquio Internacional de Metafísica. [ISBN 978-85-7273-730-2]. Sumário: 1. Prazer, desejo e amor-paixão no texto de Lucrécio, por Antonio Júlio Garcia Freire; 2. Anaximandro: física, metafísica e direito, por Celso Martins Azar Filho; 3. Carta a Guimarães Rosa, por Cícero Cunha Bezerra; 4. Ante ens, non ens: La primacía de La negación em El neoplatonismo medievel, por Claudia D’Amico; 5. Metafísica e neoplatonismo, por David G. Santos; 6. Movimento e tempo no pensamento de Epicuro, por Everton da Silva (...)
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  25. Animals should not be dissected in biology classes.Mercy for Animals - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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  26. The goals of animal rights organizations are radical.Animal Scamcom - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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  27. Animals should be entitled to rights.Animal Legal Defense Fund - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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    Cruise ships. Non-human modern monsters.Tiziana Migliore - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    The aim of this article is to literally explore the declinations of the status of the “monstruous thing”, investigating if and when monsters are abnormal phenomena, not of nature but of culture. Which features, of both expression and content, must a non-living artificial subject present in order to be perceived and judged as a “monster”? In the West, the image of the monster is traditionally associated with an abominable creature belonging to the universe of nature whose touchstone is a standard (...)
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  29. Zoos violate animals' rights.People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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    On the Epigenesis of the Aesthetic Mind. The Sense of Beauty from Survival to Supervenience.Fabrizio Desideri - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 54:63-82.
    What is the origin and meaning of our aesthetic sense? Is it genetically encoded or is it culturally inherited? The aim of the essay is to answer to such issues by defining the emergent and meta-functional character of the aesthetic attitude. First, I propose to include the faculty of desire in the free play of the cognitive faculties at the center of Kant’s Critique of Judgment. The following step is given by a brief analysis of Darwin’s controversial remarks on the (...)
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  31. The Origins of the Western Debate by Richard Sorabji.Animal Minds & Human Morals - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    The concept: a map for generations.Snežana Vesnić & Miloš Ćipranić - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 71:101-116.
    The concept features as a vital element in architectural protocol and its vocabulary. If architecture and philosophy are defined as creation of concepts, then they are the terra nullius shared by both disciplines. By distinguishing the architectural concept from its philosophical counterpart, this paper analyzes the former as an entity that animates and directs a project as the documental prefiguration of an architectural object. In a more radical move, we consider architecture itself as a concept, that is, what makes architecture (...)
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  33. Yoriko Otomo.Making Lawful Animals - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  34. On Puppies and Pussies.Intimacy Animals - 1998 - In Ann Ferguson (ed.), Daring to Be Good: Essays in Feminist Ethico-Politics. New York: Routledge. pp. 129.
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    Questione di carattere. Empatia, espressione, analogia.Andrea Pinotti - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 48:133-151.
    Since their first appearance in the late 18th century (Herder, Novalis), and particularly during the golden age between the late 19th and the early 20th century (Vischer, Lipps), the theories of empathy (Einfühlung) have frequently interpreted the ancient issue of the animation of the inanimate on the basis of a hydraulic model of communicating vases: the human subject fills the void object with her/his feelings. The unsustainable psychologistic subjectivism underpinned by such model was radically criticized both by Gestalt theorists and (...)
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    La responsabilità ecologica.Gianluca Cuozzo - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 78:197-213.
    This essay explores the concept of responsibility with respect to today’s ecological and pandemic crisis. A fundamental category is identified in the ‘strategic repentance’, i.e. the ability to reconsider previous decisions taken following environmental feedback resulting from one’s activities. The model of this careful and circumspect behavior can be traced back on the one hand to the animal kingdom, on the other hand to the artistic domain. Thus, the bat and Michelangelo the sculptor become masters of a new action (...)
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    Un catalogo del mondo.Mario De Caro - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:255-258.
    The paper discusses Maurizio Ferraris’ Documentalità by raising two objections. The first objection concerns Ferraris’ view that, in the case of all natural entities, there cannot be differences in the way a normal adult, a little child and an animal perceive them. It is claimed that this is not true for objects such as the sun that we (differently from little children and animals) cannot help perceiving as a gigantic hot celestial body. The second objection concerns the thesis that (...)
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  38. Questo numero L. 1.200—Abbonamento annuo L. 3.000.Notiziario Intemazionale di Estetica - 1972 - Rivista di Estetica 17:144.
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    Acrid Text: Memory and Auto/biography of the ‘New Human’.Joan Anim-Addo - 2012 - Feminist Review 100 (1):167-171.
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    Gendering Creolisation: Creolising Affect.Joan Anim-Addo - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):5-23.
