Results for 'definitional extension'

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  1.  31
    Definite Formulae, Negation-as-Failure, and the Base-Extension Semantics of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic.Alexander V. Gheorghiu & David J. Pym - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (2):239-266.
    Proof-theoretic semantics (P-tS) is the paradigm of semantics in which meaning in logic is based on proof (as opposed to truth). A particular instance of P-tS for intuitionistic propositional logic (IPL) is its base-extension semantics (B-eS). This semantics is given by a relation called support, explaining the meaning of the logical constants, which is parameterized by systems of rules called bases that provide the semantics of atomic propositions. In this paper, we interpret bases as collections of definite formulae and (...)
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    Definition-like Extensions by Sorts.Claudia Meré María & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (4):579-595.
  3.  15
    Definition-like Extensions by Sorts.Claudia Maria & Paulo S. Veloso - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (4):579-595.
    Implementation of formal specifications is very important in formal software development and can be described in terms of simple logical concepts. Formal specifications are presentations of theories in many-sorted first-order logic, and an implementation of a formal specification on another formal specification amounts to an interpretation of the former into a conservative extension of the latter. Here we present and analyse some sort introducing constructs akin to those found in many programming languages. This is of importance because it occurs (...)
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    Co-extensive theories and unembedded definite descriptions.Alex Barber - 2005 - In Reinaldo Elugardo & Robert J. Stainton, Ellipsis and non-sentential speech. Springer. pp. 185–201.
    Russell argued, famously, that definite descriptions are not logical constituents of the sentences in which they appear. In neither of the following should we suppose that the definite description picks anything out: The King of France is bald The Prince of Wales is bald Since France is a republic, nothing could be picked out by the first; and if the semantic structures of each are the same, it cannot be the function of the second to pick anything out either. On (...)
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  5. A Proposed Probabilistic Extension of the Halpern and Pearl Definition of ‘Actual Cause’.Luke Fenton-Glynn - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (4):1061-1124.
    ABSTRACT Joseph Halpern and Judea Pearl draw upon structural equation models to develop an attractive analysis of ‘actual cause’. Their analysis is designed for the case of deterministic causation. I show that their account can be naturally extended to provide an elegant treatment of probabilistic causation. 1Introduction 2Preemption 3Structural Equation Models 4The Halpern and Pearl Definition of ‘Actual Cause’ 5Preemption Again 6The Probabilistic Case 7Probabilistic Causal Models 8A Proposed Probabilistic Extension of Halpern and Pearl’s Definition 9Twardy and Korb’s Account (...)
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  6. On the definition of extensive property energy by the first postulate of thermodynamics.Enzo Zanchini - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (9):923-935.
    In the domain in which the definition of property energy is available, a rigorous and general proof of additivity is provided. Then, both the definition of energy and the proof of additivity are extended to broader domains.
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    An extension of special relativity to accelerating frames and some of its philosophical implications.John Urani & George Gale - 1982 - Synthese 50 (3):301 - 323.
    A rigorous extension of the full Lorentz group is found which is parameterized by interframe velocities v(t) and which reduces to Special Relativity for acceleration-free cases and to Galilean relativity for low velocity cases. Full group properties are exhibited. Four-momentum is defined and particle masses are shown to be invariants. Four-force is introduced and pseudoforces are shown to enter the equations of particle dynamics. Maxwell's equations are shown to take on pseudocurrent terms in accelerating frames. A four-vector Green function (...)
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    Extensions of Logic Programming: International Workshop, Tübingen, FRG, December 8-10, 1989. Proceedings.Peter Schroeder-Heister - 1991 - Springer.
    This volume contains finalized versions of papers presented at an international workshop on extensions of logic programming, held at the Seminar for Natural Language Systems at the University of Tübingen in December 1989. Several recent extensions of definite Horn clause programming, especially those with a proof-theoretic background, have much in common. One common thread is a new emphasis on hypothetical reasoning, which is typically inspired by Gentzen-style sequent or natural deduction systems. This is not only of theoretical significance, but also (...)
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  9.  32
    Extensions in graph normal form.Michał Walicki - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):101-123.
    Graph normal form, introduced earlier for propositional logic, is shown to be a normal form also for first-order logic. It allows to view syntax of theories as digraphs, while their semantics as kernels of these digraphs. Graphs are particularly well suited for studying circularity, and we provide some general means for verifying that circular or apparently circular extensions are conservative. Traditional syntactic means of ensuring conservativity, like definitional extensions or positive occurrences guaranteeing exsitence of fixed points, emerge as special (...)
