Results for 'deadenylation'

  1.  13
    Building on the Ccr4‐Not architecture.Zoltan Villanyi & Martine A. Collart - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (10):997-1002.
    In a recent issue of Nature Communications Ukleja and co‐workers reported a cryo‐EM 3D reconstruction of the Ccr4‐Not complex from Schizosaccharomyces pombe with an immunolocalization of the different subunits. The newly gained architectural knowledge provides cues to apprehend the functional diversity of this major eukaryotic regulator. Indeed, in the cytoplasm alone, Ccr4‐Not regulates translational repression, decapping and deadenylation, and the Not module additionally plays a positive role in translation. The spatial distribution of the subunits within the structure is compatible (...)
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  2.  20
    What determines the instability of c‐ myc proto‐oncogene mRNA?Ite A. Laird-Offringa - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (2):119-124.
    The c‐myc proto‐oncogene is believed to be involved in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. Deregulation of this gene, resulting in an inappropriate increase of gene product, can contribute to cancer formation. One of the ways in which the expression of the c‐myc gene can be deregulated is by the stabilization of the labile c‐myc mRNA. The rapid degradation of the c‐myc transcript appears to be mediated by at least two distinct regions in the mRNA. One lies in the (...)
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