    Going beyond the creolisation theories of Brathwaite and Glissant, I attempt to develop ideas concerning the gendering of creolisation, and a historicising of affects within it. Addressing affects as ‘physiological things’ contextualised in the history of the Caribbean slave plantation, I seek, importantly, to delineate a trajectory and development of a specific Creole history in relation to affects. Brathwaite's proposition that ‘the most significant (and lasting) inter-cultural creolisation took place’ within the ‘intimate’ space of ‘sexual relations’ is key to my (...)
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    Quale storia naturale per l’estetico? L’ipotesi darwiniana rivisitata.Lorenzo Bartalesi - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 54:7-25.
    In spite of the great number of publications, contemporary evolutionary aesthetics seems to have reached deadlock, for the lack of a real epistemological reflection on the theoretical nucleus of its own experimental investigations. Starting from an introduction to the current debate, the essay aims to indicate the basic points of a theoretical model able to face speculative risks and methodological complexities of contemporary evolutionary aesthetics. In this very perspective is placed the analysis of Darwin’s sexual paradigm, and the hypothesis of (...)
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  42. Rivista letteraria di informazione bibliografica.Archeologia Arte Ed Estetica - 1952 - Paideia 7:349.
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  43. A philosophers changing views.M. Fox & Animal Experimentation - 1987 - Between the Species 3 (2):55-80.
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    Activist-Mothers Maybe, Sisters Surely? Black British Feminism, Absence and Transformation.Joan Anim-Addo - 2014 - Feminist Review 108 (1):44-60.
    This article, drawing on selected feminist magazines of the 1980s, particularly Feminist Arts News (FAN) and GEN, offers a textual ‘braiding’ of narratives to re-present a history of Black British feminism. I attempt to chart a history of Black British feminist inheritance while proposing the politics of (other)mothering as a politics of potential, pluralistic and democratic community building, where Black thought and everyday living carry a primary and participant role. The personal—mothering our children—is the political, affording a nurturing of alterity (...)
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    A missed encounter between species. The interplay of scientific realism and aesthetics in Painlevé’s cinematographic experiments on the octopus.Silvia Casini - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 24.
    Jean Painlevé’s films blend aesthetic concerns and scientific realism operating a micro-turn within the broader cinematographic turn that occurred in the sciences in the 20th century. By engaging with his films on the octopus, an animal studied to illuminate human consciousness and firmly grounded in the popular imagina-tion through literature and the arts, this article demonstrates how Painlevé em-braced a politics of life organised around the concept of a missed encounter be-tween life forms.
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    Introduction. The interdisciplinary study of drawing.Roberto Casati - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 47:3-7.
    Drawing — and I speak here of outline drawing that uses just lines: monochrome, with no particular concern for what fills the spaces left between the lines — is a human artifact as ancient as it is mysterious. Even a simple enumeration of facts about it is bound to arouse interest and theoretical curiosity. Here are a few. Drawings are just as old as the oldest human representations known to us. The painted animals in the caves of Lascaux and Chauvet (...)
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    Maurizio.Leonardo Caffo & Pietro Kobau - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:3-6.
    Essere è resistere, secondo Maurizio Ferraris: e di resistenza, effettivamente, l’uomo Ferraris ne ha mostrata parecchia. Dal 1978, anno del suo primo articolo pubblicato in francese su Littérature, la sua produzione si è fatta sterminata e si fatica, senza retorica alcuna, a pensare che un uomo di sessant’anni possa davvero aver scritto così tanto, su così tanti argomenti e con tanta continuità. Ma, d’altronde, per Maurizio la scrittura è un’attività filosofica fondamentale – tanto come prat...
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  48. The open: man and animal.Giorgio Agamben - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    The end of human history is an event that has been foreseen or announced by both messianics and dialecticians. But who is the protagonist of that history that is coming—or has come—to a close? What is man? How did he come on the scene? And how has he maintained his privileged place as the master of, or first among, the animals? In The Open, contemporary Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben considers the ways in which the “human” has been thought of as (...)
  49. Animal Sentience and the Precautionary Principle.Jonathan Birch - 2017 - Animal Sentience 2:16(1).
    In debates about animal sentience, the precautionary principle is often invoked. The idea is that when the evidence of sentience is inconclusive, we should “give the animal the benefit of the doubt” or “err on the side of caution” in formulating animal protection legislation. Yet there remains confusion as to whether it is appropriate to apply the precautionary principle in this context, and, if so, what “applying the precautionary principle” means in practice regarding the burden of proof (...)
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  50. (2 other versions)Animal rights and human morality.Bernard E. Rollin - 1981 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Offers a forthright approach to the many disquieting questions surrounding the emotional debate over animal rights. This book includes a chapter on animal agriculture, and additional discussions of animal law, companion animal issues, genetic engineering, animal pain, animal research, and other topics.
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