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  10.  35
    An extension of Chaitin's halting probability Ω to a measurement operator in an infinite dimensional quantum system.Kohtaro Tadaki - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (5):419-438.
    This paper proposes an extension of Chaitin's halting probability Ω to a measurement operator in an infinite dimensional quantum system. Chaitin's Ω is defined as the probability that the universal self-delimiting Turing machine U halts, and plays a central role in the development of algorithmic information theory. In the theory, there are two equivalent ways to define the program-size complexity H of a given finite binary string s. In the standard way, H is defined as the length of the (...)
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  11.  20
    The semantics of extensive quantities within geographic information.Eric Top, Simon Scheider, Haiqi Xu, Enkhbold Nyamsuren & Niels Steenbergen - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (3):337-364.
    The next generation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is anticipated to automate some of the reasoning required for spatial analysis. An important step in the development of such systems is to gain a better understanding and corresponding modeling practice of when to apply arithmetic operations to quantities. The concept of extensivity plays an essential role in determining when quantities can be aggregated by summing them, and when this is not possible. This is of particular importance to geographic information systems, which (...)
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  12. Definite Descriptions in Argument: Gettier’s Ten-Coins Example.Yussif Yakubu - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (2):261-274.
    In this article, I use Edmund Gettier’s Ten Coins hypothetical scenario to illustrate some reasoning errors in the use of definite descriptions. The Gettier problem, central as it is to modern epistemology, is first and foremost an argument, which Gettier (Analysis 23(6):121–123, 1963) constructs to prove a contrary conclusion to a widely held view in epistemology. Whereas the epistemological claims in the case have been extensively analysed conceptually, the strategies and tools from other philosophical disciplines such as analytic philosophy of (...)
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  13. Definiteness and determinacy.Elizabeth Coppock & David Beaver - 2015 - Linguistics and Philosophy 38 (5):377-435.
    This paper distinguishes between definiteness and determinacy. Definiteness is seen as a morphological category which, in English, marks a uniqueness presupposition, while determinacy consists in denoting an individual. Definite descriptions are argued to be fundamentally predicative, presupposing uniqueness but not existence, and to acquire existential import through general type-shifting operations that apply not only to definites, but also indefinites and possessives. Through these shifts, argumental definite descriptions may become either determinate or indeterminate. The latter option is observed in examples like (...)
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  14. Propositional Functions in Extension.Robert Trueman - 2011 - Theoria 77 (4):292-311.
    In his “The Foundations of Mathematics”, Ramsey attempted to marry the Tractarian idea that all logical truths are tautologies and vice versa, and the logicism of the Principia. In order to complete his project, Ramsey was forced to introduce propositional functions in extension (PFEs): given Ramsey's definitions of 1 and 2, without PFEs even the quantifier-free arithmetical truth that 1 ≠ 2 is not a tautology. However, a number of commentators have argued that the notion of PFEs is incoherent. (...)
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  15.  70
    The definition of mental disorder: evolving but dysfunctional?Rachel Bingham & Natalie Banner - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (8):537-542.
    Extensive and diverse conceptual work towards developing a definition of ‘mental disorder’ was motivated by the declassification of homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual in 1973. This highly politicised event was understood as a call for psychiatry to provide assurances against further misclassification on the basis of discrimination or socio-political deviance. Today, if a definition of mental disorder fails to exclude homosexuality, then it fails to provide this safeguard against potential abuses and therefore fails to do an important part (...)
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  16.  46
    Roland Fraïssé. Sur l'extension aux relations de quelques propriétés des ordres. Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, ser. 3 vol. 71 no. 4 , pp. 363–388. - René de Possel and Roland Fraïssé. Sur certaines suites d'équivalences dans une classe ordonnée, et sur leur application à la définition des parentés entre relations. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 239 , pp. 940–942. - Roland Fraïssé. Sur certains opérateurs dans les classes de relations. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 240 , pp. 2109–2110. - Roland Fraïssé. La construction des γ-opérateurs et leur application au calcul logique du premier ordre. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 240 , pp. 2191–2193. - Roland Fraïssé. Sur quelques classifications des relations, basées sur des isomorphismes restreints. I. Étude générale. Publications scientifiques de l'Université d'Alger, série A, Mathématiques,. [REVIEW]Erwin Engeler - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):280-281.
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  17. Base-extension Semantics for Modal Logic.Eckhardt Timo & Pym David - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In proof-theoretic semantics, meaning is based on inference. It may be seen as the mathematical expression of the inferentialist interpretation of logic. Much recent work has focused on base-extension semantics, in which the validity of formulas is given by an inductive definition generated by provability in a ‘base’ of atomic rules. Base-extension semantics for classical and intuitionistic propositional logic have been explored by several authors. In this paper, we develop base-extension semantics for the classical propositional modal systems (...)
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  18. pt. IV. The end of life. The definition of death / Stuart Youngner ; The aging society and the expansion of senility: biotechnological and treatment goals / Stephen Post ; Death is a punch in the jaw: life-extension and its discontents / Felicia Nimue Ackerman ; Precedent autonomy, advance directives, and end-of-life care / John K. Davis ; Physician-assisted death: the state of the debate. [REVIEW]Gerald Dworkin - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock, The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  19.  24
    Two extensions of the structurally free logic LC.K. Bimbó & J. Dunn - 1998 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 6 (3):403-424.
    The paper considers certain extensions of the system LC introduced in Dunn & Meyer 1997. LC is a structurally free system , but it has combinators as formulas in the place of structural rules. We consider two ways to extend LC with conjunction and disjunction depending on whether they distribute over each other or not. We prove the elimination theorem for the systems. At the end of the paper we give a Routley-Meyer style semantics for the distributive extension, including (...)
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  20. Points as Higher-order Constructs: Whitehead’s Method of Extensive Abstraction.Achille C. Varzi - 2021 - In Stewart Shapiro & Geoffrey Hellman, The Continuous. Oxford University Press. pp. 347–378.
    Euclid’s definition of a point as “that which has no part” has been a major source of controversy in relation to the epistemological and ontological presuppositions of classical geometry, from the medieval and modern disputes on indivisibilism to the full development of point-free geometries in the 20th century. Such theories stem from the general idea that all talk of points as putative lower-dimensional entities must and can be recovered in terms of suitable higher-order constructs involving only extended regions (or bodies). (...)
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  21. The Definitional Issue of Fake News.Lode Lauwaert & Sacha Ferrari - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    The complex issue of fake news has been approached extensively by many disciplines in academia. Despite this variety of approaches, the concept of fake news still lacks a reasonable degree of definitional unicity. This paper critically analyzes a sample of definitions from the current literature. By diving into the set of definitions, it will exhibited a total of ten necessary conditions that scholars generally consider: imitation, falsity, deception, bullshit, purpose, morality, assessability, virality, channel, and appeal. Current definitions of fake (...)
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  22.  8
    Extensions of Logic Programming: 4th International Workshop, Elp '93, St Andrews, U.K., March 29-April 1, 1993 : Proceedings.Roy Dyckhoff - 1994 - Springer Verlag.
    The papers in this volume are extended versions of presentations at the fourth International Workshop on Extensions of Logic Programming, held at the University of St Andrews, March/April 1993. Among the topics covered in the volume are: defintional reflection and completion, modules in lambda-Prolog, representation of logics as partial inductive definitions, non-procedural logic programming, knowledge representation, contradiction avoidance, disjunctive databases, strong negation, linear logic programming, proof theory and regular search spaces, finite sets and constraint logic programming, search-space pruning and universal (...)
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  23. A New Trend to Extensions of CI-algebras.Florentin Smarandache, Akbar Rezaei & Hee Sik Kim - 2020 - International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 5 (1):8-15.
    In this paper, as an extension of CI-algebras, we discuss the new notions of Neutro-CI-algebras and Anti-CI-algebras. First, some examples are given to show that these definitions are different. We prove that any proper CI-algebra is a Neutro-BE-algebra or Anti-BE-algebra. Also, we show that any NeutroSelf-distributive and Anti-Commutative CI-algebras are not BE-algebras.
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    Canonical extensions for congruential logics with the deduction theorem.Mai Gehrke, Ramon Jansana & Alessandra Palmigiano - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (12):1502-1519.
    We introduce a new and general notion of canonical extension for algebras in the algebraic counterpart of any finitary and congruential logic . This definition is logic-based rather than purely order-theoretic and is in general different from the definition of canonical extensions for monotone poset expansions, but the two definitions agree whenever the algebras in are based on lattices. As a case study on logics purely based on implication, we prove that the varieties of Hilbert and Tarski algebras are (...)
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  25. Ethical Judgments in Business Ethics Research: Definition, and Research Agenda.John R. Sparks & Yue Pan - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (3):405-418.
    Decades of empirical and theoretical research has produced an extensive literature on the ethical judgments construct. Given its importance to understanding people’s ethical choices, future research should explore the psychological processes that produce ethical judgments. In this paper, the authors discuss two steps needed to advance this effort. First, they note that the business ethics literature lacks a single, generally accepted definition of ethical judgments. After reviewing several extant definitions, the authors offer a definition of the construct and discuss its (...)
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  26. Definitions, dictionaries, and meanings.Norman Swartz - manuscript
    7.3.1 Ostension 7.3.2 Extensional Definition by Naming 7.3.3 Extensional Definition by Unique Description 7.4 Two Case Studies in the Application of the Intension/Extension Distinction 7.4.1 "God exists, by definition" 7.4.2 The 'Width' of an Intensional Definition..
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  27.  34
    The Idea of Extension: Innate or Adventitious? On R. F. McRae's Interpretation of Descartes.Murray Miles - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (1):15-.
    It will come as no surprise that I have a different interpretation of the four passages in which, McRae claims, Descartes “definitely includes extension and its modes in what is given through the senses”. In the first, Descartes includes extension, etc., among his ideas of corporeal bodies. This is not to say that he includes them among his adventitious ideas, though. All adventitious ideas are ideas of external bodies. But the converse is not true. Not all ideas of (...)
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  28. Extensions, Numbers and Frege’s Project of Logic as Universal Language.Nora Grigore - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (5):577-588.
    Frege’s famous definition of number famously uses the concept of “extension”. Extensions, in the Fregean framework, are susceptible to bringing many difficulties, and, some say, even paradoxes. Therefore, neo-logicist programs want to avoid the problems and to replace the classical Fregean definition of number with Hume’s Principle. I argue that this move, even if it makes sense from a computational point of view, is at odds with Frege’s larger philosophical project. For Frege, I claim, extensions were an important part (...)
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  29.  33
    The role of the university extension in the local transformation and the social development.Julio Cedeño Ferrín & Evelio Felipe Machado Ramírez - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):371-390.
    La extensión universitaria es una de las vías en las que la Universidad demuestra su carácter de centro cultural de suma importancia para el desarrollo. En el artículo se valora su importancia e impacto en la sociedad; definiciones del concepto de extensión y de los modelos que poseen en la actualidad un arraigo en la vida de las instituciones de educación superior, estos últimos responden a diversas posturas ideológicas y concepciones acerca de la relación que debe existir entre la Universidad, (...)
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  30.  16
    Recent Extensions of the Gift.Alain Caillé - 2023 - Elementa 3 (1-2):15-41.
    In this essay, Alain Caillé reconstructs the “singular history of the MAUSS (Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences)” from when in early 1980 a group of friends from different disciplines (sociologists, economists, philosophers, etc.) decided to found the “Bulletin du MAUSS” to counter the growing hegemony of utilitarianism and economism in the human sciences and in the philosophical disciplines themselves. The Bulletin would initially become the “Revue du MAUSS trimestrielle” from 1988 to 1992 and from 1993 to 2022 the “Revue (...)
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  31. The definition of endurance.Storrs McCall & E. J. Lowe - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):277-280.
    David Lewis, following in the tradition of Broad, Quine and Goodman, says that change in an object X consists in X's being temporally extended and having qualitatively different temporal parts. Analogously, change in a spatially extended object such as a road consists in its having different spatial parts . The alternative to this view is that ordinary objects undergo temporal change in virtue of having different intrinsic non-relational properties at different times. They endure, remaining the same object throughout change, whereas (...)
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  32.  54
    Regions, extensions, distances, diameters.Claudio Calosi - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (2):612-629.
    Extended simple regions have been the focus of recent developments in philosophical logic, metaphysics, and philosophy of physics. However, only a handful of works provides a rigorous characterization of an extended simple region. In particular, a recent paper in this journal defends a definition based on an extrinsic notion of least distance. Call it the Least Distance proposal. This paper provides the first assessment of it. It argues that Least Distance faces difficulties and drawbacks. The paper then goes on to (...)
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  33.  30
    Base-extension semantics for modal logic.Timo Eckhardt & David J. Pym - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In proof-theoretic semantics, meaning is based on inference. It may seen as the mathematical expression of the inferentialist interpretation of logic. Much recent work has focused on base-extension semantics, in which the validity of formulas is given by an inductive definition generated by provability in a ‘base’ of atomic rules. Base-extension semantics for classical and intuitionistic propositional logic have been explored by several authors. In this paper, we develop base-extension semantics for the classical propositional modal systems |$K$|⁠, (...)
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  34.  59
    Life Extension Research: An Analysis of Contemporary Biological Theories and Ethical Issues. [REVIEW]Jennifer Marshall - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):87-96.
    Many opinions and ideas about aging exist. Biological theories have taken hold of the popular and scientific imagination as potential answers to a “cure” for aging. However, it is not clear what exactly is being cured or whether aging could be classified as a disease. Some scientists are convinced that aging will be biologically alterable and that the human lifespan will be vastly extendable. Other investigators believe that aging is an elusive target that may only be “statistically” manipulatable through a (...)
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  35.  37
    A Lexicon of al-Farrāʾ's Terminology in His Qurʾān Commentary, with Full Definitions, English Summaries and Extensive CitationsA Lexicon of al-Farra's Terminology in His Quran Commentary, with Full Definitions, English Summaries and Extensive Citations.Adrian Gully & Naphtali Kinberg - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):145.
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    Solovay-Type Theorems for Circular Definitions.Shawn Standefer - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (3):467-487.
    We present an extension of the basic revision theory of circular definitions with a unary operator, □. We present a Fitch-style proof system that is sound and complete with respect to the extended semantics. The logic of the box gives rise to a simple modal logic, and we relate provability in the extended proof system to this modal logic via a completeness theorem, using interpretations over circular definitions, analogous to Solovay’s completeness theorem forGLusing arithmetical interpretations. We adapt our proof (...)
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  37. Extension of Crisp Functions on Neutrosophic Sets.Sabu Sebastian, Florentin Smarandache & Sebastian Sabu - 2017 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 17:88-92.
    In this paper, we generalize the definition of Neutrosophic sets and present a method for extending crisp functions on Neutrosophic sets and study some properties of such extended functions.
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    The Minimalistic Definition of Conventions: One Step beyond Millikan’s Approach.Vojtech Zachnik - 2015 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 22 (3):378-394.
    The study proposes a new approach towards a social phenomenon called convention and submits a minimalistic definition of convention, which provides a promising basis for future analysis unburdened by contra-Lewisian objections. The definition itself, based on the insights of Ruth Millikan in the study Language Conventions Made Simple, represents a simple and efficient means of delimiting essential components of conventional behaviour (stripped of most of the controversial issues from previous debates on Lewis’s notion) solely by means of the role of (...)
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    The Spacialization Revisited: Extensive Type’s Characterization and Contradictions in Theodor W. Adorno.João Paulo Andrade - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:45-61.
    As Adorno’s posthumous writings were released, a notable turn in his phi- losophy of music became noteworthy: by revealing an ambitious project on Beethoven, a quasi-axiomatic theory of musical time emerged, which seems to guide Adornian thought at very significant works and texts, as Philosophy of New Music. Sketched in three configuration types of musical time, this theory surprises with the so-called “ex- tensive type”. Adorno would then admit kinds of formal consistency (Stimmigkeit) that are not restricted to the ideal (...)
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    Divisibility and Extension: a Note on Zeno’s Argument Against Plurality and Modern Mereology.Claudio Calosi & Vincenzo Fano - 2015 - Acta Analytica 30 (2):117-132.
    In this paper, we address an infamous argument against divisibility that dates back to Zeno. There has been an incredible amount of discussion on how to understand the critical notions of divisibility, extension, and infinite divisibility that are crucial for the very formulation of the argument. The paper provides new and rigorous definitions of those notions using the formal theories of parthood and location. Also, it provides a new solution to the paradox of divisibility which does not face some (...)
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    Higher-Order Interference in Extensions of Quantum Theory.Ciarán M. Lee & John H. Selby - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (1):89-112.
    Quantum interference, manifest in the two slit experiment, lies at the heart of several quantum computational speed-ups and provides a striking example of a quantum phenomenon with no classical counterpart. An intriguing feature of quantum interference arises in a variant of the standard two slit experiment, in which there are three, rather than two, slits. The interference pattern in this set-up can be written in terms of the two and one slit patterns obtained by blocking one, or more, of the (...)
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  42. Genocidal mutation and the challenge of definition.Henry C. Theriault - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (4):481-524.
    Abstract: The optimum definition of the term "genocide" has been hotly contested almost since the term was coined. Definitional boundaries determine which acts are covered and excluded and thus to a great extent which cases will benefit from international attention, intervention, prosecution, and reparation. The extensive legal, political, and scholarly discussions prior to this article have typically (1) assumed "genocide" to be a fixed social object and attempted to define it as precisely as possible or (2) assumed the need (...)
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    Frege's definition of number.Steven Wagner - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 (1):1-21.
    Frege believes (1) that his definition of number is (partly) arbitrary; (2) that it "makes" numbers of certain extensions; (3) that without such a definition we cannot even think or understand arithmetical propositions. this position is part of a view according to which mathematics in general involves the free construction of objects, their properties, and the very contents of mathematical propositions. frege tries to avoid excess subjectivism by the kantian device of treating alternative systems of arithmetic (e.g.) as different appearances (...)
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  44.  21
    Definite descriptions and hybrid tense logic.Andrzej Indrzejczak & Michał Zawidzki - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-29.
    We provide a version of first-order hybrid tense logic with predicate abstracts and definite descriptions as the only non-rigid terms. It is formalised by means of a tableau calculus working on sat-formulas. A particular theory of DD exploited here is essentially based on the approach of Russell, but with descriptions treated as genuine terms. However, the reductionist aspect of the Russellian approach is retained in several ways. Moreover, a special form of tense definite descriptions is formally developed. A constructive proof (...)
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  45. Practical Applications of IndetermSoft Set and IndetermHyperSoft Set and Introduction to TreeSoft Set as an extension of the MultiSoft Set.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 51 (1):939-947.
    The IndetermSoft Set is as an extension of the Soft Set, because the data, or the function, or the sets involved in the definition of the soft set have indeterminacy - as in our everyday life, and we still need to deal with such situations. And similarly, IndetermHyperSoft Set as extension of the HyperSoft Set, when there is indeterminate data, or indeterminate functions, or indeterminate sets. Herein, ‘Indeterm’ stands for ‘Indeterminate’ (uncertain, conflicting, incomplete, not unique outcome). We now (...)
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  46. Artworks: Definition, Meaning, Value.Stein Haugom Olsen - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (2):247-250.
    In this book Robert Stecker sets out to answer three basic questions in the philosophy of art: What is art? What is it to understand a work of art? And what is the value of art? Stecker addresses each question in turn and delivers what he claims to be “a unified, if incomplete, philosophy of art—a theory of the nature and functions of art and of the practice of interpreting and appreciating it”. His strategy is to discuss thoroughly recent contributions (...)
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  47. A more general theory of definite descriptions.Richard Sharvy - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (4):607-624.
    A unified theory is offered to account for three types of definite descriptions: with singular, plural, & mass predicates, & to provide an account for the word the in descriptions. It is noted that B. Russell's analysis ("On Denoting," Mind, 1905, 14, 479-493) failed to account for plural & mass descriptions. The proposed theory differs from Russell's only by the substitution of the notation (less than or equal to) for Russell's =. It is suggested that for every predicate G there (...)
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  48.  38
    Hazy Totalities and Indefinitely Extensible Concepts.Alex Oliver - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 55 (1):25-50.
    Dummctt argues that classical quantification is illegitimate when the domain is given as the objects which fall under an indefinitely extensible concept, since in such cases the objects are not the required definite totality. The chief problem in understanding this complex argument is the crucial but unexplained phrase 'definite totality' and the associated claim that it follows from the intuitive notion of set that the objects over which a classical quantifier ranges form a set. 'Definite totality' is best understood as (...)
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  49.  61
    Paradoxes in double extension set theories.M. Randall Holmes - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (1):41 - 57.
    Three systems of double extension set theory have been proposed by Andrzej Kisielewicz in two papers. In this paper, it is shown that the two stronger systems are inconsistent, and that the third, weakest system does not admit extensionality for general sets or the use of general sets as parameters in its comprehension scheme. The parameter-free version of the comprehension principle of double extension set theory is also shown to be inconsistent with extensionality. The definitions of the systems (...)
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  50.  92
    Hazy Totalities and Indefinitely Extensible Concepts.Alex Oliver - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 55 (1):25-50.
    Dummctt argues that classical quantification is illegitimate when the domain is given as the objects which fall under an indefinitely extensible concept, since in such cases the objects are not the required definite totality. The chief problem in understanding this complex argument is the crucial but unexplained phrase 'definite totality' and the associated claim that it follows from the intuitive notion of set that the objects over which a classical quantifier ranges form a set. 'Definite totality' is best understood as (...)
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